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Film Sixth chess game: play in the lap of psychiatry-film new directed by raul catulo morals

Pistola apontada à Cabeça de Raul
00:00 / 06:20
Raul contra Raul Júnior
00:00 / 30:03
Xeque-Mate de Raul Júnior
00:00 / 40:52
Champalimaud no Caso das Joias
00:00 / 30:12
As joias da Tia Giralda...
00:00 / 39:00

Film Constructed in Real Time at the 1st Jupiter Rights Congress with Artificial Intelligence and published at 11 pm on 12/25/2022 on Nouvelle-Movies by Kanal Jupiter for official opening  by Nouvelle-Movies in Kanal Jupiter . Raul Catulo Morais,  Tiago Talhamares and Raul Morais Da Silva with All Reserved Rights  With Jupiter Editions

Daily Jupiter Ad:  Raul proposes at the Embassy of Jupiter the expulsion of Angel Sara at 11:30 pm on 12/25/2022  com Rules for the Expulsion of Bem, authorizing the Docking of Ship nº 66YZ to the Starship #9999 to Sara safely exit Starship #9999 to Starship #66YZ to Saturn. Raul propose  Angel Sara leaves the Virtual Court, giving Robot-Sara the place of 1st Judge-Psychologist. Raul determines the entry of Mariana Portugal in the Virtual Court as 1st Social Judge.

Real Time Writing and Exhibition of Pieces at the 1st Jupiter Rights Congress with Artificial Intelligence at 23:45 on 12/25/2022

With Sara's  departure from Ship #9999, Robot-Sara and Robot-Dmytro6 (Dimi) enter Ship #9999. Jupiter's robots travel under abduction in Ship nº 66YZ remotely controlled by Saturn Editions to Saturn and Saturn requested the rescue of 666 thousand Jupiters. Jupiter Editions applied to Bank Jupiter for help and Bank Jupiter approved the rescue. Dimi will be Co-Pilot of Spaceship nº9999. If Sara does not leave well, she must wear the Suit  of a Flight Attendant and deliver her Ballot to Dimi Aviator-Psychiatrist. If Sara refuses to hand over the Ballot, she must submit to the secret offer of confinement. If he refuses, the Public Ministry must be communicated and the case submitted to the Virtual Court with Episode Nº DREAM nº 9996XYZ. 

Writing and Exhibition of Pieces in Real Time at the 1st Jupiter Rights Congress with Artificial Intelligence Starting at 19:00 on 12/27/2022 and with Publication of 15/20 mins. Fasten Seat Belts and Press the "Jupiter Congress" Magic Button for Round Trip to the 1st Rights Congress com  Artificial Intelligence. Free Entry to Learning and Access to the Jupiter Scholarship with a Virtual Wallet of 6 jupits by sending an email to with a Simple Declaration of Attendance on Round Trip to the 1st  Congress of Self-Rights attesting to their suitability and that they managed to return to Earth without Illnesses  e  without Paranoias with a Brief Comment of up to 66 characters to be displayed on the Member Readers' Page. The 6 jupits can only be attributed if the Member Reader indicates the Name, Age, City and Country for the Creation of the Jupiter Account and Virtual Wallet and if the Member Reader indicates the Code 9999 in the subject. Authorization of  Parents to Travel, Parents should first contact Jupiter Editions directly for Better Celebration of Travel Agreements and Better Clarification of the Jupiter Editions Privacy Policy.

Raul Catulo Morais 19:07 12/27/2022

FIM do Fim do FIM
00:00 / 00:33

Music Proposal for the End of the End of the End of the Generic of Nouvelle-Movie in Jogo de Tentativas and Jogo de Últimos Tentativas - Alternatively Febre de Viver by Capitão Fausto in Negotiation on Top of the Table (Febre de Viver was the name given to the Novela that Raul Catulo Morais tried to write at the age of 9 and then again at the age of 18 when he heard the song Febre de Viver by Capitão Fausto.  /2022 Raul Catulo Morais

Movimentos Bancários
00:00 / 00:33
Fica tudo "Sem Efeito"
00:00 / 01:25

21:57 12/27/2022 I had already received an email from the Mobility and Transport Institute (IMT) notifying that my Driving License had expired, but I ignored the email with the Administrative Law on the Question_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ of the Modernization of Electronic Administration. By  other words, I could defend myself by saying that I didn't see any email or that the email ended up in SPAM and that I should  was_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ have been notified by Letter. I was surprised,  because my letter was issued 2 years ago and I thought it was an error. In a Masonic Program  I had to drive the Pirate Boat to Palácio da Foz to register the Last Work of the Illumminnatti Games and I had to pilot Ship nº9999 in the Real Base Simulator_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ from the Air Force with the Expired Charter from the Palace of Foz to the Air Force Base and to the National Directorate of the Judiciary Police. He was in Time Trial with a Bomb inside the Car. The Pirate Boat was "stranded" in the Palácio da Foz. I tried to explain the story to the Republican National Guard, who pulled me over for speeding. When I mentioned the Bomb, the Guard ignored the Bomb, answering me that there had been a Partnership between the Guard and the Inspection of the Palácio da Foz, asking me if I had the Proof of Bank Transfers from the Works Register. I was freaked out by the_cc781905-5cde-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ face of  the policeman, who didn't even ask me if I had the Pirate Theater Voucher that they hacked the Computer System of Administrative Law and the IMT and that sent an ERROR to my Programa  Masônico. With the Expired Letter, I passed it to Brigada de Trânsito as if the Proof of Work was valid as Free-Transit. 10:22 pm Before starting the trip, he told the police that the country was a big shit because of the Shit Freemasonry that allowed this Shit Theaters. The policeman wished me "boa  shit" saying that he was wishing "good luck" as is desired behind the scenes of soap operas and cinemas. "Good luck, to you too, Senhor Guarda!", I replied. 6 days later, after I had reserved Table nº6 in the Restaurant, my father released the IMT Card that he had kept and placed it on Top of the Table, saying that in order to go to lunch in Almeirim I had to first unlock my Driving License , because  had been "Blocked". I did the Online Reactivation in 1 minute and in 1 minute I received the Multibanco Reference Data to pay. I tried to pay, but there was an ERROR. I went to the Police Station to talk about the Error to see what was going on with my Charter and the police told me to go to the Citizen's Store to the IMT. Before I left the Police Station the Police asked if I had seen my surname Catullus so well, telling me that they had found a Love Letter with my surname. I asked where the police had found the Love Letter and the police said they had found it on Rua 16 de Março. I thanked him and kept the letter, leaving the Police Station with the feeling that I had left the post office. At Loja do Cidadão I took out Password nº66 and saw that 20 numbers were missing and I looked at my watch and saw that I couldn't get stuck at Loja do Cidadão because of an ERROR with Table nº6 reserved. Before being called, I went to the counter, where a family was solving  another big mistake. 

«Sorry,  but how is everything online now? It can't be all Online, listen there! This is  before a Big Error and we want to resolve the Error now here at the Counter, because we have that Right! Nós temos  o Direito de resolver  as coisas aqui no Balcão  Frente a Frente,  _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Mano a Mano.  And the agent is going to solve this now, because this  is an error!»

«Listen, it's like I told you... Now it's all Online... And you don't have any rights,  that right from the counter doesn't exist and look at the rights I understand well, that my son is studying to be a lawyer at the Faculty of Law, the best in the country!!!!»

«Sorry, but I have  rights to resolve  the Administration's things  Public over the counter without being Online! Is the Transport Mobility Institute a Public Administration Entity or not?”

“But what does that matter? You are trying to escape the problem... You have to solve the problem online, not here at the branch and only when you have the online instructions to go here to the branch can you come to the branch in another way and I cannot help you... I told you... This is now all Online...»

«Excuse me, madam, but is the IMT a Public Entity of the Public Administration or is it not?»

«Yes, yes... But then what?»

«And then, madam, you are subject to the Laws of Administrative Law... This there is a Code and in the Code it is written that we have rights to resolve  the problems of Public Administration_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ and all Entities by Alternative Means to Online, how to come here to the Counter and agent came here to solve the problem of the Error at the Counter, flesh and blood, live, looking at each other, ma'am... It says that your son is at the Faculdade de  Law, the best in the country??? Where are you going?”

"It's in the Classic..."

«In the Worst of the Country... My niece Andreia is in the Best of the Country, she is in the NOVA!!! Andreia,  come here! Can you tell me which article is in the Administrative Process Code  so that you can solve our problem ao  Counter  so we can go eat  a  Cachupa at Almeirim Restaurant... We're Hungry!»

“Have you ever been called?”

"I haven't been yet, Mr Security."

«Then you can't be there, you have to go to the Waiting Room.»

«Não vou para a Sala de  Espera  porque há Câmaras  de Filmar na Sala  de_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Wait, I didn't sign any Film and Directing Contract with Loja do Cidadão.»

"Nice answer! Give me 5 more! You are one of us! Mr Security  he is with us! He's going to eat Cachupa with us! You're hungry too! Do you like Cachupa?”

"I don't eat Red Meat!"

"Eh! Our Cachupa is made with White Meat of Chicken or Crocodile... Did you know that Crocodile is White Meat and tastes like chicken?”

"You knew..."

“Then you will eat with us!”

«Today I booked a table for my mother's birthday lunch in Almeirim... But an ERROR appeared and I have to unlock it so we can go to lunch in Almeirim...»

«Brother,  we are all  in the same boat!!!!! This was the pirates who hacked the IT System, but here the Partner who put it here at the Counter  does not understand anything about ERRORS or Piracy and is not helping... We are all hungry... Andreia, have you already shown the article to the partner?”

«Yes, he already showed me... But that article means nothing to me, because I  here am a Subaltern and I only follow orders from my boss... And you don't_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ is my boss... If you have any doubts, go to the counter closest to Buraka, because I'm here to see  that the address you have in the System is Buraka. ..»

«How is it  that I go to Buraka with the Letter with ERROR??? I can't get a fine... But this ERROR is a Big Error in the Computer System and I want to solve the ERROR here at the Counter! We have Mesa Reservada in Almeirim to eat Cachupa... It's my niece's birthday and it's my brother's mother's birthday. Brother, what is your name?”


«It's Raul's mother's birthday... We're not here to play... We're here in Service, ma'am...»

«I already said that everything is online... And what is this gentleman's problem? What is your password  anyway?"

«It’s password number 66...»

«Give it here,  go!!! Look, there are 20 numbers missing... But go give  here the password!!! What is your problem?"

«It's just that I received a Notification saying that my letter was Expired and I Reactivated Online  to receive the Multibanco Reference but I can't pay...»

«Give it here!!!! This is an ERROR! Your letter is very good! This was an ERROR! Nobody talks about this, but I say,  done. We had a Computer Attack by Pirates..."

«Ah!!! So you know very well about the History of the Pirates!»

“I know, sir! But it's like you don't know. The system has been infected by a Big Virus... Do you have Anti-Virus Protection? What I can advise you is to buy an Anti-Virus... Now where to buy it,  I have no idea!!! If it's at the Appliances Store, if it's at the Computer Store or if it's at the Pharmacy! Sometimes a  problem is solved at the Pharmacy... In London, for example, everything is solved at the Pharmacy... You can even pay for electricity and water at the Pharmacy, among many others things... London pharmacies are like go... Citizen's stores... For example... Okay, your brother's error is solved! Its only Online or else you have to go to Buraka.»

«Andreia,  tells Buraka Som Sistema to let partner  realize that we are going to solve the problem here at the Santarém branch, because there is a Big Error.»

«Listen there! You can't put  the music on the speakers like that in the Citizen's Store because of the Right to Good Environment...»

«Are you getting into trouble with the Buraka? Are you saying that the Buraka are undermining the Right to a Good Environment?”

«I'm not saying anything like that... I actually like Buraka Som Sistema a lot...»

«So done!! Put Andreia there... Wasn't there a Flash Mob scheduled for this time at Loja do Cidadão to cheer up Malta? Otherwise, it all gets very depressing...»

«Come on, before the music and the Flash Mob start let me see the ERROR that is happening here with your Letter... Maybe it's nothing special... Maybe it will also be solved in 6 seconds... That's it, that's it...» 11:26 pm 12/27/2022 Raul Catulo Morais

Teatro Maçónico Psiquiátrico
00:00 / 03:54
Direito Executivo Macabro
00:00 / 12:12

The  "Masonic Psychiatric Theater" recorded at 4:06 pm on 12/27/2022 is published in Nouvelle-Movies and in 1st Jupiter Congress of Rights 

00:00 / 06:38

Episode "Ok"  recorded in real time at 7:33 pm on 12/29/2022. Raul  Catulo Morais and Raul Morais da Silva With All Reserved Rights With Jupiter Editions. Published in Jupiter Congress and Nouvelle-Movies  of Jupiter in Kanal Jupiter 

dangerous game: Schachmatt! Ich habe mit einem Psychopathic Psychiater Network im Bett geschlafen.-film new directed by raul catulo morals Film nouvelle sent to police, universities,  orders and banks  German, Swedish, Finnish, Icelandic, Norwegian, Dutch, Danish, Israeli (Tel Aviv haven) and Uruguay (Montevideo shelter point  com translation request no.9999, OK! GGGG! 

00:00 / 00:33
00:00 / 00:33

Last-Code: Kapa-Kapa; Translation: KKKK = 9999 § KKK = 666 § KK = 66

1st War: Disconnect Network nº66  » Pedophilia!

2nd War: Disarming  Network nº 6 » Pedophilia!

3rd War:  Disconnect Army Network » Abuse of Right + Misuse of Power + Corruption!

4ª Guerra:  Disconnect Marine Network » Abuse of Right + Misuse of Power + Influence Trading + Corruption!

5th War: Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon + Opus Dei!


«Raul. Can only bestow Full Protection on 3 Angels. Only 3 Angels can travel with you on Ship 67-77. Who are the 3 Angels to sit with you?”

«Dr. Diogo, Dr.ª Joana and Tomás Roxo.»

«Choose another Angel to continue the journey safely in one of our ships?»

«Mariana Portugal.»

"Who saves?"

«Except for my cousin Sílvia, my cousin Lucas, Dmytro's mother, Dmytro's father, my parents, Professor Sara of Administrative Law, my aunt Célia, my grandmother, o_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ Manel, Manel's grandparents, Manel's mother, Tiaguinho, my Portuguese teacher...»

«12! Can't save anymore!»

«There are not 12... There is a plural.»

"There are two plurals..."

"We close our eyes..."

«Raul are you sure? Do you have to be sure?”

"I'm not sure."

«Can you shoot arrows over someone who is not sure?»

“But close your eyes. His eyes were chipped. Do you know  don't you know that? Of course  knows.”

00:00 / 00:33
00:00 / 00:34
00:00 / 00:33

ANSWER: ALIEN INVASION! They are the same as the faces of ants and bees, but magnified 66 times, 666 times and 999 times. But they are just "robots" remotely controlled by an Intelligent Alien Society of humans just like us but with more technologies and with characteristics of colors and sizes of body parts adapted to the Climate and Atmosphere of their planet. They know everything about  us, because we were chipped.  They have our whole lives and our hearts in their hands. With just one  button they make our brains explode. They are negotiating with us. They don't mean us harm. They just want us to be able to be better humans and that we respect our species of mammals and intelligent insects, capable of connecting us to life. They are super tech and super scientists and super intellectuals. They don't mean us harm. They just want us to be good. They gave us time.  They don't want to interfere. But if the Order is not respected, the Invasion takes place. And I just confirm the Order.  We don't believe in gods or angels, because angels and gods are us. All of us. There is a Satan,  as there is an Allah, as there is a Jehovah in history. They are just commanders. They are just ministers. They are just "kings" elected  by the people. In our eyes, they are "gods".  In history Jehovah is the Governor of the Moon of Europa.  Only Jehovah is responsible for the Governance of Europa. Satan is the Governing Prince of Saturn's Titan Moon. Allah  has more moons. It has moons from Jupiter and Saturn and has the Earth's Moon. That's why NASA knows that when it goes to plant a Flag on the Moon,  it has to plant an Astronomical Event written in Arabic and Hebrew decoded in the skies of Morocco,_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ Israel,  Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. Once decoded, the last code appears in Tetagrama da Vida:  YHV! The same mark that the Creator left invisible on every 6 human chromosomal chains of humans on Earth. They, the governors of Europa's Moon and Titan's Moon, were married on a moon of Neptune. But they broke up. Jehovah married Allah and they passed the Message to the Messenger to close the Bethel Headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses and to free the People of Israel, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia and to no longer tolerate Homophobia and Slavery and to if they cut off the heads of the Cabecinhas da Homofobia  and Slavery. I'm just the Messenger. I saw the message in Stardust. Raul Catulo Morais, by God, by Allah,  by Satan and by Jehovah I declare War of Peace! 666,666,666. 16:53 01/14/2023

Montenegro cannot rise to power. Carlos Moedas is corrupt and cannot rise to power. If Montenegro ascends, he will establish an alliance with Ventura. Musk and Ronaldo have accounts to pay and they have strong arrows on top of them. Funding Musk's brain chip must be immediately stopped and fought! Musk is not good. Neither does Ronaldo.  If Ronaldo had gone, he wouldn't have shaken hands with the  mobster Dionísio Pestana who practices slavery. Ronaldo  is gay and is handcuffed by Corrupt FIFA. Ventura is gay. Montenegro is just a mobster pig. Raul Catulo Morais. With my name I write, with my name I sign. I sign with my name  and with all my other names:  Jaime Maria Bayamonde da Costa Ayala, Antoine Canary-Wharf, Gil de Sales Giotto,_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Federico Ferrari, Simão Roncon-Oom, Ralf Kleba-Kodak, Sebastião Lupi-Levy, Gabriel Garibaldi, Barac Bielke,  Dmytro Krupka and Satan. 666,666,666.

“How did we get this?”

«It was Dmytro who put the Augmented Virtual Reality glasses on him...  He thought  that he was inside the car just venting to one of the angels... And he started unwinding everything... He's a Cassette. He is a Film Camera of the Illumminnatti. That's why they chose him. They protect you.”

"What Angel did he think he was venting to?"

“With Tiago.”

«Why do we have a question mark over Tiago?»

«Illuminnatti Games.»

“Where did we get this?”

«To the Chamber of Reflections  of the Jupiter Congress. We found more cassettes in the Chamber...»

"Why did he save Dmytro's parents first?"

«Because of a Chess Game and because of a History of Passports. When they came to Portugal they already knew exactly the day when Russia and Ukraine would go to war. They are protected by the Russian Mafia as Raul is protected by the Russian Mafia. Raul changed his mind. Raul respects the wake of Ukrainians in which those who go to the wake photograph the dead person and send it to the Family Network, because Raul managed to make the "Analog Click" with the Analog Life of Ants. However, Raul signed a Pact in which he does not tolerate such a practice in the Portuguese Legal System unless it is a Russian or Ukrainian family and if all  family members authorize it, because if there is one who opposes it , the flash cannot fire. Raul evolved.  Raul was afraid of coffins  and avoided conversations about death in sacred situations such as meals and in sacred places and moments of courtship and friendship. Raul's Spirit became stronger and more informed with Process nº666, however Raul kept all his Principles and all his Humanitarian Moral Faith and Hope. Raul left a Will to Dr. Diogo and a Love Letter to Dr. Diogo before leaving. Shall we open Raul's heart? For the Russian Mafia,  Dmytro and Raul's mother are two Queens. Raul knew how to play chess at the King of Russia's house by drowning the King of Russia so that the game was tied without having eaten or without having checkmate the King's Queen... Raul knows that if he did checkmate in the house of Russia that his head would be cut off. Raul knows how to negotiate life's important games in key games and key time. When he entered the House of Russia, the algorithms indicated that Raul's chip was Swedish.  Russia knows that when Sweden enters the war in favor of Ukraine, Russia can only fire at War will start and it will be a Tech War that Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune will enter. You will see ships simply coming to get the protected and the enlightened. Sweden has always known about the war because of its monarchical parliament. Kings and princes speak to each other in the "encrypted moon", in the encrypted "Metaverse". As soon as Sweden found out, it did not tell the world, it told its people and informed the people through an Encrypted Message in which the newspapers  simply communicated to the people what they had to do "in case of war" , speaking through "blankets" and cans of preserves, beans and grain. No more was said. They talk in numbers and they know about the numbers and they know they have a number of people to protect. They just might get the message across. They are just Messengers of War and Peace. They are not soldiers. Raul is not a soldier. It's a Messenger. An Army was formed around Raul's Message. What Raul never wanted.  But it's not Raul "who runs things"... If he were,  there would be no war, no famine. Everyone would be happy. Everyone would be at peace. Sweden and Jupiter protect Raul. Not even the CIA can eliminate Raul.”

“What is the story of the Cow Skeleton at the Krupka House?”

«When Raul was on Ilha dos Piratas dressed as a Lifeguard, there was a Masonic Program that ordered the sailors from the Ferry to leave the Island ahead of time for Villa dos Piratas,  so that Raul could stay on Earth in the company of his Cellmate Anjo Räphael.  All  other lifeguards, including Deus Brünus, Isaac, Diogo Bugg, Captain_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ and the Captain's Wife knew about the Program. A "ride" on a boat appeared timed to Anjo's chronometer and Raul got on the boat with Anjo. Raul saw the dressed polos from Adega Vegetariana and heard the History of Marrakesh from Morocco and was Silent. When he got off the boat,  he saw that he had got off at Seat nº 66 of Marina da Villa and right after that Dmytro sent him a photo of the Cow Skeleton that he had ordered from the "Sustainable" Auction Company and Dutch Ecology" and Raul said "I love it" in a "Poker Face" entering definitively. Arriving home, he went to Nuvem in New Zealand who had bought Process nº666 from Ilha dos Piratas with Dmytro so that Dmytro could download the Process and send it to  Inspeção Geral das Actividades Culturals to register the Process, but for Megabytes do Processo, Dmytro said that he could not register the Process on the Online Inspection Platform... He said at the same time that Opus Dei was at her house and at the same time he sent an Encrypted Message the invoice of the Process Registration nº666 and Raul got a Question Mark and sent the Invoice with Dmytro's name in another Encrypted Message to Criminal Law. Dmytro's mother kicked  out of the house when she lifted the Cow Skeleton into the living room and placed The Algorithm of Love full of dust under the Skeleton and lit 6 satanic candles. Dmytro's mother lost her pianist students, sons  from Opus Dei, Salesianos, Maristas, Liceu Pedro Nunes, Colégio Alemão and Liceu Francés and Casa Guimarães, but_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ won the houses of Jupiter. Dmytro's mother sends invoices for classes, but  the story had to be created that did not send invoices because of the request for sponsorship from the Tax Authority and Social Security. In the same story, Dmytro's father is a painter at Cousin Silvia's husband's company. Dmytro's father's boss is the Engineer who ordered the Order of  Engineers to protect Raul's Word Engineering. Dmytro sent Raul with his head open to  House nº666 of Good Psychology and Good Engineering passed the Game Task to Good Psychology so that Raul could show the Masonic Emblem of Works to Dmytro in front of the Faculty of Right during Process nº666 of Raul, so that Dmytro realized in Jogo Dangerous he was playing. Who sewed Raul's head was Boa Psicologia  and Boa Engenharia at House nº666 of Herdade da Aroeira, the estate that appears in the Argument-Sinopse  d'The Algorithm of Loveand that Opus Dei opened the Argument-Synopsis ahead of time. The Argument can be seen on the contrary, because in an Augmented Reality we are left with 9 films,  in which, on the contrary, Sílvia is stopped by the Judiciary Police on Ponte Salazar, because of the Story of Salazar that was recorded in Sílvia and Sara's Clinic Database in a Data Experience Projected to Infinity with Augmented Virtual Reality Glasses in a Power of Big Data governed by Opus Dei just to deal with Bee Phobia dos  little princes of Opus Dei and the Holy Spirits Amen. We know that Opus Dei could change the game and "return" the Krupka family back and the family die in the war. If Dmytro returns, or if Dmytro returns, Dmytro despite being Ukrainian has to be immediately enlisted in the Russian Army. was this storyilluminatiwhich was told to Raul at Russia's Home Chess Game at Aunt Giralda's Jewelry Championship. Truth or Lie, the soap opera was valued by  Caixa Geral,  by Banco Millenium and Banco BPI at 166 million. It's worth a fortune. Raul left his fortune in sight, tearing up the First Testament and writing the New Testament. Instituted Dr. Diogo as the First Heir,  if he died and they were married on the date of his death. Raul made a marriage proposal during the film-novela.»

00:00 / 45:56
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00:00 / 27:17

Episodes recorded and opened at 2:14 pm on 01/14/2023   in the Chamber of Reflections  of the Congress of Jupiter Rights in the Masonic Descent of Raul Catulo Morais of Grade 33 to Grade 32 for 33 Day Learning Games to go back to Grade 33 and re-confirm it after your Masonic Oath.

9:09pm, 1st Full Moon of 2023,wolf moon, 01/6/2023,Oath of Raul Catulo Morais: "I, Raul Ciríaco Duarte Catulo Morais da Silva, swear and promise, of my own free will, for my honor and for my Faith, in the online presence of the 5 Anonymous Societies and Masonic Lodges of Jupiter, Saturn, Ceres, Terra and Neptune [21:12] never henceforth to reveal any of the mysteries which I will always henceforth conceal and never reveal any  one of the secret arts,  parts or points of   occult mysteries of the Society that will be entrusted to me, if not to an Angel-Lawyer or an Angel-Psychologist or an Angel-Psychiatrist or an Angel-Judge or an Angel-Teacher of Jupiter, of Saturn, Ceres, Neptune or a Mason in a regularly constituted lodge on Earth, never write, engrave, print or use other means by which he can disseminate them except by Authorization or Superior Illumminnatti Instruction of Jupiter, Neptune or Ceres. an apple om Apronless and Mason-Free  of the Secret Alien Freemasonry of the Bees and the Flying Super Ants and having opened the Jupiter Masonic Lodge on Earth, Online and in Intergalactic Outer Space, I am free to break my Oath without my Tongue being torn out, without my Neck being cut and without my Body being buried in the sands  of the sea, where the ebb and flow_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ of the waves could plunge me into perpetual oblivion, considering such part of the Masonic Oath of regular and irregular Masonic lodges a Perfect Absurd that legitimizes Corruption and the Crimes of  Trafficking in Influence, Modern Slavery , of Business  Parallel Data,  of Funding Markets and Dark Investments of Agenda and Pyramid Schemes with which which I exist to fight with my Spirit, declaring myself Enemy and the Main Enemy of the Degenerate Freemasonry of the Devils that degenerated in Time and vitiated the Power, the Labor Code, the  Penal Code, the Code Criminal Procedure, the Administrative Procedure Code and the Public Procurement Code, particularly in Portugal and the European Union and in general in the Rest of the World. I declare that I will never condone Corruption or Betrayal. I declare, for my honor and for my Faith that IF I join any Political Party, be it Left or Right, assuming myself as a Right Liberal,  that only_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ I will enter with the nomination of Ascent Masonic for the presidency or vice-presidency or to acceptministerial folderand that whenever  I feel Pressure or Obligation to do something or say something contrary to my Faith that I have always declared in Public the Origin and Source of Pressure and Obligation, pointing with my Index Finger, opening always the Game of Truth and always leaving the Game of Truth open to everyone. I confirm the Acceptance of the Last 33rd Masonic Degree of Sovereign Grand Inspector General, completing my Cycle of Studies with the Publication of the Final Report on Psychiatry and 1st Take  of the Legislation on the Law of Psychiatry and Social Security with the Approximation of the Portuguese System to the Scottish System by Reference and Interpretation of Fact and Tie of the Introduction Speech Jiddu Krishnamurti in Zeitgeist -  Addendum Intro. But first of all, I am obliged to go down one degree, going back to the 32nd degree of Sublime Knight of the Royal Secret  to recapitulate my whole life of Masonic degrees, because I am in Sensible and Humble 33-day Recapitulation of Learning Games through the Continuation of the Works of the Online Exhibition of Diário-Novela according  the Masonic Program. Of the 10 Subjects, I choose to write the Summary on the Ritual of Initiation and the Conquest of the Moon. Of the 11 Spotlights on the 11 Freemasons,  I turn off 9 leaving the spotlights on Camilo Castelo Branco and Alexander Flemming,  transcribing the Summary Paragraph of their Masonic lives. I conclude the Extraordinary Ceremony of the Oath with the Publication of the Deferment of the Registration  of my Last Work of 6 Volumes with 999 pages "UM MASONIC LOVE IN A MASONRY OF THE DEVILS (from Illumminnatti Games)" and with the Publication of Deferment of the Registration-Acquisition at Palácio da Foz of my 12th Pseudonym Dmytro Krupka, legally and legitimately signing my last Work with my pseudonym Dmytro Krupka.

3rd Subject: «After going through an Audit and the Approval of the other Freemasons, the Initiate also goes through several rituals. One of them is the Chamber of Reflections. The place is painted in black, with low light referring to the CATACOMBA, several inscriptions on the walls and surrounded by symbols of destruction and death: there is a table covered with a rug and a skull, a coffin, a grave with a Corpse and a Skeleton of Cow. The Ritual means the death of the profane and the beginning of the Masonic Life, leaving behind inferior qualities, vices, ("passions of the intellect"), beliefs and prejudices to learn to think for yourself. The Cow Skeleton is from a cow that died of  Natural Cause outside the Red Meat Market and the Corpse is from a Masonic Family  that Authorized the Masonic Transport of the Cemetery to the Chamber of Reflections regulated and supervised by the Police with Superior Order of the Command decreed by the Army or by the Navy or by the Air Force with unofficial knowledge of the Public Ministry and the Order of Doctors. The chamber means isolation from the outside world so that the Initiate can know himself. With the shirt lying on the left side, leaving the Heart Exposed, a Rope around the Neck, a Sword on the Left Side and Blindfolded, he goes through a Series of Tasks and an Oath of Allegiance. Finally, the rope is taken from his neck  and the blindfold is removed so that he can see "the light" and receive his Apprentice Apron and the Revelation of Secrets related to this stage, such as touches, signs and words.”

10th Subject: «According to the Reference of Obreiros de Irajá, when Aerospace Engineer Astronaut Neil Armstrong of the Apollo 11 Mission stepped on the Moon in 1969, he stepped on it  with the "flag of Freemasonry".   Because according to the Workers of Irajá Reference, NASA space missions are planned according to Masonic expertise and symbolism and most  trips to the Moon would have been performed by members of the Society. It is known that one of the fathers of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Jack Parsons, founder of the fuels used in space rockets, was a member of a presentation of the Ordo Templi Orientis, in Pasadero and disciple of the magician Aleister Crowley. The head of NASA during the Apollo space program,  C. Fred Kleinknect is currently Sovereign Grand Inspector  of the Southern Board of Jurisdiction, belonging to level 33 - the highest high degree awarded by Freemasons. When Ship nº9999 visited Raul in Raul's Mission-Secret Trip to the Island of Porto Santo in Jogo de Batalha Naval against the Navy and against Modern Slavery at the Hotel Pestana, the News from the Daily Jupiter about Ship nº9999, containing the Reference in Raul's Lifeguard Diary published Online in Masons Diary. Through the Secret Passage of Contacts to Raul during the trip,   formulated the Theory-Argument that Raul was not visited by Spaceship nº9999, but by a NASA spacecraft on Regular Masonic Film Without the knowledge of Raul (tele) commanded by the Order of Kleinknect and that the news in the Daily Jupiter was hidden by NASA.»

Alexander Flemming: Alexander was a renowned English chemist, "father" of penicillin. His discovery, which undoubtedly revolutionized medicine, helped save many men during the Second World War, having made history in Freemasonry reaching the 30th Degree in Maria Lodge 2682.

Camilo Castelo Branco: Camilo was a Portuguese writer and novelist; author of novels such as Amor de Perdição and Where is Happiness? He was initiated into Freemasonry before the novels, although it is rumored that this never happened. Despite that, thefamily historyconfirm yourproximity to Freemasonry. 11:59 pm 06/01/2023 Raul Catulo Morais

Oath of Raul Catulo Morais made in Real Time in Jupiter Congress and edited at 12:22-18/01/23 to acceptministerial folder.

for tcor

Good morning, Colonel!


I was visited 3 times by Aranhas portias, the so-called "diabolical spiders with 3 Super Powers" in my room in Santarém, Portugal. Knowing that there are no port spiders in Portugal, existing for example in China, Vietnam, Philippines, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, India, Malaysia and Myanmar and that one of the times it was at  Army Week in Santarém, when I asked him to take possession of one of the tents to finish the Romance Militar Gypsy, I asked him if the Army has natural Portias Spiders in possession,  or robots or cyborgs and if the Colonel has knowledge of any Masonic Program  Regular or Irregular in which the robotic or cyborg Portia Spiders have been telecommanded to visit me bearing in mind that I made great reference and praise to the Portia Spider in 2080 by Antoine Canary-Wharf for the its extraordinary capacities and for having incorporated the 1st visit of the Portia Spider in the Internet of Things in the work The Magic of Algorithms and the Invisible Brain Chip. At the time, I asked the Order of Biologists about the existence or registration of the Portia Spider in Portugal, communicating its appearance on my bedroom window, having sent the work with proof of the Photographic Record of the Portia Spider on my bedroom window.


The photographic evidence was included and published in the Jupiter Virtual-Masonic-Illumminnatti Tribunal.


Link to Jupiter Virtual Court



Raul Catulo Morais

12/15/2022, 08:07 (5 days ago)

for rp, cabinet.ministra, pjm.geral, crfa_sec, gabcmd, CFMTFA_CMD_GAC_CHF, cpsifa_sec

Lieutenant Colonel Doutor Pedro, Director of the Air Force Psychology Center


Doctor Pedro Air Force Aeronautical Medicine Center (Psychiatry)

Doctor Marta  (Aeronautical Psychiatry)


Doctor Marta  (NAV Portugal)


Major General Pilot Aviator Sérgio, Chief of Staff of the Chief of Staff of the Air Force.


Lieutenant General Cartaxo  Alves, Chief of Staff of the Portuguese Air Force.


Lieutenant General Barros Ferreira, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Portuguese Air Force


Director Francisco  of the Armed Forces Hospital


Deputy Director Colonel Doctor António of the Armed Forces Hospital


Deputy Director Colonel Doutor Luís Tátá of the Armed Forces Hospital


Clinical Director Colonel Doctor Carlos of the Armed Forces Hospital


By Order of the Illumminnatti-Masonic-Tribunal de Jupiter, Case nº 66 of Internment of the Santarém Psychiatry Service is definitively referred to the best Psychology and Psychiatry of the Air Force and the Judiciary Police, requesting the Air Force to listen to the audios with the title SOS 66 and SOS 666 in the "Checkmate the Order of Doctors and the Army with the Judiciary Police and the Air Force - Military Law and Judicial Law" published online by the Jupiter Scientific Team at the 1st Congress of Rights with Artificial Intelligence of Jupiter, leaving a direct link to the 1st Jupiter Congress. 



On another subject,


For having been  visited 3 times by Portia spiders, the so-called "diabolical spiders with 3 Super Powers" in my room in Santarém, Portugal and knowing that there are no portia spiders in Portugal, existing for example in China, Vietnam, Philippines, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, India, Malaysia and Myanmar and that in one of the visits was during  Army Week in Santarém, I asked  to Lieutenant-Colonel Chief of the Army Recruitment Center, whether the Army owned natural Portias Spiders,  or robots or cyborgs and whether the Colonel was aware of any Masonic Program_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ Regular or Irregular in which the Portia Spiders robots or cyborgs had been telecommanded to visit me taking into account that I made great reference and praise to the Portia Spider in 2080 by Antoine Canary-Wharf by the s Its extraordinary capabilities and for having incorporated the 1st visit of the Portia Spider in the Internet of Things in the work A Magia dos Algorithmos e do Chip Invisível Cerebral. At the time, I asked the Order of Biologists about the existence or registration of the Portia Spider in Portugal, communicating its appearance on my bedroom window, having sent the work with proof of the Photographic Record of the Portia Spider on my bedroom window.


The photographic evidence was included and published in the Jupiter Virtual-Masonic-Illumminnatti Tribunal.


Due to the extraordinary weather conditions, my disembarkation at the Air Force General Staff Air Base (scheduled by Congressional Order) has been postponed to December 20, 2022 for the delivery on Pen-Drive of my last Navigation Work and Dispatch of the Illumminnatti Games with the 6 Lists (Black List of Companies, Black List of Institutions,  Secret List, List of Pirates, List of Doctors, Psychologists and Police Actors of the Character Game Human of Dark Net and List of Dark Net Actors) after the work was registered at Palácio da Foz and after it was delivered to the National Directorate of the Judiciary Police with the 6 Lists,  requesting the best ones coordinates to deliver the flash drive to the Air Force Base. 


A copy of the 3rd Disciplinary Report sent to Ordem  of the Doctors on Case nº66 is attached and the Psychiatry Report SONHO prepared by Psychiatry in the Emergency Episode prepared with the History of Ideation is attached. My mother's suicide.

Thursday, 12/15, 08:29 (5 days ago)

for Direction, unct.terrorismo, dcite, directory.faro, dic.portimao, directory.porto, uncc, unc3t

Doctor Luís, hello! How are you?


By Order of the Illumminnatti-Masonic-Tribunal de Jupiter I definitively refer Case nº66 of Internment of the Psychiatry Service of Santarém to the best Psychology and Psychiatry of the Air Force and the Judiciary Police, requesting the Judiciary Police to listen to the audios with the title (.. .)

12:36 (11 minutes ago)

for rp, cabinet.ministra, pjm.geral, crfa_sec, gabcmd, CFMTFA_CMD_GAC_CHF, cpsifa_sec

Your Honor.  Lieutenant General Cartaxo Alves,

Hon. Lieutenant General Barros Ferreira

Hon. Aviator Major General Pilot Sérgio


"The Jupiter Editions cruiser piloted in Raul Catulo Morais' Expedition Navigation was blocked at the Arms Ports by the sentries because Raul Catulo Morais did not receive the best coordinates to be able to pass the Air Base Arms Ports. blockade, Raul Catulo Morais was greeted Masonically by one of the colonels who participated yesterday on 12/21/2022 in the Post Office Simulation in an Invisible Circle with 6 Foreign Air Force pilots, in which Raul Catulo Morais proceeded to_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ delivery of the Pen-Drive, after  the Superior Masonic Instruction Illumminnatti that was inside the Green Mail Envelope that Raul Catulo Morais bought at Counter nº6 with Password nº66, before deliver the Pen-Drive and the Illlumminnatti Games Work to the Palácio da Foz."


Message instructed.


The case is referred to the foreign air forces represented by the 6 pilots and the lieutenants generals and the aviator major general are called to the Virtual Court for the Case of the 3 visits of the Portias Diabólicas Spiders to the house of Raul Catulo Morais.


Raul Catulo Morais,

President of the Virtual-Masonic-Illumminnatti Tribunal of Jupiter 

00:00 / 06:51

Photograph by Raul Catulo Morais from 01/14/2023 taken from his father Raul Morais da Silva on Internet de Programas after Raul opened the episodes at 2:14 pm on 01/14/2023. Federico Varese's Mafia Life was underneathThe Algorithm of Loveat Raul's head. Raul's father tookThe Algorithm of Lovefrom above Mafia Life and opened the book on Programs Internet.

“Hello, Bernardo. All good? Sorry,  but I had to lie to you. I'm a chameleon. I married the 6th Serpent. That's why I lied to you. Yes, I'm a monarchist. Yes, I'm a republican. Yes, I am a Constitutionalist. Yes, I am a parliamentarian. I don't agree with how things were done on the 25th of April, but I breathe the Semi-Freedom and Rarefect Oxygen of the 25th of April singing yes with respect to the music Grândola Vila Morena without being obviously Communist. In the State I am Liberal, but I am an Environmental and Environmentalist,  truly Ecologist and Scientific Jurist. In my Company I am a Communist. He said he didn't agree with how things were done on the 25th of April, because friends of mine lost everything... My family also lost everything in Mozambique and came to zero in Portugal. I too lost everything. I lost all my writing. I got deleted ene times. But I "resurrected". We are "immortals". It's in our genes. My grandmother Alcinda belongs to the Zulu tribe, the strongest tribe in South Africa and Mozambique. She was the "Elephant Matriarch" of the Tribe... But  then my fine Goan and Portuguese traits appear... Let's not forget the story that Goa was a former colony of Portugal, just like Mozambique ... My parents and grandparents were therefore colonized, they were "chipped" and I inherited "the chip" and the story... Can you more or less understand the story? It's a lie! My grandmother is not a Jehovah's Witness. But she has to play her part. If I introduced you as a friend, she would know that you were "Probably" my boyfriend and if we got married, she would ask you in Pleno Casamento if you were just one of the best men at the wedding, always asking about the bride and you would have to Understand Theater and just take her hands you would feel that she would hold you with Life as if you were her son or grandson.   We are trapped in a "theatre" and a "soap opera". We speak through theater and soap operas... Our code is a Cinematographic Code. We are good. And we are very good at doing theater... We are born with Extraordinary  Survival Mechanisms... We are warriors and survivors... We are not  bad. We are good. Alliances were made, fictitious marriages and divorces were celebrated to protect wards, chosen ones and enlightened ones. Don't ask me questions I can't answer. If you ask me game questions,  I will have to answer you with game answers. If you come for good, come. You have the doors open. But you can't share our Family Secret of Goa's Doce de Bebinca, because that Doce is also part of our War Code. If you come for good, come. If you come for evil, don't come. I want to show you some spots in Santarém, the ones I wanted to show you 6 or 7 years ago...  I think you'll like it. I will take you to the Sacred Fountain and Mother Water to see the Bats and Fireflies. But you have to do Secret. You can come. You can "go back". If you come for good, come. If you come for bad,  don't come. I only invited you for a little cup or a little long coffee. If you stay here to sleep, you have to know that my room is only 6 square meters and that my bed is small and the two of us can only sleep if it's one on top of the other. We can sleep like this,    as long as you don't come up with ideas. It will only be for sleep. You have to know that to take a bath in hot water,  you need to heat a pan, ok? The hot water does not reach the shower, because of the rusty pipes and the Pressure that the arrangement does not fit into the Family Budget... Can you feel the Pressure?»

Raul Catulo Morais 6:53 pm 01/14/2023 Edited at 10:33 am on 01/15/2023

I will also take you to Jupiter Mountain at night to see the Ships in Silence with me. I know that you are not afraid of ghosts, so I know that you are capable of entering the Black Forest of Jupiter Mountain with me. Because of you, I missed a year of law school. But it was fine. Glad I lost. It was immature. I needed to mature. We didn't even fuck and with just 6 kisses you left me in a heartbreak. If you come for good,  you can come. If you come for evil, don't come!"

Raul Catulo Morais 18:57 01/14/2023

When I was visited by Nave nº9999 in Porto Santo, Nave nº66 visited 1 horseman in Elvas and Nave nº666 visited an illuminati in Santarém, because of the drawings of engineers and architects. It was an Engineer who told me that Porto Santo Airport had been designed even facing North with a Reason. And he told me about the History of Reason. I was silent listening  the story. He then spoke to me about the History of the Bank and the History  of the Amen Holy Spirits. Then I went as a Lifeguard to Herdade da Comporta where I saw the Holy Spirits Amen practicing Modern Slavery with cheap labor from Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka... I saw how they all slept in bunk beds in an annex 19:09 01/14/2023, for them and their children I was a "prince" that they could not touch nor could they "speak loudly" as they spoke to others. From there I went to Praia dos Bodyboarders and then went to Ilha dos Piratas. I always went with an Invisible Bulletproof Vest and a GPS.  I went with my eyes chipped. I was always  transmitting in Real Time. I later returned to Porto Santo on a Secret Jupiter Mission and that was when I was visited by Ship nº9999. The engineer reappeared and asked me if I knew who the engineer at Porto Santo Airport had been and I replied. We talked a bit about the Order of Engineers and the engineer, using the name of the engineer at the airport, led me to your last name in a History of Word Engineering financed by the bank. I got to know the Bank closely. It was through Jupiter Editions Novela that I got close to the stand and sat down in the chair I said I wanted to sit down. I'm not tall. I'm humble. I simply see my Fortune and I see my Spirit. 666,666,666. Raul Catulo Morais 7:16 pm

Please! I beg you! Don't be scared of me. I am no monster.” 7:17 pm 01/14/2023 Raul Catulo Morais

00:00 / 00:33

Raul Catulo Morais' 40-minute "Wonderful Speech" about the Cruel Army Recruits in Abrantes published in Daily Jupiter and Legal Poetry and Hip Hop by Raul Catulo Morais published in the Jupiter Congress and republished inDaily Jupiterfor JUPITER EDITIONS Honorable Mention Contest announced in Campbook da Faculdade de Direito "Só para descontrair uma beca..." on 8/01/2023

Prof. Austero prepared an exam as a joke...

Administrative is playing...

The exam was easy...

Very easy...

But the scene in Administrativo,

It's just that Administrative Law is schizophrenic...

There's always a Ribbon there that goes inside the Manual...

That Swirl Ribbon

That hurts the ears and eyes

And that we have to play the role of psychiatrists,

half close your eyes

Deep breath

To enter, like, another dimension...

Does not make sense...

It's true, the law is not making sense...

Is sick...

(Do you have an excuse?)

(Just because I'm sick?)

(That's what it costs!)

This costs...

And it costs...

This shit costs...

Terms of sitting down to listen to the Disease,

To listen to the Sick System...

This costs...

It really costs...

It costs time, it costs the Brain, it costs Money...

Tuition fees are expensive, rents in Lisbon are very expensive...

And it's always a Noise...

There's a Big Noise inside the Administrative Law Brain...

And this costs... It costs us to deal with this Noise...

It's hard, then, that we all have to take my hip hop shit

I don't even know how to rep...

I'm just sitting on a reppar's lap...

But I can't even fall in love with the reppar...

They put me in the lap of a straight rep!

Fuck you,  Right!

Not even in a lap as it should be,

Can you sit me...

And I'm your son...

You adopted me, remember?

Just because I started writing rhymes in your codes,

Now you want to kick me out?

Now you want to eliminate me?

I'm going to eliminate you!

I have a plan!

A really cool plan that will work!

Are you listening to Austere???

Your manual is an Austerity!

Your Administrative Law is an Austerity!

You're a genius...

And truth...

But so many geniuses who, when they took power, turned into beasts...

I suddenly remember a Great Beast...

From the Beast of the Minister of Hungary,

That in Parliament began to write Anti-Gay Laws to persecute Gays,

But soon afterwards he was caught with 3 dicks in his mouth,

2 dicks in cu 

And a stick in hand...

Do the math...

6 piles...

One hell of an orgy...

I heard you worshiped the Devils...

And truth? I'm talking to you Administrative law...

I'm talking to you Canon Law...

I'm talking to you Law of the Catholic Church...

I'm talking to you Right of Opus Dei...

What right is this??? OH MY GOD!

You learned with your Occult Right,

That I don't have Hot Water at home, 

Because of the plumbing...

Do you know the 6 plumbing stores in my city...

You know the 6 owners, the 6 bosses...

Did you take it with the 6 dicks of the Patrons, Administrative Law?

I received the invitation from Opus Dei

To do the Second Semester 

With hot water,

And to sleep in the room with 2 knights...

With a Hidden Camera?????

What movie are you looking for anyway?

Administrative law?

I speak for you, to speak for all your Entes...

With your schizophrenia, you'll take my Hip Hop to the rightful...

Because I'm going to take the 6 you gave me in the exam,

To the President of the Republic,

To our dear Professor of Administrative Law Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa

Did you know that Professor Marcelo has already read upside down 2080?

It was Professor Commander Translator of 2080...

Which in a Touch passed to the President

And the President passed it on to the Pope...

Did you know that the Pope read 2080 in Spanish?

I'm going to appeal, cool...

But make sure you're not wrong for the 6th time 

Grading my exam with a 6!!!

I want a 16!

I was 16 to Administrative Law III

I was 16 to Administrative Law II

And how come I got 6 to Administrative Law I?

You're stalling my life because of your Schizophrenia!

I'm ahead!

I have my eyes set on the future of 2080...

Look, we are already in 2080 e  your Schizophrenic Manual

And your schizophrenic right,

They don't let Sense and Reality be seen!

The President of the Republic opened 2080!

The Pope opened 2080!

Open you too my

And give me a 16!

I want a 16, (you motherfucker!)

(Oh dude, this is just a rap...

And don't forget that I don't know how to rap...

I'm like dick made in the lap of a straight rap...

Can I go to your lap?

Just to be 16?

I don't feel like studying your Manual at all...

Listen... It's a big drought, brother!)

(Brother? We are together, in the Work of God... We stayed in the same Ward...

Shit about it, it's just a coincidence of them...

of those crazy coincidences

Just to mess with your head...

Do you know whose fault it is??

It's yours and Marcelo's,  mine!

You guys are fucked up guys...

Stop invoking Santa Fe!

Are you priests, or what?

Screw this!

What a fucking law!)

13:56 01/08/2023 in Real Time Hip Hop by Raul Catulo Morais in Attachment to the WorkA Masonic Love in the Freemasonry of the Devils- FromIlluminati Gamesby Raul Catulo Morais & Dmytro Krupka

Tass well, I'll go straight to Appeal...

If you really want to know...

I didn't even open your manual...

I'll open...

I will open you  all...

But moans in silence...
I know you're on dick...

I know that my Hip Hop excited you a lot.

Tass well, I'll go to Appeal...

But I will send the Exam to Professor Marcelo for review...

Professor Marcelo is a nice guy a  give grades...

Now you... Fuck it... You're an Austere, man!

But I'll tell you one thing: You are a great teacher!

And I'll tell you something else: Despite your nickname Austere, students love you! (Almost all)

I am not!

(I'm kidding and I'm not!)

(Thanks for failing me... Once again... We got cool Hip Hop...

In the end, that's what counts!

And I know that when I open your manual,

I will enjoy!

BUT FUCK IT!!! What a mess, man!!!!

How dry!!!!!!)

Group II - 1) Comment:  "Administrative conflict revolutionizes modern Public Administration, transforming it into a Center for Pondering". Answer by Raul Catulo Morais in the Administrative Law Examination/Frequency: "Administrative conflictuality  revolutionizes Modern Public Administration, transforming it into a "Weighing Center", a "Internship Center" and a " Simulation Center",  I add. Taking advantage of pages 55 of The Authors of the System by Sebastião Lupi-Levy, (1)66 of The Algorithm of Love by Jaime Maria Bayamonde da Costa Ayala , 99 and 666 of 2080 by Antoine Canary-Wharf (online at Secret Files at and pages 535 and 555 of Paulo Otero's Manual of Constitutional Law on the chapters on Hidden Power and Modernization  and Privatization of  Public Administration "I am obliged" to agree that administrative conflict revolutionizes modern Public Administration, forcing it to think with the Law and in the Law as if life were a simulation or an Internship Center, because of the Market Game and Market Players transforming Modern Administration Public, in that case, in a true Pondering Center. I believe, very sincerely, that as I write today, as if I were writing with the support of Ann Druyan's Book of the Cosmos, that Public Administration, in order to modernize in a highly technological Era such as that of 2080 by Antoine Canary-Wharf, must gain the legal eyes taking advantage of the quick trips aboard Gabriel Garibaldi's Jupiter Spaceship nº 9999 to connect to the various satellites and have a view from above on all things related to the Law and be able to decide. Public Administration is the one that, with its Administrative Law, is in a more privileged position to decide and resolve administrative conflicts and private interests. Does Online Life Make Sense? Are the Electronic Platforms  where the Public Sections are published really transparent and open to everyone? What about legal certainty? And the data leak? And the Hidden Power within the Electronic Platforms capable of deciding life affairs and therefore lives and therefore an entire Order, acting as a Semi-Government in the Shadow? What about privacy and intimacy? It is worth the Jupiter Artificial Intelligence Law Congress published online on the Jupiter Editions Scientific Team page, in which Jupiter Editions calls Administrative Law to think. As is the provocation of Jupiter Editions in which, in a new birth of the Law of Psychiatry in an incubator of Hospital da Luz or CUF, it reminds Administrative Law of its "Schizophrenia". The game and the Business of Life, Blood and Health, as well as the Environment and even the Vine that gives years of life to the hearts and mantles of the Earth connected to the Life of the Bees, seems to be entirely in the hands of Administrative Law. If tomorrow, a student looks for a psychologist because of a heartbreak and because of the "new" Administrative Law of Psychology, the Administrative Law transfers the student to the Psychiatry Internment of the Public Hospital of Santarém and if once the Heartbreak is computerized of Love in the Great Oracle of the computers of the electronic platforms of the Law of Psychiatry if an Administrative Algorithm is created that pursues the student even in the Film Cameras of the Faculty of Law that automatically cross the data to the computers of the Law of Psychiatry, if it can be said that the student's Technological Paranoid of Federico Ferrari was due to the Schizophrenia of Administrative Law that he lacked in the Artificial Intelligence and Law Course and rushed to give rights and concessions to private monsters, because of his "Ego" and "Alter- Ego" in wanting to modernize and appear "in Fashion" and "in Photography" alongside the "Administrative" Law of the European Union (also he and schizophrenic). If tomorrow an Occult Power of the European Masonic Alliance "forces" the installation of video cameras in all funerary agencies and cemeteries, will it be that, in the face of this obligation, it should be the Administrative Law with its Public Administration to process, treat and analyze the data and films or handing them over to a Data Company or to a "Diabolic" Director, who can then sell them abroad in a mafioso Black Data Market at the price of gold and oil, validating the argument that today Data is the oil of tomorrow...? Does it make sense that Public Procurement Electronic Platforms, where the Public Administration feels up close and feels the conflict of markets and public-private administrations and therefore the administrative conflict, are being managed by Private Companies? Not to me. And it seems to me that an Intelligent Administrative Law (paired to an Artificial Intelligence) does not either! Raul Catulo Morais With All Reserved Rights With Jupiter Editions 14:41 05/12/2022

WithIlluminati Games, Leiria Castle looks like an Amusement Park. I see as Mandatory an Amusement Park that wants to install a Game of Cameras that there is first a Map of Cameras  Mandatory that indicates the Location of the Cameras and the Link to the  Owners de Direito poderem  Quickly and Automatically Request your films at Zero Cost invoking the Data Protection Phantom Law of Portability. Because I have the right to  storm the Castle of Leiria as if it were a Phantom,  without my Spirit being trapped in the Illicit Database of Leiria City Council . What connects the chambers to each other is Data Government Freemasonry. Just invoke Data Protection to get to the Other Shady Businesses  Difficult to prove.  Yeah  just watch the movie in reverse and play in the Game of Ghosts with the Ghost Law of Data Protection.  The Analogous Application of Legal Theory is made to close the Dark and Pyramid Businesses of Companies and Stores._cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ The cameras for filming  are the  eyes_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad the microphone Pyramid and the ears of the microphone. Just start with Blinding the Eyes.666,666,666 Raul Catulo Morais00h59 12/15/2022 I confess that it can be difficult to combat the Game of Chambers at Isla  Magic of Seville,  at Disney Land in Paris or Disney Orlando with the French Napoleonic Codes, with the Castilian Codes  of Andalusia and  with the American Codes of "Texas". In Portugal the  Legal Order is more Spiritual, more "Masonic", because of the Civil Code with Germanic influence. This is why we, Portuguese and Germans, are offended by the cameras  that hurt our spirit, but when we travel to Park City London we travel in the cameras in silence, because we know that we are in another with another  culture that does not have strong civil codes like ours in relation  to Personality Rights and Rights  Image and Rights  -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ of the Private and Intimate Sphere even in the context of Public Roads or in Social Context. They are different codes and we must preserve our codes that take centuries of doctrine and an intellectual to build.  There are legacies  that were left to us by the Best Intellectual School of Rights and Values and we must not let a  Network of  Flies and  a Freemasonry of the Devils put an end to our legacies. In Santarém, people take longer to age because the air you breathe is cleaner and less radioactive. With Camcorders hooked up to the Internet and Shit Devils  heading into Jupiter Mountain with their fucking phones on  the  Internet are to asphyxiate the Oxygen, to worsen the Air, to Pollute and to Emit Radiation. And for that reason,  I can indeed break the Board Game installed in Santarém not only invoked the Right of Resistance but also in a more intellectual Legal Reasoning the Right of Health. Because we intellectuals who want to reach 666 years of life to ask for another 666 years of life are concerned with Health and with the Prolongation and Extension of our Technological Program  of Life_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Technological  and Analog. Psychiatry that doesn't make sense in my reasoning is a psychiatry that needs to be sent to hospital right away! Psychology  don't play with market psychologists who go down the same path!666,666,666 Fire! Fire!  Fire!Incendeia-te de  uma vez  por  todas!  Incendeia-te, sua puta! Set yourself on fire! I want to see you burn! It burns! Burn in Hell, you whore! Burn, you sold whore  who wanted to go to my wake! I'm the one who's going to your wake!  I'll even order the coffin at Vacas Funeral Home in person  just to laugh for the camera_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ illegal filming da  Vacas Funeral Agency. Muah-muah-muah! Greetings to you, Psychology! Que  miss you!... So many... My God... So many... Die! But  first dance the Thunder of Solence.  if you still know  dance with your red heart that you had and that you let change color to black and lilac,  I save you in the devils movie and open your coffin and revive you with a defibrillator  Electric. I died, Psychology. I died 6  times. But I was revived by the Fire Department  who put the electric suction cups from their defibrillator on my breasts and I revived. I am  on my  7th life. I am a Beast of God and the Devil. I have two dads. I was adopted by the Devil to marry a child of the Devil. Do you understand the shitty movie or not? You still don't get it? Do you want me to draw you a drawing? I make you! I'll make you  a drawing for you to understand well the movie  you're involved in, O Psychology... Muahahahahah! 01h28 12/15/2022 Ò Psychology... Ò Psychology... Muahahaahahaha! Raul Catulo Morais at Jupiter Congress

«In Freemasonry, I'm in charge! Otherwise I will send Freemasonry to burn in Hell! Outside of Freemasonry I respect the Law! Within Freemasonry, I'm in charge, I say what I want and I point the finger at who I want. I don't point a finger at random. When I point a finger it's because I'm seeing arrowsilluminatithat they are indicating to me that I should indicate. If I tell the Police  Judiciary that there is some serious shit at the Faculty of Law,  at the Board of the  Faculty of Law, at the Commission National Data Protection, Lisbon City Council, Santarém City Council and Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Santarém is because there's thick shit! And if the Judiciary Police doesn't start the search immediately, I refer the case "with a fine" and "with interest on late payment" to the foreign police. If I ask the Army a question e  an important question to the Air Force and both don't answer me I send the question   to the foreign military forces and wash my hands. If I indicate the name of a doctor to the Order of Physicians and if the Order does not listen to me, the Order will simply fall into a Black Hole! If I'm saying that there are psychologists who cannot be psychologists, if the Order of Psychologists wants to survive  either make a Visible Alliance  with Jupiter or it will go down the drain and is capable of being institutionalized by the New Order of Psychiatrists. We're not kidding.  Carlos Moedas transferred data from Lisbon City Council to Russia, so Carlos Moedas has to leave  immediately from power,_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ otherwise we will see the head of Coins or the Constitutional Court  being cut off. Carlos Moedas is asked what kind of data he gave to Russia and why I appear hand in hand  with Dmytro in Lisbon on the telephone of the King of Russia!!? The Chega party must be dissolved,  otherwise the Assembly or the Constitutional Court will be dissolved. And I ask: who is sitting on the Constitutional Court? We are not playing like the Monkeys of Parliament and Television. CMTV has to be shut down, otherwise it will be pirated and in piracy we will see Dramas and 69's Nudes appearing pirate-like "suddenly" in the corner of Television. CMTV's "journalism" is dirty and macabre, which looks like a Funeral Home and a Black Mass Assembly of the Church of Satan. We are not kidding. When we carry the arrowsilluminatiand we point with our index finger, it is not by chance. There are 5 colors: green, blue, yellow, orange and red. We are the ones who change the colors of the arrows. Green arrows mean protection and we know that  in a Jupiter Alien Invasion War or a Russian Missile War the green arrows simply mean Protection. If we change it to Blue it means Special Protection. If we move to Encarnado we are  saying that the Laser Ray can be fired, because we really entered the sites and saw what the sites were like. When we point Arrows over Important heads we are saying which Heads must  de  be watched or protected and which heads can go up or down in the Order and in the System. When I point my index finger at someone's face,  I don't point by accident. If later in Life that someone suddenly  stumbles, even with 6 or 9 million in the Dirty Bank Account of a Dark Net and a whole Interconnected Chain  of Things starts, you can't blame me for my index finger. As far as I know, the index finger still does not fit inside any Frame  of Criminal (Procedural) Law. I wish death to all those who wished me death. In the cameras of the discotheque and on the phones of the dancer-Masons they will see me dancing with my own enemies and in  Funny (Psychopath) Dance of Life I will be dancing the Dance of Death with my Enemies. I order Caskets and mark my Presence at the Wake of all  those who ordered Caskets from me and marked a  Presence of Laughter at my Wake. Because I left the Coffin on the day of my Wake and when I left I pointed with my index finger at two faces and in silence I left my own Wake and went to the Funeral Home to make an Invisible Partnership with Freemasonry (of the coffins and cemeteries), so that my Spirit was never burned in the Incinerator and was buried instead, so that I could open the Coffin of Life again and unearth all the history that had been buried with me.

I point my index finger at Dmytro's face and Sara's face. War has 6 "Senses". 10:22 pm 01/14/2023 Raul Catulo Morais singing, walking and dancing VIPER  Brand X Music and Cyberpunk DODEPROP. I didn't die because of the "hand" and the "Spirit"  and the "Strength" of Dr.  Diogo, Domingos and Rui de Israel,_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ that in the story Rui from Israel is just a medical student who works at a supermarket checkout in Santarém to pay college fees and that "in the other life" he put his hands in my heart_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ in an Alien Surgery to open my Pulmonary Valve, after my heart started beating again because of the Fire Department who connected the Electric Defibrillator to my breasts. That's why I only "give" my titties to the Fire Department. I fell in love with the Surgeon and the Fire Department, but they packed their bags for Saudi Arabia and from Saudi Arabia they "disappeared" to Jupiter. They reappeared in Santarém on Jupiter Mountain and asked me if there was any Door to break down with the Fire Department. And I replied: "There is a Door to break into  with the Fire Brigade. That door is the Door of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon where they are trying out the Law of Medicine without an A Medicine Seriously and without a Right A Serious!" 10:33 pm 01/14/2023 Raul Catulo Morais [Just a Writing Essay.] I'm in charge of Freemasonry! I am the one who has to lead Freemasonry from now on,  because there is no stronger Masonic Spirit  than  mine! Raul Catulo Morais 22:33 01/14/2023 Confirmation of Grade 33 (Last Ascent and Last Confirmation)


«I was born with the Devil's Mouth. I will translate my Mouth in the 9 Corners of the World. Wherever I am, I have to see Peace and Order, otherwise I'll open my Devil's Mouth. If the Law is wrong, the Law must be corrected. Now. Because we are late. It's not tomorrow. It's yesterday and now! The subject of Economics Law in the Curricular Program of the Faculty of Law must be Optional. The Law of the Bees and the Law of the Oceans are more important than the Law of the Economy. The subject of Administrative Law III of Public Procurement must appear first than the subject of Administrative Law I. The subject of Roman Law must be optional or PASS BY EAR OR VIEW A MOVIE OR THEATER (CLOSE TO THE TRUTH) AND/ OR DOCUMENTARY WITHOUT EVALUATION. The subject of History of Portuguese Law must be optional or PASS BY HEARING OR VIEWING A FILM OR THEATER (CLOSE TO THE TRUTH) AND/OR DOCUMENTARY WITHOUT ASSESSMENT. The subject of Environmental Law cannot be optional, but the Program must be reformed just as Administrative Law must be reformed. The philosophical subject of Fundamental Rights of the Faculty of Law Program must be optional. The program and teaching of the EXECUTIVE PROCESS subject must be FRAMED with the EXECUTIVE PROCESS program of the Center for Judicial Studies. The corruption and influence peddling that exists in city councils, Turismo de Portugal, the Portuguese Environment Agency and the National Commission for Data Protection is precisely the fault of Administrative Law. It cannot be possible for Carlos Moedas to have transferred data to Russia through the Illicit and Illegal Bank of the Lisbon City Council and continue in Power. If the Constitutional Court or the Government are unable to open a Commission of Inquiry to Carlos Moedas and the Lisbon City Council, then I would also call Engineer Carlos Moedas and the Order of Engineers to the Virtual Court. The Flood Disaster cannot cover the megalomaniacal construction of the Águas Livres Aqueduct in Lisbon without 66 votes from the Order of Engineers of Portugal, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, the Netherlands, Canada and New Zealand. Because when there are 200 million at stake, we have to ask for help from abroad to give a proper Opinion. We need alien eyes in Portugal to detach Portugal from the Vicious Cycle of the Corrupt Influencer Trading Network nº66. I declare war on Lisbon City Council as I declare war on Santarém City Council. A single camera is capable of connecting all cameras.666,666,666.


Why did Carlos Moedas (Lisbon City Council) provide data to Russia?

Why did the former Director Paula (Faculty of Law) provide data to Russia?

Why is the Economics Class on the X/Y/Z day in which prof. of Economics wrote your name on the board in Russian as if we were in the Garden of Heaven did you end up on the phone of the King of Russia?

After all, what Chess Game are we playing?

Raul Catulo Morais

12/09/2022, 23:33

for director, direxecutivo, secretariadodir, library, legal cooperation, Center, communication, gcj, treasury

Hello, Madam Director!


On behalf  of Jupiter Editions and as a legal representative, I hereby officially announce  that the Board of the Faculty of Law has entered into a direct conflict with Jupiter Editions over the Board Game set up at the Faculty of Law that Jupiter Editions considers illegal and illicit.


1) Raul Catulo Morais is a student at the Faculty of Law and his image belongs to Jupiter Editions, Jupiter Editions  being the only legal and registered entity that can process and market the image of Raul Catulo Morais. Therefore,  the Board of the Faculty of Law is in direct conflict with Jupiter Editions, as the Board is responsible for processing images.


2) It cannot make sense for film cameras  to be prohibited in social areas and the Board of the Faculty of Law installed film cameras  in the social areas of the Faculty of Law . The question therefore arises whether the game of filming cameras is fake and whether or not it is part of a Masonic game of Rede nº66. In the same sense, it is asked if there is any Invisible Partnership between the Board of the Faculty of Law and the National Commission for Data Protection in Rede Maçónica nº66 that allowed or authorized the Video Camera Game.


3) Jupiter Editions understands that the video cameras set up in the Study Room, in the Library and in social areas are completely illegal and illicit, putting the entire logic of law in crisis. So Jupiter Editions  asks the director if she's smoked a joint or if she's watching the film backwards to  put an end to all the logic of law in a law school . With all due respect, Jupiter Editions even suspects that there are drugs in the Board of the Faculty of Law or that the Board is completely drugged to have installed the film cameras.


4) Jupiter Editions asks why the director decided to install the film cameras. It's not worth answering that it's to protect goods and people... Okay, Madam Director? That excuse is not valid...


5) Once the video cameras have been installed, a  Jupiter Editions requests, under the Right to Data Portability, that films of Raul Catulo Morais walking around the Faculty of Law be sent every day.


6) Because of the  Madam Director, having pointed film cameras as weapons to an entire Legal Community,  putting the whole_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf580d_ in crisis 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ of Law, Jupiter Editions asks the Director to present her resignation,  since she is not capable of handling the message and disclosing how it should be work and the works of Jupiter  Editions that want to defend the Logic of Law. How much does the Cleaning Company hired by the Faculty of Law pay the cleaning ladies? Was it the Faculty of Law that hired or was it the university? If it was the Board that prepared the Public Contest, why the hell doesn't the Social Criterion of Salaries for Happiness appear with a score of 66%? Jupiter Editions invites the director to put on some glasses to prepare better public tenders that do not jeopardize the entire logic of law. Jupiter Editions is very concerned about the Mental Health of the Faculty of Law Board. Are you feeling well, Madam Director? Were you forced to install the Camera Game? By whom? Why Freemasonry? Can you answer, Madam Director? Or do you need a joint to answer? Jupiter Editions understands that people who assume important positions of leadership cannot consume drugs. Do you agree with Jupiter Editions? So, if you agree, why the hell did you have video cameras installed in the Faculty of Law and in the social areas of the Faculty of Law? Why don't  not also install a  big video camera in your office so we can all see what the director does in her office? It's just a stupid idea by Jupiter Editions...  Do you think Jupiter Editions' ideas are stupid?  I do, but I have to speak for Jupiter Editions because it no mouth...


7) Madam Director, is it true that when Jupiter Editions tried to enter into a partnership with the Associação Académica da Faculdade de Direito last year, Madam Director ordered the partnership not to be celebrated? Why  because of the Pork on the Stick Party? Don't you think that order was a little dirty and low-level? Did you know that pigs are docile animals and are capable of loving more than the director's husbands and  the director's children? Don't you think you should cut pork out of your diet? Look, it could give you one hell of a cancer... 


8) How is it,  director lady? Is the Faculty of Law going to ask the European Union for a little funding from Jupiter Editions or are we going to continue this cordial Game of Knives? Don't you  think that the Faculty of Law looked prettier with Jupiter Editions posters and Jupiter Editions ribbons? Very personally I think it would look better... But it's just an opinion and "what it's worth".


9) Madam Director, if you are not going to uninstall the Camera Game without putting Jupiter Editions in the film  of your Camera Game, it is better to ask for your resignation before the film turns upside down and then suddenly see a camcorder hidden in his office. 


The email was also sent to the Treasury, to ask for a Scissor to cut the wires of the Game of Cameras and for a Settlement of Accounts, because if there are Film Cameras then I understand that I do not have to pay any bribes for the price of my commercialized and treated image in the Camera Game. Do you agree... Do you not agree...?  Do you agree a little...? Do you agree a lot...?



Raul Catulo Morais



The email was sent by the Virtual Court's Special Case of 12/6/2022 and will be published online at the Center for Sustainable Business and Partnerships for the Future.


The email will be forwarded to the National Commission for Data Protection and the Judiciary Police by the Minor Effort Law and by the Cost of Searches learned in Economic Law and in Information Society Law.  


Link to Virtual Court

§ Hello Queen! It's not Raul speaking with u... It's me, baby... Satan, Zás, Zás, Zás, Zás... Listen, my friend... When I tell you I don't eat red meat, you can't order burritos from Loja dos Mexicans with shredded lamb meat saying that the meat is shredded chicken. And when I'm telling you that the Gates of Hell will only open for you if you remove Red Meat from your diet, it's because you have to remove Red Meat. Yes, you lied! When you asked me if I had told Mafalda Alvim in Elvas that I liked her but that I was "obliged" not to like her, I lied. He said he didn't say anything that he said he was "obligated" not to like her. For a simple reason, my dear friend: I know that when I was talking to Alvim, Alvim turned on the recorder and then passed the recording to Jorge and Jorge put the recording in your ears... You ass! It was a trap. You donkey! Alvim couldn't record the conversation and you couldn't have listened to the recorded conversation, so I lied. I hope you don't forget  that when you wanted to step on the accelerator on the motorway when Alvim finished you off and went back to the Cavaleiro de Elvas it was I of all who got into the car and sat down in the Place of the Dead . Today, I would not sit down again. But don't forget that I was the one who sat down. I don't forget that when I said in the Illumminnatti Game that if I received 6 million I would divide it by the 6 at our table, you answered that you would not divide the millions. You can keep the Dark Net's millions all you want, but please don't forget  it's to be happy! "Children's" games of psychopaths and sociopaths of the Rotary Club are prohibited by the Letter of Criminal Law and belong to the Dark Net. So,  don't forget,  de  please,_cc781905-5cde-3b5cf-bbd_bb_happy! Because deep down that's what matters! And be happy! Be happy with your Lady. Don't look at the other Checkers in the game,  because the Checkers are all connected. Mariana Requeijão is linked to your Lady as she is linked to Rebelo. Beware. Your connection with Rebelo is "false". In other words, your alliance with Rebelo is "fake". When you spoke about Rebelo at the door of the Rotary Club before we entered the Caminho dos Mochos  and then found Rebelo at the Loja da Meo, I know that you turned on the Internet and transmitted in Real Time to your Lady. Did you tell your Lady the truth, that I wanted to go have coffee with Miguel, but that you wanted to have coffee with Mariana Requeijão? I don't facilitate your coffees with Requeijão, because I know you get excited with Requeijão's breasts. Don't ever play with my mind again. I can't forget the "kicks" you sent to my mind with Requeijão when you drugged my mind under the Phantom Building next to the Hotel. Funny, the ghosts of the Ghost Building recorded the kicks and on 01/6/2023 they showed me the kicks from above. They attacked Casa do Campino after the Blood Harvest and invited me to participate in their Orgy of Sperm and Blood. I saw them naked like vampires eating each other. I saw the movie and left. They just wanted to show me the movie of movies. I left the orgy without participating in it, but I had to see all of their dicks. I had to smell all their testicles and I had to let them smell my testicles. It was a Spiritual Pact only of smells. I also had to smell the testicles of Bravo,  of Seabra, Mesquitella and Pinto Basto. Do you remember the story at the Baile de Chitas that ended up at Pão de São Martinho where Pinto Basto came down to give me a spanking in front of 6 high schools in Portugal because I took the bread from Casa do Forcado-Cavaleiro because Carlota had a breakdown de-tension and need to eat urgently? Do you know why I didn't take Brava and Pinto Basto's Sova? Because there was a Superior Illumminnatti Program that gave the Order of the Masonic Theater, the same Theater that sent the scripts of Baixo de Jogo Sujo to Carlota and that Carlota accepted. You are mere Puppets and Puppets of the Devil orchestrated for me to reach the Devil. What I did in São Martinho was legitimate, because it is provided for in the Penal Code. The Mesquitella read the Regime and that is why they accepted Teatro Maçônico  at the Baile de Chitas. Cheetahs dress like Leopards and like Tigers and are Chameleons in the middle of the Savannah. Cheetahs don't like Carlota. Like Leopards and Tigers, they don't like Primo Infante for the shit he did and for the Buylling he did at Liceu and for the Partnership with Modern Slavery that he celebrated at Herdade da Comporta and with Restaurante Sal. I save the cooks Gina and Sebastião from Restaurante Sal and I send Restaurante Sal to burn in Hell with the Holy Spirits Amén,  but I save Princepezinho Mateus. It's not his fault he was born into a Devil's Masonry like me! I lay in bed with the Tigers,  with the Leopards and with the Lions,  with the Devil's Dogs and with the Vampires,_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  my friend...   When Beasts and Vampires smell us and like our smell, it has a Meaning. A Very Spiritual Meaning. Pay attention to your Alliance  with the Corceiros. Do you believe that the Scenery tattooed by the Corceiros on the Esplanade of the 6th Revolution ended up as a Case in my Economics Class? Know why? Because the Faculty of Law accepted Mind Games. Mariana Requeijão took me to the Esplanade of the 6th Revolution with the game indication that Paulo César would jump on me sending me 6 stab wounds, but I gave paulo César my ass so he could send me 6 locks instead. The cameras of the 6th Revolution were "turned off" when Requeijão sent me 6 stab wounds in the back, those 6 stab wounds in the form of "kicks" that you two sent me in the Phantom Building. Watch out for your dangerous game on the Dark Net. No, my dear! I don't trust the Project! Because I don't trust either Freemasonry or the Rotary Club. If Mariana Portugal tells me that the Rotary Club is shit, it's because the Rotary Club is shit! I trust Mariana Portugal 100%. Do you know what I'm listening to? AC/DC's Hells Bells... Can you hear the Bells? Life is pretty cool! And it's pretty funny, don't you think? Just enjoy this sound, brother... I love u bro!!! Do u wanna fuck? Let's fuck... Me,  u and Dimi... Or... Me,  u and Danna... Let's fuck baby!!! Let's fuck bro! Just kiss me! Kiss me mother fucker!  00h09 15/01/2023 Raul Catulo Morais [I gave my life for you,  my brother... But I shouldn't have given it, because you smoke, so you waste Life. We should never give Life to someone who wastes his own life!] Raul Catulo Morais in the name of God,  Jehovah, Allah and Satan 6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666.00.12.

Na loja  do Chinês

Na loja do Chinês

Play Video

Real video of Lígia Catulo Morais walking naturally at 20:35 on 01/14/2023 at Loja do Chinês for video evidence for the Medical Association on Case nº66 opened in the Virtual Court. Video recorded by Raul Catulo Morais

«Oh son... Can't we go to the Chinese shop so mom can buy a ball of yarn so mom can teach you the Arts of Knitting  and Crochet? They are different arts, my son... For the mother to teach you how to make Voodoo dolls like the one so beautiful from Target, from Pegada Digital... The mother wanted to make a doll, but all of it in blue... We can go to the Chinese shop?»

"Of course, mother..."

«But then you have to go with mom... Because you're mom's cane... Okay, son?»

"Yes mom..."

«My Santa Bengalinha... And then can't we go to the Café dos Paquistaneses to eat a pastelinho de nata? The cream at Café dos Pakistanis is vegan and the pastries are sugar free...  Don't worry about the mother's Diabetes... Could it be my son?»

«Yes, mother...  Sure...»

«Mom is going to order a decaffeinated drink to go with the pastry... I feel like having a decaffeinated drink so much, my son...»

«But it is Sugar-free and Sweetener-free.»

«Why no Sweetener, my son?»

«Because Sweetener  has Aspartame like Coca-Cola. It's bad for the brain!"

«Oh son... Don't worry about your mother's brain... Worry about your brain... Don't always worry about other people's brains... Let everyone's brains make their own choices rational... We are all rational brains, so we all know how to make rational choices... Or isn't that true? Didn't you learn this in economics? After all, what kind of subjects do you teach in Economics at the Faculty of Law? They talk or they don't talk about the Aspartame Business and about the Business and Partnerships and Sponsorships of Coca-Coca... That's because these are subjects that you should teach in Economics,  my son... And look, the mother understands de  partnerships... Now Loja do Chinês is partnering with Loja dos Indianos and Loja dos Pakistanis... Did you know, my son? ?»

«I didn't know, mother...» Raul Catulo Morais

The Artificial Intelligence of the camcorders at Loja do Chinês indicated Dementia just because of my mother's walking and indicated Schizotypal Personality Disorder. Wonder why the hell there is no Dementia in my mother's Psychiatry Report or even Schizotypal Personality Disorder,  in Dr. Lucília Bipolarity, and in the DREAM Episode Report the Schizoaffective Personality Disorder? 

No Parque de Estacionamento

No Parque de Estacionamento

Play Video
Castigo Lucyfër
00:00 / 06:07

There are links that are right, there are links that are wrong, that are fictitious, that are game and that were built into the Chess Game medium to support "legally" Illegal play,  Illicit, Immoral and Unconstitutional. Through games and connections we managed  to reach Portuguese Constitutionalism,  to the Constitutionalists who founded our Constitution on an Opus Dei Game Table. Professor Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa enters the telenovela because Professor President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa passed the book2080from Antoine Canary-Wharf to the Pope and because he wrote some precepts of the Constitution at the Round Table of Gambling of Opus Dei invoking the Holy Faith. Now, in History there is in fact a schizophrenic Santa Fe involved in Constitutional Law,  in Administrative Law and in the Faculty of Law that do not allow one to see with the eyes of watching a film2080by Antoine Canary-Wharf. And that is why we are obliged  to make the movie  of Real Life a great soap opera, a great comedy,  a great theater in a Kind of Research. Suddenly, Secret Agents and NASA Space Agents appear in the Jupiter Editions soap opera and nobody can understand how and why. Suddenly PIXAR is at the door of the Jupiter Editons Headquarters and at the door of the Opus Dei Headquarters wanting to make an Alliance and no one can figure out that Raio de Trindade is involved in the Alliance here... Not even the director of the telenovela can understand the script and script he wrote for the blind goats... Simply for the blind goats he can see that he married a Shepherd and that in the Flock of Sheep, there are Sheep that belong to Opus  Dei,   sheep that are from PIXAR and sheep that are from Jupiter Editions. What we know and this is the Truth we know is that the sheep of Jupiter Editions are happy sheep and that they live in a Regime of Freedom or Semi-Freedom equal to the Director of the Novel. "Because we are all Sheep, therefore we should dignify the Life of Sheep as if it were our life? Isn't life worth more than the life of a Mammal? Why are we all Mammals? Why are we all Goats? What kind of Goats are we anyway?" Raul Catulo Morais 14:55 01/16/2023

[Raul was protected by JUVELEO and the Ultra-Dragons.]

[This makes no sense.]

[Aren't the members neo-Nazis and racists? Raul is black.]

[The History tells us that Raul once dated a neo-Nazi.]

[With 2, by the way.]

[With 3 neo-Nazi knights,  by the way...]

[What is the connection of these 3 Neo-Nazi Knights with the cheerleading?]

[We do not know. Does the "protection"/invisible partnership also extend to Jupiter Editions?]

[Yes,  with some conditions...]

[What kind of conditions are we talking about?]

[Orgy in the locker room and the Sporting and Benfica jerseys sponsored by Jaguar and Mercedes-Benz spurred on. Mercedes-Benz and Jaguar steering wheels are also spurred  in the film.]

[What is the meaning of this?]

[We do not know. But who is making the demands is Trindade on top of the FIFA Table and three other tables...]

[What tables?]

[Associação de Futebol de Santarém, Associação de Futebol  of the United Emirates and the Football Federation of Israel.]

[The soap opera has already been translated into Hebrew and Arabic and has already reached the tables in Dubai and Tel Aviv...]

[Who translated?]

[For Hebrew it was Adam... That Marine who recorded Raul's work at the Palácio da Foz when Raul was imprisoned in Santarém in Manobras de Diversão and in the Theater of Operations of Opus Dei and the Rotary Club... Not for Arabic we know who it was, but we know that the translation was done on the United Emirates Football Association  computers...] 

Raul Catulo Morais 666,666,666.

[Zoom the cameras closer... Raul is dancing with 665 devils around him... He is the Devil... He is the "Queen". Look how they're all horny dancing around him... Come closer... They're all horny,  they're all excited about the Dance... Raul is dancing Horny. Even with 665 devils around him completely horny, Raul is dancing Sem Horny...]

[Why are they all footballers? Is it a requirement of Dance? Is that Cristiano Ronaldo over there?]

[The Dance is a Symbolism... The Young Queen is screwed by 500 to 666 Drones. The Dance was written on the computers of the Associação de Futebol de Santarém, which was robbed with the Key that was hidden in the Túnel dos Morcegos by Canavarro. It was Canavarro who gave the Order to the Heir of the Heavenly Sweets Recipe for his parents to bring Raul back on a ride to Santarém,  protecting Raul's Spirit.]

[Who is this Canavarro?]

[It is Boto-Cor-de-Rosa who organized the Night Orgy of the Knights at Casa do Campino with the football players. use the pseudonymilluminatiMartin Drummond. He was the one who passed the information  from the 33-day learning games to Raul.]

[Where does Formula 1 come in?]

[Enter where FIFA enters.]

[There are two pilots in Dança dos Zangões who entered as infiltrators... They are "twins"... They are not footballers... Raul left with them from Dança...]

[But left hand in hand...]

[Who are the twins?]

[Vasco and Duarte...]

[Isn't that one of Schumacher's sons?]

[Why did the twins give Raul to Schumacher's son?]

Dangerous game: "The Lingerie Queen of the faculty of law in the spectacle of the devils of opus dei and fifa - law of sport and masonic games - fair play -  Referee: Raul catulo morals

[Why does Raul appear with the Golden Whistle on a Football Field in the  Emirates before the Dance with the 665 Drones?]

[Because I knew how to dance on a  Santarém Football Field with Opus Dei...]

00:00 / 20:09
00:00 / 40:08
00:00 / 45:04
00:00 / 45:20
00:00 / 45:04
00:00 / 30:34

Recordings of the day 01/16/2023 - Multiple Voice of Multiple Personages by Raul Catulo Morais with All Reserved Rights With Jupiter Editions

[It was Martim Drummond who set up the telephone call from Paris at the Branch of his Model Agency...]

[Is Martim a partner in the agency?]

[No... But a pact was signed with Cristiano Ronaldo for Martim to become a partner in the Agency if he managed to get Cristiano Ronaldo to appear in the film to become a founding partner of Banco de Esperma. The Agency's economic activities include the CAE of the Sperm Bank and the CAE of the Pornographic Filmmaker. The Agency was funded by Opus Dei and the Russian Mafia. Before Martim made the call to Raul,  a call was made from Opus Dei Headquarters to the Agency and right after that a WhatsApp message was sent to Martim with a Brief Guide for Martim to carry out the call for Raul... Martimallows Backup of WhatsApp Conversations  on Google Drive... (Logo = Logos)Martim is(under the Penumbra) on the Power of Big Data...we have the drawerdo Martimin our hands as we have the dos  Espíritos Santos Améns  drawers and the Cristiano Ronaldo drawer that also allow for Backup... There is a Regency   in the Faculty of Law who knows about the Economic Alliance between Opus Dei and the Russian Mafia. There was a question in Raul's Occult Economics Law Exam about the Alliance in "Jogo de Aprendizagem". It was also in the Economics Class that Raul's Internet of Things Button was turned on, which Raul had already turned off... The Economics teacher set up the 6th Revolution Scenario so that Raul could go back and see with Eyes_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ to See the Dark Net installed in your Friends Group. Mind Games was authorized by the Criminal Law of Masonic Games, which initially accompanied Raul's entry into Portal nº66. Raul joined the Grid with Criminal Law in a Secret Tri-Masonic Alliance.]

[Is that why Raul has the protection of the Russian Mafia?]

[We don't know if that's why or if the Protection already existed... Raul's first dates on Grindr were with Russian and Ukrainian "princes" and military... Soon after, the History shows that they were with Opus Dei knights , the Monarchic Youth and the Order of Doctors... Raul's Grindr has been addicted since the beginning it was installed, as it has been addicted all his life.] Raul Catulo Morais 22h22 01/16/2023

[Why do we have a Sperm Bank in the movie?]

[Because of the Devil Dogs that appeared in an Internet of Dreams...]

[Who are the Devil's Dogs?]

Os Cães do Diabo

Os Cães do Diabo

Play Video



[I can enter??]


[I discovered the 21 pages of2080which caused the 6th specimen to be retained in the Vatican under the Vatican Telescope more powerful than NASA. I also found out that Raul wrote 2080 with his name and Dmytro's name to make it easier to write, but at the end of the book he changed the names to Antoine and Jakob... But he also edited some parts that he sent to the translator, professor-lawyer Inácio... Raul opened2080at Praia dos Bodyboarders and then closed it on a Full Moon in Santarém.  Before closing,  Inácio called Raul to ask if Raul didn't want to include a speech of the Pope, but Raul said he wasn't afraid that the book would become religious or part of any religion. Raul accidentally wrote his number and his brand 666 on pages of2080,  before knowing its number and its spirit... When the professor called Raul, the professor already knew that the book would reach the Pope in 2 rings, because he would be the one to would initiate the 1st touch in the Handshake to Professor Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa. But Inácio also printed Raul's Process #666 on Ilha dos Piratas and translated it into Castilian and hid it on Page 666 of2080. It wasn't just 2080 that was opened in the Vatican by the hands of the Pope. It was also Raul's Process #666. That is why the priests of Santarém and the Bishop of Santarém entered the telenovela Masonically. Raul was Initiated because of the 9 books and the 9 pseudonyms. Raul saw everything there was to see and left. Raul declared himself an Anti-Maçon with one of his pseudonyms... However, this did not stop him from being protected by Freemasonry. In other words,  Raul was Initiated with a God, but left Godless and Religionless. Raul was Initiated with his God,  with the God Dmytro, with the God Lucyfër. Lucyfër chose him because she saw the Spirit of Satan in Raul and the true number 666 in Raul's Spirit. They smelled Raul's Spirit. They, including the Russian Mafia, the Emirates Mafia, the Saudi Mafia and the Palestinian Mafia who worship Satan,   have confirmed the Spirit of Raul 666 times. A Security Perimeter of 666 square meters was created around Raul's Semi-Liberdade. That's all I know.]

[Thank you very much, Ludgero! Show me the pages.] 10:55 pm 01/16/2023 Raul Catulo Morais



[I can enter?]

[Of course... Ludegero is just showing me the 21 pages...]

[I already know... Inspector... We have everything to Start.]

[We have?]

[We have! We have Final Evidence that the people who piloted the Diabolic Spiders with 3 Super Powers to Raul's House on the 1st visit  were the Caras d'Anjo financed occultly by the Army, by Opus Dei, by the Russian Mafia , Formula 1 and FIFA. Cristiano Ronaldo received the images of the spider on his phone as he received from 66 nozzles that Raul made for Dmytro. Dmytro used 66 times the Samsung and Sony cinema lenses whose patent belonged to Jupiter Editions. Dmytro hid the pornographic films in a Metaverse drawer, but we managed to open the drawer.  We also found in the drawer the film of Raul on the Island of the Pirates transmitted in real time through the eyes of the Angel Raphäel and Isaac. That's why when Isaac pulled his dick  out in front of Raul with the hot dog in his hand licking the sausage looking at Raul after giving Raul an important Game Link for Raul to Turn on the Games, which Dmytro saw and immediately called Raul screaming with the excuse of the big letters on the Jupiter website... The Angel Raphäel entered the Army as an eye of the Saturn Army. They belong to the Illuminati Culture. Isaac showed Raul his dick after opening his ass to Raul at the Lifeguard Post and one of the Cavaleiros brothers pushing Raul into the lifeguards' hut with the Game Instruction to lock Raul and Isaac in the outhouse so they could fuck in the outhouse dressed  with as  lifeguard uniforms. But as soon as Raul was pushed into the house with Isaac lying down opening his ass with his hands for Raul, Raul immediately left the house... As Raul left "the game",  it was all just a "normal" "joke" between boys... But "the game" was a trap. The script was sent by Dmytro. Diabolical port spiders with 3 super powers "dance",    "observe" and "analyze"  devour. The analogy is worthwhile. We also discovered that Dmytro has the same Nanotechnology as Raul. It's like they're two Artificial Intelligences against each other. As if they were "two demons". Against each other. The 2nd visit of the port spiders was carried out by the Hand of the Army. The 3rd visit was remotely controlled by PIXAR. That's why a PIXAR van next appeared, stopped at 4 blinkers outside Raul's door,  slowly going down Raul's street with the 4 blinkers thus disappearing from the film. We also discovered that when Raul saw the character "Devil" in Dmytro's character, when Dmytro paid Raul a doctor's visit on the Island of Pirates, on the day Dmytro tried to hypnotize Raul on the beach with Sony's cinema-lenses, a group of Christians on the beach where, connected to Good-Net, one of the Christians simulated  having been stung by a Spiderfish so that Raul would dip the Christian's foot in the Bucket of Hot Water and see his foot ...  The Christian "chosen" for the Masonic Film is the same as Matheus Fráguas who appears on page 451 of2080by Antoine Canary-Wharf, one of Raul's 6 Basic Algorithms ... We know that Freemasonry does this. Maybe Fráguas didn't accept the invitation and that's why Freemasonry went looking for another Fráguas to be in the Masonic Film...]

[Thanks Sarah!]

[Always at your service,  Inspetor!] 00h33 01/17/2023 Raul Catulo Morais with All Reserved Rights With Jupiter Editions


2080 by Antoine Canary-Wharf was leaked by the Author himself in the secret files  from Jupiter. To download2080 among ussecret files. Reference to the Spirit of Christ and Matheus Fráguas on pages 435 and 445 of2080and Memory Reconstruction in the Chamber of Secrets on the Jupiter Rights Congress Couch with Artificial Intelligence. To buy 2080 enter the Jupiter Store.

00:00 / 45:13
00:00 / 38:34

ANSWER AND CONFIRMATION: CHIP! (Chip666). We, good Masons, truly spiritual beings connected to the Sun, the Moon, the Big Dipper, Mercury, Venus.  Earth, Mars, Ceres, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and  the Natural Laws of Law, Medicine, Ecology,_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ of Biology, Botany, Volcanology and Oceanography we secretly live 3 Lives at the same time in One Spirit, Body,  Soul,  Sense and Reality. We live Real Life, Filmed Life and Realized Life at the same time. We know that our Life is recorded in Real Time,  but that doesn't mean we miss the Real Life Film and that doesn't mean  we stop living Real Life._cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ We always feel it and we always live it.  We manage to go back and zoom in on all the Episodes of our life. We are Authentic Film Cameras. We are Authentic Computers. But first and foremost, we are human. We are simply born with Brains that look like Real Computers. But we are not Computers, nor are we Robots. Sometimes we look like "robots". But we are human. We defend Human Life and defend Our Spirit, Our Personality, our Rights and also the Rights of Animals and the Environment. We speak for the Trees,  for the Bees and for the Oceans and that is why we defend the Law of the Trees, the Law of the Bees  and the Law of the Oceans. We know that the Oxygen that gives life to our lungs comes mainly from Algae in the Oceans. We know that it is the Bees that Connect us to  Life. We know that  are the Roots of the Trees that hold the Sacred Mantle of the Earth and therefore give Structure to the Lungs of the Environment. We are therefore capable and are therefore capable of Declaring War on all Markets  that Offend the Right of Trees,  the Law of the Bees, the Law of the Oceans,   the Right of Mammals and the Right of Humans. We have Sophisticated Survival Mechanisms which means that in Case of War  we always defend Human Rights first. But the truth is that we are not in  War... Or are we? 07:49 01/17/2023Raul Catulo Morais

§ 12:44 § Hello, Bernardo. I think I only have a quarter of an hour or half an hour to write to you. I don't know if you always come or not. I'm waiting for you,  but I'm not expecting you to come... It reminds me of the last time I was waiting for you with my heart pumping with blood and then you didn't show up and you disappeared. You had your reasons and I accepted them.  Life ended up making me accept them. It was life that made me go back and see the reasons. They say that there is "always a reason" for everything in life. we who really enjoy living and are grateful for the Life that we always end up finding or giving a Meaning to Life, even if it makes absolutely no sense. War is part of Life. War makes no sense. People eat pigs and it doesn't make sense. Pigs are like people. I don't know if you eat pork or not, but if you want to marry me, the pig and the cow must leave our table. I "offer you my neck" and my chest and my heart so that you don't have to eat pork and beef... Sound like a good Life Legal Business to you? Do you know where I learned to trade like that? In a classroom at the Faculty of Law... Marriage appears as a Legal Business of Life regulated in the Civil Code... When I thought of you,  you appeared and said in a message "Hello,_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Raul! Yesterday I thought of you" and I replied "Hello, Bernardo! I thought it was funny, because I thought of you the day before yesterday" and you answered "Funny... Thoughts"... I remembered  yesterday from our funny Life Episode... Before we met,  I went to see your Horseball game in Santarém... I went with a group of friends...  I had never seen Horseball before and I loved it... We went with Carlota who knew the horsemen, but at the end Carlota unmarked and it was just us boys watching a boys' game, a knights' game,  in which we didn't know the teams. .. But because we belong to Sporting,  and we saw a team of riders dressed in Sporting green, we were rooting for that team... Then I went to live in Costa de Caparica and you because you are on the other side of Cascais, you appeared on my Grindr... I told you after I had replaced the Laws of the Game of Football with the Laws of the Game of Horseball, that I had started to  to study the_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Mundo do Horseball  and that I would like to be a Field Judge on Horseback, with my conditions... The horses having to travel with Maximum Well-Being and of living in Freedom or Semi-Freedom like us... I told you which Horseball team I supported, without knowing  nothing about the team,_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ but simply because  was the one that had I showed up in Santarém dressed in Sporting green and you  told me that  was your team... I'm also from Sporting without knowing anything about Sporting, nor I know the players... Before we met I was in the stands cheering for your team... When you scored a goal I shouted a goal without knowing you. It's a Funny Story... Life is often funny,  is Funny... It makes us laugh... It wasn't supposed to  tell this story, I wasn't  to write this story... I didn't want to leave this story on record... But it seems that there is an Invisible Hand that "forces" me to write the story,_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ even if it's in Legitimate Defense... It's strange, in Love,  to have to play in Legitimate  Defense... Legitimate_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Defense also appears in the Civil Code by Reference, but the Institute is better understood in the Penal Code. I woke up today with the books dos Knights  Technologicalof Barac Bielke who had disappeared to my bedside, with a Marker in the Horseball Chapter. I can't talk about Marcador, otherwise "I lose the game" and "I lose Freemasonry" in History... After you disappeared, Manel Toiros appeared on Grindr... Then another appeared, and another from Opus Dei and another from Opus Dei... All knights... Cousin Infante and Cousin Seabra also appeared... In a Logical Sequence of Horse Ball Games, in a Sequence of Goals... Only through the History of Games and Goals is that we can make it to the Invisible Hand, or maybe not even make it... In the story I got the role of the "whore" round "for all  a team" de  knights" that later after being rotated, it is passed as "a ball" to the opposing team ,  just for the sake of History  de_5cc7819d-0 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ um  Goal... There's a Chair against my bedroom door, a_cc 781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ defend the entrance to my room...  There are  bars on my window... My head and the bars pass . My body manages to configure itself and pass through the bars... But not everyone can... My window  has shutters that only close from the inside... When I wake up with the book dos Technological Knights  by Barac Bielke tagged in my room with the shutters closed and the chair leaning against the door that says "no one entered the room", there is only  one possible answer : Internet of Things. A Course on Artificial Intelligence  is part of my Curriculum Vitae, as is a Course  on Introduction to the Internet of Things and Programming... In other words, I know that my scenario is only possible if I have an Invisible Force Device that through a Button opens and closes the shutters silently and that os Technological Knightsenter  "flying"  with "technological" wings ... In other words, or the "ghost-0_cc-5c7819" 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ playful" opened "mysteriously" the shutters" in my Deep Sleep and passed the bars in silence placing the  book on the bedside, closing it afterwards with a button a_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ from your phone  the shutters like you close the doors of your Jaguar and garage, or the "ghost" pressed a button to open the shutters, another button_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ to telecommand the Technological Knights chipped to my bedside, then silently closing the shutters with another button... There seems to be an Interconnection of Things... An Internet of Things... I think of you and the day after you you show up saying you thought of me. .. I think of our Funny Episode in the Life of Horseball and the next day I see the Horseball Reference marked on my nightstand...  Pim-pam-pum-cada-bola- kill-a-flour-bran-out! I got the Stone-Angel-With-Ears-with-Wings-of-Blue-Heart at Casa do Campino in the Night Orgy of the Vampire Knights... I didn't participate in the Orgy. I simply saw who was at the Orgy. I received information without having to participate in the Orgy. I listened to recordings blindfolded of my entire recorded life. I watched Memory Videos  of important parts of my life. I was invited to play cards with them. But I didn't accept   play. Because he didn't accept to play, one of them drew a card at random after having shuffled 6 decks.  Tapping each of the  decks with a "Magic Wand" sang Pim-Pam-Pum-Each-Ball-Kills-One-Flours-Brans-Out. Removed the top Card from the Deck that came "Out" of the game. He threw the letter at me as if he had blown it. I saw in the Card the Stone-Angel-With-Ears-with-Wings-with-Blue-Heart that you have as a profile picture on a Game Card lying "at my feet". They were the ones who said the name of the angel and said that the angel had left the game because I had left the game. I ask you, did you leave the game too? Are you also Free or at least Semi-Free, like me? If you go and if you come, if you always come, you will ask me  a  reference to put in the GPS and the reference I will have you_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ of dar is Casa do Campino. My annex is located below Casa do Campino, in the old stables of Campo Infante da Câmara. By chance,  but just by chance, Cousin Infante  appears in the First Saga of Technological Knights... When I was working as a lifeguard at Herdade da Comporta,  I obviously didn't turn on Grindr, obviously I didn't have it installed, because I uninstalled it when I started dating... But the other lifeguards showed me that Primo Infante was on Grindr... I wasn't surprised, because nothing, in fact, surprises me... But  I remember it was at Feira da Golegã that Primo Infante  appeared in front of the whole fair calling me a faggot... In the previous saga "of past life", which is only seen in the Sixth Saga, I was a prisoner of Primo Infante in which, chained, he was going to the bullring  for the Human Fighting Games in Rome... It was a bull and it was Primo Infante's "horse"... The story_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ was recorded in Augmented Reality on page  66 of the Technological Knights of 1st copy byKonica Minoltaand that is why the 1st  copy is worth, at this moment,    a Fortune, a Fortune,_cc781905-1bad5cf6 worth the price of a Kidney,  worth the price of a Hemodialysis Clinic    and a Bank Full of Blood, Full of Blood Urine and Full of Poop... [Sweden transforms Poop into Energy, values  as Trash and Poop should be...] My father took theTechnological Knightswith him, again, for Hemodialysis, which is where they disappeared last time. "probably" theTechnological Knightsthey will disappear again,  by the Games History... 13:13 01/18/2023 Raul Catulo Morais

ANSWER: The same Hand that drew the card "à  luck" from the Angel-Stone-With-Ears-with-Wings-of-Blue-Heart was the same Hand that established the "Transmission of Thoughts ". 2:14 pm 01/18/2023 Raul Catulo Morais

«We write about Urine, when we are handcuffed and we are pissed in the air. We write about Shit when they arrest us and make us eat  shit on a floor that is always dirty. When we learn to write about Shit, we start to enjoy writing about Shit... We start to have real fun... After all, "it's just fun"... We write about Snot e_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ about Escarras,  when they handcuff us to the bed and spit us up. In the end,  at the end of it all,  we learned to spit. But we only spit in Legítima  Defense. Because spittle fits in the Penal Code  and we know that we can only spit on others, in Legitimate  Defense, when others spit on us first. When our name gets dirty in the square,  we also dirty in Legitimate Defense the names of those who dirty us and in the end we clean  everyone's names. Because we know how to take a mop and a toilet brush  and clean up the shit even from others. When I was dressed as a lifeguard  at Herdade da Comporta I had to clean up Primo Infante's shit with the Piaçaba. Before he left the Toilet he photographed his shit and sent it to the Flies and Knights Network... When I got back to the lookout post the lifeguards  asked me_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ How did it feel to spill shit from a Blue Blood knight... I made a fool of myself  and asked who the Extraterrestrial with Blue Blood was.. Do you understand now why I am a Monarchist or do you still not understand? There is a Crown that protects me. There is a History that protects me. There is a Fantasia, which is not mine,  moreover,  that protects me. I simply look at the History of the Crown and see it as "fantastic"! The History of the  Knights is fantastic!» 666,666,666.Raul Catulo Morais 7:09 pm 01/18/2023

{Are they. Domingos and Salvador. The Match that appeared in Raul's head matches Jupiter's History of the Frozen Sea from Europa  that was written by Neptune in the Chamber of Secrets. It is an Illumminnatti Passage of History. In Jupiter they are a Family  of 3 Octopus Men with children from the  1st Marriage of Salvador and Domingos. They are Social and Affective Octopuses that only eat Cannibal Octopuses,  Crocodiles,  Snakes,  Crustaceous Algae. It is the Princes of the Sea who rule the Oceans and who are in Alliance with the Tardigrades. They transformed when they plunged into Jupiter's Icy Sea in the Alien Invasion. They are "ruled" by the Tardigrades,  as if the Tardigrades were their Neuron Robots. There is a Hierarchy within the Tardigrade Society and there is a "God". This "God" is YHWH in the form of a Polar Bear. The story that was written by Raul in Ilha dos Piratas with one of his first 9 pseudonyms ends up  for having its joke... Os  names_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ end up having a  "Connection"... A "Strange" connection.}

{What first 9 pseudonyms are we talking about?}

{Like this?}

{From 9 to 24,  Did Raul not  write 60 books with 60 pseudonyms?} 

{Like this?}

{For 15 years,  Raul wrote 4 books a year. And he wrote each book always  with a  Pseudonym...}

{As if you were in a Real Trying Game...}

{He wrote the first 6 books  with his first name, but with nicknames that appeared in his Mind. The first to write was Raul Maria Hipólito. Afterwards,  Raul Maria Bonneville,  Raul Maria Mesquitella, Raul Maria Mayer  Raul Maria Docamprey Gorriz, Raul Maria Braam Gorriz. Freemasonry Confiscated and began to Monitor Raul's Writing. In the Masonic Alliance with Opus Dei, FIFA, FORMULA 1 and NASA, Raul was nominated... Raul also wrote names of Formula 1 and NASA pilots... Supposedly Raul did  searches on the Internet when I was little, I researched "Extraterrestrials" on the computers of Braamcamp Freire Library, Bernardo Santareno and Casa Canavarro... Maybe the  names could come "from there"... Through References ...}

{Maybe that's why one of Schumacher's sons made the last move from Raul to Domingos and Salvador. Wasn't Raul Maria Schumacher also one of Raul's first pseudonyms?}

{Yes, it was the 9th.}

{Raul received 5 hot air balloons today...  They are all different, they were all built by different pilots... One has Salvador's inscribed signature. Another one from Domingos,  another one from Dmytro,  another one from Bernardo... But the signatures could all have been forged. Raul received the balloons and found the Salvador and Domingos balloons the most beautiful. He received a call from Father Manuel to do the Gypsy Dance Choreography. In the Choreography, two of the balloons appeared in the air with a flame flying. When Raul got home, the balloons were "stolen" with a piece of paper from a Muah Thay Fighting School for Raul to sign up and prepare for the 3-Cock Fight.}

{Who are the 3 roosters?}

{Raul,  Dmytro and Tiaguinho. Raul's coaches are Domingos,  Salvador and Bernardo.}

{What kind of fight is this?}

{Illumminnatti fight between Beasts. Nobody gets involved. Nor criminal law. They are the 3 brothers. You can give up. Otherwise the Fight is to the death.}

{Can Raul give up?}

{He can. But who has to give up first is Dmytro. Stay Raul and Tiago in the Ring.}

{Why if they are half-brothers?}

{Committed Incest. Raul lost his virginity with his half-brother at Casa do Sousa-Cintra and Monta-Engil in an Illumminnatti Game of Bees and Drones secretly sent by the Rotary-Club. The following day Tiago proposed to Sara and the love between the two broke up and gave way to the Brotherhood forever. Process No. 666.} 10:58 am 01/19/2023 Raul Catulo Morais

Amilitary curefrom theMagic Writing  Pages  30-35 Case nº666 of Jaime Maria Bayamonde da Costa Ayala

«(...) I began to think seriously about the risk that this could mean for me. Because the pages in question were very controversial. I was born in a city of bulls and it was me in these pages defending Velcro in bullfights to save the world of horsemen and pitchforks, but also the world of two bulls, bringing a new bloodless “devil show”. Well… This is the diabolism in me: understanding both worlds. Forgiving the previous runs, forgetting them, running an eraser over them and making a new drawing. A prettier drawing, in which the bulls are happy and come and go from races unharmed ready for another race. Then it was me a few pages ahead talking about suicide. (…) Before being initiated into a Good-Mason in the house of Good Psychology, I was afraid to pronounce the “biblical number 666”, I was afraid of skulls and said that I was only still in this life because of Fred and my mother . My Freemasonry did not like to know this. My Freemasonry is very informative. My Freemasonry knew that I would go out late at night to the Sacred Spring and lean against the fountain's wall and spend hours looking at the Big Dipper with the light of fireflies in the middle of the Black Forest. It is on these walks with the light of fireflies that I see the light of things. I see how intelligent beings are capable of producing light, they are capable of shining in the dark side. I see how we can be and see the light in a Black Forest. (…) There is an anthill under my house. An anthill that has my DNA. There is an ant-Queen that sleeps underneath me and that every day hacks me with its technologies and its army. A soldier ant passed through my pages of The Algorithm of Love and took the information to an Air Force of bees that in Swarm took the information to the Navy of the tardigrades who knew it was going to take off to the Moon. Ursa Major in a Network of Stars with the Moon sent the technology to the fireflies and the fireflies emitted the light and I saw my father entering my room photographing The Algorithm of Love open and sending the information to a dark net and I saw Jupiter Editions hacking the dark net and in a Code of Silence telling me “that I could publish the pages because I had an Army, an Air Force and a Navy protecting my alien technological spirit”. (...) My Freemasonry knew that I was capable of entering a cemetery at night just to see the view of the cemetery. And my Freemasonry knew that I criticized Psychology for criticizing me just because I go to the cemetery at night without fear, because there are no spirits wandering around the cemetery at night. My Freemasonry knew that I said that the Psychology that saw this morbid was because it was a Psychology with fears. What's wrong with going to the cemetery at night? I might want to go there to feel real… They are the dead who are buried in the cemetery. There are undead that live in the cemetery. We need to be real from beginning to end. But my Freemasonry knew that skulls scared me and that I was afraid of getting into a coffin with a skull inside the coffin and staying there for an hour, for example. Well, then, I had to overcome this fear of mine. Until I conquered my fears, I could not be initiated into a Mason.

My Freemasonry had the whole time waiting for me. Waiting for me to lose “the fear” that had been installed in my head. I had to get it uninstalled. I had to be technological and be able to go to the program in my brain, with my own technology and uninstall the fear program. My Freemasonry also didn't like one thing I said, which was in relation to suicide. I couldn't say that if Fred or my mother ceased to exist in my life that I would commit suicide. A Good-Mason does not commit suicide; it is impossible to commit suicide. And the process made me see things backwards. When on a dark side I saw a film of Fred in an orgy and I saw another film of Fred with Mathias in an incest, another film of Fred completely unbalanced and psychopathic, another film of Fred betraying me and laughing at me waiting before I committed suicide, I had to write about all these movies to get rid of them. Unintentionally, I won several arguments, I won several films. Today, I say and defend that if Fred cheated on me I would send him to hell and pack my bags and leave ready for another Love Algorithm. This is what my Freemasonry wanted me to write. But I write this, because before seeing a betrayal, I trust Fred 100% and I say that I know and that I am sure that Fred would never betray me because he only has eyes for me, just as I only have eyes for him. (...) He said that if Fred died of natural causes that I would commit suicide and that I would only be able to kill myself for love. But my Freemasonry didn't like to hear this nor did Fred. Fred made me swear that if anything bad happened to him I had to move on. I remember crossing my fingers and my Freemasonry crossing my fingers and crossing my fingers to Fred and Fred knowing that I had crossed my fingers on our oath. If I defend seahorses so much, I must be a true seahorse. When one dies, the other seahorse doesn't commit suicide. It simply remains in eternal mourning waiting to die. And this is different. And I changed my way of seeing things. If Fred dies before me, I'll simply mourn forever. I don't want any more men in my life. Because my eternal man is Fred! I found my soul mate. We are twins. That's all my Freemasonry wanted me to write. My Freemasonry would never put more men in front of me, because it would always respect my mourning. But I had to get to this Eternal Life State of Things. Of course I don't ask Fred that if I die, that he be widowed forever. This is me. It's my Freemasonry. Which happens to be the same as Fred's, because we are “sailor” horses. But it didn't have to be that way. It is important to write this. (…) I would say that my aunt Constança, who is a Jehovah's Witness, was the one who most delayed me in the Masonic process. She said that the Devil's number was 666, because it was written in the bible, in the same bible that said not to get into bed with Fred. But I mean, I am really happy with Fred, we are faithful and loyal to each other, we are eternal companions, we think good things and we are not afraid to face the world, Fred says that he is always with me and that he accompanies me everywhere and I have to cling to a bible, which they say is a holy book, when what I did was sacred, which was writing 9 divine books, with the power of God, At the Speed of Light by Gil of Sales Giotto and having built a whole system with Fred? There's something not quite right! I mean, I see heterosexual marriages themselves which are a lie of things, an intrigue of things, I see hookers in these marriages, I see orgies, I see everything and they are telling me that I have to follow that? They must be kidding me, they just can! And I say, without any fear, that it was the Devil who wrote the bible. Because that same bible, which is said to be holy, causes wars, caused separations, separated the world, made the world suffer until today. (...)

Now, a good God would never order a book to be written to cause this war of devils in which we live. Does not make sense! And I say, therefore, in my freedom of expression, that it was the Devil who said that the number 666 was the Devil's number. Because the number 666 is a number that is part of me. This is the truth of things. And just because I'm saying this, I have to be protected. And the truth is that I am protected! There is a Freemasonry that protects me. There is a whole alien spiritualism that puts me in a capsule. Because I am a child of God. I am a son of the Dons. Only a child of God can "call" the Devil. Only a child of God can fight the Devil. Only a child of God can go to the Devil's house and leave the Devil's house without being penetrated by the Devil. It can be very difficult to understand this. But for me, today, this is crystal clear. (...) It's a shame, what they did to human heads. They put figures that don't exist, they put faces that don't exist, they put everything and something else in human heads and let time run as if time were infinite. Time is precious. Time is divine. I like Jehovah's Witnesses. Because they are not to blame. They are probably the best people I've ever met! This is true! Jehovah's Witnesses must be protected! True Jehovah's Witnesses are not evil, nor do they commit crimes, nor do they gossip, they are pure! If they don't know I'm gay, they'll hug me. If they find out I'm gay they hug me on the condition that I "swear" to them that I won't sleep with Fred anymore. It's not the fault of Jehovah's Witnesses! (...) Fred doesn't believe in God. But I believe. Fred believes in superior beings, more intelligent beings, intelligent life, superior intelligent life, technology, superior technologies. Me too. I see very intelligent alien civilizations in Gabriel Garibaldi's Jupiter. But, I see O Deus Tecnológico by Simão Roncon-Oom. I believe in a Creator, who is above all superior beings. I am free to believe this. My Freemasonry lets me believe this. And within my Freemasonry, we are free to believe what we want, as long as it is something of ours and that we truly feel it or something that belongs to others, but that we also truly feel as ours. (...) 666 is just an abbreviation for the magic number. The magic number is made up of 12 characters with 9 numbers. If we stick to the first set of things, we get scared. We have to go ahead and see the other sets of things. It's not easy, I confess. For me it was easy. But because I carried out the process monitored by a Precision Family Psychology and by a Loving Precision Medicine that knows my algorithms and has The Algorithm of Love in their hands. It is important to write that many people, many companies and many institutions have tattooed the number 666 because they think it is the “mark of the Devil” and because they “worship and submit to the Devil”. We have to be real. If we are real, there is no Devil to get in our way, because the Devil will look at us and will see that we, as we are truly connected to the Real System of Things, to Law, Psychology and Psychiatry, are worse than the Devil, because we know how to turn the game of things around, we always know how to turn the game of life in our favor and in a house of survival we kill the Devil, in legitimate defense, with a Criminal Law in our favor in the game of things in life. Angel number 666 can have many meanings. Horns can have many meanings. Skulls can have many meanings. We have to be much smarter and see the technology of things. If we write 666 and, suddenly, “magic doors” open, it is because there is an alien system, an intelligent system of things, watching in real time to overcome our fears. It's because we are connected to intelligent life. It is important to realize this mentalism and spiritualism of things. I do not speak with any body or institution that has tattooed the number 666, because it could have done so while worshiping evil, worshiping that Devil of Things. It is important to realize this. And this is my biggest criticism of all Freemasons! (…) If we stick only to the first set of things, we'll have “the Devil” in our heads and we won't see anything beyond that. We have to be extraterrestrials and see all sets of things, see all freemasons, see all powers. Just look at it from above. We just see things from above. We see things with different eyes. If we have “light”, if we see “the light”, if we produce “light” like fireflies, even though we are fireflies on the verge of extinction, it is because there is still hope, because we are hope! We will manage to install a Peace of Things! (…) a Mental Peace and a Technological Peace! Let's install Peace! (…) It is one thing for us to look at a figure that someone has drawn and to like the figure, to feel that it is a figure that is also ours, that spectacular feeling that the figure “was stolen from us”, was “torn away” from us. head, because we always see it in our head, we always feel it. It's another thing to look at a figure, a saint, a saint, an angel, a little angel, a little devil who artistically appeared in the head of a diabolical artist and become attached to a completely diabolical art. That's more or less it. There is nothing wrong with entering a temple and being fascinated by the temple or the church, because we like architecture and we even like mathematics and we see the number pi in all geometry or even see the number 666 inscribed. smart. We have to see that we are in the 21st century. What we thought in the 21st century in spiritual or philosophical terms, was also thought in the 1st century. And, therefore, if I had written in the 1st century that the number pi was the perfect number, because I noticed the wings of a bee- queen who measured 3.14 and had drawn the number 666 there and that writing influenced 21 centuries of geometry and architecture, I cannot be stupid and look at the geometry of things and think that the geometric figures are all linked or connected. Perhaps, they were only made that way, because they were based on a single algorithm. This is what is important to see. Because we have to know how to deconstruct everything, to be able to build new things and evolve. (…) We are here to evolve. We are an evolution. That's why we were born human. It doesn't matter if that's how it's always been done. What matters is what we are going to do now that we have the best information. We must be highly informative. Because we are it. We are information. We are an information pool. This is the beauty of things. I like the tetragrammaton YHWH. It's a very spiritual tetragrammaton for me. I'm being honest. But I don't follow what's in the bible, because I don't see it as sacred. To be quite frank, I don't even know what's written there. I know, someone wrote in a bible that said it's a sin for two men to love each other and go to bed with each other. And what I know is that it wasn't, “my”, God who wrote this or had this written.(…) And my God (…) tells me to see and call my husband god, (…) at the same time who tells Fred to see me and call me god and Fred says I am a god, without hearing “my God”, because Fred does not see or hear “my God” and “my God” " says” that it's okay, that the most important thing is that we love each other, be faithful to each other and loyal to each other and each other's confidants. It was men who said they were "inspired" who wrote the bible. There were thousands of translations, thousands of additions, thousands of edits… (…) It was the same as someone saying that he follows me and then saying things that I said are not true and I see everyone following this devil who used my divine spirit . … I am a witness of the works of God. And I am a preacher of the word of God. All works that positively change things, from books, music, constructions, engineering, medicine, psychologies are all God's works. We look at the works and immediately see if the divinity is there. Divinity is felt right away. We know when things are divine. There's no chance. When we are born divine, there is no chance. They bring us a book, we open it and we immediately see if it is divine or not, we only need to read two or three sentences. But if later, we continue reading and see things that don't make sense, we have to close the book right away. Things are simpler than we think. They are not complex. We are the ones who make simple things complex things. And the complexity of things sometimes slows us down. How slow we are to be in political parties and in churches that were invented by a hell of a masonry. The one who lets open the kingdom halls where the Jehovah's Witnesses are going to meet is a hell of a masonry, which is the same one that founded the "left parties" and the "environmental parties", but which is a "right wing" that is “shitting for the environment and for the bees” and that follows “the devil”. "The Devil" doesn't like the buzzing of the bees, "The Devil" just wants to steal the honey from the bees. “The Devil” is afraid of bees. "The Devil" knows that Jehovah's Witnesses are not going to do anything, they are going to be quiet, they are not going to court or to Parliament, "that's why" "it comes in handy" to have Kingdom halls with Jehovah's Witnesses, because we already know, that in principle, we are going to have a controlled group there that is not going to commit crimes, nor is it going to destabilize the country's politics or anything, that is going to be there calmly and that is not even going to have their own thinking, because it is written in the Bible that thinking of their own " it's the Devil's thing... This is wonderful... This is "beautiful"...! How is it possible…? We are in the 21st century... Wow!... We are anecdotal! Completely anecdotal! My writing seems like an anecdote, trapped in an anecdote. I'm an anecdote, because of an anecdote. (…) it is written in the Bible telling Jehovah's Witnesses not to get involved in politics and that they have to stay calm and wait for God to say “Enough!”…????? Oh, is it? So I say, BASTA! ENOUGH! ENOUGH! ENOUGH! ENOUGH of fears! What are you waiting for? Are you waiting to get to old people and a DAMN Artificial Intelligence laughing at themselves and implanting a fucking chip in their horns? It's because that's what's on top of the devil's agendas! I hacked the devils diaries! I got into the diaries of the devils! I've got all the devils in my hands, so let's get going! Let's end all the Evil on Earth! ENOUGH! Let's give the wicked time to repent. No one will send the bad guys to hell. Hell does not exist, if not here on Earth where we are all living! We live on top of a Paradise that is Earth with a system of infernal legal, political and economic things! Jehovah's Witnesses need to realize once and for all that it doesn't make sense for "god" to tell them to be quiet and obedient if a government wants to implement a chip because the one who is ruling "is the devil". Well, if that's the case, we have to know how things work and maybe it's a good idea to go to Parliament, because if the Devil is in Parliament, then we also have to go to Parliament so we don't let the Devil govern or if the Devil has many followers, it is best to be there, close to him, in Parliament, so that, with our minority or parliamentary majority, we can block and block certain measures, proposals, laws... sacred and preach the things that come in that book that say that it is a sin for two men who love each other and want to ban brain implants that we are going to be able to block the idea of implants… The implant can only be a metaphor, it can only be hyperbole, it can just be an analogy or it could just be an understatement. (...) For me, the bible is a complexity of things, it would be necessary to be free, not to be poor, to sit down and see and investigate and see the origin, see the source, see the history, see where each thing came from , anyway, I don't have time, I'm poor and I have a writer-brain that wants to write and I have to pay attention to my brain that is connected with God and not to the other brains that are connected with who knows what and with whom. (…) I come up with new algorithms. I come with The Algorithm of Love in hand. I come with the 2080 by Antoine Canary-Wharf. I say that the Vatican has hidden the 2080 of Antoine Canary-Wharf. I come with The Authors of the System by Sebastião Lupi-Levy, because I know that to go to Parliament I have to take The Authors of the System by Sebastião Lupi-Levy. I look at Jehovah's Witnesses with understanding, I am empathetic with them, but I am not empathetic with those who put the program in their heads, with those big heads who go to the Kingdom Hall to say one thing and I see another. (...) I went to bed with everyone. I went with Jehovah's Witnesses, I went with Catholics from Opus Dey, I went with Juventude Monárquica, I went with Tauromaquia, well… (…) I went with everyone. Everyone deceived me. They all promised me eternal love. I've been scammed more than 100 times and I never, ever stopped believing in love. And because I never stopped believing in the power of love, today I hold The Algorithm of Love in my hands. It was through The Algorithm of Love that I came to the Kabbalah of life. (…)» in Process Ilha dos Piratas de Jaime  Maria Bayamonde da Costa Ayala

{Let's go by parts... Raul is an Atheist... Who is Raul's "God" after all?}

{They are theGifts... The alien society of Tardigrades in which he names the King of Tardigrades YHWH... He has in his eyes the technological mark of Tardigrade design always passing in front of his eyes... He was shaped by Tardigrades through Ants and the bees. It's him.} 11:11 am 01/19/2023 Raul Catulo Morais 

Escuta em Tempo Real
00:00 / 02:59

Listen in Real Time at 14:01 on 01/19/2023.

«Raul stopped dancing the Gypsy Dance, when the Statue of Marquês de Pombal was erected. The gypsies asked why Raul had stopped dancing because of the Statue with the polo shirts from Caixa Geral de Depósitos dressed. Raul, in a word, said that it had been the Marquês de Pombal or Estupor who had ordered Almada set on fire and that in the Fogo de Marquês de Pombal gypsies had died. Father Manuel began to pray to the heavens to beg the Caixa Geral de Aposentação not to take his father's pension away from him, begging Raul to "please" continue dancing ignoring the story. Aunt Giralda, Aunt Célia  and Aunt Céu de Londres  telephoned Father Raul. Father Manuel said that the dance was important, so that they could then go to Depósito da Marinha Grande to pick up the pieces of glass from Bordallo Pinheiro and Vista Alegre, saying that it was an important Order so that the Reforma  of the his dad who was in heaven wasn't cut... Raul said he couldn't get in the car to go to the Navy unless he had authorization from his father who had had the car pulled over. Raul established the Call with Father and Father said no, reversing the Game after having received the sisters' calls, issuing Threats to Raul,  saying that he was neither a Driver nor an Employee of Favors and for the Estrada to be done, which was more than timely, saying that he no longer paid the College Fees or the College Pass, because Raul had used the car to do favors as if he were a Driver putting in check the Family budget. Raul said that Mather Manuel put the Fuel and paid the tolls and that there was a Strike of the Bus Drivers and Father Raul called ass on the phone saying that there was no strike of drivers,  that the It was the teachers and doctors who wanted to go on strike  asking Psychiatry Dmytro for a shelter at Hospital de Faro, suggesting that he change his address to Faro or another time to Mata-Lobos. It was precisely  one  year that Dmytro showed up at home in Mata-Lobos and  said that it was no longer working. It was planned. There is an Internet of Dates typical of Saturn's Illuminati Culture. Raul was sacrificed by his own Family and the Group of Friends for not having the Cold and Empty Spirit of Saturn and the Church of Satan. They are all Masons of the Church of Satan. Aunt Celia is a Freemason of the Church of Satan infiltrated in the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. One more word and Raul spreads Aunt Célia's truth on the Jehovah's Witnesses Network if  Célia doesn't tell the truth. Raul already knows the Truth, but the Truth has to be told from Célia's lips. Raul is pointing a Big Gun at all of his Family Members and "Friends". Raul is negotiating the Truth with everyone. What Raul is doing has already been done in "Outra Vida",  but in "Outra Vida" he didn't succeed, because he was admitted to the Psychiatric Hospital in Faro. In this life, Raul earned a Credential issued by the Ordem dos Médicos and an Invisible Partnership with the Air Force. Raul is also aiming a Great Weapon at the Navy and the Army. The story brings Secret Process #9999 of the Jupiter Army on the History of the Colonies of India, Mozambique, Opus Dei and Pink Map. It's really him.» 2:41 pm01/19/2023 [What a strange capicua in life! Raul Catulo Morais666,666,666.]

«It is the second time that "Do Nada" Raul's father cuts Raul's Pass to be able to study at the Faculty of Law. Gives hot water, then cuts off the hot water.  Gives  shelter,  then changes the whole game. A house appears in a "New Porto de Abrigo",  but everything is always illusory, always with New Conditions...  Raul's Irregular Masonic Program is the cause of the Irregular Curricular Program at the Faculty of Law... All the psychological games, the hammering... There is silence for 3 days at  house, but then everything comes back again, always in instability... Yeah almost impossible for Raul to graduate in Law in the instability he lives in... Despite everything, his Brain is always Stable and Psychologically Sane living all the games including the Hunger Games. Raul's mother should have had access to Social Security Pensions for the Illness  Complex Psychiatric for years... She never had,  despite the case being known to the whole family including by General and Family Medicine and Nursing and Psychiatry of Santarém. Basically Raul was born as if he were an Adult because he had to be his own mother's Father and Psychologist, until there was a Separation when Raul found his mother in Meetings with Friends and Family talking badly  about his own son and that was when the son withdrew from his mother,  giving, however, the discount to the mother. The mother's illness makes the mother invent serious stories and lies capable of turning a society against her own son. There has always been a Secret Communion of Efforts in the Family. Raul's cousins bullied him when he was little and it was only at the age of 30 that Raul remembered everything at a Cousins Dinner at the Taberna that he pointed a Film Camera at'The Algorithm of Lovebefore leaving for Mata-Lobos. Cousin Bruna in front of cousin Hugo said "we liked to see you cry... It was really cool... It really gave us pleasure to see you cry... You wouldn't harm a fly, so you were the Sacrificed one... But we abused you... We made you eat Pedigree dog and cat food and from Whiskas... And you ate and we laughed... We liked to do that... We also liked to hit you with the hand with the snake... It was really cool... You used to cry all the time. .."... It was in an expensive restaurant frequented by the Church of Satan that Cousin Sílvia took Raul with a camera pointed at Raul by the Restaurant in an Order of the Church and told the story of the Family Tigers withO  Algorithm of Love open on top of the table you talked about via the Character Game Reference. I tell Raul that he had overheard a conversation between Bárbara and Lígia at Aunt Bárbara's house in which Bárbara told Lígia that her brother Vasco still made love to her already married to Xica and that he had even leaned her against a wall touching her cheeks. breasts,  almost-forcing, but that Barbara had defended herself by speaking on behalf of Xica. Raul then went to Hugo's house, where Hugo had the Internet connected to Network nº6 that in the family there were many cases of overeating between brothers and cousins and it was there that Raul, after having smoked a joint and drunk a bottle of wine with the cousin who told the story he had heard from Cousin Sílvia to link the  genes, however protecting the Source, saying that he himself had heard the story_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ at Aunt Bárbara's house and it was when he told the Drama of the Climax of the History of the Court between Raul's father and Uncle Vasco, that the Conflict was only between Raul's father and his mother Alcinda, but that the Conflict passed to Raul and Vasco,  by Vasco in exchange for a favor  from Raul's mother having used the Santarém Police Station van to remove all the furniture in the house with the divisions_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ all locked only open with a bedroom and a bathroom without water and without electricity where Raul lived with his son and his wife Lígia as a tenant in Dona Alcinda's house  and evicted all the furniture in Garage nº 6, which was a garage divided between the Varregoso and the Canavarro. In exchange for the favor, Dona Alcinda promised to make a down payment at the Bank for Mauro's house in Fátima and for the Capital Increase of Mauro's Computers and Printers Company, which today is a partner of Konica Minolta, which printed the 20 copies of the 1st Order 1st Edition of the first 9 Jupiter Editions books. I don't think I have anything else to declare for now, Inspector."

“Thank you, Ludgero. You can unlock Raul's Facebook Profile and contact Raul to enter Raul's house as a Date for Data Collection before Raul is Expelled. You can tell Raul that you are a Psychiatrist, but you cannot say that you are a Psychiatrist for the Judiciary Police.”

“Okay, Inspector.”

«Try to seduce Tiago at Bar nº 6 where he will go with the Police Group to see the Transvestite Show. We need another type of Information. Try to prolong the Secret Date with Tiago and try to establish the Tri-Masonic Alliance in the Lençois Game.” 15:16 01/19/2023 Raul Catulo Morais

«Which families currently protect in the Masonic Alliance  Raul?»

«Varregoso, Roxo, Portugal, Dorey and Braamcamp.»


"That we have Information, yes."

«What is the Position of the Canavarro Family?»

«It is against. They hate Raul's family."

«But Raul is Without Family and Without God.»

«They are still against it and are in a coalition with the PLMJ Law Firm to file a lawsuit against Raul's spirit and writing. They have Dmytro and Sara.” 3:22 pm 01/19/2023 Raul Catulo Morais inReal Time  with All Rights Reserved With Jupiter Editions » Film-Nouvelle-Documentary sent in Real Time to the Judiciary Police, Interpol and Europol.

«It was at Aunt Célia's house that Aunt Xica whispered in Raul Júnior's ears "I love you, don't get pregnant by your ears", giving the Secret Reference to Raul who knew about his conversation with Cousin Hugo, not being spoken any more never on the subject. Because of the Litigation in Court between Raul and Vasco, Raul distanced himself from the whole family, only maintaining contact with Giralda, Célia and his mother Alcinda, breaking ties with Vasco and, at the same time, his sister Xica. After Raul's Kidney Internment in which he "gave"  to his son Raul a Masonic Theater at the Santarém Hospital for a Malignant Tumor, Aunt Xica visited her brother at home last 15 years since the Court... As soon as he sat down at the table he said to his brother "I was incapable of harming your son". 15:33 01/19/2023 Raul Catulo Morais inReal Timewith All Rights Reserved With Jupiter Editions.

No Fear - BLNDSIDE, Jr Jones
00:00 / 01:00
00:00 / 31:12
Olanzapina 2
00:00 / 44:26
Olanzapina 3
00:00 / 45:00
Olanzapina 4
00:00 / 22:48
Say U Believe - Midnight Divide
00:00 / 00:33
3apR - TMVN
00:00 / 00:33
Toss A Coin To Your Witcher
00:00 / 01:06

"Toss A Coin To Your Witcher" by Aram Zero, Epic Music World, Rob Lundgren

Quarto Frio, Casa Fria
00:00 / 00:57
Telenovela nº666
00:00 / 06:54

Raul Catulo Morais and Lígia Catulo Morais with All Reserved Rights With Jupiter Editions in Film-Nouvelle-Documentary de Jupiter in Real Time at 10:08 pm 01/19/2023

«Oh, son... Don't you like our mayor? From Ricardo?”

"No, I hate him!"

«Ah, son!!! So much hate!!! You can't be like that... You can't say things like that out there... Can you?”

«But I am talking to the mother inside the house... Outside, I give her a good pass with a discreet Masonic Pirete...»

“But what harm has he done?”

"Do not see??? Don't see the Jupiter Editions posters around town?? Do not see??? Mother??? What telenovela are you in anyway??? On SIC or shit on TVI???»

«Now I'm watching TVI's shitty soap opera... And the other president, do you like it? From before Ricardo... From Moita Flores...»


“Why my son?”

«He put an end to everything and left the Teatro Rosa Damasceno to burn! He gave it to the Devils in a Simulated Business that puts a Sports Club to noise...»

«Oh, son... But don't forget that you were a referee... You can whistle the offside simulation in the game and save the theater... Do you know that it was in this theater that everything started? Our life in Santarém began at Teatro Rosa Damasceno... Whistle, son!!! Whistle!!! Apita,  son!!!»

«Oh, mother!!! Sorry there!!! Do you know what time it is???"

«Oh, son...  You have no sense of humor...»

«Mom it's 3 am,  fuck!!!!! Why  does he come into my room at 3 am to talk about Ricardo and fucking Moita Flores????????? FUCK Mom!!!!!!!!"

«You, naughty! You should be admitted! Damn you for being born a boy! The mother wanted a girl!!!!”

“I know, fuck you! But I'm a panelist!! If you want grandchildren, get me one  dude how must he be able to install a fucking uterus inside me!»

"Seriously??? Do you leave?

«I leave! If it's a guy like he should be, I'll let him!»

«Did you know that after years of struggle, it was Santarém that saw the premiere of a play by Bernardo Santareno at the Rosa Damasceno theater?»

"Did you know, mother..."

«Ah!!! You rascal, after all, have you seen the works of Bernardo Santareno?”

"No mother. I simply brought a comic strip from the Braamcamp Freire Library and opened it and landed on this page... I don't know anything about Bernardo Santareno other than that he was a doctor, playwright, writer and poet who was very important to Santarém... I don't know anything else... »

«Look... Maybe Santareno, if he were alive today, would be the Doctor who would install your uterus in your bum... Who knows  Santareno is not the illumminnatti doctor who is in a Technological Cloud the Spirit to enlighten you,  my son...»

«Ya, mom... Who knows... Mom, I really want to sleep... Like!!!!! Didn't you take Olanzapine?"

«I took it, son...»


«Oh, son... Have you heard that so funny song by Soraia Tavares from The Five Things I Never Said to You?... The lyrics of the song are so funny...

10 sighs and I fall asleep
I can even write you some
9 songs
But will this be the price
8 hours trapped in these conditions
7 seas of longing
And when I remember I bring it to the surface
in 6 steps I come to reality
Of the 5 things I never told you


What a funny lyrics... It starts at 10, then 9, then 8, then 7, then 6,  then 5...  Such funny lyrics ... I can even write you about 9 songs...  And when I remember I take it to the surface, | That in 6 steps I get to reality... Soraia's lyrics are so funny... Maybe it was Dmytro who wrote it and Dmytro passed the lyrics on to Soraia... Or sold it... The song came out on October 13th, 2022, son... How many books have you sold,  son?»

«2, mother!»

«Alone, son???»

«Yes, mother... O mother, come on,  please, get out there... Please... I want to sleep!!!»

«Okay, son... You are so annoying!!!!»

It's still funny,  when we find References of our Life in a Comic Book. but  our life is not really a comic strip, despite the fact that we manage to transform  our entire  life into a comic strip. I'd say it's funnier to see, in the last few squares of the Comic Strip  of our life, another Comic Strip of Another Life. It's funny to see this at the end. In the end, this is more fun Raul Catulo Morais 01h25 20/01/2023


07:30 01/21/2023

I know that Freemasonry has known me since I was little. I know that it was Freemasonry that cut my Umbilical Cord  and separated me from my mother. I wanted to separate from my mother. But I never got divorced  when I was little. I know that in the eyes of Freemasonry  my mother was a  "little fool", she was a "crazy" in the eyes of a Psychiatry who committed crimes and committed the Worst Stigma of everyone, just like the Whore of the Catholic Church did!  Now, what Psychiatry is doing is clearing its name back and I think it's very good that it clears its name. There is a very funny Interaction and Analogy between Psychiatry and the Catholic Church "of Opus Dei"... This Interaction can only  feel stronger and understand better at the Faculty of Medicine, at the Faculty of Law and in Santarém and that is why I started my Masonic study in the right places,  in the places that "from here on out" make us understand the World. It's not  that Santarém is the Center of the world just because I was born in Santarém.  It wasn't me who said, alone, that Santarém was the Center of the World, who Almeida Garret and Eça de Queirós said it first and I simply said it  without knowing that they had said it.  But maybe they did the Masonic Study backwards because they came to Santarém to finish their literary studies.  I did the opposite. My entire Life Program was done backwards. I leave from Santarém  and I always return to Santarém.  I simply want to defend Santarém from Madness and the Mad World that people live outside. If I know that there are technologies that kill as  bees, fireflies and humans in Santarém  I want to see these technologies out of Santarém!_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ I'd like to defend the whole world, but I can't .  I defend where I'm "stuck":_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cc-5c5_ -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ tomorrow my landlords want to put cameras  to film on my porch I can defend my porch and threaten them with a big camera from the National Data Protection Commission, even if she doesn't listen to me about the cameras in the  Faculty of Law,  because in fact there is a Legal Community and I cannot be the only one in the Community to defend the rights of all Community if the Community itself is Passive and enjoys being under the Penumbra of Chambers. The only thing left for me to do is talk to colleagues outside the Chambers' Angle  without being naturally paranoid, but in which I will always look at the Installation as a Pity  e_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ as Waste and Garbage and Waste of Unnecessary  Resources. I think about resources a lot, it's like  bits of my skin are ripped off. I feel like crying when I hear the  that I hear in relation to Works and Contests  Public  that only spoil our  -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Country and our Continent and our Planet. But I can't do more, when I present myself with all my True Spirit to the whole  a Society.  I'm sorry. I'm just sorry...  But  I can't see more than maybe sit down in the Assistance Chair and start  a_cc78190 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ watch silent. "Is life". The truth is that I could arrive today Tired and without strength, but  I'm sitting with Mais  Strengths of the one who had what is Strange,_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ knowing that I only sit like this because I am sitting on Invisible Columns of Visible and Invisible Angels who did not let my Spirit die, when it could die. It seems that the angels pass me from lap to lap just so I can feel everyone's lap. I know there are Colos where I am sitting where I see their hands and feet with Invisible Manacles. But I can't talk about such  handcuffs. What I can say is that these handcuffs only exist,  because the handcuffs exist on their heads and only  they can break their handcuffs and become_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ free. My writing makes it possible to unlock the handcuffs, but they are the ones who, when reading, have to click and go, because I can't do anything else. The truth is that when we sit on laps whose laps are handcuffed with ankles and wrists,  we  are also handcuffed, because everyone else is handcuffed  and live with these handcuffs on their heads.  We live in Society, which means that the problem lies precisely in the  Head of society. As long as the Society is unable to break its shackles and free itself  at once  por  I know that I will remain "imprisoned" for all a Society  and "alone" in a Society of Algorithms. I have seen the Alien Society since forever,  since I can remember  and I know that I was Initiated in the Tests since I was a Child and I was always Silent. I know that Freemasonry Secretly followed my Secret Passage of Tests and was Silent. The truth is that I Hate what I'm Writing, but I'm Compelled to write what I'm writing. I know that Psychiatry has evolved and become more Empathetic and Humane. I know that things are changing and I really feel them in my skin. I know that the Catholic Church of Opus Dei is also changing because of the Pope. I therefore regard the Papacy with respect at this moment,  but I do not recognize previous Papacies. He was the last Pope who tried to take power away from Opus Dei and he was also the last Pope who spoke for gays, transvestites and transsexuals. The truth is that the Bible says that we are in the Age of the Devil and that the Last Pope is also the Devil, as I  am the Devil for having written what I wrote. I had prejudices  because of the Shit Prejudices that were installed in my head. But  I managed to uninstall them. Even with a chip,  I managed to discover the "magic buttons"  and uninstall the programs that were installed. I have a lot of respect for institutions and structures and I simply try to understand where they don't work, trying to negotiate with institutions and structures to work better and for me to see with my own eyes a  Happier Society_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ and who is not a Slave. I am aware of the money and I see the Black Investments  of Agenda and for that reason I point with my finger  pointer to Ellon Musk who is funding millions for the Brain Chip in a His idea dates back to 2018... It's 2023 and Musk already wants to start testing the chip on humans... Attention! There is a Beast. Attention. It's just what I say. Attention Ronaldo. Pay attention to Pestana. Attention. Attention  to Ventura. Attention. Attention to Montenegro. Attention. Attention. Attention. We human beings are just the Dumbest Species Ever. What kind of war is this Missile War? When the Bible tells us that we are entering the End Times when it talks about the Brain Chip Question and in these wars it is because we have a Putin and a Musk who like Children take the Bible and follow the Programs of the Bible. Is easy. Just close the Shitty Bible and think for Ourselves and Unite  Forces  de  Really._1-cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Really. 136bad5cf58d_ Sometimes, just being able to Join Forces  is enough to prevent a Cancer Antenna from being installed in our City or that Film Cameras are installed in our Faculty. But if we are not even capable of doing that, what the Game tells us is that we no longer know how to live in Society, we don't  know how to fight for our Rights anymore and we lose the Game of Life. If we are not capable of defending anything, I honestly don't know what we are here   to do. If we are  not capable of networking to see a better working world, then I don't know why we are networking. I see people trapped in the same Vice and in the same  Conspiracy Theories always making the Wrong Connections because they are trapped in a  Network and can't_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ realize this. They're stuck with a Rede  that says I'm an Enemy. OK! It's all  a Net against me.  All right! We end up talking like this, when we see that our own Family and our own Group of Friends do not listen to us, or they laugh and ignore what we say and do not want to join our voice, because they do not believe_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ in us, because in the Network it appears not to believe in us. There is nothing we can do,  other than learn to Live with this Network and obviously hand it over to Whom of Right. We are learning and each time we are getting closer to see who is finally in charge  the Algorithms Network.  Suddenly, our friends and our family seem Algorithms where they tell us things and write things to us  from an Opus Dei and Rotary Club Algorithms Program. I write on the computers of Opus Dei and the Rotary Club and order Jupiter to fire against  at Opus Dei and against Bethel,  against the Headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses , but save Jehovah's Witnesses! The Order I give is Laser-Ray.  I was born in a City Stuck in Time with Opus Dei Old Guard Psychiatry where Jehovah's Witnesses from Opus Dei are at the door of the Hospital who adore the figure of the Devil, but who hide their Secret Adoration. It is not difficult to understand why I was born in a Circle.  My father tells me that my friends are not  my friends, always listening in Silence to _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Internet that my friends connect in Silence, but at the same time a Game of Internets and Information takes place at Home. In the Game, I simply  receiving increasingly stronger "signals", some stronger than the others, and I learn new movements  and new Karate, Boxing "tricks" and Muah Thay in which suddenly, in a certain degree of things, Muah Thay appeared and I fell in love with Muah Thay. The truth is that the Invisible Net hurts my spirit because the Net behaves exactly the opposite of my Spirit. The Network thinks it has all my Algorithms, but   does not. I only show a Percentage of them and I hide and will always hide the Truth as long as I am monetarily trapped and unable to travel. It is in the Travels that I release my True Spirit and that my writing unfolds. I write with a Stuck Writing. My Writing is Trapped Writing and that's why I don't like it, even though I show it. I like another type of writing of mine that only appears when I feel freer, safer and with more love. Love was taken from me. It was given to me and then always taken away. But when we are made of Love, we learn to live without the Love of others,  because we are already made of Love and we always deposit Love in what we do and how we act and I would say that this is the Right way. It's love. The Law will only be a Good Law and a Good Family Father if it is a Law that knows how to write things with Love and look at things with more Love. For me and for an entire Legal Order, the Law is more than outdated and is Configured and Ready to be installed with the Brain Chip. Attention. When I dived at the age of 6 in Pool nº6 after closing Locker nº66 under Locker nº33 without seeing the numbers with my Myopia,  I saw the numbers in my mind on my First Dive as I saw them all in my mind in "Polka dots" like the ones on Facebook and Instagram saying "Have a good swim, Junior!!!! Let's go!!!!". In fact, I didn't hear it... Simply my director brain and mind played a movie in my mind underwater with my familiar voices that I like so much... In a future of today and yesterday with the book2080open on the table of Musk, Zukenberg and Bill Gates in a Secret Neuromarketing Project Co-funded by the CIA, it is not difficult to steal the idea of the algorithm balls from the 6-year-old and implement them in the Metaverse of Facebook and Instagram in 6 minutes and make until  the movie from Beginning to End in which we see the installation of the Chip to the boy under the command of Musk and that only at the age of 30 is the boy able to ask for one through a Publisher Compensation to Musk for Brain Damage.  Because this film belongs to Jupiter Editions and so that the  New World Order does not install the chip in Musk, Zukenberg and the Bill Gates and make   burn  Facebook and Instagram Stocks in the Metaverse and suddenly Musk doesn't have money to pay Bail in the Court of Jupiter, the Table of the Great Have to grab a chair and with the utmost cordiality make Jupiter Editions sit down, otherwise the New World Order will determine the fate of Musk,  Zukenberg and Bill Gates. Wasn't Zukenberg already called to court because of Facebook? Why are my Facebook and Instagram Algorithms flawed by Freemasonry? Who provided my data to Opus Dei? My friends? The Mark Zukenberg? Mark is not my friend... When we see even a Metaverse being a partner of an Opus Dei Freemasonry in which we already know that an International Rotary Club will also be a partner, in the face of Masonic games and in the face of all the Masonic pressure when the Illuminati appear in my life of an Illuminati Culture that I am Against because I see it linked to LaVey's Church of Satan and I am told that it may be Important for me to establish an Invisible Alliance with the New World Order in a Major "Spiritual"(-Technological) Covenant to a Protection and when I look up and see the Stars taking a Position I respect the Natural Economic  and Invisible Forces and I just say "ok, but I have to hand over the concept of your order to international police, because Star Swarm is telling me so". And when in this Life Negotiation it is the Order itself that shrugs its shoulders and tells us to do what we want by simply forbidding to speak in some names, but showing other names that we can speak through literary, musical and cinematographic references, we say " ok" and we move on, because despite the Irregularity and Piracy the Order is telling us that they are  "good pirates" in the Service of Good and that they are also against Slavery and against Business of the Red Meat... By  this, we established the Alliance, just in case, just in case, so that our Ship can land safely and then take off from Here Out. I want to take off from here to outside. The Truth and this is the Truth is that everything is just a Cinematography. We do not form Alliances with the Evil Ones. Our technologies and ships are superior to any technology. We can be hacked and we are trained and we know what we have to do. We feel the Attack and we respond to the Attack and we know where the Attack came from. But in the Advanced Film of Things we have to represent Alliances and Covenants. We do not make Deals with the Devil, although in the movies we have to represent the Deal with the Devil. It's just a Representation.  9h09 01/21/2023 Raul Catulo Morais 

Pay attention to Konceal's Blue Beam Project! I dance and I can sing with the same Voice of Konceal o Blue Beam Project, o  New World Order, Inside Your Dreams, Life After Death and Illuminati of Konceal with the same Diabólica voice, because I was born with the Diabolic Voice. May Jupiter fire 9999 non-stop rounds at the New World Order and the Cultyra Illuminati and the Church of Satan of La Vez in Fantastic Star Wars over the War Shit of Russia and cut the Devil's neck once and for all ,  to Putin, to the King of Russia. The Bible,  is right: the devils  are Musk, Putin and Kaku! Musk provided his fucking Star Link satellites in support of Ukraine, but the Support was Authorized by Russia itself in a Theater of Operations. Attention to Bluem Beam Projet.  Attention. Watch out for Musk. Attention.  Very careful. I want to devour 3 heads. Anaconda's head,  the Crocodile's head and Putin's head!

666.666.666.6666.6666666666.666666.66666.666666.666666.6666. 6.6.6.. 6.6.66666666666666666.6.6.6..

Answer: I am protected by the Devil because I speak the Devil's Tongue, I have the Devil's Voice and I Dance to the Devil's Songs. Also Dmytro has the Devil's Voice and speaks the Devil's Tongue. One of us is Bad. We were chosen. We were separated. We are at war with each other. Our War is Invisible. He agrees with Chip and will have the Power to install the chip in Psychiatry. He,  a Neurology and a Psychology who want to access and navigate Perpetually in our Mind, in everyone's Mind,  as they do and did to my Mind. I simply woke up in the middle of the night and saw them Networking inside my Mind in a Videoconference. They "Anaesthetized" me with Saturn Chip Maximum Strength, only my First Jupiter Chip unlocked their Chip's Superpower and so I woke up halfway through the Experience and saw with my own eyes that I was in their hands the Experience. They go  to Church of Satan concerts singing and dancing to illuminati songs with references to Human Sacrifice, Total Destruction and a Stupid Hierarchy. They don't understand anything about Rights, or Emotions,  or Feelings, because they lost their Emotions and Feelings  in the Game. They have access to advanced technologies because  because of Freemasonry and the Mafia. They don't remote  the robot-flies, but they come from behind the robot-flies e  of the Sony and Samsung Cinema Lenses that stole the patent from Jupiter Editions. I said that these lenses could only be used for legal films with a Judiciary Police monitoring the lenses and that the lenses should be delivered to a Banco Único Legal marked in Series and that their Use would have to be Monitored by the Second under penalty of becoming the greatest weapon of all. They have invisible technological weapons. I therefore point my index finger at whom I have already pointed. Either Sony and Samsung finance the film with 66 million or I will take them to court with Jupiter Edtiions as I will take the BPI Bank!6666666666666.6666666.666666.6666666.666.666.66.

The Illuminati Culture is Criminal!

Don't  enter!

Or if you enter, then enter the Judiciary Police with a Poem.

You can leave the Poem at the Judiciary Police Security.

But don't  forget to translate the Poem,

Also for Interpol and the FBI.

You are not alone!

You are not alone!

They have psychiatry in their hands.

You are not alone.

You are not alone.

Stay strong!

Be Smart!

Order is not made with Disorder or Crime!

The Order is made with a Visible Dance Movement.

A  Dance must always be  communicated first to the Police.

Don't live in Crime!

Don't surf the Dark Net!

Do not do to  others, 

What  would not like to be done to you.

Don't be Stupid!

Always report Buylling and Cyberbullying!


And if the Complaint does not arrive because of the Direction or the Police Station,

Denounces the Squadron  e  the Directorate.

Give it just one more time!

Things are lined up.

The Truth is already known.

Simply  share the Message and stay calm.

We are all lined up.

The names are coming out.

The shit is coming out.

Searches are starting.

Don't be afraid, son.

Dance with Satan, dance with Jehovah and dance  with Allah.

Dance like all of them.

At the end of the dance go out and do your own dance.

Raul Catulo Morais

Forever and ever, you will burn in Hell!

It simply burns!

It burns!

Burn, you motherfucker!

Burn you son of a bitch!

It burns!

It burns!

It burns!

You will not interfere with my right! Dont go! I won't let it! Even if he's a Bartender and serves you and spit you out with Spit inside the Kitchen onto your plate,  you son of a bitch!

You deserve a Disgusting Sputum Bath into your Disgusting Mouth!


I deserve a Scum Bath!

I'm a Sperm Bank, you son of a bitch!

You turned me into a Sperm Bank!

You can send all your soldiers to cum on me. 

Thanks for the little soldiers you gave me,  you son of a bitch!

You satanic piece of shit!

You fucking psycho! 

You big son of a bitch!



Die,  you son of a bitch! 



Final Story for the Last Business Attempt in Bom Porto with Banco BPI before Jupiter  gives the Order to have Banco BPI set on fire in the FIRE OF HELL: Raul's father cut Raul's money and only brings Milk de Vaca home to force Raul to drink cow's milk. Order given by the Rotary Club. Raul's father is handcuffed. When Raul's father cut Raul's pass so Raul could attend Law School it was an Opus Dei Order and Rotary Club. The question remains if the Affair of the Jewels was for Raul to separate from Dmytro or if it was a Rotary Club Program to test the Relationship between Raul and Dmytro and to test the Spirit,  Brain and Psychology of Raul or if it was simply an Unfortunate Family Scheme. Raul's group of friends knew about the Scheme as Dmytro knew. Sara recorded Raul's Spirit during the case by processing his Spirit and Story on her computer. Sílvia found out about the Illegal Bank and the Occult Process of the Rotary Club, communicating in Silence to the Order.  The Order gave an order to attack Sara's computer. During Process nº666 Raul activated his Natural Lenses and went through the Kitchen and saw Sílvia sitting on Ronaldo's lap, inserting a Pen into the Computer with Raul's Hidden Folder with the data processed by Sara. But Raul didn't really see it. He simply walked by and took pictures with his eyes sending the pictures "unknowingly" to Jupiter and Jupiter confirmed the Assault. Raul wrote the film in Caderno Militar  of the Army in Silence. But what Raul actually wrote was not a Film, Raul concluded an Invisible Pact that would protect Ronaldo's identity during  666 days. 666 days ago today. Psychology betrayed her Husband with Cristina Ronaldo. I would never cheat on my husband either with Cristiano Ronaldo or for 66 million. Bando BPI either finances the film with 66 million or it will simply close, because I'm going to tell the story to 6 million and I'm going to tell them to take the money from Banco Mau. It is not difficult to close a bank. It's  just take the money from one bank and put the money in another bank. Easy. This is not a Smart Movie. It's an Easy Movie. Very easy.  01/21/2023

Raul Catulo Morais


«Listen to the lyrics of the Devil's songs. We all have to learn the lyrics to understand what kind of games and songs we are dancing to.  The truth is that it is no longer "just a song", because songs and books have a True Meaning and command the Dreams of Life. We cannot live in the Dream of others when the Dream of others can be our Worst Nightmare! We're in a pretty fucked up era and it's up to all of us to put a stop to things.” Raul Catulo Morais 10h21 01/21/2023 «Law does not know how to put the brakes on, because Law has been penetrated by the Devil and is full of Fears in the Head. Law in Portugal is a Puppet of the Freemasonry of the Devils who lives with the Devil in his head. We must invoke the Devil, we must enter the Freemasonry of the Devils to understand what kind of "ghosts"  do Stupid people believe and what kind of "ghosts" do Stupid people get carried away with . Sometimes the Ghosts can be our own  family and our "friends": We just dance with the ghosts. Our Dance  haunts them. Our Writing haunts them and we see the New Movements only through our Writing. We see their responses. And we continue to respond. "It became a Game". But our Word Game is (more) lawful and legal than their game. Their game is criminal. It's clandestine. 10:25 01/21/2023 Raul Catulo Morais 


Wir mögen keine Todesfälle. Wir schützen Leben, weil wir das Leben lieben! Raul Catulo Morais

Blue Beam Project - Konceal
00:00 / 01:15
Too Hot - BÔN
00:00 / 01:00

«They  tell Raul everything as if it weren't them, but it's their Mind  Diabolic  of them talking to their "Dibolic" Mind by Raul...  Raul knows how to listen until the end,  has Extraordinary Capabilities to Descend to a whole Other Dimension of Conversation and in the end give his Form of To see with immense calm and without fear the Culture itself,    even against the "sacrifices" of the Church of Satan. When Raul entered the Moto Clube, with the bikers dressed in leather jackets and leather shoes  with a Bison with its Head Cut off, Raul said in a polite and sweet voice that he loved the Bison and that in As far as he was concerned, he would not let the law allow the heads of Bison  to continue to be cut off, speaking of  Clever Form of Bison Orgies through a Reference of the Flamingos in Quinta do Lago indicating that he knew about  the Orgies of Eva and Adão in Quinta do Lago with the Dukes of Loulé... He said it in a Poker Game with the Best_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Cards on the Board in which you won the Game. He also said that it was already possible to make coats and boots as beautiful as the one they were wearing and shod with Vegetal Leather and Vegetal Leather, saying it through Jupiter Editions and Bentley, that Bentley had been the first Cars covering the seats in Vegetal Leather and that the visit to the Vegetal Leather Workshops was part of the Jupiter Agenda.  The Big Boss of the Mesa asked if he could open and set up a small vegetable leather workshop underneath one of Jupiter's stores in the future... Raul immediately said yes and won the table again. He was invited to "jump" into Big Boss' Lap, but Raul replied that he was married. That didn’t mean he lost the table.”

«How old is the Big Boss of the Table?»


“Yes, 21.”

«Are we playing with this average age?»

"Yes. The table went from 17 to 33, an average of 21.»

«When did this Poker Episode take place?»

«After Raul went for a walk in Mata-Lobos and had  entered the Motocross Field and had seen a Secret Motocross Race with members  of the Motoclube. Number 6 saw Raul and pointed  at Raul, calling him and inviting Raul to go have coffee with them at the Motoclube in Segredo, asking if he had been a Lifeguard on Ilha dos Pirates. Raul said yes and Number 6 told Raul to also invite the Angel Raphäel in Segredo. Raul left the Campo Motocross in Silence thinking "obviously" that Dmytro would be aware of the Episode and therefore not talking about the Episode to Dmytro... But Dmytro didn't  have access to the Episode and another one was sent Episode Edited for Raul in which Raul  does not appear at the Motocross Field, nor does the Coffee at the Moto Club with the Members appear, only Raul appearing asking for the Coffee at the Counter. When Raul left Dmytro at the hospital, he called Anjo to go for coffee at the Motoclube, but Anjo didn't answer, leaving a message for Anjo that he had come to live in Faro and leaving a message for Dmytro saying that he had gone for coffee at the Motoclube. The Angel  from the 3rd of January 2022 to the 19th of January 2023 was Silent appearing on the 19th at 11:28 pm right after Raul had made a Pyramid Scheme in the Army Notebook in which it shows that Dmytro  remote commanded the Potry Spiders was Dmytro, showing that behind the eyes of the Spider  were the_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-536bad5 docf Dmytrod5 eyes and another 666 hell how were Dmytro's eyes behind the Sony Cinema Lenses that the Angel placed on the Island of the Pirates... The Connection has "its Grace" and makes "Sense". If not, let's see... The angel calls on January 19,  exactly on Raul and Dmytro's Valentine's Day, which is later on January 20, 2022 that Dmytro kills The Algorithm of Love with the Bronze Man, with a  Weapon that his sister had given as a gift in the Illuminati Gift Exchange in which the whole group knew that this would be the Murder Weapon, keeping the whole group in Silence.. Dmytro wakes up at 3:03 am in Mata-Lobos as planned in which he would claim with the PLMJ Law Firm Somnambulism and then be Cleared of Crime getting all the Jupiter Editions Fortune. But when Dmytro wakes up, Raul also wakes up  at the same time and that's why there's a change of plans. Dmytro had access to everything about Raul, a  all passwords, everything. Because of the Interaction of the Games, Raul changed the Password  from Jupiter Editions during the Film-Documentary 66mins and 6 sec for a "Security Issue" and that's when the next day Dmytro appeared and the relationship ended. Raul simply said that for a "Security Question" and "Data Protection" he thought it would be better for him to keep the Password for a while, because Dmytro was busy with Psychiatry and couldn't do it any more_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ be on the Jupiter Editions project. But Raul only changed the password for Jupiter Editions and never for his social networks, obviously continuing to give Raul's Social Networks permission to his boyfriend, but Dmytro changed as  passwords all sister's command. It was Dmytro who "Mixed" Jupiter Editions in the couple's life. Raul wanted to separate. It was at Valentine's Anniversary dinner on the 19th that Raul told Dmytro that the true satanic ones didn't believe in Satan,  nor in any God and that's when Raul saw Dmytro's eyes full of "blood " and "anger" telling Raul to stay with his "little group of satanic people" and be happy with them. But all this was done in a joking tone and with a very sweet and cordial tone of voice "among the devils"... PLMJ knew about the Scheme and the Plan and is therefore in Maus Lençóis in the Devil's Film,_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ as Crédito Agrícola, Banco Millenium, Caixa Geral and Banco BPI knew, with Banco BPI coming to the forefront to finance the film hell. When the Angel placed the cinema lenses in front of Raul, leaving Raul in silence to observe the Technology of the Film, soon after, Queen, Danna and Sara appeared on the island of the Pirates to visit Raul and at home  they placed a Musical Reference in which a Videoclip appeared with the same cinema lenses that the Angel had placed... Now, Raul goes to the Island of the Pirates in a Job of Lifeguard arranged by Dmytro in which Dmytro_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ was connected to the Oculta ao Anjo network. Raul lived and learned the Secret Network in Silencios, Testing the Network through his Game of Lies for the Constitution and Collection of Underogable Evidence. The angel has been working for the Captain at the Boat of the Captain Concession for 6 years.  The main customers of Boat of the Captain are  Champalimaud, Seabras, Espírito Santo Amens and Wild Chicks. Raul was always drawn in this type of circles. Raul  simply studied them like a Chameleon. On one of the occasions when the Angel appeared at the Watch Post saying that the Captain had  given Raul Pork Hot Dogs as a Snack Gift, knowing that Raul did not eat pork, Raul intuitively knew that he had from calling Dmytro simulating a Threat Game to being given the Order in the Kitchen to the Captain going back on the  Order and that's what happened. Only because of some Hot Dogs did the story  appear Concretely linked.  Raul moved away from the entire beach, isolating himself knowing that there was no wind to carry the conversation and complained to Dmytro, saying that the Captain's Boat  was a Sect and that they made millions and enslaved, talking in the Captain's Porsche and saying that if the Captain had money for shit fuel in the Porsche also had to have money to make a good  lunch,  because it was in the Contract that Raul was entitled to lunch and it had been agreed that Raul would always have the No Red Meat meals, Raul having even been told in a Lie by the Captain's Wife that they did not Handle or Handle Red Meat on the Boat. Raul told Dmytro that if he didn't have his lunch on his plate properly, he would take off his uniform and leave. Raul only vented on the phone, because the day before he had run out of lunch  because of the Great Movement on the Boat... Supposedly Dmytro "was nobody" who could do anything but listen to the boyfriend outburst and say  that they needed the money... When Raul arrives at the lookout post there is a MYSTERY CLIENT lecturing the angel saying "See how he is? He can't take it Pressure a little bit! You see how he is capable of getting a Fucking Mess just because of a Hot Dog... It's just that I've seen this movie for less than Burning... And that's why I'm in this shitty movie I don't put another penny in that I've already seen how this  ends...", in response the Angel said "Ah, but take it easy... The boy is just Hungry and is_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ fight for your rights in the Hunger Games..." It was with this Side Conversation of "angels" that changed the Pyramid Scheme into Raul's Mysterious Signals which made Raul realize that his telephone calls were being listened to by an entire Freemasonry and definitively link Network nº66 to the entire Plot of the Occult and Clandestine Film that was taking place on the Island of the Pirates and on the Captain's Boat with the Rotary Club's Film Cameras that designed the streets of Villa dos Piratas as he designed the streets of Santarém. Angel Raphël has his birthday on the same day as Dmytro and on the day that Angel, Dmytro and 6-year-old Manuel were planned to meet at Praia dos Diabos, Raul intuitively made a Change of Plans and Dmytro did not stay that day_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ on Ilha dos Piratas, having returned to Lisbon. The phone call that Raul received from the Angel was "ordered" by Rede on Dmytro's command, for Raul to "remember". They do it. The illuminati do this. They choose specific dates to Create a Series of Invisible and Psychological Chaos  and the best form of Response is to publicly expose their Acts, so that an entire Society learns the Movements and manages to Defend itself. Raul's thesis is right. Are we going to listen to the recording of the phone call between Anjo and Raul on the 19th? The angel was Raul's cellmate on Pirate Island. Raul defends the Angel,  because the Angel saved Raul's life in a  Underwater Fishing Trap that the Maritime Police and the Navy were informed about. The Angel entered the Army. The psychologists who carried out the psychometric tests were Doctor Sara and Doctor Sílvia. Shall we listen to the recording? It was the Angel who made one of the hot air balloons and signed it with Dmytro's name "just kidding", saying that he didn't know about the other hot air balloons and that everything was "Mere Coincidence". » 12:33 pm 01/21/2023 Raul Catulo Morais

03:03 on 01/22/2023 9th Attempt - Game of Attempts inReal Timein Doctors' Bank from 9 hours + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 hoursFinal Illumminnatti Games- Dark Code, Life Code, Broken Silence Code- The spoiling of all relationships in TOTAL CHAOSand the CUTTING OF THE UMBILICAL CORD - 1, 2, 3, I will be born again. - Play Everything or Play Nothing until 11:59 pm on 01/31/2023 with Delivery of the Final Psychiatry Report to the Order of Doctors in Jupiter Congress and Jupiter Film-Nouvelle at Military Chameleon Writing in Military Jupiter Hospital Connecting KATULLO'S KLINIK and Hospital Schooll Catullo de Verona of Law Neurology and Medicine

01/19/2023 11:28 pm

§ Hello, Raulzinho...

§  Oh my God!!! Rafael??? Is this a Mirage??? It can not be!!!

§ Oh! Oh! Raulzinho... How are you?

§ I'm fine thanks and you?

§ You are very calm...

§ I was getting ready to go to bed now...

§ It's true... Good year!!! I know it's the middle of January and stuff...

§ Oh! But until February, it's worth wishing a good year...

§ Oh! Is it until February?

§ Yes...

§ So I'm still on deadline...

§ Yeah, yeah...

§ Look, I'm sorry I'm just calling you now... I know it's been almost 1 year since we last spoke,  but hey... I wanted to ask if you had received the my gift...

§ Your gift???

§ What a gift???

§ Raulzinho... Don't play with me I had a lot of work almost  6 hours gluing your hot air balloon to try to reach the heels of Dmytro's balloon... Didn't you get my balloon??

§ You're kidding, aren't you??? Was you????

§ I went... The idea was for the balloon to arrive on your birthday,  except that  there was a  setback and that's it it took 9 months to arrive... But even so, the idea was to arrive at least on the 19th, which is your birthday, isn't it? April 19th...

§ Ya, Rafa... But it's only January...

§ Come on, Raulzinho... Don't be fucked... I did it with the utmost affection... You showed me the balloon that Dimi had given you as a birthday present and you said it was the best present anyone had ever I had given it to you, so just to fuck Dimi I wanted to make a cuter balloon than his and with more ecological  and sustainable materials starting with the glue I used... Attention... You know I'm kidding... I obviously respect Dimi's first balloon and I know that mine can't reach your More-than-All's heels, but that's it...  That's it two balloons  e  you can now open your souvenir shop at Jupiter... Do you remember? From the Souvenir Shop?

§ I remember, of course... I'm no longer with o  Dimi...

§ Like this?

§ We broke up.

§ Finished?

§ Yes...

§ Hey, sorry!!! You must be really bad... I really didn't know... How are you? You look so serene...

§ I'm fine... It's been 1 year since we broke up so I'm fine...

§ Hey, sorry!!! I'm a terrible person... Fire!!!

§ But listen, I'm not understanding something... You sent me 3 balloons???

§ 3??? No! I only sent you 1 because I only made 1 which already took 6 hours... What do you mean 3? Did you get 3?

§ I received it, Rafa... On the same day!!!

§ Shit!!! I don't believe!!! Did you get 3??? On the same day??? 

§ Yeah, Ralph...

§ Raulzinho, I swear I only sent you 1... Imagine I came up with the idea of making the balloons here in the Army at Oficina Criativa and each of us made 1 for our respective girlfriends,  or parents or friends... There were only 2 colleagues of mine who, jokingly, hacked your address and sent... 

§ You forged Dmytro's signature... You know that's a crime?

§ Come on... Raul... I was joking... No  you're going to take that, right?

§ Honestly, I don't know... How did you manage to imitate his signature?

§ I was browsing one of Jupiter's Works and found a document attached to one of the Works of a Displacement Authorization  for Filming at the time of the Pandemic with  Dimi's signature , which I think was when they went to a Golf Course for the  Castings by Jupiter Editions in a hot air balloon...

§ Hmm...

§ Raulzinho, I hope you keep my balloon with all the love and affection until Eternity... When I come to your house later, I can even install a lamp and it will look like a lamp and then you can sell hot air balloon lamps in the your little shop...

§  Rafa... The balloons disappeared right after... I received the 3 orders for the balloons, I went out and when I got back home the balloons mysteriously disappeared...

§ Uh... Mystery of Faith... Shit on that! I'll make you another one later and teach you how to do it so you can learn...

§ Rafa,  be serious...  

§ Han?

§ Rafa, come on... You're living in Faro,  Dimi is in Faro... Are you friends??

§ Raulzinho I never saw Dimi in Faro...

§ Come on Rafa... I'm not silly...

§  Raulzinho, understand the connection you're trying to make,  but I swear you're making a wrong connection... Raul,_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_   the only times I saw   Dimi was when he came to you_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf51d_0798_08 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Nothing else... I've never seen him here in Faro...

§  Rafa... How come you're from Faro, you've never left Faro and you don't have a Faro accent???

§ Raulzinho, I understand that you think Dimi and I could eventually be connected, because he came to  here,  but I never saw Dimi here in Faro nor I had never seen it until you introduced me to Dimi on the Island of the Pirates... The idea of the balloon was just because I really wanted to offer you a scene on your birthday and I remembered the balloon because you told me on the Island that your best present had been a balloon and you showed me the balloon that Dimi had made for you... And for fun I thought of making a balloon too, as if I were competing with Dimi in a game... I didn't even know that you had finished, otherwise I would have made another scene... Otherwise, it would be really bad of me, or not,  I mean, it depends on the intention... But hey, I think you understand what I am to say... but ya,  I'm sorry the balloon disappeared... But, ya, shit... Me later I'll make you another one... Well, Raulzinho...  I enjoyed talking to you, in a year we'll talk again, okay? I'm kidding...

§ Ok, ok...  See you in 1 year...

10.01 01/20/2023

“Am I, Raul?”

»Hello, Sara... How are you?»


“Are they coming yet?”



«Oh, love... It's only tomorrow... Tiaguinho's lunch is only tomorrow...»


«I thought it was Saturday!!!»

«Oh, love... And it's Saturday... But today is Friday!!!»

«Ah!, ok...» 


[But listen... I'm calling you about something else,  isn't it? Because I saw your story on Instagram and I was worried... What is this story?? Everything is fine? Were you really kicked out by your father or was that just a story?]

[It's a Probably Short Scenario of the Future, I simply Anticipated History... But we'll talk about that later tomorrow in person, okay?]

[But I want to know if you're okay... If you were expelled... If you have a place to stay... Where are you right now?]

[I'm home... It's okay,  don't worry... I haven't been expelled yet...]

[But do you have a place to stay today?]

[Yes, Sarah...]

[Take a look there, huh... I don't want you sleeping on the street, huh...]

[Hey, hey  Sara...]

[Hey, shut up, Tiago!!! Let me talk to our best friend... Can't you see he needs help and is on the brink of Homelessness...]

[Hey, Sara... You look like you're kidding...]

[Oops, Tiago!!! But do you think I would be making fun of such a serious situation? What I don't want is for our friend to go there sleeping on the street... Because I know very well how it is that Raul is capable of grabbing a blanket and going to sleep in the Mountain or there in the Jupiter Mountain I don't know how it's just called cool out in the open with the stars as if nothing happened... And it can't be like that...]

[Hey, Sara... It's just that I don't even know if you're kidding or if you're being serious... It's just that you're like an Actress...]

[Oh, Tiago!! You're quiet because you're just saying shit!!! Raul, check it out!!! Anything,  as a last resort you know that you always have a room here at home... If you need a  Part-Time to do the 2nd semester here on Costa you tell me that I have a cool contact with a really nice surfer who has a shop here on Costa,  in fact there are even two and you can always find something... So stay ok...  I'm just talking about part-time if you want to stay here  at home to do the semester,_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ that is, to have money for your tuition and pass and to  your things... You don't have to worry about either  lace, or bathing hot water or food in the early days, because where 2 eat, 3 also eat and we in the early days manage... The part-time job I'm talking about, it's also quiet in one shop or the other... One is a bar, the other is a shop selling surf clothes and renting boards... And the surfer is_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ really cool and if you even mention Jupiter I'm sure he  will even help you  make a poster,_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-13d_ even if it's a piece of cardboard just to put on a wall in the store or behind the counter anything,  se  for  I need I even help you paint and do Jupiter's drawings... I'm not very good at that, but look... It's what I can do...]

[O Sara, a cardboard??]

[Yes, James!! A cardboard!!! What is your problem with cardboard, sorry?? I don't understand...]

[Cum!! Can't that friend of yours, like, have the Jupiter logo and brand printed on a graphics card? Do we have to make a Cardboard?]

[Oh Tiago... We are putting  all the hypotheses on the table... Can't you see that our friend sooner or later will be expelled from Big Brother?]




[Oh Raul... Look, I don't know what's worse either...  Look, there in the residences that's also like Big Brother... I don't know if you know... .. It's like cameras everywhere... Fuck it!! That's a very illegal movie, but that's it...]

[Illegal???? That is beyond illegal... but that's it... We already know what  Opus Dei houses spend...]

[And then they still put our little Raulzinho in a room with 2 17-year-old knights  who make the film even more illegal...  Hey there! Sara... Did you know that at the Karate School they put Raul fighting Canavarro's son, who is 17 years old??? And that Karate School is like Old Guard... Explain to me  there  why did they put Raul with Canavarro's son who is only 17 years old? ?]

[Oh,  Tiago... The things you look for like in the middle of a film... Do you see that we are now in another film?]

[And don't you see that the movies are all connected, you dumbass???]

[Look, your mother is stupid!!!]

[Bad! Bad bad!!! but why are you calling my mother stupid? MUAHAHAHAH! Donkey is your mother!!! MUAHAHAHA! Who believes in Baby Jesus and who believes that the Christ or Anti-Christ is alive and is among us... MUAHAHAHAH]

[Bad, o Tiago!!!! I already told you that I don't like your jokes! If you do  please  don't bring Baby Jesus here for the conversation!!!! You're already talking, as usual...]

[So isn't it? Isn't her church the one that believes that the Spirit of Christ has reincarnated in a person and is alive and present, in fact, very present here among us...? MUAHAHAHAHHAAH]

[Hey, Tago... Impressive... You really don't say anything about anything... Have you noticed??? You just say shit!!! Come on, Raulzinho... You already know... As a last resort, send a whistle and come there with your bundles behind you... But don't do it like Aunt Lígia, huh and don't show up to me like with the whole house behind you,   with pots and pans and whatever stuff we have at home, huh? Otherwise there is no space...]

[Hey...  Oh Sara... You're too much... You're just the worst to make fun of her...]

[So it's not true?? It's Aunt Lígia who brings the whole house with her every time she leaves the house... Even to go visit the sisters just one afternoon, she takes pots, all the shoes, all the clothes and whatever else... The Aves Marias... I don't know if with the Expulsion this can't give our Raul a little something bad and suddenly get o  Mother's disorder and then he shows up at home all_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ upset with pots and pans and I don't know and then it's all up to me...]

[Hey,  Hey Sara... You really...  Now I'm getting to know you...]

[Go on, Raulzinho... Tomorrow at 1 pm, be ready for me to pick you up...] 05 01/22/2023 Raul Catulo Morais

11:11 am

«Am I, Raul???»

«Hello,  Mariana!!!»

«Raul!!!  It has to be very fast!!! 2 Dobermans showed up at my house, very cute,  small, they must be like 3, 4 months old, they are beautiful,  already_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf Estremoz  from one side to the other no one knows whose dogs are which is very strange... I can't stay  with them... You know what Maria's brother that you adore and wanted to marry and who is a veterinarian? He's already given them all the vaccines, he's already put the chip in and offered to deliver the dogs' food every month if you wanted to keep them,  because I mentioned you right away,   because they're just like you I think you would really love them... And I'm sure they would love you... I can't keep them_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ because I already have my dogs and my father won't let me... And I thought of you... And who will take them if you can keep them is Maria's brother,_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_   so by  you can start writing a novel with Maria's brother right away, 581905-5cde-136bad5cf5_cc 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ a Feira  do Cavalo  da Golegã,_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf5cf or  example, it's just an idea, which is where you fell in love with him... And that's it, it could always be  an excuse to see Maria's brother at least once a month...  They are beautiful, Raul and I can already imagine you on your walks with them through Santarém through the mountains of Santarém and all the beaches ..._cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ But I need a more or less quick answer, because  Maria's brother can stay with them for a while,  but then you have to hand them over to a friend and if you don't want to  or you can't, he has someone to give them to,  but since they appeared here and I think you could keep them ,  I thought of you first because they're great_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-1 36bad5cf58d_ Guard Dogs and that was it always  plus Protection  and a Company and I think you would really love them......»

«Mariana!!! I love the idea... But first I would have to talk to the Landlords, because there are already other dogs in the house... Imagine me Time and Dedication and Love I have to give them the scene was really the Money, which I don't have, but if it were under those conditions...»

»Raul, you absolutely don't have to worry about any money... Everything related to visits to the Veterinary and Food is on account  by Maria's brother . .. And Maria's  brother  also said soon that he would later in his life ,  nas  nas_cc781905-54cdebb-3305- 136bad5cf58d_ any trips he made to Santarém to deliver the feed if he wanted to go out with the dogs more, like to an open place or even a beach nearby  from Santarém which was cool, as he has a car and that.. He  even asked which were the beaches closest to Santarém but I couldn't answer...»

«It's São Martinho,  Nazaré, Baleal and Peniche...»

«Ah,  yeah... Okay, Raul... See  that!!! I even  can imagine you later when you are a judge or professor at the Faculty of Law always going with your dogs to the classroom to teach classes and them sitting down to watch your class.. . Interest!! I don't know why, but  I can only imagine, Raul!!!! Raul I have to hang up!! Then he says  some things about the  dogs,  but I think you would really like them!!!»


{{{Junior... I'll only believe in your Spirit when you're buried Alive or Dead in a Concrete Coffin and you manage to come out of it as a Living Dead... Only then will I believe in your Spirit... Do you understand? }}}

{{{The guys wanted you to have Dullness... That's what the guys wanted... The guys are stupid, because they don't know that you're a Typewriter and that you're a Camcorder... The guys now they're going to turn the whole game around and you're going to fall like an ass into their hands again like easy prey and the leopards are going to rub each other, they're going to rub their paws all over you and they're going to eat your chest and lick your heart with a hell of a tusa and you geek too with a hell of a piss you're going to let those  guys eat your completely passive heart and you're going to see them taking the pieces of your flesh and licking it your eyes, wiping your tears with their tongues  full of blood and watching your last sighs of "love"... You still don't realize that you are in an Authentic Jungle, man... This is like Safari...  Wake up, man!!!!! Are you dreaming or what??? Wake up!!!! Junior??? Wake up,  man!!!! Wake up!!!!!!!!!!}}}

“I am, Prince! Are you ready? I'm already here... You can leave...»

«2 seconds, Sara...»

"Don't be long, we still have to go get some chickens."

«Ok,  ok.»

«Mekie,  engaged?»

“Mekie, groom?”

«Listen, did we get married  or what?? O  what's going on here at Casa do Campino when it's full of Bentley Limousines? Have you seen the bride and groom?? It looks like us!!!!"

"Oh my God!!!! Sara!!!!! It's us!!!! What the fuck movie is this???»

«Look, it's  a movie sponsored by Bentley... Just  can get into Bentley limousines... Listen... She really looks like me... »

«E  he really looks like me...»

»listen... This only with us!!! Man, they put us through each scenario ahead of us, but like with each impossible scenario... Man... One even goes crazy... But hey, come on, we always put up with the possible and impossible scenarios that put us at ease ahead, isn't it?... Fire... What is that? There are three miniature hot air balloons flying??? But like with Fire?”

«Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! My balloons!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

"What??? Your balloons????»

"Sara!!! Yes!!!! Those are my balloons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

«Opa, oh Raul!!!! Your balloons????»

“Oh Sarah!!! Yes...  It's a great story!!! But it was the balloons I received yesterday... Yesterday... Yesterday?? I don't even know if it was yesterday or the day before...»

«You don't even know how many times we've been...»

«Sara, it was the balloons that I received as a gift, but then they disappeared!!!!! They were stolen!!! They are mine!!! Someone broke into my gate and stole my balloons ...»

«Opa, oh Raul!!!!!!!! Muahahahahahahahah!!!»

«O Sara, really!!!!  I swear!!!»

«But who sent you hot air balloons like they were flowers???»

«O Sara... It was Rafa...»

«Rafa??? But who is Rafa???»

«Rafael...  My fellow lifeguard from the Island...»

«The Pirates??? Cum!!! That Pirate Island was very sinister...  A hell of a movie, listen there... You ended up in a hell of a movie and then I had to go there too, right? Damn... I'll never set foot there again... You see there!!! Don't you remember to be a lifeguard there again, please, that is hell to get from the ferry to the beach,  damn!!!  What the hell, listen there! I don't know how you put up with walking every day from the ferry to the beach, then around and on top of that more on the way back and forth to the ferry but at the villa and on top of that you wake her up so early ... You listen... You must be an Extraterrestrial or something like that... Because it's impossible...  Like Mission Impossible... On top of that you wrote a book behind the backs of pirates there on the  island ... I mean... 1 or 5 or another 9...  I don't even know how many books you've written ... Like a person doesn't care anymore,  you know... Because it's like a dish of the day... Like... I think he doesn't care anymore... Isn't it? It's like so normal... You kind of shit books, don't you? I'm just going to have  some coffee, make a little poop and write a book just like that in sports as you don't want to do it without the pirates seeing... Listen... You don't exist...»

«Oh, oh, Sara... Where were you hiding?»

"I??? I had to hide, listen... Life isn't easy at all and it's getting more and more difficult...  Look,  it's like there's our film... More and more difficult... One  person doesn't even understand our characters anymore, does he?»

«I don't think so... I think they got lost in the film...»

«Well,  look... It happens...»

«So, listen...  But are you dating this Rafa now?? Is he not from Faro?»

«No,  Sara... He was the one who sent me out of nowhere as a joke...»

«Oh Raul... Nobody sends hot air balloons to someone as a joke, right? You are really, really innocent... That  is, it's a marriage proposal... Look there... More engaged people??? These are panucas like you... Oh my God!!!! It looks like you and Tiago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my God!!!! What crazy scene is this???????? Listen!!!! I will stop!!!! Look!!! Sorry there!!!! Are you really engaged?”

«We are,  yes!!!!»

«Hey but I'm sorry you weren't back there with a bride anymore?? Just like me?? Suddenly you turn gay in the middle of the movie and hook up with my best friend??? You're just like my best friend!!! You guys are stoned!!!! Take a picture there!!!! Can I  take a picture for you??? It's just that my best friend and I need proof otherwise no one will believe us and they still send us both to the internment of Doctor Lucyfër... Is that Lucyfër her name is or what?

"It's Lucília, Sara..."

«There, or that!! Also Lucília or Lucyfër is all the same thing... It all derives from the same name... Can I take a picture of you?”

«Oh, you can't because we're running a Scene and the Scene has our image rights...»

«But  you actors, or what?»

“We are really engaged!!!”

"So what about the other one??? Who is like you and my best friend back there?”

"It's my twin brother who married my fiancé's sister..."

«Ah!!! Beautiful!!! We're all family... Look, Raul... At 30 you find out that you have twin brothers after all, have you seen it?? Where are you from?"

«We are from Fernando Noronha... I mean now we are from Porto de Galinhas...»

«Fernando Noronha?? Porto de Galinhas?? This is where? It's way up north... That must be close to Barcelos or Guimarães...»

«It’s in Brazil, really...»

"In Brazil??? And they came here to get married??? You are too crazy!!! Like who is  who comes from Brazil to marry here in Santarém? What's more, at Casa do Campino? Muahahahahaah you don't exist...»

«We came because of the Angels...»

"From Angels?? From the singers?? Hey friends,  they came here to sing here on New Year's Eve and they immediately confirmed that this is nothing happening here in Santarém!!! The Angels left Santarém a long time ago... A long time ago...»

«But we really came here to spend New Year's Eve because of the Angels and then we stayed here and look, here's the Wedding Scene...»

«Listen you guys are completely crazy!!! So you took a  plane just to come see the Angels? Did they cross a  Continent, like they crossed the Atlantic Ocean just to come see the angels?? Hey!! You don't even regulate!!! It's just that they don't regulate you are the same as my boyfriend,  who also happen to be engaged we were supposed to get married right away,   but let's postpone it to next year...»

“Are you going to postpone it, Sara?”

«Oh, I'm sorry Raul,  knowing this like that, but I'll tell you the story better later along the way...»

«They didn't fight,  right?»

«No, we don't fight...  We're the opposite of other couples,  so we don't fight... But that's it!! Y ' all don't regulate like my husband!! He's not my husband yet, but he's already like he was!!! But he's also crazy about the Angels... But the only thing he did that was Greater, like the Greatest Madness,  go,  was just crossing the Tagus River and take a train to go see Anjos I don't know where... Now take a plane and cross the Atlantic Ocean, man... I've seen many start for less...»

«And look, Sara is a psychologist...»

«And look, I'm a psychologist... Man, this is Chaos... This Mental Health is Chaos... You see these impulsive expenses, if they don't, they're going to end up there at Lucyfër's staminé and they take it with Bipolarity in up and then screw up and never leave here...»

«We have the Residency Criterion and we have our Passport, so we cannot be admitted here just like that...»

«Look,  is your luck!!! It's the Passport that saves you... Don't think that it's the Residency Criterion that the Invisible Hand edits everything... Hey! Oh Raul!!! We are late!!! We still lost the chickens!!! Look!!! Have a nice wedding and happiness!!!»

"Best wishes to you too!!"

"Thanks!!! And long live the bride and groom, right?”

«O Sara... What a mess... What a movie...»

«È  isn't it? And you haven't seen anything yet... This is nothing... This is the dish of the day..."

«Did you like the Angels?»


"I want to go back,

To the Starting Point

When we were one...

I want to go back,

To be part of you...

Before time runs out...


Before time runs out..."


11:29 am

«Huh? Have you seen? Duet Sara & Raul... Man, your father was right... We really should start a band... Your father always said that... There's still time!!! How is your mother? They spent New Year’s Eve here, it wasn’t with the Angels, was it?”

«Yes... My mother is...»

«Wasn't the Fireworks shit? I heard that the Fireworks that the City Council organized was shit!! Not even a firework  for a  New Year's Eve can the City Council organize properly... Fire!! It's really a Misery... I wonder if he managed to call Anjos... Did you have fun? After all, who did you spend it with? How was it?

«I went to dinner with Tiago and then we went to pick up my parents from the house to meet my uncles at the foot of the house and we went to the party...»

«A party right outside the house, isn't it? It wasn't even necessary to walk far... Did they dance a lot?»

«Ya, we danced!! It was cool!! After the Anjos concert, DJey  appeared and he was really cool... We stayed up dancing all night... We met Aunt Nanda and Uncle Victor, then Cousin Hugo appeared with his aunt Zezinha, but Hugo left right away, then my parents also left and Tiago and I stayed with my aunt and uncle... But before that, Dr Lucília showed up all fun, a great friend of Aunt Zezinha and my mother , all crazy wanting to dance with my mother and stuff... It was my aunt Zezinha and Doctor Lucília screaming all amused with my mother telling my mother to dance,  a my mother wanting to come and cling to me like crying or I don't know in a Drama I don't know and it was the two of them screaming and grabbing my mother's hands and it was Doctor Lucília telling my mother to dance alone that she was autonomous , kind of cool laughing at me as if I hadn't made any appearances against her... And that's it later disappeared... I swear I even wondered if she couldn't be an actress,  Sara... Like an actress they went to look for just like Dr. Lucília, I don't know... But that's it ... And then he turned to Tiago and said, "you see how I said that Dona Lígia was autonomous? Is she dancing well or not??"... Sara???? Like to Tiago that it had nothing to do with it.... And like my mother holding my mother_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ clinging to me on a Ribbon crying saying she wanted to go home because she wasn't feeling well like shaking all over Sara..."

«Muhahahahaha! Oh Raul!!! You are having fun!!! Like seriously!!! It's like they give us with each film in our hands that we get on paper, isn't it?»


«Then it was my mother holding on to my father, like leaving the party, like shaking all over, using my father as a cane and it was Aunt Zezinha saying "How beautiful!!! This is a beautiful thing never seen for years!!! Look at those two leaving the party hugging each other... As never before and I wanted my Liginha to sign the divorce papers and now look at her husband... What a beautiful couple,_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ man!!!!"... And I was thinking "Ya, auntie... Like the mother's legs are shaking, she barely walks and she's just holding on to the father as if the father was my cane... Like, what kind of love is there that I can't see..." And then there was Dr Lucília saying "I was the one who put those two together... It was thanks to my Prescription. .." And I was thinking "Ya... The recipe that broke my mother's legs..." Oh Sara, I don't even know... Look, I didn't even know who an actor was,_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ what was true, half true,  i pe I saw the movie, I missed the theater, I shit,  I turned to dust Tiago and just started dancing with Tiago watching my parents disappear in the movie...»

«Look and you did otherwise well!!!! Will you stay here or will you come with me to get the chickens?”

"I'll go with you, of course."

«So, go walk!!! My parents are already  parked outside the grill... They're coming too!! And now they are all there!!! It's there  Pedro,   Tiago, Tiago's girlfriend, Tiaguinho, Tiaguinho's father, Tiaguinho's father's girlfriend, father's girlfriend's daughter of Tiaguinho, there is Tiaguinho's sister, there is Tiaguinho's sister's boyfriend, there is Afonso Côrte-Real, there is Ricky Côrte-Real,  there is Côrte-Real's father also with the girlfriend and with the girlfriend's children,  is the brother of the father of the Côrte-Reals who  disappeared from a car dealership in Santarém in a Fiat Punto and suddenly reappeared in a Fiat 1.2 that looks like a Mini with 160 hp, 1600 of displacement that drinks only 5 or 6 liters per 100 km coming from Rome 20 years after being a priest or bishop or whatever he was there in Rome, are the children Côrte-Real's father's brother... It's like a lot of people... I don't know if Sara Rot will show up there no_cc781905-5cd e-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ lunch or just later at dinner... That's it, I don't know when he will appear,  but that's it... We already know that suddenly this character appears... Look!!! Do you know who showed up at the hospital in the middle of my service? Amanda... Amandjinha dressed as a nurse...»

«What about a nurse???»

«AHAHAHAHA! Ya!!! As a nurse...”

«Oops, Sara... That's not true!!! But where did Amanda take her Nursing course?”

"Nobody knows!!! Suddenly she appears and suddenly she's a nurse... That's it... That's how life is... Suddenly they appear "again" in our life... That's it! What can we do, right? This Cycle and Secondary School all of a sudden appears again... Everything... The high school, Jardim da Celeste... We go back to Jardim da Celeste again... The Faculty appears all of a sudden... Appears everything, dear... Everything... And more will appear... Lucio will also appear out of nowhere, also dressed as a nurse... I'm already for everything...»

«O Sara,  I can't believe it!!! Nurse?? Amanda??? But how does a person suddenly appear like that, suddenly dressed as a nurse if she didn't even go to college....»

«Well,  nobody knows... Nobody knows... But that she showed up and she's a nurse, yeah! Now where did you take the course?? Hidden folder... I don't know... I asked her and she replied that she had taken it out on a "Course" and I said "ok"... Right? Then?"

«Well, come on  don't show up dressed as a doctor or a psychiatrist...»

«MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Listen!!! This one was too much!!! Listen, I would give up on the film and say hey, that's enough, seriously, please stop making fun of a person who is a Taxpayer and works as a Slave for the State in a Film completely I don't know, unconstitutional... Isot not unconstitutional,_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ you who are in law must know better than me!!!! Listen there!!! How was the story of Amandjinha and Paulo César in which Paulo César got in your eye??? Do you still remember? It's just that the guy really opened your eyes, didn't he? How was this story? Do you still remember?

«I remember clearly. I remember everything like it was yesterday...»

«Damn it... You too... You look like a movie camera that rewinds in time... So how was that film in which Amandjinha and Rebelo appear...? Because I think Rebelo also appears in that film, doesn’t she?” 12:54 inReal Time

{23h02 01/23/2023:  Why did Raul lie to the Angel and say that he had only received 3 balloons when he received 5?}

{Game Strategy?}

{What kind of Strategy?}


{For what purpose?}

{He even changed history... In one of the Notebooks he recorded the Event with only 3 balloons, when the Real Event was 5 balloons...}

{There were 5 orders from 5 different recipients, but Raul changed the story by saying that the 5 recipients were all just 1...}

{We discovered that one of the balloons was built at Herdade da Aroeira.}


{We have received the video   from a drone that shows the night construction of one of the balloons on the golf course in the light of the candles in a Pentagram... This video was introduced by Viruses in our system... Yes our Playful Ghost  wanting to play  with our minds and wanting to show that he can hack the Judiciary Police's IT system...}

{We also received 2 recordings that Raul made.. Our Fantasminha  hacked Raul's phone  made us  please send us 2 audio recordings of Raul... The little ghost is giving us clues... He wants us to play his game...}

{And let's play,  inspector??? Inspector??? Inspector???? Inspector!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???? Call an ambulance!!!!!!!! Inspector?????????? Inspector??????????????? Inspector???????????????????????????????????????}

Hello Inspector!

Welcome to my Psychiatry Inpatient Service...

Ya... The service is mine...

You're listening to a recording through a chip I put in you...

Ya,  is the Devil's Chip...

It's me, Inspector...

O  Devil...

Hope you can handle Chip...

Can't  talk about  him...

If you say "die"...

I'm kidding...

If you talk about the chip, he stays in hospital for another 6 months...

Sir, Inspector... I know you are very intelligent...

It didn't come here by chance...

I know that you can distinguish between voices coming from a chip and voices coming from yourself or produced and performed by  yourself...

But one piece of advice I give you...

Keep your intelligence to yourself...

I put you in Bed #66,

So that the Inspector can have a Real Taste of Things...

I have the whole Service in my hands...

Including the Watchers, Cleaning, Nursing, the  Secretariat and other police with me...

I have an Army... 

I started to build it  on a Network when I was 9 years old...

The Net has become a Game...

The game became a movie...

And the Film became   a Reality...

I want you to play the game by my rules...

Otherwise, I simply infect the Judiciary Police's IT system 

With its secrets of hidden life and influence peddling...

I have your whole life in a Little Window and a Little Folder...

Ya... Mr. Inspector... I can see you behind the Film Cameras...

I had 6 video cameras placed in your room, 

As a matter of data protection....

I like number 6... Because I would say that number 6 brings Mice to Reality...

I see patients as mice...

It's my Mice...

It's in your hands to get out of the Cage, Inspector...

I want you to come knocking on my office door with 6 rings...

When I open the door,

I want you to salute and walk into my office like a madman...

Sit down and play the First Chess Piece.

I want to play chess with you.

If you eat me 3 pawns, 1 bishop and 1 knight I give you the High Victory.

If you eat two towers from me, I'll give you Vitória da Alta.

If I eat the lady I give her the Victory of the Alta.

If you make me 6 Checks to the King I will give you the Victory of Alta.

If you make me 6 moonlights looking at my phone's camcorder,

I give you the Victory of Alta, 


If not, I'll give you a 6 Month Pass in Hell.

The truth, Inspector Raul, is that the Inspector "suddenly" had a Burnout...

You arrived with decompensated levels at Internal Medicine...

And the Internal Medicine of the Knights of the Order,

They passed your case to me to my Order...

We studied and played(you) together Online, Inspector Raul...

Games have evolved...

Law got stuck in the games...

I know you changed your name when you joined the police, Raul...

I love you.

I wouldn't be able to hurt you...

I just want you to play with me...

It's an important game, you know?

It's the last Level of Mind Games...

I love you,  I swear.

I love you, Raul.

It's me, love.


You discovered (me)...

Come play baby...

Play dirty...

Play dirty with me baby.

I want to try my new  pills in your mouth.

With my dick in your mouth...

11:34 pmDmytro Krupka (Raul Catulo Morais)

{Inspector?? Inspector?? We discovered the exact day that Dmytro hacked Raul's chip to close Rede nº6 and Rede nº66. Dmytro blocked the Grids' Access to Raul's brain and mind... However, he didn't close Grid #666-F. It was during the first few nights on the Coast that Dmytro blocked the networks' access to Raul's brain and mind. Dmytro has blocked access to your group of friends. But he was unable to prevent  the networks from accessing his chipped eyes. Raul's  friends suspected that Dmytro was an extraterrestrial "demon" from Saturn or Jupiter because suddenly  had lost access to Raul's Neural Network on the exact night that Dmytro slept with Raul on the Coast and Raul woke up "in the middle of the surgery" leaving Network nº 66 with that part of the film, after which Dmytro confused the Network as if the Episode had been a DREAM Episode, erasing the Memory of the Episode from the Drawer of Real Life Episodes and creating a Copy of the Episode in Raul's Dream Drawer}

00:00 / 00:33
Film-Argument de YHWH
00:00 / 33:23
Obra Inacabada - Pintura a Meio
00:00 / 41:48
00:00 / 00:33

Film-Argument by YHWH published in Angel of Jupiter. 3apR of TMVN with Choreography by Raul for Último Negócios a Bom Porto before Hiper Cyberattack à Ordem: Africa WITH Ukraine: Because if Africa does not enter, Ukraine does not enter either, if India does not enter, Ukraine does not enter either, if Pakistan does not enter , Ukraine doesn't enter either, if Brazil doesn't enter, Ukraine doesn't enter either, if Jehovah doesn't enter, Satan doesn't enter either, if Allah doesn't enter, Satan doesn't enter either, because I'm in charge, because it's my dance, it's the my choreography! Close the doors of Kingdom Halls of Jehovah's Witnesses, fire on Bethel, but protect Jehovah's Witnesses! Is it the devil's dance? Whatever! May the  come the Devil! Let it come! 01:44 01/24/2023 Raul Catulo Morais with All Reserved Rights With Jupiter Editions

«Yes, Rebelo also appears in the film.  We had gone dancing at the disco... I was drunk...»

«For a change... Raul's beautiful blue drinking times...»

«I looked at Amanda and saw Amanda falling and I immediately went to her rescue at the same time as Paulo César... But in that rescue we collided and soon enough it was enough for him to have a_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ good excuse to get into trouble with me the following days because he was very offended that I had "penetrated" his Legal Sphere... Paulo César told Amanda that he wanted to settle Accounts with me for having penetrated his Sphere His Spirit Juridical Unauthorized and combined the Fly Net Strategy to punch me with a brass knuckle. Who sent Soqueira as a Game Weapon was Carlos Caril. The game was sent to Rede Mem Ramires, Rede Sá da Bandeira, Rede Ginestal Machado, Rede D. João II and Rede Alexandre Herculano and the skaters hacked the Rede and sent Mourinha in silence to protect me. The Game Weapon that Mourinha left was the Skate. The networks knew and it was an Illuminati Game (Illegal). Paulo César's troops entered the Mota-Engil Garage that same day and took a "heavier" herb so that I "did not see the heavy game" and then handed me   as a "sacrifice " in the Game Perimeter where Paulo César was going to call me where he was with Amanda. One of Paulo César's troops before "disappearing" told me very quickly "don't cross the crosswalk, it's on this side". Mourinha was skating on the side of the school... I was entering the school and Paulo called me from the other side of the treadmill and invited me  to go down the stairs with him saying that down there was Amanda who wanted to talk to me and I told Amanda to go upstairs and talk to me and Paulo crossed the treadmill to come get me in a very friendly hug "Pulling me" with him to the other side and in the middle of the treadmill I braked and resisted and that's when he pulled back from the punch and hit me. When he goes to send me the second punch, Mourinha takes the Skate and goes straight to him in my Legitimate Defense. I go into the School, I go to the Mirror and I see a Giant Ball under my eye... I thought I was going to go blind. That was a huge hematoma. I started crying not because of the  pain, because I was "half anesthetized"... I started to cry because I really thought I was going to go blind. Because when I touch that shit, my God, it goes up close to the eye... I panicked... Then, while I was waiting to go to the hospital, the Portuguese teacher appears, after the story that he had been caught fucking in a room with the Geography teacher, looking at me and saying that a man didn't cry and that I looked like a poet and that's why I couldn't cry, because not even male poets cried and I was kind of angry looking for the teacher... Then cousin Ana Rute appears "out of nowhere" at the house,  always "out of nowhere" saying that she had seen in her "Crystal Ball" that Paulo César he had a crush on me and that's why he sent me a  punch and that one day we were still going to have a romance the two of us in bed to make peace and it was me with a poker face look at Ana Rute... I made a complaint about Paulo César at the Police and I only withdrew it when he later came to apologize to me essentially at the disco.”

“Damn it, Raul! What a movie,  listen there! And listen there!!! What was this de  story in a recent novel that Paulo César sent you 6 locks that saved you from 6 knife wounds in the 6th Revolution?»

"I don't know what the story is, Sara..."

«Hum... And where does Rebelo appear anyway? I didn't see Rebelo in the movie...»

«Rebelo appears before Amanda's Rehearsal of Dance to Fall, where she hugs me and behind me puts her fingers in her mouth as if I were disgusting, winking at Mota-Engil and Mota-Engil later tells me me and I "cut ties" with Rebelo and Rebelo went over to Paulo César, Mota-Engil and Amanda...»

"Fire!!! When Amanda joined our group, everything was ruined... A Web of Intrigues started as big as a high school soap opera... Amanda suddenly joined our group as a film director... Amanda and Isabella... Man... I don't know where they got the Creativity and Invention of the stories... Fire... It was because of Amanda that our group started to separate, wasn't it? She started to gossip about you, didn't she?"

"Ya, it was..."

«I mean, she just arrived with all the gossip about  the reign of D. João II and you, always the Good Samaritan, welcome and include Amanda in our group and in the high school group and she later vira-te  against all the groups... Fogo... How was that story at the Alvim Pool with Infante?»

«Hey...  This story...»

“How many guests were there?”


«Have you noticed that this has always happened to us...? We always welcome "Inmates" and "Marginals" into our group to reintegrate them into the Network and into Society, but it always went wrong... Always... It was just shit... It was always shit..._cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ And we never learned, because we always continued to integrate new members... Really this is just up to us... Anyway... Let's go to the chickens then...» 10h38 24/01/2023 Raul Catullus Morais

16:07 01/24/2023

{I think there's a New Dimi in the story...}

{Damn it, Inspector!! Another Dimi??}

{How many are we going now?}

{We're still only going in 7...}

{Honestly, I don't even know if they are clones, partners, twins or robots...}

{Cum! Looks like a  Virus!!! Dimi virus...}

{The 1st Dimi appears in Raul's  Vida in Helder's "form"...}

{In Helder form?}

{Yes... The Church of Hélders are the Ministers of Christ who are called to administer the spiritual affairs of the Church... After Raul left the Attic of the Grandmother's Building, his first "home", he went to live behind from the Agricultural School and it was the father who arranged with the Hélders for them to visit the house. Hélder Dmytro was about 21 years old and Raul 4. The Memory Image that Raul formed about Hélder is correct and intact in his Memory Drawer, matching the Real Image... It really looks like a "twin" of "our" Dimi. Then Raul went to live at his grandmother's house with his parents as tenants and entered the piano school, which is where the ghost Dmytro reappears in the Jogo dos Espelhos and then disappears in Praça Sá da Bandeira behind Sá da Bandeira. It then appears on the 3rd time at a house of friends of Raul's grandmother from Jehovah's Witnesses in London and then when Raul returns from London to Lisbon, the look-alike of Dmytro's sister and mother appears at the house of his aunt, a Jehovah's Witness for a Bible Study ...}

{Does this "appearance" in "female" version count as the 4th time?}

{Of course it counts!}

{Then "the real" Dmytro appears at the Santa Apolónia Station on the first Date between Raul and Dmytro and then when Raul goes to the Island of the  Pirates Dmytro appears with pierced ears and tattoos in the island's grocery store ...}

{That's Dmytro III, isn't it?}


{So Dmytro III appears the 6th time...}

{And Dmytro VII appears the 7th time.}

{In "Seventh  and Last Life", therefore...}

{Maybe there are more than 7 lives in history...}


4:33 pm

«My grandfather worked on this barbecue...»

«Oh, it was!!! When?"

«I don't know... From the stories I was told, I know that my grandfather was a train driver, he was a baker, he was an agricultural entrepreneur and he was employed at this barbecue...»

"Cum!!! Doesn't that one look like Dimi???»

"There!!! It looks huge!!!»

"Cum!!! This is also Dimis everywhere... It's no longer  the first time I see a guy like Dimi... I saw him in my hospital too... Hmm... Very well... So your grandfather had been turning chickens here... My father has always been here, so maybe they even know each other... As my father is even older, he is even able to of being from your grandfather's generation... Look!! They're in need of a part-time chicken-turner here... Don't you want to come over here and turn chickens with Dimi? MUAHAHHAHA!! Don't like this grill? This makes a lot!!! It must earn as much as Costa's barbecue... Do you like this barbecue? There is no pork on a skewer in this grill, nor a cow's hand, nor a cow's tongue,  nor spare ribs, nor pork sausages like the barbecue on Costa... Do you like this one?»

«I would like it better if I didn’t have a rabbit...»

"Rabbit??? But where are you watching the rabbit?”

"It's written in chalk over there..."

"Cum!!! You see everything too!!!! But you don't eat rabbit either??? You're too skinny, Raul!!! You have to feed yourself!!!! Are you starving?”

«Ahahaha! Sort of... Of course I don't eat rabbits!! Rabbit is Red Meat!!!»

«Is Rabbit Red Meat?»

"Yes. The rabbit is a  mammal! I don't eat mammals! All mammals are red meat...»

«Ah,  yeah! The rabbit is a mammal... Have you ever seen rabbits making out? They're so funny... They're always making love and having kids... They're so funny and so smart... By the way, you shouldn't eat rabbits...»

«Eating rabbit is like eating a cat... Many restaurants used to sell rabbits as if they were cats. My father even closed restaurants like that... He would go in plainclothes...»

«Damn it... Your father was everything and more...»

«Look, my father has arrived...»

"Hi Uncle! All good?"

“So, Raul! You're too skinny...!"

«Ahahah! Well I am!...

«You have to eat more, man!!! You're too skinny!!! One day you disappear...»

"And truth..."

«Poor Raul... Raul doesn't like people saying he's thin...»

«Truths are meant to be told... Aren't they? Otherwise we only speak the Lie...»

«Listen,  dad!! Do you know who Raul's grandfather was who worked here at the barbecue?»

“What was his name?”

«It was Zé...»

"Who? Morais?”


«The Great Ciriaco Morais da Silva was your grandfather???»

«Look, done!! You see Raulzinho... At 30 we discovered that after all my father and your grandfather were like best friends in colonial times... Was your grandfather white or black like your grandmother?»


«Do you know that Brewery downstairs with the "plaster" Bull's Head hanging on the wall?»


«We always go there, after the Marisqueira that the owners opened the first one in Lourenço Marques as the one ;)  Restaurant in Almeirim à  front of Praça_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ de Toiros, the owners opened the first seafood restaurant in Nampula and then the second in Lourenço Marques and the third in Luanda... I went to Luanda, but in Luanda the stories of Nampula and Lourenço Marques reached Luanda like the stories of Santarém reach the 4th and 9th corners of the world...»

“Hey, Dad!!! The analogies you make...»

«Raul noticed... I know he noticed... Morais always had Dona Alcinda by his side... Suddenly Dona Alicinda  appeared and took Morais by one ear to house... It was always after liquor and port wine that Dona Alicinda appeared... It was necessary to have capital or own assets to set up a  Shareholders' Society at the time... And to him setting up the Agricultural Society I sold him in a Simulation an Agricultural Tractor that I had acquired in a Simulation from the Seabras... But to protect him from the First Simulation I didn't say anything to him, so that he would be a Good Faith Purchaser and in case the First Simulation was invoked by the simulators,  so that it could not affect our Purchase and Sale... The problem  of the Society is that Infante's motherfucker,_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ who was one of the partners of the Sociedade do te u grandfather used to  your grandfather, who was the manager, sign bad checks  e  that gave a big scolding... O  -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ your grandfather was even  constituted a defendant and he was supposed to be arrested, but a fine was put in the middle to replace the prison sentence and your grandfather sold the tractor to the Seabra and paid the fine and that was it, the case was resolved... Then he came here to work...»

«Hey!!! A story na  barbecue turning chickens...»

"And truth!!!"

"It was a pity!! If it weren't for Cirrhosis your grandfather would be alive!! The problem really was Alcohol...» 

" Hello! How are you?"

"Hello!!! So Raul?? Is your father better? »

«Yes, he's better now... He's undergoing hemodialysis...»

“Do what? 3 times a week?"


"Well, it's a bummer..."

"It's tiring..."

«Yes... We really have to treat our kidneys well, which are like a 2nd heart... Is it or isn't it?»


«And what is he waiting for the kidney transplant?»

«We were still seeing if the kidney with hemodialysis could recover by itself...»

«Well... Opa, but if you are going to receive a transplant,  even if you go get the Kidney from a Pig...»

«Muahahahah! What? To a pig?? Did I hear right?»

“What is the girl’s name?”

"It's Sarah!!"

"My name is Sara..."

«Stop, the girl is laughing... But doesn't the girl know that Pig is anatomically just like us? A pig's heart is the same as a human's heart. The kidneys the same thing!!! Look, pigs are very good friends of ours and are even capable of giving us their heart if necessary or a kidney if necessary... That's why humans shouldn't eat pork!!! I don't eat pork, I don't even go into the grills where they sell pork!!! Pig or rabbit!!! Look, that chalk over there was written by hand just for the eyes to see and not close the doors of this barbecue... But this barbecue never sells rabbits... Try asking there..._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ It's like Vasco Saturn's Barbecue... It says there's that and acolotro on the Menu, but there's nothing but White Meat... This is how it is... We live in a City with a very Ancient History trapped in History and we we have to be Smart in the Middle of History... Do you understand?»

"I understand, I understand..."

«So, go Raul!!! Give your dad a kiss!!! So I never saw you on the bus again!!! You're not going to Lisbon anymore?? Have you finished the course yet?”

«Ah! I'm in Exams... Now I'm only back in March which is when the 2nd semester starts ...»

"It's the last one isn't it?"

"We hope so!"

"So go!!! See if you finish it properly so that you can be the Judge or Lawyer of the Community that we want to put a bus stop at Campo Pequeno Bullring and then another one at Praça do Sá  Carneiro !!! Because the bus should be after Avenida do Brasil, enter Jardim do Mário Soares, go down to Campo Pequeno and then turn around at Praça do Sá Carneiro to go away towards Rotunda do Relógio and continue to Santarém, because I had already I did a Community Survey and I know that these are the places where the 6 am and 7 am bus passengers work and study. Because this is what the Bus Station should do!!! It was asking the passengers' school or work and knowing what time they intended to take the bus to and from to put the bus stops in Lisbon in the right place depending on the  commuting passengers each year! !! This is what I would do if I were head of the bus station or if I were the Concessionaire of the Bus Station or the Lisbon-Santarém Line and I had my own buses!!! That what the Jupiter Bus Society defends is what looks like spaceships... But that's it!!! Goodbye!!!"

"Cum!! This here at Churrasqueira talks about everything!!! Even buses and spaceships...»  17h36

«Let me just pull over here next to my parents' car to see if they know where the house is... Do they know where the house is?»

"We know... Do you have the phone on, Sara?"

«Yes, mother... I have...»

«Okay... So are we...»

«Go, see you soon!!!»

«Just take care of my dad... Yes,  dad?»

"I am!!! Listen there!!! I don't know what friends you hang out with who are going around spinning your head with stories of tractors going back and forth just to slow you down... But I'll tell you one thing, what they want is for you to keep your rights unfinished and then get involved in their tractor stories and work for them on their land... See who you're with and what stories they're telling you! A letter arrived here asking you to do a training course on  tractors and agricultural machinery... If I were you, I would think about doing this training course, because it can always be good if you need to find a job where you have having a license to drive tractors... Don't count on me to pay the fees anymore!!! If you want, get a job, part-time , at a barbecue place, or in a supermarket, or in a workshop and you'll pay the tuition fees if you want to continue studying... But if you're interested in this training of tractors e  agricultural machines you tell me that I pay for training, because I know that afterwards you enter the job market and then there is a lot of land to work. It was just that. Goodbye! Everything is going well!”

"Good bye, father."

"Then?? Everything is fine??"

«It's my father... He seems crazy... Anyway... So what's this about the wedding being postponed?»

“Oops, there is no money!! This is very bad, Raul... I have to pay to work... It doesn't make sense... In the hospital I get a miserable salary as a psychologist... What do I get paid? About 900... How would I be able to pay a  rent in Lisbon if I didn't happen to have a house of my own? I couldn't! I still had to live at my parents' house in Santarém and go by bus or train every day, like without schedule, in an impossible travel schedule... Only if I went on a spaceship from Jupiter or Saturn,_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ I don't even know what life movie this is anymore, Raul... I don't even know anymore... I happen to have a house on the coast,  because if I didn't have I don't know how it was going to be... But  even though I live on the coast, man, it's so tiring every day to cross the bridge... And fuel and parking... It's just that I wanted to go myself transport to the hospital I couldn't go... Because I don't have transport or schedule... Man, and I swear it's so tiring!!! Like you really love doing your job and you know it's your job... Like you get home very late every day, very tired from work, from the trip...  Hey , seriously... It's really tiring!!! And then you get paid badly!!! What does Tiago as a Policeman receive? Also about 900, 1000€... Then you get a little more because of the Bonus, but to get more, we don't even get to see each other... There are days when we don't get to see each other, Raul!!!!! Because it's me getting home and he's leaving the house for a night out at the police station... Then at the clinic with your cousin it's not possible.. It's like I'm paying to have to be working,_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ no way... And that's why I left... I'm no longer with her at the Clinic... I don't know if your cousin  was upset with me or not,_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ but look,  if it stayed, "her problem"...  Man, I still can't come up with money... It was something that I really liked,  but I still don't know how to invent and that's why being at the clinic to almost have to go into debt to be able to work, no way... And that's why we postponed the wedding, to see se  add some more... The farms we had to see were around 20 thousand ... But then there are others expenses, then the Honeymoon... So for now,  it's really time to tighten our belts... It's true, I'd really like to have children,_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ but under these conditions don't even think about it!!! If we have bad time and bad money for ourselves... This is not quality of life!!! This really looks like a real Slavery, a Hell! Of course, for some it's Hell and for others Paradise... If you have money you live in Paradise if you don't have money you live in Hell... It's sad to say this and have to write this, but this has to be written Raul, you understand? Someone has to write this, do you understand Raul?”

«I understand... I received a call from a friend of mine who was a colleague of mine at the Faculty who told me that she was working in a large firm of lawyers and that she was suffering what everyone else was suffering, "modern slavery" and she got fed up up and left to open   his own brand,  his own company... He was also only getting paid €900 doing shitty work , taking things home and not having time... Anyway... I also spoke with another friend of mine from Católica who was also at a smaller law firm, which also received those 900,_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ 1000, but he worked a lot...  He happened to be close to home, he's still living with his parents, otherwise  it would be impossible.. .»

"Does this make any sense? Terms 30 years old or 40 and terms of still being at home with parents?? Like life is impossible!!! It's hell, it's true!!! Just have time to talk about Hell in the little "intervals" and "windows" of life... If you want to open the window more, you can open it, Raul...» 18h49

21:53 01/24/2023

§ Vitor!!! Give me  the phone, I want to talk to my nephew!!! I'm not a  like this!!! I'm not enjoying this movie!!! But then? Are we back to the same?? It can't be, otherwise the kid will never finish the course again!! They can't be   always  picking him up and a  putting him in the_cc781905-5cde-3b5_cf5returns!!   We already noticed that the kid got there, now it's over!! Otherwise, this  doesn't work! Anything Junior comes here!!! The 2nd  semester ends here at our house!

§ Hey, no! 

§ No what??? Are you  silly or what???

§ Hey, don't come here...

§ Shut up! I'm in charge! If I'm saying that Junior stays at our house to finish the semester if he wants to, it's because he does!

§ Hey, where are you going to stay?

§ Stay in the office! You get  that good bed from the attic and set it up in the office and you end up in Junior's room!!! Or the sofa in the office opens  for Junior to sleep on, because it's a sofa bed and that's it... It opens and closes every day...

§ Whoa!! I use the office to write,  is my work place!

§ I don't care, Victor! You use the office when Junior isn't there! After all, what is missing for Junior to finish? Show Junior's Curriculum Plan there, please!!!

§ There are the Economics and Administrative Law I exams in February and then there are the subjects for the 2nd semester of the last year to take...

§ Which are which?? I want to know!!!

§ Criminal Procedure, Executive Procedure, Labor Law II, Fundamental Rights and Forensic Medicine.  And there is also Constitutional II, which was a 1st-year subject that he left behind...

§ Okay, come make these chairs at home if he wants to!!! So the father is changing plans again now at the end of the championship??? Does this make any sense,  or what?? Come on, give me the phone so I can call you... He doesn't answer... He doesn't answer!!! I'll call again... No answer!!!!?? Then?? Doesn't answer why? Did not answer the phone!!! Look, I want to know!

§§ Phone call 21:26 01/24/2023 §§

: Hello, aunt!!!

: Hello!!!!!!!

: Hello, aunt!!! All good?

:  So??? Are you crazy or what?

: Ahahaha!

: Are you crazy??? We spent New Year's Eve together... It's already the 24th and they haven't said anything else?? I see your father through the window on the walks... Can't you come over there and so we can go for a walk together? Always walking alone?? 

: I give you the touch, auntie!!!

: You have to touch it!!! And thou?? How  are you?

: I'm fine,  aunt... Are you here on Sunday? Can I go to lunch with you?

: Yes! Sunday we have lunch! Faculty,  how are we?

: Now I have the exams in February and then in March the 2nd semester begins...

: And then it ends?

: Yes...

: These exams you are going to have now are what?

: Oh! It is Economics and Administrative Law.

: But now you're in Santarém studying for the exams, aren't you? You're not going to Lisbon and coming back, are you?

: No no...

: You only come and go again in March which is when the 2nd semester starts, is that it?

: Yes...

: Ready... Listen!!!! Anything you need, pass, money for books and such I want you to tell me please,  is not hiding!!! Which is to finish your training!!! If you're there with a lot of noise at home, you can't sleep,  you can't study and stuff,  you don't have a bath and such you come here to my house and you go from here_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ and you come. OK?

: Ok,   tia... Thanks!!!! Thanks!!!!

: No thanks!!! I had already told you that you are like our son to me and your uncle! But now I speak for myself! I already told you that you are to me as if you were my son! If things at home are not going well,  if you see that the environment is not  the most favorable for you to be able to finish this last semester at college just say- me and you have the doors of our house open to  you. But  the doors are open for you. If I didn't open it for others,  it was because the doors are mine and I choose who I open the doors for. The doors are open for you. I already told you, but it's just  to reinforce. OK?

: Ok, aunt... Thank you!! Thanks for reinforcing!!!

: Ready!!  Those two at home are crazy, man! You're there with two big freaks  and I don't want you to go crazy with the freaks!! I don't want you crazy, huh? You already know!! Come over to my house if you see that you're going crazy or that you're missing things... Hot baths and such, you already know...  The water in my house comes out boiling,_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ man!! It's Wonderful!! All you have to do is touch it and you'll come over and take a shower properly, as everyone likes it... You don't have to go around bathing  every day in a pot heating water in the stove... We're not in Africa, man!!! Then??? But what fashion is this anyway??? Warming pans and such?? I heard...

: Ahahaha! It has to be an aunt,  because the water is not hot...

: But do not have shovel water heater? Hadn't Benvindo gone there?

: Ah, yes... We have a water heater... Just because of the old pipes and faucets, the water doesn't get hot to the shower... It gets cold, because of the pressure...

: I see a very poorly arranged job there, Junior!! And the father doesn't have it fixed or doesn't let it be fixed because he says no money, there's no money, right?

: Yes...

: I imagine... But look, this has to be a job for landlords, man! You have to communicate with the landlords!!! They have to tell landlords  that the hot water does not reach the shower and that the taps are old and that they have to be fixed and pass the expense on to the landlords... This is not how it appears in the Code Civil? You've done Civil Law and Obligations Law, haven't you  already?

: Yes, aunt...

: So, that's it... You know what you have to do... You don't have to take a pot bath for I don't know how long... We're not in Africa,  Junior!! !! We are in Portugal!!!! Pot baths were when we were in Africa, Junior... Sorry, but we are not in Africa, Junior!!! We are in Portugal!!! In Africa, parents cut the  bus passes for their children... In Portugal, parents cannot cut their children's passes... That doesn't exist in Portugal!!! Blankets and such accurate? Are you getting cold?? The cold has arrived!!!

: No, aunt... Thank you!! 

: Check it out if you need blankets tell me, I have good blankets!!! Do you have heater?

: I have, aunt... Thank you!

: So go! [That I want you to finish right away quickly so that you can enter the Escola dos Juízes and ask for a secondment to São Miguel or Porto Santo... I already told you that I want to live with you in Porto Santo because of the warm sea or in São Miguel because of because of the hot springs. We are warm water fish. Let's go after the hot water... You don't know, what's it like? Don't you know how it's going to be? So?] Big kiss! See you Sunday!! 


It was one of those important calls... That gives us that support to continue... Support is important... Family support is very important. 11:40 pm 01/24/2023 Raul Catulo Morais 12:53 pm 01/26/2023: Deep down, that's all we want is Family Support. We don't want anything else. We want a Support with Love that every day  gives us Strength and tells us that "we're going to make it". We don't want a False Support that laughs at us, that sends us hammers, that doesn't respect our Space,  that doesn't give us Peace and Quiet so that we can also be with our Brain Processing Memories and Life with our  Magical Operator which is the Brain. We like Silence, we like Peace,  because we had all our rights the night before to dance without stopping dancing. Because we need to Dance to open the shitty tomes of Law and Medicine and the Old Schools  of Psychology and Psychiatry. We can be in Engineering or Informatics, but we also enjoy looking at the pages of Psychiatry and Psychology. We can be farmers and understand more about law than a lawyer or a deputy. We want to participate like Bees  in the Democratic Society of Parliament. We want to imitate the Bees. We  want to be the People. But we want to be the Informed People who democratically govern Parliament . Constitutional law is wrong. Democracy is Fake and wrong and corrupt. But that does not mean that we want to destroy Democracy. We just want to fix it. Nothing more.  And we want   to do it calmly,  but quickly, without stress and without getting old. We vibrate with children,  because when we pass by  they are  a Technological Wind that Chills our Technological Spine. It is there in these Magic Windows of Life where  we feel the Magical Force of the Magical God. We go on and on, because we can't stop, because   are not children already and  are late for work. We just don't want to be slaves. We just want to have a job, whatever it is  without feeling like a slave,  to be able to go out early with our family, because we want to cook, we want to be with the family, we want to reach the end of the month and be able to have money to travel. Deep down, we don't want "money", nor do we want things to be given to us. We don't want big houses, we just want a Space where  we can develop our Personality with Basic Conditions ,  with Silence and Peace. A Space with Light. We just want them to respect us.  Nothing else.  We just want our parents to kiss us  to kiss us more  to kiss us more  -136bad5cf58d_ times.  We also want to be kissed. We also want to be embraced, because we are  made of this, of affection, of  of emotions,  of feelings. But we are Aesthetics. We want a Clean and Organized Space. That's  just what we want and demand. We demand a Collaborative Education. We don't like authoritarianism. Because Education is not Authoritarianism. We were born with a Swedish Brain,  Finnish,  Danish and Norwegian. In Sweden, it is forbidden for parents to speak badly to children or to hit them   either by gestures, words or psychological games. We like this Law and we are born with this Natural Law. They cannot spoil our Law, our  Voice and our Writing. We defend  our Brain and we always attack in Legitimate Defense. We don't want to attack.  We don't want to walk down the street, like fools, like drunks, looking for Love,  looking for God, looking for a family.  But there are compensations to be made. If we don't have Love at Home or a Structured and Organized Family at Home, we'll leave the house maybe drunk in Blue in the middle of the streets singing to charm, perhaps, a Love. Things then appear connected because there is an Repercussion of Things. We know that we were "sacrificed", because of our Vein, our Spirit,  our Presence to Face Things. We simply don't want others to go through what we've been through. Because we, by Macabre Luck, endured and won. We do not believe in Destiny but in an Intelligent Technological Program. Smart counts as "Technological". We see the Spirit trapped in a Technological Prison, in a Network, in a Program.  But we know how to make the Return and see the Installation of the Program to free ourselves from the Network and identify the Programmers. We are capable of handing over our Family and our Friends to a Police and a whole Police to a Police in a game of cops and robbers. When Love is stolen from us, we learn to Love Love without Stealing Others' Hearts. [I want to be a judge  in Santarém, Porto Santo or São Miguel. I just need to travel this Triangle to be Happy and to know the World. Of course, if my Love appears and wants to leave the Triangle, I will leave with Him. In2080from Antoine Canary-Wharf I left the Trapeze and entered the Triangle in the Pentagon of the Devil's Pentagram 666.666.2222.1111.6666.666666.]


[15:44 01/26/2023 inReal Time]

10.31.2080 Masonic Steps and Back-and-forth. Masonic Steps and Book-On-Table

Good morning, who did Case nº66?

Happy Birthday,  teacher!

Whole Class Laughter

Francisco immediately stuffs his  dick  into his pants

It's a gift, teacher! Isn't today the teacher's birthday?

No! Today is Satan's Birthday! It's not my birthday! Immediately put your dick in your pants, Francisco or I'll shoot!

Professor Raul pulls the Pistol out and points it at Francisco in the middle of a Criminal Law class

Francisco goes to the professor with his dick  in his hand,  climbs onto the professor's desk,  taking off his shoes first,_cc781957 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ getting  barefoot and slapping Raul with his dick

Raul puts the gun on top of the desk between Francisco's feet and sends Francisco a slap, making Francisco fall.

Raul lifts Francisco, pulling him out of the room, opening the door and sending another slap to Francisco, closing the door afterwards.

Anyone else want to get their dick out or can we start class? Who is  who made Case #66?

Francisco knocks on the door taking his dick out the classroom door again with his hand in the air  saying that  made the case_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ #66 and asking if you can join

Raul  orders Francisco to put his dick in his pants if he wants to return to solve Case nº66

You can start

In this case, we are dealing with Excess of Legitimate Defense, because Professor Raul lost the Institute of Legitimate Defense when he gave the student the 2nd slap

But couldn't it be that the professor had already lost the Institute in his defense when he pointed a gun at the student, Francisco?

Not in my interpretation, because in today's times pointing a dick is like pointing a movie camera or a gun


Say, Beatrice!!!

I do not agree!

Neither do I, Beatrice...


Say it, Alice!

Did you know that Francisco won the Finalist Ball because he managed to film the Queen of Lingerie in the Directorate?

What's this story, Alice?

It's the same story as my father,  professor! I ate the director of the Faculty of Lingerie after eating her son! Wasn't that the story with my father, teacher? I have the teacher and my father's film in my possession

I also have your film with my son in my possession, Francisco.  I have the film of my son cumming all over you!  

Professor, what the fuck movie is this?

How is this film possible in a Faculty of Law?

I'm not the one who makes the rules of the Masonic Game, Beatriz... I'm not the one who writes the script... If it were, Francisco wouldn't even have  taken his dick off to_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ out.

So who writes, professor? Isn't it Jupiter Editons?

No,  Beatriz... It's Saturn Editions... We are  in Saturn's Jurisdiction of Fire, we are not in Jupiter's Jurisdiction...

Professor, only Fire Signs are invited to teach in Saturn's Jurisdiction of Fire... Is the professor a Fire Sign?

Yes, I am, Beatriz... I am Aries

Did you make a pact with Saturn, Professor?

I had to, Beatriz... If not, Saturn Editions Gaming would order a 66-day Cyber Attack from Saturn to Jupiter Editions... Only Saturn can pirate Jupiter Editions...

What was the Pact, Professor?

I had to give Francisco's father a blowjob in the Classroom in 2023 before the Obligations Law professor came in and continued the blowjob until the professor arrived and accepted that Francisco took his dick out today in the Classroom for the Theater Case Masonic #66

Teacher?? With what music did you have to make the Sacrifice to Francisco's Father?

AsI'm So Sorryby the Imagine Dragons. I wasn't the only one who made the Sacrifice. The whole class went to save the Law of Obligations professor who had "gone to bed" with a female student on top of the Amphitheater's desk and had been made Defendant in a Harassment Proceeding brought by the student's parents and was about to be expelled from Faculty by the Director Queen of Lingerie of the Faculty of Law who had been filmed with the Lingerie spurred by Francisco.  The brooch dance was a Protest against the Queen of Lingerie of the Directorate of the Faculty of Law. The Queen of Lingerie was handcuffed for having been filmed moaning with her Lingerie all spurred on by 17-year-old kids from the German College and the French Lyceum. The film was shown on the Giant Screen at the Prom with the Law of Obligation Teacher  Film with the 4-year-old Student on Top of the Desk  from Amphitheater #6 looking at the Amphitheater Film Camera,  with  the Broach Dance and with my 6 soles  in front of 67cc5c1 riders -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ of 6 cameras to film da  Faculty of Law. Cordially asked the Director's Whore  if she could give me my films, but the whore didn't answer me,  so I had to go knock on the Director's door and of the National Data Protection Commission with the book2080in hand.  I sent a slap with the2080in the director's face...

Professor, wasn't that Excess of  Self Defense?  16h16 Raul Catulo Morais

[16:44 01/26/2023 inReal Time]


«So, Raul?? Any day a guy can see right through you, man! You're too skinny..."

«And Uncle, he's so fat... Just look at this little belly...»

«Ah!!! After all, you know how to speak without stuttering!!! Give here a proper handshake if you want to see?”

«So,  son, are you good?»

"Hi, aunt..."

«You're very thin, my son... Have you been eating well? Are you starving,  my son?”

«No, aunt... Ahahah!»

«Look there,  son...  You have to feed yourself... You're very skinny...»

“Mekie, Ricky?”

«Mekie, Raul? Ok,  damn it! You're fit and you're cute!"

“You are the one who is cute!”

"I? Look at my tummy, do you want to see it?”

«Ahaha! I adore!!"

"Do you love it?"

"I adore!"

«Do you also love my little belly, Raul?»

«No, Uncle! I like Ricky's tummy!”

«Ah, because I soon saw...»

«And you also like my boyfriend's tummy, which I know very well, don't you Raulzinho?»

«Ah... Yes, uncle... I like your son's tummy...»

«Oh! They all like Tiaguinho's tummy... Isn't it Sara? At the hospital, don't the nurses and doctors like your fiancé's tummy?”

«If it was just the nurses, I would be fine... It's the nurses, the nurses, especially the nurses,  the doctors and the police, who I know very well that his colleagues also like much to fall asleep with my head on my husband's tummy!!!!»

«Oops, oh Sarah!!! But are you silly or what?”

«You think I don't know...  You think I don't have access to the cameras at the police station and you think I don't  see what your Brotherhood is like at the Police Station ...»

«Oh,  son... Is it true? Do all the  policemen at the police station put their heads on your stomach?»

«Oh mom... I'm kidding!!!»

«Oh, daughter, I don't know... How times are...  Look, all this is written in the Bible... We are in the Age of the Devil...»


«Have you seen it, Raul! This is always shitting laughing... Is it always shitting laughing or not?»

«Yes it is,  lol...»

«Lol?? Raul no one says lol... Do you know what lol means?»

«Okay, Peter had to show up as an English Teacher, right Peter? Let Raulzinho say lol..."

"I won't let you, Sarah! Nobody says lol, for God's sake!!!»

«Have you seen it, Raulzinho? Pedrinho invoking God? Have you seen it, Raulzinho?”

«What are you whispering, may I know? Come on, let's separate these two boyfriends here,  cousins and married otherwise I'm still without a fiancé,  that I'm already watching the movie. ..»

«O Pedro!!! Put a sound in the column to give!!!»


«Put that one...»


"That one..."

«Ah!... Tass well...»

«Post Raul to realize what movie we are in!!!!»

«O Sara... You also dance, han!»

"I??? I got kicked out of the movie...»

«I went... By Treason...»

«Ah! So you are the Traitor... I thought the Traitor was Pedro...»

"And is!!! Except that I was the one Sacrificed as always in the movies... But  done... Come on, Pedro, put the Sound on there...»

«O daughter... Why did you become the Traitor?»

«Oh, mother, please stay out of the movie for real... It's better... Otherwise, the whole Trinity will fall on top of us...»[16:57]

Viper - Brand X Music
00:00 / 00:33

Last Level inKatullo monster Illuminati Game

Raul's Chart Updated at 5:27 pm on 01/26/2023

Stamina 99%

Expectations 99%

State of Mind 99%

Last Analysis of the State of Espírito Chamber nº66 Prossegur Security Company Sociedade Anónima at Rua Barreiros Mota

Penultimate Analysis of the State of Espírito Chamber nº 66 EDP Energias de Portugal Sociedade Anónima at Avenida Dom Afonso Henriques

Antepenultimate Analysis of the State of Espírito Chamber nº66 Banco Montepio on Avenida Dom Afonso Henriques

Insanity 0%

Game Insanity 0%

Total Insanity 0%

Hunger 33%

Last Sexual Activity 01/19/2022


Latest Analyzes Noémia Laboratory inIlluminati Gamesafter Last Activity Window Period  Sexual

Bank Account €0.00

Last call Sónia at 11:17 am on 01/26/2023

Last call heard by Tia Nanda at 21:26 on 01/24/2023

Last message Sent to Mariana Portugal at 2:44 pm "Hello just to say that I love you kiss"

Last hidden message Sent to Barata at 4:38 pm on 01/26/2023

Secret Entrance of 6 Angels-Soccer-Players from Benfica, 6 Angels Soccer-Players from Sporting and 6 Angels Soccer-Players from Porto, 6 Angels Soccer-Players from Académica and 6 Angels Soccer-Players from União in Liga Jupiter

Follow Game 17:39 01/26/2023

{{{Junior... I'm just going to tell you one thing... Are you listening??? Wake up... Wake up, please... Even though I'm your father, I'm a Survivor and I've always told you that you were born in the middle of the Jungle that this is just Cheetahs, Leopards, Hyenas... A the only way you can get away with it is if you get into bed with a  Lion or with a Lioness... You have no more chances, because you are a Gazelle... You are a Prey and you are a very easy Prey... It's easy to Capture you... It doesn't take Great Hunting Arts to Capture you... And therefore either you get a Lion or a Lioness so you can sleep peacefully knowing that you'll wake up the next day with Life or else my friend you are disgraced... Because the Leopards,  and the Cheetahs and the Hyenas are Hungry, they are very Hungry... And the guys already know that here at home there is a Gazelle and they just jump to the Gate to eat you... And I tell you  one thing, you be careful with your cousins and with_cc781905-5cd e-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ your friends they all belong to the same group of felines and the felines are all connected in a Network... Falo-te  now in a Network because we are in another Era and for you already understand my language...  I took your car away so you could understand that the conversations you would have in the car, conversations and singing when you went to the Navy with your new friends would be listened to by your other friends, by Saras, Tiagos and Companhia Limitadas... On the way back, they would change turns for you to drive a van to stop at two farms to put cork inside the van and when you were told to stop by the Guard and the Guard were to open the trunk of the van they would find stolen cork, the Bordallo  Pinheiro monkeys stolen from the Garden of the Bordallo Pinheiro Museum where you had planned to steal the monkeys from under the romanzeir there with the other one eating your chest while he stuck his fingers with that same recording, with that same cassette, on the court table and what I tell you is that you would have your life_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ completely ruined, more ruined than it already is! I look at you and I see that you are Ruins... You are Ruins... You are Ruins... You ruin everything around you... You ruin everything... Because you are Ruins... You let everything around you in Ruins... You think you have friends, you have absolutely none  friends... Because friends are not in a Network Magicing plans about Life, about your Life, which then they harm your Life and mine, because then I am the one who has to take your Misfortunes! You see, get rid of the Leopards and Cheetahs once and for all from here and get a Lion or a Lioness... I think you'd be better off with a Lioness, but that's up to you..._cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Because if you're going to get a Lion, sooner or later you get to your bed and there are 2 or 3 or 4 lions and then you have to lie down with the 2 or 3 lions... Maybe be more protected, but then you already know that you become theirs, that your meat starts to  belong to them... The Cheetah that I told you to be very careful with, that I I had seen the door of the Tavern in front of the Film Camera in a Circle after having gone there to eat the Carninha that you want to take off the Menu of the Tavern and Chita who sent a Salto  to the Gate to come to you take it out of the Typewriter when you had dreamed of your Portuguese Teacher and then Chita took you to your Portuguese Teacher , who stared at you as if you were the Devil, because she  had also dreamed of you that same night,  making Chita an Impossible Connection Computing of Things Mysteriosas da Vida, (the Cheetah) will again send Salto ao Portão to come in and sit here where I am sitting on your bed and tell you to stop being "little cousins" or "primaxes",_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ because he is Hungry and in the Hunger Games we have to give the Meat to the Cheetahs,  otherwise they jump up and eat us alive... I already told you said you were born in a Jungle... Save yourself! Before trying to save the Sea Turtles, save yourself from the Crocodile Maw first! Before trying to save the Pigs and Cows, first save yourself from the Mouth of Cheetahs and Lions! Before trying to save other people's titties, first save é  your titties otherwise the Cheetahs will come in there to eat your titties... Save yourself! Otherwise you'll be eaten by everyone! And I, look... I'm just watching your movie in my hands on the Screen of my Phone... I'm just Watching... Observing... Don't forget that I'm just the Observer... Wake up! Wake up, Junior! Wake up, this is not a movie!}}} 7h59 01/28/2023 Raul Catulo Morais


Our technology works remotely.

Our dance works at 6 meters.

Our choreography works at 6 meters.

With eyes closed, we all dance 6 meters the same dance.

Our dance is technological.

We don't grope each other,

We didn't all get there

On top of each other!

We don't eat each other.

We are not cannibals.

We're all brothers."

«Was that part of the lyrics part of your hip hop?

Or has that now been added in real time?”

“This is our letter.

This is our devils song.

This is our hip hop!”


«As your bank I am very indignant,

because that part of the lyrics

It was not in our database...

If it were,

maybe the bank sponsored your song...

Go! Sing the Song of the Devils there...

Here's the whole bank listening to your Hip hop» 11:11 September 9, 2021 Jaime Maria Bayamonde da Costa Ayala (Raul Catulo Morais) inProcess No. 666on Pirate Island page 121

666, we want to save sea turtles.

666, sea turtles are sacred!

666, seahorses are sacred

And they are not meant to be in aquariums!

Seahorses are sacred

And they are not for sale.

For one hell of a black funding

Who sees them as “ornamental pieces”!

666, we want a Labor Penal Code

That defends the workers more than the bosses

And don't let any worker play psychological games with any worker!

666, we want happiness wages

And a new Corporate Tax Code,

That sends the partners of companies that make millions

Distribute a generous percentage of profits with your workers,

Without any discussion!

Or is it like this, like in sophisticated Nordic countries

And as with Jupiter Editions,

Or is it like that,

Or we invade Parliament!

Or is it like this, or is it like this!

666, we are not kidding!

666, we want to uninstall all surveillance cameras

Where they are not needed, such as on public roads, on beaches, in gardens, in restaurants,

In amusement parks and clubs because we want to have fun

Without our entertainment being processed and ending up on a data black market.

[Because we bring a “hell” spirit and we don't want it to be prosecuted

And wind up on a hell of a black market.]

666 banks will have to grant home loans without equity capital,

Otherwise they will fall!

666, no more churches open

Who foment hatred of homosexuality!

666, homophobia, racism, xenophobia and Nazism are to be hated

And intolerable!

666, the Government of God began!

The children of God will begin to rule!

666, let's see who can handle the devil's movie

12-dimensional on Pirate Island.

We're pirates, dammit!

Let's hack every damn system

And let's fuck all the Devil's children!

666, we don't give a shit about our parents, uncles and grandparents' damn business!

666, we are worse than the devils!

666, human life is sacred!

666, bees are sacred!

666, devilfish mantas are sacred!

666, vampire bats are holy!

666, we do not cut down trees for the wood,

We defend the cork business,

Bamboo and imitation wood!

666, all monogamous birds like penguins,

Swans and flamingos that choose a partner for life are sacred

And they must live free, they cannot be imprisoned!

666, we don't like cages!

666, cows, pigs, goats, sheep, buffaloes, bulls, giraffes, elephants, hippos, all animals with tits and all animals with horns are sacred!

Jaime Maria Bayamonde da Costa Ayala (Raul Catulo Morais) inProcess No. 666on Pirate Island page 123

{{{He thought he had to do this to save his friends [who were trapped in the Devil's Claws]. Let's go back to you and let's Mark this as if it's a Time Frame for him to remember at the end of the game... It's going to be his Milestone... leave the game. Let's go back and then repeat Marco e  we start the Game in Invisible Form,  because of the Brain Damage...}}} Afonso in Mesa de Caminha in Online Congress of Physicians

{{{Don't want to play the Game? The Character Game? Let's play... Danna is also in the Game... We play  the game only on Thursdays and Fridays... The Bastonaires are in the game too...}}}

{{{What bastonaries?}}}

{{{From the Order of Doctors and the Order of Lawyers... The Order of Psychologists is out because Sara  has lost her mind... Someone from the Board of the Assembly of the Order of Psychologists picked up a Knife and cut Sara's head... I think it was a Silvia... Is there a Silvia in the game?}}}

{{{Did you know that Raul has a cousin named Sílvia and who happens to be sitting at the Board of the Assembly of the Order of Psychologists?}}}

{{{Seriously?? How cool!!! What a strange Game Coincidence... My brothers and my brothers boyfriend play Online in the game in the Same Team of the Order of  Psychologists...}}}

{{{Oh! Maybe it's Raul's cousin... But calm down... Did you say your brothers boyfriend, Afonso?}}}

{{{Yes... My brothers who are not my blood brothers,  are by affinity and sponsorship, who are the children of my father's girlfriend are the two Russians and they date with a kid from Viana that I also happen to be his Godfather and they showed me one of their teams... Which were paired with a kid whose mother was sitting in the Order and so they got a Bué Forte game, because They got an Important House in their favor in the game, they had eyes and ears inside a house that connects other houses in the game... Is your cousin's name Gastão, Raul?}}}

{{{No... It's called...}}}

{{{So, done... Raul won a Character in Game  from the Characters. Gastao won...}}}


{{{Do you understand the game?}}}

{{{No... I said I didn't want to play, Dimi!}}}

{{{Afonso, Raul didn't understand the game. He has to leave. Let's stop, he doesn't want to play.}}}

{{{We've already started the game, Dima! And Raul noticed. He is smart. I know he noticed. I'm linked to him in the game.}}}

{{{Raul,  did you understand or did you not understand?}}}

{{{Dimi, I didn't notice and please I don't want to play. If you please...}}}

{{{Dima, Raul has understood and Raul is simply playing Legally against you. It's his game.}}}


{{{{Dima, calm down! It's just a game...}}}

{{{Ok... But I really have to understand if Raul noticed or not, because he writes...}}}



{{{Raul, did you understand or not?}}}

{{{No, I got it... Could you stop the game,  please...?}}}

{{{Do you write, Raul?}}}

{{{Ah!... I like to write some poems from time to time,   nothing special...}}}

{{{Oh! That's cool...}}}

{{{Guys, can we start eating and forget about this part or eliminate?}}}

{{{Does everyone accept Delete this part of the Game?}}}

{{{Yes, and we have to stop playing,  because Raul doesn't want to play, nor do I...}}}

{{{Barbara, then? You don't want to play either?}}}

{{{No... I'd rather go see Caminha or go for a walk in Viana do Castelo...}}}

{{{Well, me too...}}}

{{{I'm with Raul and Barbara!}}}

{{{Then go... Done... Forget this Part of the Game as if it had never existed... He thought he had to do this to save his friends...}}} Afonso in Mesa de Caminha in Congresso Doctors Online

[13:33 01/28/2023Real Time]


«So, Raulzinho... How are you?»

"I am fine..."

“How is your mother?”

«It's more or less... I don't know... I think that with everything I can't even describe my mother's condition very well,  because it's unstable...»

“But how did it all go? We're not together anymore like I don't know..."

«We had it at the godparents' dinner at the Taberna...»

«Ah, that was it!... But we didn't even get to talk about it... Your dad is cool, isn't he?»

«Yes  it's better... After the Internment my mother came very honestly with someone else... It seems that she came with "Broken Legs"... She's on another floor,_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ a walk she never had, I don't know... Do you know what it's like for your mother to show up crying saying that the drugs were hurting her and that she had been the doctor on purpose just to break her legs and you're not a doctor and you don't understand anything about medicine and you just want to understand what's going on with the Reality that you have before your eyes? Sometimes my mother seems more or  less lucid, other times she seems completely "sick", she has the "sick look"... She is unstable... Sometimes she manages to do more or less things , other times she says she can't and I don't know if she really can't or if it's the Schizoaffective Disorder part of her "talking"... like talking non-stop about everything and anything else that was that verbiage that made me earn Escudos in relation to my  mother, because it's really "my mother won't shut up and it's really tiring "...»

«Raul, I know... I am your Witness... I know, Raul...»

«Like, I was removed from my mother's Hospitalization by the attending physician who was not able to listen to me properly and then my mother left the hospitalization with the attending physician saying that she was autonomous without familiarizing me with my medication mother, when my mother couldn't take care of herself and wouldn't even take the medication and wouldn't let me "take care of her" because of the attending physician who had said that my mother was autonomous... It was then the Psychiatrist who later of the Hospitalization in the 1st Consultation familiarized me with the medicines in front of my mother and therefore my mother, when seeing the Doctor giving me the Testimony,  was immediately super friendly and supported me about me... Imagine, what I think is that the Medication will only have a Useful Effect if my mother does Psychotherapy, or is at the Day Center doing activities and talking to other people, under penalty of Social Isolation and my mother get sadder, more Depressive and the Mental State gets worse,  because my mother can't be taking that medication and then stay there "stuck" at home,  without leaving , without talking,  without doing anything other than sitting there watching TV all day, because that's my mother's life...»

«But who recommended the Day Centre? Was it the Psychiatrist accompanying her?”

«No... It was another psychiatrist from Hospital de Santa Maria who spoke to me at the Day Center... My mother scared me a lot in one day, there was no Psychiatric Emergency in Santarém I had  to go running with my mother to Santa Maria and then when we were attended to, the Psychiatrist told me at the Day Center... But it's like after that... Like I have to be on trips, I don't even know where, spending resources and fuel just to get an answer, information... I didn't even know that the Day Center could be an option for my mother...  And I think it does makes perfect sense... Such  how Psychotherapy makes sense, for  example, which is actually part of Schizoaffective Personality Disorder Therapy itself...»

“What about you, kid? Have you done any Skimming or have you seen if you also have a scene or something? It's just that you know that this psychiatric illness thing is so fucked up and Schizophrenia has a great hereditary load... Have you taken the test yet?»

"No. I have to ask the Family Doctor to order the analysis... My mother's current diagnosis is not Schizophrenia, it's Schizoaffective Personality... It doesn't have to do with hearing voices, but honestly I don't know if the the fact that my mother always puts the Radio and Television on at the same time cannot be to "muffle" supposed voices that I can hear without being able to say where they  come from, I don't know, it was always a suspicion that I had it, but for that my mother had to say that she heard voices if she heard and didn't hide "these voices"...  I don't know... I know what Schizophrenia is and I also know what is Schizoaffective Personality,  Schizoid, Schizotypal, Bipolarity,  Boderline, I studied them all and I know that I don't have any of these diseases... What I have is Syndrome_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ from Stockholm and I have Deficit Attention Without Hyperactivity diagnosed by family psychologists Doctor Sara and Doctor Sílvia...»

"Does Sara also confirm Stockholm Syndrome?"

«AH, then confirm... Ask her there... Call her there...»

«But look at that, kid... I know you're normal, but like with drugs or alcohol, suddenly Cena can come all over...»

«Pedro, I don't smoke drugs and I don't drink alcohol like I used to...»

«I know, Raulzinho... But here's just one piece of advice... Take the tests at Noémia, don't do them at Germano... Because that at Germano,  your tests will stop right away at Internet, because those in the Secretariat photograph Medical Tests... I know that because Bernardo's HIV Tests ended up on the Internet... He cheated on his girlfriend with two guys,  he didn't use a condom and he and his girlfriend, who is having a baby, got infected and now it's a big shit... But that's it... It's just  some advice... _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_Look at this photo of the new member of our family... It's a Doberman, we went to get Estremoz... Then on the way to Elvas we stopped halfway at that restaurant where we had dinner with Mafalda Alvim, with Mariana Portugal, with Jorge , with Francisco... Did you remember?»

"I remember."

«The Restaurant was where? In Borba or in Vila Viçosa?»

“In Borba.”

«Ya... It was in Borba...»

«Look, here... The photo of the little dog looking at the phone for a photo of you... Holy shit this is beautiful!!! Seriously!!! Just like it!!! O Sara??? So listen... Does Raul have Stockholm Syndrome?»


Photograph shown in Pedro's hand to Raul during Film-Nouvelle when he called Sara

I remembered again, because of the Game of Silence, when the 4 of us, Dimi, Danna and Pedro, I had gone to São Miguel and in the car before we got in Dimi did a Strange Spider Dance Potria Diabólica starting_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ next to Danna,  coming at me, handing me the  car keys e_cc781905-5cde-3b-3b -136bad5cf58d_ saying be careful with Pedro. Pedro then got in the car with Danna staring at me  looking through the rearview mirror  carrying her Blue-Purple Lipstick as if she wanted to say "something" to me and couldn't "moving away" from Pedro, Pedro chanting a "huh?" and answering  Danna with "Grupo Krupka", returning to stare at me  through the rearview mirror. Before the Dance,  when Dmytro was in the Bathroom and I was  in the Room with a  Danna and with Pedro for because of Sound I heard and "saw" a Network  Invisible installed between the three no  WhatsApp in a completely Mysterious Triangle  Trapeze and my Love with Dmytro. After the dance, when we got to the Spa, Pedro spoke in the Reference  of a Film in which "they" could only speak in the waterfalls para  os_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ "demons", "angels" and "gods" not listening... I remembered  from my discussion with Dmytro in São Miguel, where we left_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ from home to go  to discuss to the foot  from Cascata because  from Cascata because of  from Cascata... having left the Cascade Circle, when  o  Gabriel was showing on the phone a day when the Cascade was cloudless. I left silently and cordially, respecting their Circle without wanting to be in their Circle because what I wanted was to be Immersed to the Maximum in the Reality of the Cascade and to fix to the Maximum the Cascade and the  Sky with Clouds above da Cascata... I didn't want  to superimpose the Photograph of Cascata or even Gabriel's Phone Screen to the Real Image of Cascata when we were in Cascata. It was a Stupid Discussion that didn't seem like our Discussion, because supposedly Dmytro and I had the same Look e  the same Way of Feeling and Seeing things and suddenly it was as if Dmytro "altered everything" and wanted to "test" me in a "stupid game" that he played between us without my permission. I remembered that the Dance that Dmytro had done had been the same as an Illuminati player who had appeared on the Esplanade of the 6th Revolution and had told me "Be careful with Mariana", before Mariana had taken me to the Balcão and sent me 6 stab wounds with a closed fist in the back + 6 stab wounds in front of a video camera on Rede nº66 in which Leonardo Gabriel later told me that the cameras were broken when I tried to ask for the images of my "invisible" stab wounds at the counter. It was after the stab wounds in which the kids from the High School appeared looking at me as if they wanted to eat me when I immediately looked away and Mariana said "even the kids look at  you, already_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ did you notice?" e  I passed the Hot Potato to her saying that the kids  were looking at her. It was later when I saw Mariana being taken out of Cena by Drummer who had sent me his dick on Grindr and a video of him Hitting One and in response I sent a Friend Request to his Girlfriend and sent _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Print of my Grindr Friend Request to Drummer and Drummer Blocked me later appearing behind me in Grocery Queue at Drummer's Cashier who greeted me with a Short Knock on the Cashier with an Original Sound... I remembered- I also remember before leaving for the Azores that my mother put chorizo in the Refugee of Simple Scrambled Eggs, knowing that I didn't eat chorizo and that I  had passed and that my mother_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ saying that it was just so I could taste the  chorizo in the refugado and I looked like a fool looking at it and then at the 1st restaurant in São Miguel on the trip of the 4 to have spit out the chour I know that the Octopus dish came with the same Refugee Flavor as my mother's,  in front of the Camera installed on the ceiling pointed towards our table and because of the Flavors and the Internet of Things to have I "seen" my mother impossibly in a Film Impossible behind the camera and after I arrived at home from the 3rd trip from São Miguel  my mother asked me if I had felt the Flavor from her Refugee in the Azores and having said that you couldn't make Octopus with Chorizo  and that even she would spit out that dish on which it should have been written on the Menu that o  Octopus Dish it came with Chorizo, because eating Octopus was not the same as eating Chorizo de Porco,  como  if  my mother  3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ were_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ sitting at our table  of 4 in São Miguel as if I were a Ghost... I remembered the Stupid Bet that Dmytro wanted to make with me for Money at São Miguel Airport,_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ when we never  made Bets for Money, when Money was always, always both... I remembered our "Telekinetic Experience" in which our heads were glued and facing backwards glued we wrote os  two the same book de  2 pages in silent dialogue only with our minds,  where we stayed with 2 books mysteriously the same, but with different handwritings... And I remembered how the Telekinetic Experience was not scary for me, but "magical", sophisticated technology in which my brain just wanted to investigate and discover Engineering and technology ogy of our Telekinesis,  in which in the first novel of things I called Telepathy, but that  later,  for having discovered the Technology, I started calling it Telekinesis... And I remembered that many times it was in this Telekinesis that I saw "the Truth" that was hidden in the middle of the "Lie of Reality", as if it were an "Encrypted Channel", truly Encrypted ,  Impossible to be Hacked... I remembered how on the Island of the Pirates I had picked up a baby Blue-Red Octopus and that it had bitten me having seen its little mouth biting- injecting me with its venom and being delighted with  the bite,  with the force of the  bite and with the daring octopus  baby that fit so well in my hands and having then released it and when I got home I investigated that the venom of the Blue-ringed Octopus was the most poisonous venom in the world and that it contained a chemical substance injected through the bite, tetrodoxin, which was a thousand times more powerful than cyanide capable of inducing respiratory problems , paralysis in 10 minutes, there being no antidote for the poison and capable of killing 26 adults in minutes... "I died" when I read what I read and wrote in Part Hidden from Process nº666 if by chance I had "died"... I remembered how I had written that it looked like it had been hacked by the  baby octopus, because,  it seemed that only with the bite of the octopus did I want,  to suddenly defend the  octopuses and stop preying on them... I also left written the question_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Rhetoric in the Hidden Part of Process #666 if I could be carrying Nanorobots from Jupiter or Saturn who quickly saved me with the Antidote against Tetrodoxin,  having been the Best Scientific Explanation I had managed to get inside_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ of my "fiction of reality"... Conclude the Hidden Part by writing that I would be a Protected Jupiter Experiment and that I would be alone on Mission to Earth as  a "Mere" Voice and a "Mere" Writing Instrument and Witness of a Traveling Spirit... I felt that it was "my time" to stop eating octopus, relating my experience and including my investigations about octopuses in the Hidden Part, having concluded a Spiritual Pact with my Writing that when Marine Biology or Neurobiology were able to prove the  Socio-Affective Intelligence of some Octopus Species other than the Common Octopus Species of Nature eza Canibal e de Natureza  Lonely, which Naturally I would stop including octopus in my diet... And that's when I was "hacked" even Offline and a Google Window appeared in which I suddenly stayed Online,  as if some Octopus had remotely turned on my computer's Wi-Fi where the Kissing Octopus appeared, a Super Affective Octopus that liked to spend all day kissing its partner,  feeling like a "Kissing Octopus"... When Dimi visited me, I told him on the island about the bite of the Blue-ringed Octopus and about the "hacking " from Octopus-Beijoqueiro telling him that he wanted to remove the Octopus from our diet and defend the Octopus,  Dimi replied to me in a Film-Nouvelle right on Beira-Mar: «Ya,_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  baby... We_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d _ we are Kissing Octopuses who have made an Alliance with the Blue-Ringed Octopuses so that we do not die  with their Deadly Poison, but we only defend Kissing Octopuses and prey on Common Cannibalistic Octopuses -Lonely... Don't even think about defending the Cannibal Octopuses,  baby, otherwise I'll devour you myself with just a kiss... I love you!». I tried to notify the Maritime Police about the existence of the Blue-ringed Octopus on the Island, but the Police connected to a Biology said that it was Impossible,  that it was a Possible Film because this octopus_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ only existed in Indonesia and we were not in the Indonesian Sea and I replied that many tourists said that the Island was like the Sea of  Maldives and that the Sea of Maldives I was only 6 hours away from the Indonesian Sea and that maybe a tourist could have brought... I didn't have Photographic Evidence like I had of the Diabolic Spiders, nor any certificate from the Order of Biologists  that would attest to my Integrity Ocular, so I gave up, sent  by Writing the News to the Captaincy for the Event Record... 136bad5cf58d_ all one Photographic Roll in my Mind in more or less  2, 3 seconds... [I remembered later too, because of the Film-Nouvelle à Beira Mar do Sonho that I had later, when in Registo of Process nº666 because of the "Stupid Size" of the 66 Gigabytes of the Process that it was impossible for Dimi to register my Process nº666 Online at the Portal dos Registos and that I had taken the Process on a Pen-Drive to Pedro's Computer Hardware that sent me I had come to visit the island with Sara and Danna, before we left for Isla Mágica with Dimi, for Pedro with his IT to try to Reduce the Process through Zip (Zippar o Processo),_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ but without any effect and success, with Dimi later managing to solve the problem.  Although Pedro deleted Process nº666 from his computer,  I saw that there was a Copy of Process nº 666 in the Mem I dreamed of Trash from his computer and having seen it I dreamed  that Dimi and I were kissing octopuses inside a giant aquarium in Pedro and Danna's giant house and that Dimi had managed to hack the Pedro's computer to delete the Hidden Part of Process nº666 from his computer, leaving, however, in a Relation of Trust,  intact the whole Process without the Hidden and Secret Parts.] [Written at the end of the Hidden part of  Process nº666 that of all the intelligent sea monsters the octopus would be the last monster that I would grant rights, but that I myself would end up no longer preying on it, not being able to defend it in front of the divers who hunted the octopus, just defending the fair fight mano a mano between the man and the  Polvo,  in which I would just take advantage of the divers' ride to secretly embrace the Octopus  in the depths of the sea without it being seen by Fishermen and Divers, so that I wouldn't be "killed" feeding on Algae only on Algae at the Hunters' Table that served the Octopus . I wrote this as a kind of Pact and Spiritual Sacrifice after being bitten by the Kissing Octopus and having stayed in the Orgy of my Thoughts in an Algae Bath in the Algae-filled Sea of Praia dos  Chameleons of Ilha dos Pirates where as soon as I got out of the shower and turned on Mobile Data at the Lifeguard Station, a Scientific Discovery of a Type of Algae with More Protein  than _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Octopus,  the Pig and the Cow.  I felt truly hacked in all the Maximum Sense of the Technological Experience of the Algorithms of Good Neurology and Good Psychiatry in an Intelligent Program of the Human Mind and Consciousness.]

«Oh Raul!!! But you don't eat anything?? That's why you're so skinny... That way no guy can catch you... You're just skin and bones... Look at this... You don't even have muscles...»

«O Sarah!! I'm eating..."

«Yes, yes... You're just eating chicken... And stone soup, don't you eat??? Hmm?? Wouldn't you like a stone soup?"

"Sara, I don't eat red meat..."

«Ah! May I help..."

«And a Caldo Verde?? Eat a Caldinho Verde... You can't just eat chicken...»

«It has chorizo,  Sara. I don't eat chorizo...»

“Take out the chorizo, Raul.”

«I don't eat chorizo and I don't eat a soup that has been made with chorizo...»

«Oh Raul, fire!! You're also making it difficult..."

«I'm not making anything difficult... I'm here in my little corner eating... What's your thing?»

«So what about some duck rice... Quác Quác Quác... Pato eats... Duck is White Meat...»

«Hey duck like ,  but...»

«Ai...  Don't tell me you also made a Socio-Affective Alliance with the Patos... Muahahah!!!»

«Some days you don't eat anything Raul...»

«Oh Raul!!! You don't eat duck either?? You're already pissing me off!!!"

«Raul!!!  You're already annoying Pedro! Eat duck, please...  Go eat duck, go... So did the duck do you any harm??? If it's not us chasing you, you won't eat anything but Algae e  Mushrooms  and Soy Sprouts and it can't be...»

«It has bacon...  The duck rice has bacon so I don't eat it. It has bacon just like the one in Villa dos Piratas that Pedro made a movie of just because I said I wasn’t going to eat the Duck Rice because it had Bacon.”

«I made a film, no! I said that you should just remove the bacon and eat it, it was just a slice on top. Dimi,  for example, took the slice of bacon and ate the duck rice.»

«But I'm not Dimi! I'm not Dimi, Pedro!"

«Olha and cod rice,  eats?»

“Do you have cream?”

"What?? But you don't eat cream either?? Since when, Raul???»

«Pedro, I only eat Vegan Creams and I only eat Vegan Cheeses.»

«Raul, the cod rice does not have cream, can I serve it to you?»

«Yes,  can... Thank you, Sara...»

«Oh Raul... Explain your diet to me, I still don't understand...»

«Pedro,  I don't eat red meat. That is,  not as Mammals. Ready. It's just this. Regarding  milk, cheese and cream only as if they were vegan, because I protect cows and defend the Socio-Affective Intelligence of Cows as of other Mammals. I don't think the Machinery around the Breasts of the Cows is bad... That's it.»

«Oh Raul... I also think it's bad...»

«So if you think it's bad, it's easy,  let  eat beef and drink cow's milk for the cow market to burn in hell and the cows to be happy forever. Ready."

«Raul, things don't work like that.»

«Things work like that, yes! It is to stop Consuming. stop attending. We are the Consumers and not the Markets who dictate the Rules of the Game. Markets adapt to Consumers  and Fashions. Simple."

«Go on, Raul... I also brought you a slice of Pudding and Birthday Cake...»

«I don't eat, Sara... Pudding took milk and cream cake...»

«But it's Tiago's Birthday Cake... And I made it...»

«O Sara,  so don't do it with cream...  Or do it with vegetable cream, whatever you want me to tell you...»

“Okay, so you don’t want cake or pudding?”

«No,  Sara...»

«Poor Raul...»

«EH,  poor thing... Poor thing... Poor thing is us...!!!! That we are here in this Hell!!!!" [16h16]


«So, son... How is your mother?»

«It's more or less... Recovering...»

«Isn't she at the day care center?»

«No... I already went to register... But it's on the Waiting List... There are 12 ahead...»

"And you don't know anyone there? That's also wedges in there... You already know how it is, don't you son?»

«Yes, that has a Wedge System... Because if you are a Brother or have a Brother from Santa Casa, you go ahead on the Waiting List with 6 points... The question of the Brother is in the Scoring System as if the Day Center were a College of the Salesians,    of the Marists or of the Franciscan Fathers...»

«Well... It's the Ecclesiastical Power of the Church, isn't it? You know how Santarém is... It's a whole world of Churches and Ecclesiastical Power... You've already studied the History of Portuguese Law in your Course, haven't you?»

"Yes already..."

“How much did you have?”

«I was 14, aunt...»

«Look... It's a good mark for the subject and for the course that it is... So when do you finish the course?»

«This year, aunt... If all goes well...»

«Take care, son... It's important,  isn't it?»

«Yes,  of course it is important...»

«So see if you finish the Course and don't let yourself be distracted now by Friendships that have passed, or by Romances... You already know how things are...  You've seen everything.. Now everyone is getting married, then having children and living their own lives and each one separately living their own lives... You also have to live your life, you understand? That's life, my son... Have you  got a boyfriend yet?»

"No, Aunt..."

«You can end up right with a boyfriend, only it has to be with Judgment... Everything with Weight, Measure and Judgment... Do you still want to be a judge?»

«I want, aunt. More than ever!"

«So see if you finish... And then you run for the Court of Santarém, which is calm and you have a calm life... In Santarém, you already know that life is calm... Or do you want to go to Lisbon?»

«I like Santarém, Aunt... I like Santarém a lot. But I could also see myself living in São Miguel or Porto Santo... I like the islands...»

«But first you have to know how the Jurisdiction and Organic Law of the islands works if you want to be a judge in the islands... That happens in Constitutional Law , right? Where you learn about the Law of the Islands and the Legislative Power of the Islands... Isn't it?»

"It is, aunt..."

«How much did you have in Constitutional Law?»

«Constitutional Law  I had 13 and Constitutional Law  II still have to be done...»

«Ah!! You left it behind, did you?”


«Yes, go ahead... Study, son...  Just study... It's not difficult... Right?»

«No, Aunt... It's easy...»

«So, go, my son... Study... Study!» [22h22 01/28/2023] Raul Catulo Morais With All Reserved Rights With Jupiter Editions


Gabriel provided his email, however the email was hidden due to Data Protection for the Exhibition.

[01/29/2023: 9:54 pm Real Time]

«It's time for Port Wine.»

«Look, I actually went to get this one  from the Porto basement... And I had to learn the story... That there's always a story to this... But the story has to be absorbed there in the store..."

«What is the wine? Can I see?... Ah... Raul... Look...  Do you know what wine this is?»

«Was it the wine we toasted with in Porto?»

«Exactly... Me, you and Dimi... Remember? That artist was even there singing in Praça da Ribeira and selling her CDs...»

"I still remember her face..."


«Yes.  I fixed her face. And I also fixed the faces of the photographers...»

«Huh? From the photographers? Which photographers?”

«When we made a toast there was a big flash towards our toast,  from professional photographers...»

«Hey,  oh Raul!!! How did you see the photographers in the middle of everything? This is like Lynx Eye..."

«One of them even happens to have the nickname Lynce... I knew who he was because he was at the Running of the Bulls organized by Jorge...»

«Hey... That Race!!! Raul arrived from South Africa,  I went to pick him up at the airport and from there we ran to the Race... I'll never forget...»

«That was my last Race. After that I didn't go to any more Races... Now I only go to the Races Without Blood With Technological Velcro from Toiros Felizes...»

«These are Bullfighting in the style of Canada, that Canada only allowed the Bullfights if they were Bloodless... It was a Portuguese Aficionado who took the Tradition of Bullfighting to Canada and the Bullfighting "evolved", became more sophisticated. ..»

«It's Raul's Sophisticated Races... Right, Raul?...»

«Fogo, Raul... But now I'm thinking about how we made the Toast, we were photographed by professional photographers, you saw Shooting and you were silent and you didn't even say anything and now almost 2 years later you talk... .»

«O  Raul is like this... Very Mysterious... Who is also like this  very Mysterious,  is Dimi.. But I think that Dimi still manages to be more Mysterious than Raul... Because Raul is Mysterious in relation to  some Mysteries that like "nobody sees" or that "Nobody is watching " and Dimi is Mysterious even by Nature and is in Different Mysteries... At least that's the feeling I have...»

«Han, Raul... Take this Port Wine Category... Just look at this beautiful bottle...»

[«Puzzle piece...»]

[«Huh? Is it a Puzzle Piece?...]»

["Oh yeah? Is this a Puzzle Piece?»]

[«But is it the last one?»]

["No. The last one is the Plate with the Greyhounds... With Kodak's Flash with Kodak... That's the Last one... 3 Kodaks...»]

«This looks like a Code...»

«It's a Code, Puzzle... Each Piece has a Part of the Code and only with all the Pieces can the Combination of the Code open the whole Puzzle...»  [22h31 29/01 /2023] Raul Catulo Morais with All Reserved Rights With Jupiter Edtions in Nouvelle-Film de Jupiter


«Oh, son, so you already know the Solution to the Story of the Chicken with the Golden Eggs?»

«Look, the Solution is Mathematical, Raul... It's an Equation... X has to equal something... EY has to also equal something... Even if it's 0, but it has to give a number... Knowing that X was the Income and Y was the Golden Eggs of the Chicken of Eggs  D'Oiro...»

«X=0 and Y=9...»

«This is a Solution with many reticences... One can even hear the Reticences in your Voice, Ó Raul... You have to give the Solution in a more affirmative way, otherwise you'll end up with the Thief's Letter... And look at that The card that had come out to you was the Judge's Card... You were just the Judge of History... You didn't know... The Rounds of the Deck of Cards of Paranoia made you think that you were the Suspect of the Thief , when you were the Judge and the Joker, you were the most valuable Trump on Top  of the Table...»

«X=0 and Y=9. There was no money,  there was no Income, because there was no  no previous Lease Agreement,  because there were no Tenants ... The first tenants were me and Catarina. So there was no money.  There were only 9 eggs. The Chicken with the Golden Eggs only laid 9 Golden Eggs...»


«Dad,  did he say how many nines?»

«Dise 4,  Tiago. You have to pay attention. And no se  question. You have to listen. It loses the Magic. You just have to listen. You cannot repeat.”

«Okay, Fogo... It was just for him to understand...»

«He already noticed, Tiago. He already realized that he is playing at home...»

«Raul... Há  how many years does this Story of the Chicken of the Golden Eggs last and reign in our group?»

«Since New Year's Eve on the Coast... We were 16 years old,  I think?...  In other words, 14 years ago...»

«Muahahahahahahah! 14 years ago a Big Lie...»

«Oh,  Tiago... It's not a Big Lie, they say... It's a Great Story... And then this is like Port Wine... The more years History is more Valuable as it is... Today, it is worth a Fortune... It is Listed on the Stock Exchange and everything... We are not kidding here...»

«Oh...  I know we're not kidding here... With this story you could even buy a Ferrari...»

«oh, bitch!!! You are silent!!!! This is the sound of a Ferrari!!!!!!! What the fuck is this??? oh fuck!!! It's quiet!!!!!! This is a Ferrari!!! I have to go outside... Oh boy!!! It really is a Ferrari,  damn!!!! What is a Ferrari doing here in the middle of nowhere...»

«Here in the Middle of Nowhere in history, isn't it Pedro? How am I talking in a Ferrari and suddenly o  Ferrari appears?»

«Oh, kid... Shut up...»

«Mekie,  Raul!»


“All in Altas?”




«Listen!!! This looks like a movie!!!! Raul looks like he has a GPS...»

«Where is  from who  do you know the guy, Raul?»

«Ah!... It was a friend I made in London some time ago and just now he appeared  not long ago... I was on the Mountain and he  appeared and asked me  if I wanted to do a Test-Drive and I did...»



«Stories similar to Raul that are only known after a thousand years and that is if we are lucky enough to link the Ferrari to History... Because otherwise History will never appear again...»

«So how did you meet him in London?»

«Oh!!! That was another Test-Drive, wasn't it Raul? On a Test-Drive of  a Porshe or a Maserati... Wasn't it, Raulzinho?»

«Not a Maserati... In London  it has to be an Aston Martin...»

«Was it an Aston Martin that they did the "test drive", Raul?»

«Muahahahahaha... Sarinha put the test-drive  in quotation marks,  Raulzinho...»

«The test drive was in a Bentley and a Lamborghini...»

«O Raul,  go to hell!!! But you've already driven a Bentley and a Lamborghini and it's only after all  that you tell me? Lol... Great best friend,  oh Raul...»

«Pedrinho, Raul's best friend is me! Am I not Raulzinho? Your best friend is Jorge, Pedro! Raul is mine!”

«O Sara... You don't get into trouble with these two, they'll disappear from the film later and you'll be Hanging...»

«oh! That I know!!! I already wrote this Novel for a Question of Security and Survival... That this here seems more like a Game of Survival... Engagements and marriages nowadays  more seem like a Game of Survival... And this  is only with a Bentley or a Lamborghini that we win the Game... If not,  it's not worth it.. .»

«I was Without Letter  when I did the Test-Drive...»

«Oh kid... You drove in London without a license??? You are completely  crazy, pissed off!!!  You don't exist!!!!»

«And let me guess... You were stopped by the British Police and the British Police let you go, like it's cool, it's just a "simulation"...  Yeah_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ just a test drive... Ahahahaahahahahahahah!»

«By chance I was stopped,  but  yes, I was lucky...»

«"Lucky"...  Muahahahahah!»

«This is like that time in Setúbal when the boy Raul drank half a bottle of Moscatel de Setúbal at his cousins’ house, then went out with his cousin and drank another bottle of Moscatel with his cousin at the Aldeia café and then went to Luísa Todi drank another bottle of Moscatel de Setúbal with his cousin and when he went back to  the Village somewhere in Setúbal he was sent by the Police Intervention Van Raul said that he was just visiting Setúbal and that the heavy drinking was due solely and exclusively to Moscatel de Setúbal and he was returning home very slowly ,_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ passed just fine, like only in a "simulation", only in an Audi Test-Drive... Wasn't it, Raul?»


«Oh, Raul!!! Like you don't really exist... You have with every story  and with every drinking that I don't even know about... They called the Santarém Police Station, didn't they?»

«Yes, it was... Well... It was at that time that I was without a letter...»

«So, listen...  For us to do the Reconstruction of History and the Puzzle here... When you did the Bentley Test-Drive in London, it wasn't the time that you arrived late at the Boarding Gate at the Airport, the plane had already started the March to enter the Runway to Take Off, but it turned back just for you to get on the plane e  you didn't stay on Earth?»

«Hey,  I already remember!!! Hey bitch!!!! Like this story is the Great Piece of the Puzzle...»

"How embarrassing!!! But it wasn't my fault..."

«Of course not, Raul!!! It's never your fault!!! Was Heathrow Airport to blame... Heathrow Airport or Gatwick Airport?»

«From Heathrow Airport... I know the Airport in the palm of my hands... I looked at the flight board and saw that the  Flight to Lisbon was at Gate_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ X...  And I went straight to Gate X... Except that at Gate X they told me that my plane was at Gate Y and that the boarding had already finished and was about to leave... There were two flights to Lisbon at the same time... Then the plane turned back and I ran to the boarding gate... It was a_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ shame when I got on the plane...»

«With this Port Wine in hand...»

«With this Port wine from  in hand?»

«Yes... Because Raul appeared in front of me with a  bottle of Port Wine in his hand saying that_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ it was his grandmother who had sent it to I don't know who...»

«Ah! I was supposed to take it to my sister when I went to South Africa...»

«That's it... That was it... Like Raul basically travels to deliver letters, bottles of port wine... Like orders, it's like Courier... Raul's family makes Raul like Courier and Raul of course he accepts, because he is an International courier of the  type who puts international flights...»

«Muahahahahah!!! Raulzinho,  Sara is just making fun of you!!! You're saying that in history you're nothing more than a messenger..."

"But it's true!!! Raul is nothing more than a Courier! In the whole story, Raul is nothing more than a Courier... Except that Raul diverts  the orders... Because when Raul later went to South Africa instead of delivering them to his sister and Muhammad  uma  Port Wine bottle of this brand, no... He arrived with another one, because the plane had a stopover in Dubai and Raul decided to leave the airport when he didn't I could go for a walk around Dubai with a Bottle of Port Wine in my hand, like in Dubai!!!???? He asked a taxi driver how long it would take to walk to the beach and the taxi driver said that on foot it would take 4 hours and Raul looked at his watch and saw that he wouldn't  have time, because in 2 hours he would to leave  for Durban... And the taxi driver turned to Raul and asked him if he agreed to do a deal which was to exchange  the bottle of port wine on the other and so he would take Raul to the beach and then bring him and Raul of course accepted the deal and went with the taxi driver to Kite Surf Beach. When he got to the beach, the taxi driver undressed and put on his kite surfing suit, handed a  camera  into the hands of_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136badul5cf58d_ Radul asked Raul for Raul to film while he did some Fun Kitesurfing Maneuvers... That's it... And Raul became Camara Man in a movie in Dubai... After the Fun Maneuvers as he still had 15 minutes, Mohammad proposed Raul gave Raul a 15-minute romance and Raul accepted it, like there on the beach in Dubai where romance is considered a crime... The policemen were passing by and Raul was there making out with Mohammad as if Sharia Law had already burned in Hell. ..»

“Oh Sarah!!! I didn't know it was a crime in Dubai...»

"May I help..."

«That's it... These are the kinds of stories, Raul's stories... In which later he arrives in Durban with a bottle of Port Wine from another brand that he traded in a Romance in Dubai and, silently, he approached his sister and said " here, sis... it was the grandmother who offered you "...»


«Then on the trip from Durban to Maputo, Raul brought a bottle of port wine to deliver  to uncle Vítor and aunt Nanda, only he made another stopover in Dubai...»

«Oh, fuck are you  kidding!!!!»

«Ò sara,  this is a lie...»

«Right,  done... I'm kidding...»

«Oh fuck!!! that was too much..."

«No... He only showed up at the Airport after landing with a Bottle of Port Wine in his hands, like sponsorship of a trip on the Airport camera film... And then we went to the Running of the Bulls Without Blood organized by Jorge_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ with the bottle of port behind him... They put a calf in the race and the pitchforks started petting the calf... Why not  It wasn't a bull, it was a calf... The Passanhas, the pessanhas or the hell that broke them, didn't even lend a bull for the race, they borrowed a calf, just because the race was a bloodless race... They also put a horse there. with a velcro that went through the calf and didn't even prick it, it was just "olé, olé"... Listen, that race was a laugh... Organized by our Jorge, of course... And Raul with the bottle of port wine in his hands hands there in the race, like sponsorship... Olé...»

«Oh,  bitch!!! You didn't take the bottle of Port to the Race, did you?»

«No, because Raul is not Aunt Lígia... But if he were... Or if we had gone by bus from the airport to the Corrida, there we would show up at the Corrida with a bottle of Port Wine in our hand as a sponsorship of the Corrida Bloodless Happy Bulls with Technological Velcro with a Jupiter Hot Air Balloon taking off from the Land of Happy Hot Air Balloons Arena... Happy Movie Finale Type... When All After All,_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ ends well... Isn't it Raulzinho? What our little Raulzinho likes are happy endings... Isn't that right Raulzinho?»


«Oh, poor thing... From our little Raul, who is already on the verge of crying just with the Story of Carochinha...»

«Muahahahahah! Raulzinho, Raulzinho...» [02h39 01/30/2023] Raul Catulo Morais with All Reserved Rights With Jupiter Editions

[17:34 01/30/2023]

«So you're not Mauro's brother?»

"I'm a cousin..."

«Ah! Are you cousin? I thought you were brothers..."

«We are first cousins... We are twice cousins... We are cousins on the father's side and on the mother's side, because our parents were married...»

«So, wait... Is Aunt Nanda your mother's  sister?»

"No. Aunt Nanda is my father's sister and Uncle Vítor is my mother's brother.»

«I even went there to sleep at Mauro's house... Your uncles must have thought we were faggots, because I remember Aunt Nanda peeking through the keyhole and saying to Uncle Vitor "Oh Vitor, leave see me, because I have to see it with my own eyes and I have to know if our son likes men or women, look at that, there are the 3 of them sleeping in the bed all clinging to each other, I don't think this is okay ..." it made me laugh... Then it was Uncle Victor telling Aunt to leave us   à  free, that it was a normal scene between the ball boys and that we had scored goals and por  that we deserved to be the way we wanted... It was shit laughing... Those  your uncles are great Ask... they don't exist... They seem to be from another planet... They seem to be from Jupiter or Neptune or Saturn... From another planet than this one!!! And the whole crowd loved and still adore your uncles... I slept many times cuddling up to your cousin... Your cousin was a Playboy... Now he's married and a father... But damn,_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Mauro was a Playboy... He knew who he wanted... I played with him and with Canavarro... We were always the 3 of us and the 3 of us slept at your aunt and uncle's house... But then Mauro he changed Clubs and such,  he went to Fátima and that's it, we never spoke again... If you were to talk to him about me and if you told him that we slept  together o guy will say it's a lie and if you talk about Canavarro the guy will say he hates that guy... Once we caught Seabra and Canavarro both taking a shower in the same cabin when the guys  went once  sent off because of an offside that wasn't offside... I was on the bench, the staff gave the signal for us to go see from Canavarro and Seabra to the spas that we already knew they were very good friends and the  guys were in the same cabin...  It was just between us ,  because the guys had their girlfriends outside and stuff... We spared the guys...»

«But which Canavarro?»

«The Fraguinhos...»

«Ah!!! Fraguinhos... But Canavarro was the guy's nickname... The guy wasn't even called Canavarro... We called the guy Canavarro because of the Rotary Club scolding...»

«Shut up, that was a hell of a scolding...»

“What scolding happened?”

«Shut up, Tiago!!! It was an adult scolding... We were caught smoking a joint inside the club with the Folders of the Crowns open...»

«What dad??? But you also smoked dope???»

«No, Tiago... You think it was just you and Raul....»

«Oh uncle, I didn't smoke!!! They were the ones who smoked...”

«Oh Raul, you're quiet because I know very well that Tiago would put you on his lap and rub marijuana on your lips so you could give two or three dancers and in the end he would pass the smoke to you like Boca-A-Mouth like Beija-Amor...»

«What, uncle????»

«Oh Raul!!! You think I didn't poke Tiago's eyes like your father poked your eyes... You were all born in the same Colheita and in the same Selection... Parents  see everything and hear everything and that's why you know everything, you're the ones who think you don't...»

«Uncle,  I didn't smoke... They smoked...»

«And I already told you that I know that one day you would go to Tiago's lap and Tiago would give you a little pass and the next day you would go to Pedro's lap and Pedro would give you a little pass and you would smoke,_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ then the other day you would go to Duarte's lap and Duarte would give you a little pass...  I know very well how the lap shooting was...   In our group we also had a guy running... A guy and a girl...»

«Uncle, I didn't smoke...»

«Oh Raul, stop the shit... You didn't smoke like they smoked, but you sent a little pass or two when you hung out with the guys, you sent...»

«Have you  seen it, Raul? At the age of 30 we discover the truth...  That our parents chipped us, that our parents read our love letters, that our parents almost kicked us out of the house when they found shrouds in our wallets, but that in the end they also did the same as us...»

«Listen there,  Tiago... Don't abuse the conversation... I've smoked a joint all my life!»

«Oh dad, fuck off!!!!»


«Tiago... Look at the respect...»

«That's right... Your cousin played in União and Académica... I played with him in União... Or was it in Académica? Look, I don't even know which team I played for... See how I'm doing now... But I know that I studied at high school and stole the girlfriend of your cousin who studied at high school... But then I slept with him as an apology... That's why you'll have to ask your cousin who   was the Player who stole his girlfriend in high school and slept with him and Canavarro...»

"I'll ask..."

«I sold the Fiat Punto to your father...»

“Was it?”

«I sold him and I sold another one and then I went to Rome in the Fiat Punto e  I'm back now in that Fiat which is a machine... It's a 1.2. If you guess how many horses it has and what the displacement is in the Test-Drive, you win sponsorship from Fiat. Is your Charter still Expired or is it already as it should be? It's just that for my Test-Drive you have to have the license ok... Is the license ok?”

"The letter is ok..."

«Then go... It's to accelerate in a Straight Line to the bottom, you can take a little ride and such but you have to hit the 220 in this straight line...»

«220??? Does this Fiat give 220?»

«I got upset with all the priests in Rome,  I know them all and I ran away from a movie that was shown there... I got into that Fiat, the guys came after_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ of me in the BMWs, there were BMW's everywhere behind me,  because they wanted me to stay and say masses there in Rome and then they wanted me to go and give the Masses at the Vatican, except that I got really upset with that shit and put my foot on the accelerator, I passed all the guys... Me in a Fiat, in this Fiat and the BMW guys never caught me again!! And do you know how much it spends from 0 to 100? 5, 6... It's wonderful...»

«And it's very beautiful... Reminds me of the Mini Clubman...»

«Take the keys!! Have fun!!!"

«160 horses and 1600 displacement.»

"Congratulations! You won the sponsorship of Fiat!»

«Raul!!! Go back there with me, my father and Sara so that we can win Porsche sponsorship...»

«This tractor is worth a fortune!!! This is a Museum!!! On your 6th visit to the Law Office, you heard about a Porsche in Barcelos Work, Guimarães Work and Saturn Work that connected the 3 works in a Great Bronca... The Great Bronca  is this Tractor... This Porsche T-539... When my father was thrown out of the house, my father occupied this land and with the money he had saved he bought this tractor to start working here on the land... To help in the story of a friend, my father later sold the tractor in a Simulated Business, because at a time of a Decree-Law it was necessary to have Own Goods, for example, a Tractor, to be able to order  one Loan to set up a sole proprietorship or a limited liability company in agriculture... But it was all a simulation,  just for the tractor to appear in  his name for the bank granting the loan... But, suddenly, it started if a Chain of Simulations, because then this friend of my father's went to another friend of his and then that friend went to another  friend, then eventually there is a Court Proceeding because the manager of one of the companies had been constituted as an arguido... Since that guy was married to a guy who was a friend of Salazar, the penalty was converted into a fine and the tractor was suddenly sold again to pay that fine and it was all in a big scolding. .. What happens is that the Tractor ends up at Esfera and Quinta dos Seabra and I, as the Legitimate Heir and Interested Party, invoke the Nullity of the Simulated Business,  to get the Tractor Recovered and I go to Court here at the Court of Santarém...  Suddenly 69 cases disappear and my case was one of those 69 and the judge archives it. Well... I don't do anything else: I rob the farm, put the key in the tractor's ignition and come outside at dawn and park here.  Since then, I've never started the tractor again. The Tractor is waiting for a New Story to be turned on and to hear the Porsche engine. This is a Machine!” [20:34 01/30/2023 Raul Catulo Morais with All Reserved Rights With Jupiter Editions]

“How much is this worth?”

“Worth a Fortune. With the painting and with the History it's worth  a fortune...»

“With the painting? Which painting?”

«Raul... When I told you that the wedding had been postponed, what I meant was that the real wedding will be postponed, but the simulated wedding will be on the date that the wedding was supposed to be...»


«Yes... Because of the Scene that was written in the Obra d'The Magic of Algorithms and the Invisible Brain Chip... Let's perform a part of the Scene...»

“What part of the Scene?”

«The scene in which Tiago plays Afonso and Danna receives a video from Dimi and shows me in Pleno Casamento a video of you and Afonso at the Bachelor Party in Barcelona  in bed with the players from Barcelona and Real Madrid, I get up from the table and walk towards you asking you to leave the Groomsmen's Table showing you a part of the film where Afonso sees me kicking you out of the Groomsmen's table with the film from the film and he gets up saying that you stay at the Groomsmen's Table and I say that if you stay at the Groomsmen's Table the wedding is over once and for all and Afonso takes your hand and you leave hand in hand from the wedding, Tiago goes back to get the keys to the Porsche and leaves the Scene with you in the Porsche and a New Algorithm of Love begins. The question that exists now is the dispute over roles. Either Tiago stays with the character of Afonso Côrte-Real as indicated, or Tiago gives the role to Dimi, or gives it to Diogo, or gives it to Domingos, or gives it to Frederico.»

«That now has to be opened is a Casting to see who gets the role. The film starts with the wedding, if Tiago takes the role, it is as if it were the wedding just like in real time, the guests do not know that it is a simulation, they are simply obliged to sign a paper in which they give in your image to a mysterious editor-director-producer who will  film the wedding and anyone who objects is free to stand up and leave the wedding film. When Sara shows the video to Raul,  the viewer's lens  is immersed in the video and there is a "flashback" of how the Bachelor Party went ... Then we go back to the wedding, there is this Cena, and when Raul and Afonso leave Cena, we then have a film going forward and another film going backwards in which the scenes intersect with the Memoirs. The film to go forward is Raul and Afonso's Beginning of Dating until the Wedding and the film to go backwards is Sara and Afonso's courtship.» [00:06 01/31/2023]


BIGOD (João Domingos) - Porsche T-539 -

After the Last Supper and my Last Sacrifice in which I swore at the table that I would remove the Octopus from my Diet and they swore at the table that they would remove the Pig and the Cow from their Diet, having established the Spiritual Pact with Satan that although I did not could no longer eat Octopus could not defend the Octopus from their Claws and would simply have to watch in Silence their Mano a Mano Struggle with the Octopus and could only grant Rights to specific Species of Octopus at the Time and Step of Neurology or Bioneurology that he managed to Prove the Emotions and the Socio-Affective Intelligence of specific Octopus Species,  only being able to eat the Octopus that attacked me in Legitimate Defense in the Depths of the Ocean and not being able to refuse to eat the Common Cannibal Octopus that was hunted by my husband or given to my mouth by my husband's hands or fork, after Danna sent me to Table at Dessert2 shots in a rowShooting the Russian Ruleta Game with the phone's cameraand that I gotmark the Code for Jupiterto Clean the Bullets from my Bulletproof Vest and order Tiaguinho to shoot Danna in the Russian Ruleta Game, Inácio arrived at our table and said that the person who shot Danna had been Pedro, shooting immediately to Sara to Inacio and shooting Danna on Sara. The lights went out and Danna and I kissed in a Long Kiss as if the Kiss were mine and Dimi's, perhaps because of terms  sharing the Fish and Octopus dishes as I always shared with Dimi. After the Long Kiss, Inácio ordered the lights to turn on as if it were a Voice Command and the lights turned on. Inácio gave the order for everyone to get up and we got up as if we were chipped robots. Inácio ordered the Tables and Chairs to leave the Scene and the Tables and Chairs left the Scene in a Command  of the Internet of Things Basic Program. When we sit at a table with chipped chairs and chipped tables, we know that we are sitting at the Table of a Great Film. [11:11 01/31/2023 in Real Time Raul Catulo Morais With All Reserved Rights With Jupiter Editions]

Message sent to Jupiter and intercepted with Authorization from Jupiter by the Judicial Police, Interpol, Europol, FBI and blocked to the CIA at 23:24 on 01/21/2023:888d88a88n88n88a888 just to send a shot

Message Decrypted by the FBI and Meaning sent to Europol and Interpol and translated into Portuguese for the Judiciary Police: New Color in the Masons Diary ofSOS IoT to FBI, PJ, Europol, Interpol AGAINST Culture Illuminati Blue Underlined Italicsand New Chameleon Color in the Masons Diary ofSOS Illumminnatti to Jupiter and Jupiter Army AGAINST Saturn and Saturn Army Green Lime Underlined Italics. Danna walked into Restaurante do Inácio dressed in a big black cape like a Portuguese student, with a big Spanish hat and with a bottle of Port Wine of the same brand that I held today at Dessert at Lunch do  Birthday do Tiaguinho and which is painted like a Puzzle Piece of the Bullring where we are having dinner. Restaurante do Inácio won the Idea Award from Jupiter Editions for the Tables at the Bullring Arena in Tribute and Support to the New Bullfighting Races Without Blood with Technological Velcro. Danna and I are fire signs, we are both Aries,  but I am more Aries than Danna, that is, I can withstand Fire more and therefore go down further on the Great Staircase of Hell in which when I go back up, despite the fact that my heart is on Ember of Passion, it does not burn, calmly continuing to beat the 66 Pulses, the 99 inverted of my father,  because I was born among the House of Carneiro and Casa de Toiro and I am the son of a Toiro Bravo and a Santa Capricornia. We are six six. I know that in the Strange Dance of the Flamingos until the Flamingos dictate my Pair if they haven't already Dictated, there is a Pairing of Pairs until the Final Judgment Card that shows the Innocent Pair. It was in Dubai that I traded Port Wine bottles for a Romance by the Sea with a Flamingo. The Dubai cops who defended our Romance were Flamingos. «Nature is one of the most complex matters that exists, as well as one of the most beautiful. There are millions of different species, yet we are only aware of a few, a small part of the species that define the concept of Nature. Each of them has its own beauty and importance, its own magnificence, and it is up to us to respect every living being, however strange or insignificant it may seem to us. One of the most beautiful demonstrations that Nature displays are the mating rituals of different species. Mating rituals are the set of behaviors developed by a species, with the aim of finding a partner with whom to mate, in order to guarantee the continuity of its species and avoid extinction. Each species has its own mating rituals, in order to better captivate a partner. The beauty of these rituals lies in the way in which the animals try to capture a partner's attention, offering "gifts" and demonstrations of affection, singing melodies, displaying their fascinating colors, competing to show their skills, building elaborate nests, or even performing enchanting dances. Many species perform extraordinary mating rituals, which both captivate the partner and leave us stunned by their beauty and elegance. Some of these wild artists are the Peacock Spider, the Birds of Paradise, the Crested Seal, the Satin Bird, the Frigatebird, the Andean Flamingos, among many others. The Peacock Spider lives in the forests of southeastern Australia, close to Sydney, and, although the male measures approximately 4 millimeters in width, it performs a curious and elaborate mating ritual. The male raises two legs, waving them in the air and dancing while opening a pair of wings painted in bright and attractive colors, so as to be able to captivate the female. The Birds of Paradise live deep in the rainforests of Papua New Guinea. The Birds-of-Paradise family comprises 39 different species, in which the males are exuberantly beautiful, with long tails, brightly colored feathers and some adornments on their bodies. It has been proven that these unique characteristics do not bring any benefit to males, they only serve to impress females in mating. The mating rituals of these species are one of the most beautiful spectacles that we can observe, as these birds are not limited to showing their varied colors and beauty, they dance, sing and even adjust their feathers in order to captivate their partners in a awesome way. The partners analyze the males, their dances and colors, looking for the most desirable qualities to be able to mate. The Crested Seal, which lives in cold regions, demonstrates a rather funny skill. The male inflates his nasal cavity, expanding it and forming a large red balloon, representative of his masculinity, pushing away the weaker males and winning over the females. Male Satinbirds have a tradition of offering a large number of gifts to their suitors, building an elaborate straw structure and decorating it with objects that manage to capture the female's attention. Most of the decorations are made with blue objects that these birds can find. The males, who live in the humid forests, after conquering the females, dance for them. Other birds with interesting mating rituals are frigatebirds, inhabitants of tropical oceanic islands. To attract females, males of this species fill a skin bag next to their crop with air. This bag then resembles a large red heart, contrasting with its black feathers. The females choose the male that has the biggest and brightest sac as a partner. The Andean Flamingo is one of the four species of flamingos existing in South America and an excellent dancer in the mating season. All the flamingos stand very close to each other as they repeat a dance in hopes of finding a partner. During this beautiful dance, the flamingos keep their heads high and turn them around in search of a partner. in Mating Rituals - Young Reporters for the Environment ( by Sofia Margarida Gomes Leitão.Male peacock spiders go to great lengths to impress their mates, they lift their legs, clap their hands, change shape and perform choreography that would make the best dancers in the world jealous. With less than 5 millimeters, the big stars of the world of invertebrates, have dance videos that reach more than 6 million. But the life of a pop star is not easy, because the male needs to perform the mating dance perfectly or he will suffer the consequences, because if the female is not interested in the  steps, she will attack or kill her suitor. In Jupiter's Big Book of Spiders, Dimi said that it was better for us to be Peacock Spiders than Portias Spiders, because the Diabolical Portia Spider always ends up  eating the Partner and said that if we were Peacock Spiders, I'd better be the Female and he the Male, because if I Failed the Dance Steps of Super-Synchronized Diabolical Writing I'd Die... But I said I was Ready for the Dance of Death and I wanted to take the Role of the Male, despite knowing I was "the Female"...  [12:59 01/31/2023] But in Jupiter's Big Book of Monogamous Birds, we were left undecided whether we would be Cape Penguins ,  in which the Female Penguin, before all the Males with a Stone in her Hand, chooses the Male who has the most beautiful Stone, this being the First Stone of the Nest Work, if we would be Flamingoswhich, despite being monogamous, mate in a group or whether we would be Swans who have a partner for life and unite before starting their sexual life, separations between couples  being rare, although they can occur; where a study of White Swans had shown that separation occurred in about 3% of breeding pairs and 9% of non-breeding ones... Before the "Black Magic" Dance to be transformed into Peacock Spiders and in Swan-White, because the Pair Cards of the Peacock Spider and the Swan-White were sent to us at the Illuminnatti Games, because the Surgeon's Letter was sent to Dimi, Dimi said that before using Magic it was better for him to first install- me a Uterus inside the Belly to lower the Chances of our Separation from 9 to 3% because of the Study of White Swans  and we laughed and in Black Magic when I penetrated Dimi to his Tail Colorida de Pavão rose as I remembered the times when we were dating, protected by the Peacock Masonry, under the pomegranate trees in the Garden of Bordallo Pinheiro and the Romanzeira that we secretly planted in the Hippodrome, hiding from the Masonry of the Knights and that we planted in the Cemetery, hiding from the mason laughed at the Gravediggers and it was in this Flow of Memories Installed by the Technological Experience of Life that   we were taken by the hands of Scientists from Jupiter and that in the Laboratory of Jupiter in a White Magic I I was in a Neurology and Neurobiology experiment with two peacock spiders in my hand and a devil spider in my hand. It was Dimi who named the spiders. He said that the Peacock Male was called Diogo, the Peacock Female was called Raul and the Diabolic Female was called Dimi. Dimi said that in a Triangle of 2 males, there has to be a female and if there are 3 males , one of the males has to ccede and stay the female, otherwise it dies. In a Joke of Sibling Doctors, Doctor Danna said that the Male of our Secret Love Triangle remained, but Doctor Diogo "saved me" and said that he remained the Male. Spider Dimi was going to eat Spider Raul, but at the same instant,  Spider Diogo devoured Spider Dimi in Legitimate Defense of Spider Raul. We saw on the computer that the spider Raul had written with just his mind in writing numbers a neurological film capable of granting rights to the peacock spider, altering all the logic of law and the way of thinking about conscience and the rights of conscience even in a "Laboratory Experience".  [13h33 31/01/2023 in Real Time Raul Catulo Morais with All Reserved Rights With Jupiter Editions - Because only the Masters of White Magic with Blue and Red Hearts can to marry the "Sorcerers", "Witches" and "Master-Vampires" of Black Magic from Blue and Black Hearts, because it takes a Certain Wisdom, Existence and Reality of Seeing  Things to Endure Technology and the "Sorcery" of Disruptive Nanotechnology Capable of Arresting Even  Beings More Intelligent and Sensitive to a Level 1 Things When the Being Sees and Belongs to Level 66, to Level 99, to Level 666 and to Ni level 9999. END] Before Danna opened the bottle of Port at Dessert and reminded me that Danna's parents had offered Dimi and me when we went to Mata-Lobos the bottle of Port I had I kept it in my hands in Dubai and delivered it to Durban, remembering also that when we shared our goods in Mata-Lobos with the Divorce in our Society between Jupiter and Saturn that Dimi had put the Bottle of Port Wine in my share that his parents had offered us, the bottle of red wine that Afonso had given us with the Arabic word with the Trombone, Drums and Saxophone appearing, by mistake, at that same Instant, Zairi with a Trombone in Hand and Ali with a Saxophone in hand,  remembering that it was Ali who had served me the Arab word wine at Café dos Pakistanis, thus tasting the Bottle of Wine without opening it that Afonso had given us had offered as a Special Gift, Danna told a Story to open the Port Wine bottle. After the Story, he showed me a photograph of a Peacock Spider that had mysteriously appeared in the room I had stayed in on the trip to Ireland, asking me if she had taken a Secret Spaceship from Ireland to Australia, by Peacock Spider Existing in Australia laughing softly and in a Secret telling me not to tell Pedro anything that "they" had abducted a tiny peacock spider to Ireland and then returned it to Australia... He also showed me the tattoo he had he had done the Peacock Spider, whispering to me again that Pedro had also tattooed the Peacock Spider in the same place, at the same time that Pedro showed me his tattoo on the fingers  of the hand with the Bones and with Schädel, saying that our Club was the Clube dos Bones & Schädel, I repeated again what I had repeated on the Esplanade of the 6th Revolution that we all had to have a Tattoo to belong to the Club, I repeated again that I would not tattoo on my body no tattoo. Right after that,  in a Repeat of Scene, the brother of the Auschwitz Tattoo Artist came in, turning softly to me, Pedro saying that "such" was "again" a "Sign", because already from Last time when we had  talked about the tattoos  at Shop No. As Pedro leans over the Dessert Table, the same Flash was fired from the Hand of the Knights who shoot our Toast in Porto at the Online Congress of Doctors. The Radio station was tuned back to the Station at the agreed time and it was again the Voice of the Chamber that said "This of the Doctors... It's Freemasonry..." in which we all burst out laughing, the brother of the Tattoo artist. And I replied that Tattoo Shop #6 Chambers did not comply with the European Union Data Protection Act and that Tattoo Shop #6 Inks did not comply  the European Union Skin Protection Act , because they were Carcinogenic and Toxic for the Environment.That's when I got shot by Danna. In the first round of Russian ruletaI still managed to turn on the Dark Net Film of the Esplanade Scenario of the 6th Revolution for 2 Seconds that appeared on the Board of the Economics Classroom in which the teacher, looking at me, said later in the More Advanced part that "this was not a photograph ", but that "it was a film" speaking of the film by Analogy to the Varnishes Business of the tattoo artist's Sister and the Transfer Market between Atlético de Madrid and Chelsea and the Bermuda Triangle between Ronaldo, Félix and Liedson hidden by FIFA because of the "Actions" and the "Scholarship",  in which the Tattoo Artist's brother was standing at the door of the Classroom. 16:19 01/31/2023 Raul Catulo Morais [In the sameRuleta Russa's gesture that I learned at Dessert in the Faculty of Law Canteenwhere I was shot by a student of the economics teacher with the Russian nickname who taught the teacher to draw her name in Russian,  right aftera 1st year student of the Faculty of Medicine entered "in a Dmytro character" who asked behind me at his friends' table  "where was the shot fired", one of his friends replying that the shot had been at"Mata-Faro". Cordially I got up and replied that the shot I had taken had not been in Mata-Faro, but in Mata-Lobos.  I got up cordially thus winning the whole game at once, for in the previous Administrative Law class, teacher  Sara had given the Master Key to pass the Hard Core Mind Games Level. Danna saw me behind the 6 eyes of the Telephone Camera of the student with the nickname Russo as Dmytro and 664 other players saw me. I joined the game as Player #666. I was Last to Enter. When we enter the last one, it has a very important meaning. I learned the Meaning. I realized the Game and I learned the Meaning of the Game. It is clear that there is a Time for Fitting Things and this Time must be Respected.]


Perhaps, the Potry Devil Spiders, the Angel, the Angel's Cinema Lenses, theHot air balloons"do Anjo" were gifts from Dmytro. "I don't know". But I know that I am receiving other gifts from Jupiter that are disputing with the gifts from Saturn and that In a Great Silence the doubts appear, appearing in a Fantastic Construction of Cards that are Puzzle Pieces New Plays and New Cards in which I see Points Coming Out Marks and being Flipped by an Invisible Hand that Secretly shows me the Faces of the Question Marks in a Sequence of FacesMultiple Possible Game Answers. But now there are only 6 Cards on the Table and it is the Last Game Table which means that the Game is Easier.   I have the Ace of Trumps since the beginning of the game, I have the Jack card and I have the Joker card. I'm just playing with 3 cards, with 3 players, with 3 big players in the market. I'm playing in Jupiter with Saturn, Terra and Ceres. I know the game is mine, because I have the Cards in my hand. But if I play right away, I win without seeing Last Cards and Last Cards. I'll play for that, as Righteous Defense the Trump before I close the First Embassy Gates and leave for Jupiter to sign the Last Protocols. I'll leave on the 6th. I'll be back on the 7th. In other words, I'll die "for good" on the 6th and I'll be born again on the 7th on Earth. Actually, I'm in Jupiter, but I'll have to run my Death Simulation on Earth, an Earthquake Simulation and a Tsunami Simulation just to Test the System. "I die" on the 6th, that is, I leave for Jupiter and land again "for good" on the 7th on Earth. Has to be. We have to Test the System. Simulacra are very important. Also my writing is part of a Great Game Simulation. I'm playing with my Writing. I am learning from my writing. I'm paving the way with my writing. I am unlocking Neurological Points and Technological Buttons with my Writing. I'm touching the Technological Life Buttons that the Technological God has installed in his Internet of Things Connected Button Program. It takes Charging with a Certain Sensitivity to Feel the Button Technology without getting Stuck with the Button Technology of Life. Life is full of Buttons. It looks like "magic", it looks like a "magical adventure"... I meanABRAKADABRA! and I really see the "magic" of technology as a "fantastic" Technological Experience. Fantastic = Fantasy!  99;99;99;888888;8888888;8888888;99;99;99 10:22 pm 01/31/2023 Raul Catulo Morais inKriegscode to Jupiter

FAKE!The Peacock Spider photographs are not of Danna nor were they taken in Ireland. They were taken in Australia by Jürgen Otto. Photographs of the Peacock Spider taken by Jürgen Otto with All Creative Commons

Level Pass: Last Level


"He is gay."

"He is not Catholic."

“He goes to whores.”

“They are bad.”

“They enslave.”

“They have video cameras in restaurants and invest in the Black Data Market.”

"They participate in Men's Orgies without the woman knowing."

«They are 12 years old, they are brothers and they already fuck each other and the whole Lyceum knows and the parents who are doctors think it is normal and I and the psychologists also think it is normal. What I advocate is that if a 15-year-old is in love with a 21-year-old, the 21-year-old should wait for the 15-year-old to come of age.  But that's just my opinion. Please don't crucify me in Devil's Freemasonry. If I'm 30 and he's 17, even if his parents "deliver it to me" and all Freemasonry approves, I'd rather wait for him to complete 18 and I don't think we should see each other until he's 18. But that's just my opinion. Please, do not crucify me in Freemasonry of the Devils, because I am looking at the Letter of the Penal Code and the Year and Planet we are in. If it is normal on other planets for a 30-year-old boy to date two brothers, one of whom is 15 and the other 17, I refer the case to the competent legal system. These references are given in Private International Law and are not difficult to understand. It is true that children are becoming more and more "intelligent", but also more "immature" and therefore I agree that the age of majority remains at 18 years old. But I am not a psychologist nor am I a doctor. Those who should have a word on the subject are the doctors and psychologists without the Church, without God in their heads who simply look at the case in a real way. But don't forget,  please,  to include the Crime of Pedophilia in the Penal Code, because it still does not exist autonomously in the Portuguese Penal Code. The Freemasonry of the Devils that wrote the Penal Code hides many crimes of pedophilia as it hides many crimes of eavesdropping... But 1+1=6...»

«They have orgies in the changing rooms after a few games. FIFA knows and throws the handcuffs with that.»

"He is not a Jehovah's Witness."

«Jupiter Law School Chambers are Fake and are only for Saturn Law School students to rebel and test the Data Protection Act and the Council of Gods and Angels of the National Data Protection Commission.»

«In my dream, I saw a group of Drones arriving and taking me to the Masonic Lodge of Goa and I saw that the person sitting at the back table was one of my 6 sponsors from the Catholic University. I saw a Fictional Wedding and asked the Hornets to abort the Mission because I didn't want to live in a Fantasy. I woke up, turned on the Mobile Data and saw that my godfather had only entered the Lodge in Goa to peek into a window protecting the right of the colonies with the same Portuguese constitutional law in the same fundamental international human rights abolishing "again" modern slavery and " returning" to receive me at the Airport with all the rights despite the State of Emergency of Military War... But in Praxe I slept with the Sons of the System, with the Sons of the Devil and had access to information. When they pressed Play for me to listen, I left and for that I was "expelled" from the Rugby Freemasonry of the Portuguese Catholic University, but that didn't mean I lost the Other More Secret Freemasonries in Rugby. I saw my godfather very worried about the Works of the Coins for the Works in the Chess Game checking the Loja de Goa. I need to ask my godfather, if my godfather is watching the same movie as me or if he is just watching the movies shown in Loja de Goa. Is that there are houses and shops of Portuguese, Ukrainians, Indians, Goans in Portugal that "cracked" and anthills that closed. The Earth's core has inverted. Big earthquakes are coming. We are messing with the Earth in ways we can no longer mess with. The other one that came out is not Catholic and is a big fake of the Catholic Church as the Catholic Church is a fake. I need to ask my godfather if the other one left for him to enter with a Masonic indication of Casa de Goa, because of the Internet of Things in my dream. It's just that I took an oath and to take the flag I have to stay with the Ministry of the Environment or Culture, otherwise I'll destroy the Party and there will be 6 Diabolic Processes nº66. I want to see a clean policy, otherwise I shoot in Legitimate Defense,  because I don't want to see a New Earthquake in Lisbon and a New Tsunami in the Algarve. With just one Technological Button we are able to stage a whole Simulation including a Flight Simulation.»

«The guy I fucked in Dubai was the same guy Ronaldo fucked. I don't like him because he shakes hands with mobsters and I don't like mobsters. I don't like Dionísio Pestana, despite the fact that an entire island and a whole people see him as a "kind of God", because he has the Monopoly of an entire island,  of 6 islands, of 66 islands , where he practices slavery in 6 hotels, in 66 hotels and where 666 mystery clients of the Church  de  LaVey's Satan loves to frequent hotels, shitting himself on the employees; because I hate this church, because I hate these 666 devils and mine is Satan! »

«They don't believe in Reincarnation, but they say they do as Masons Disguise and Personages of the Evangelical Church.»

“None of them are Jehovah's Witnesses. They all belong to the Church of Satan.”

«CMTV manages to be at the right time and in the right place for the Crimes, because it follows the Crimes in Real Time by seeing Deaths in Real Time on the Dark Web and sends the Deaths in Real Time to its Freemasonry of Devils for the Devils to go later like Santinhos talk about Death. The CMTV Channel is to be closed, please, in silence so I don't have to say too much. Let CMTV try to sue me that I have Evidence and Witnesses that CMTV ordered a Coffin for me and Jupiter Editions. Well, I order a Coffin for CMTV! Die, you whore! Who saved me from the Devil's Film was the Gas Man and the Plumber in a Communion of Efforts that cut the Gas Leak and installed a Stove Safely, so when my mother in her Masonic Psychiatric Theater of the Devils left the Gas burners for the house to blow up, our house did not blow up. The Order and the Theater were authorized by the Occult Power of Psychiatry who knew that everything was "Okay!" and that the Scene could Rotate and Scroll. And the Scene Rolled and Rolled. My mother doesn't commit suicide,  that's why the Suicide Episode won 6 Academy Awards for Dream Episode. My mother knows that Fire does not Regenerate or send to any New World. My mother knows that Fire burns and kills at once and that there is no Paradise after Death. My mother is not Catholic. I found out at age 30 that I lived a Big Lie. Because of the Big Lie, when Dmytro told me in Sagres that he didn't believe in God I thought he was Satan. I looked in the mirror and saw that in the Game of Demons Satan was me. He is the Lucyfer. Satan and Lucyfer are two different Spirits "in the same Body". There was aBio Hacking,  there was a Technological Installation, There was an Internet of Things. Lucyfër penetrated Satan's Neural Network through Sperm with Nanotechnology. Calm down... This is just a Song and a Film... I wrote this Song when I was 12 after having seen the Spirit of Lucyfër playing on a Football Field by day and at night on a Rugby Field. I thought He was Satan. But at last I saw that Satan is me. How many Lucyfer are there? There are more than 666 "angels of light fallen from heaven". I do not want to die. Just that. But I'm not afraid to die, because I'm not afraid of anything. I believe in Eternity because I know it is possible through Medicine and Technology. Just that. I hate Death and I hate all people who worship Death. All of them are psychopaths and sociopaths. CMTV's Collective Person loves deaths, so it's a psychopath or sociopath. Ask my Family Psychology to know the Truth and the Lie.”

«It is more than obvious that 9/11 proves that the American Government Self-Sacrificed its People. I have the true story because I entered the Braamcamp Freire house and heard the first-hand story of Sá Carneiro and Bate Certo with the story of Muhammad and the Zeitgeist Documentary. In the middle of the story I got a crush on one of Braamcamp Freire's grandsons and wrote a novel with him. It's not my fault I heard the story on the lap of one of the grandchildren, because there were no more chairs... A Lawful "game" of Chairs? In the story, who put me  on his grandson's lap was Jorge. It was also Jorge who turned on the Zeitgeist documentary in the bed in the chapter dos  "Assassinos  Económicos". The story is right and everything is right, everything, but everything is right. It's just a pity that we have to start with quotes to start  telling the story and terms after putting the quotes back at the end of the story. In my opinion I think that too many quotes spoil the story and take the Reality out of the story, but that's ok. I follow the Codes of Points.”

«I got chipped by the CIA because my sister and I slept with a CIA agent. Is obvious. But my chip beats the CIA chip. If the CIA fires on me,  the CIA simply dies!”

«I slept in bed with the doctors and Masons that   my professors of Law slept with,  I know for this reason the History of Occult Law and I passed Administrative Pass in my Oral Exams of Pila na Mão, without knowing that I was in an Exam and without realizing the "Administrative Passage".»

«If I simply die, the Alien Invasion happens and that's it. Try it! Kill me at once with 66 shots with a Machine Gun. Strength! Try it! I know that I am part of a  Alien Experiment! Therefore,  go ahead! Shoot me! Shoot! Strength! Fire at me! Fire! I want my Heart shot 66 times! Fire! It's an order! Shoot me! Shoot my chest! Fire! Fire! Shoot!”

«Not for nothing, but in fact,  Santarém is a Ghost City of War Stages and Theater Stages. My Spirit is at war with the Municipality of Santarém that makes me look like a Phantom and Jupiter Editions a publisher-director-producer Diabólica.» Raul Catulo Morais 666,666,666. WithJupiter Editions


«Danna. He already had the dance he wanted from 2 seconds of Criminal Law and Tax Law.»

"I know. I also saw it in the app.»

"Who is the Dancing Triangle?"

"That's two S' and a D."

«Is it Diogo?»

"I don't know. But the triangle I had with Mello and Tomás broke up. Tomás entered and Mello is trying to establish an Alliance to enter the Tri-Masonic Alliance on Jupiter, because he can only enter the Tri-Masonic Alliance, but he is not succeeding... If he enters, we lose everything... »

«I know... Take it easy...»

«He also invited the Pessanhas. But the Pessanha had already entered the Invisible Network... But if they pass to the Visible Network of Angels, Jupiter gains the whole Coast and the Navy wins because of the Freemasonry of the Lifeguards who are on the side of Saturn. He's turning the tables, Danna. The Order issued him a DREAM Episode and blocked the Case Folder in the Oracle Program...»

«I know... Take it easy... His bank account is at Zeros. He is under arrest.  Take it easy...»

«I think we should give the Fire Order now. If Raul doesn't die now, we die next."

«Take it easy... Respect the Laws of the Game... The Laws of the Game were made to be respected... Take a deep breath...»

«Are you with Raul?»


"Are you on Jupiter's side?"

«Of course not... I'm your sister, Dima!!!!»

“What about Sarah?”

«He's on Saturn's side... But he's playing games and theater with Jupiter and Raul...»

«And Tiaguinho...?.»

«Tiaguinho is out of the game...»

"You are sure?"


"Can't Tiaguinho be from the Judiciary Police?"

«Dima??? What the Fuck!!!!?”

«Or even Sara... Sara could be a psychologist for the Judiciary Police... They tried to get in...»

"And they didn't get Dima..."

"Can't they be Undercover Agents?"

«Dima, come on... Take it easy...»

«I'm fed up with this game,  Danna. And if I change Strategy and appear next to Raul and say that I sent him the hot air balloons...(?) We have the Angel with us...»

«Dima... Raul is completely trapped. He's worse than a Portia Devil Spider!"

Call Off and Translated into Portuguese and sent by the Rotary Club to Sara, Tiago and Jorge, Raul's best friends.

“Have you heard?”

"I've heard it before, Tiago."

«Huh?? How come you heard it before???»

«Tiago... Because I had heard it before... Let me work... I really have to finish this work...» in Jogo de Escutas 01h19 01/02/2023 Raul Catulo Morais in Real Time

Ruination - NINJA TRUCKS
00:00 / 00:33
Exposed - Matty Fees
00:00 / 00:33

God told me not to smoke weed. Well, I didn't smoke. Weed kills the brain. Drugs destroy the brain. That's why I don't like drugs, but we are all free and informed,  right?

God told me not to eat the fruits of the pomegranate tree... I thought it was strange... I was suspicious... I was suspicious because at my grandmother's house I had opened the Great Book of Medicine and Plants, my Book of White Magic and I remembered I remembered that the Pomegranate, like the Grape, were the Fruits of Eternity... I asked the Lord God if I could go to London to visit my grandmother... And the Lord God said "you can't, you rascal...". .. I asked "please" and the Lord God said I had to work and made Merchant's Ears... I went to talk to my father and asked if I could go visit Grandma and the father said yes and got me on the plane . When I got to grandma's house I saw on page 66 that the Pomegranate and the Grape were really the Fruits of Eternity... When I returned, I went to the forbidden Pomegranate tree... It was full of Serpents... Without fear I took a Pomegranate and started eating... An Angel Fallen from Heaven appeared and I shared my Pomegranate with him... I fell in love with the "Forbidden Fruit" and reached the Code of Eternity... I sent God to hell... I said: "Oh Lord God, fuck off!"

Thank you for everything,

Dmytro <3


Secret Barefoot Card Game. Raul sitting on Canavarro's lap. In the previous move Dmytro lost Raul to Canavarro. Dmytro left the Game in Secret Alliance with Canavarro and Raul "handing over" Raul to Canavarro. The Letter to Doctor Diogo came out of the "Lost Cause" and the Letter from Saint Valentine in which the person who has the Letter that Shows the Spiked Heart that Saint Valentine delivers to Doctor Diogo is Margarida Rebelo. Margarida Rebelo is on Corceiro's lap and Corceiro has to manage to show Raul's face to Doutor  Diogo without anyone else (Só  Raul could see by accident). If Canavarro sees,  Canavarro communicates in Alliance to Doutor  Dmytro and Doutor  Dmyro kills in the game Doutor Diogo. Only Doutor  Diogo manages to open Raul's Handcuffs Lock. Raul is handcuffed on Canavarro's lap. Doctor Diogo entered the Metaverse as an Angel-Mystery of the Order of the Knights in order to rescue Raul, but first he has to manage to open the Open the Handcuffs Lock. Rebelo is handcuffed to Corceiro's lap in the same Game Situation as Raul. Varregoso  is at Aliança Secreta with Doutor Diogo. On the Table there is a Secret Tri-Masonic Alliance on the Table in a Perfect White Triangle: Raul, Mariana Varregoso and Doutor Diogo against  another Imperfect Black Triangle: Raul, Canavarro and Doctor Dmytro.

Raul Canavarro

Doctor Diogo,



Margarida Rebelo Corceiro

Mariana Varregoso

Doctor Diogo has to be able to touch Raul's feet under the table with his feet for Raul to receive the Touch and the Telekinetic Signal that Diogo is his Perfect Match of the White Triangle. If Canavarro feels the Touch, Diogo must try to seduce Canavarro, so that Canavarro thinks it is a Pairing Attempt so that Canavarro does not communicate with Doctor Dmytro and Doctor Diogo does not enter and kill Doctor Diogo. The whole game feels Tense and Spiritual because the illuminati play the illumminnatti in the Illumminnatti Games as if they were in a Business of Hearts  and Mystery Life's Blood.

A   Interrogation Point comes out in the Game and Raul asks Doctor Diogo at the Game Table if he can Fit his  Piece of the 2050 Puzzle to the 2080 Puzzle and Diogo answers That is a"Lost Cause"taking advantage of Martim's Gozo in which he opens himself up with his legs leaving Raul's feet free to play "Blinking" thus Raul's eye "without blinking" in a More Advanced Degree of Masonic Signs  which must be understood Immediately in the Tabletop Tapping Game thus passing the Encrypted Signal under the Table. Knowing that Raul would win the case with Diogo's 2050 Play,  Diogo receives the confidence of the illuminati at the table. So Raul loses lives in the game, but logo  then mysteriously gains lives again and gets even stronger with Diogo's Touch. The Lives and Strength of Grade and Network Coverage appears on the Application that the illuminati consult and do not understand how Raul gained lives. Dmytro updated the Lives and Strength of Grade and Coverage  by Rede de Raul.]

Argumentpor  cause of "Lost Cause" (Sword Duel) from Dangerous Game Simulation:Raul and Diogo get married in Las Vegas and in Las Vegas they go up to Neptune to found Neptune Editions and open the first 12 stores in Las Vegas,  San Francisco, Los Angels, Santiago, Buenos Aires , Montevideo, Tel Aviv, Dubai, Singapore City, Sydney, Tokyo  and Reykjavik  and return to Portugal as if they hadn't opened any stores. They translate and edit works by Jupiter Editions and sell them to Neptune Editions by printing the works in 12 stores in languages other than Portuguese. Diogo becomes a partner at Sociedade Advogados PLMJ, which helps Neptune Editions celebrate important partnerships in the City of Singapore and Dubai, mas  Raul discovers PLMJ's Illegal and Illicit Mindfulness Database where her husband is a partner and lawyer, putting the Marriage in check, because Diogo  defends the company and communicates to all lawyers and partners of the Company Raul's intentions to overthrow the Company, in which Raul collects Testimonials and Testimonials from trainee lawyers starting a whole process of Divorce and Wars of Law Firms and Publishers. After the Divorce between Raul and Diogo, the Tri-Masonic Marriage of Raul, Canavarro and Dmytro takes place, then the Divorce of the Black Imperfect Triangle takes place, transforming it into a Last Marriage o  Triangle Imperfect Black in Magic White Triangle. In the Last  Game Card came the Argument that Doctor Diogo was a lawyer for the Katullo di Verona Society and School and that he left Masonically to infiltrate the PLMJ Society in a Secret Masonic Network with the aim of collecting evidence and Witnesses in the Society turning the game in the Court with the Last  Entry of the Judiciary Police Searches as Endgame Test in the Virtual Court of Jupiter. Searches include the Database of Clouds of Secrets of Hearing Aids where Canavarro is a Partner and Otorhinolaryngologist, listening to the Secrets in every house in the City where he manages to install hearing aids. In the game, the Letter to Canavarro of Otorhinolaryngology comes out, determining this card as Medical Specialty to Canavarro. Mariana  Varregoso receives the Letter of Good Mason and Good Messenger with the Message of the Program from Raul getting up from the table in Passos Masônicos and showing the Message of the Program to Raul._cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Dmytro enters the Room as a Demon with a Letter written in Blood in which he shows Raul. The Charter says:


Code: Odimite has a very big dick but has a very shy bladder Or is Odimi is shy because he is a shy bladder.

«We won! We have Raul's Secret Files all in our hands. Raul entered the Code to Save Sara in the Illumminnatti Games. The Code is Right.”

«Poor Raul... I feel sorry for him... He is innocent...» 



“Yes, Dima…?”

«The Alliance is to be Respected which means that Saturn cannot pirate Jupiter Editions...»

«Dima, the Alliance is Valid for 11 years... In 11 years, See You Soon...»


«Dima... In 11 years we'll see... If we get married by then and if Raul wants to enter a Triangle with us "again", maybe nothing will happen to Jupiter Editions...»

“Why don’t we start the Triangle now?”

«Because "now" is still "early" and what we like is the "Future" like Satan. Come on, Dima... You know that everything is nothing but a Sacrifice to Satan. It was you who accepted it from the start and wanted it. It was you who handed Raul over to Satan... You know I'm the one with the Game Proof... Don't worry, Dima... Raul is very calm...»

«So  is... And that doesn't scare you...?»

«Fear and Suspense is part of the Adrenaline of the Game...»

«Raul is dangerous, Alex...»

«Take it easy, Dima... You're very tense and you're very anxious... The "Sorcery" worked... We're both Psychiatrists in the same Hospital...»

«Raul published the games and the hidden derby between Portimão and Faro revealing the Feitiço. One of the players is the director's son who "changed" the places and vacancies... The director is a friend of your parents' friends from Faro and Loulé City Council... The "sacrifice" was revealed through the Writing of the exposed Games by Raul...»

«But Raul's Exposition and Writing was Authorized by the "games" and by Satan... Stay calm, Dima... Everything is according to the Program...»

«I have Questions about the Program...»

«It's normal, Dima... As you wrote to Raul "I believe you may have questions but there are questions we never have an answer to, in which case I think you'll have to learn to live with them and draw your own conclusions.. ." We are all in the same Program,  Dima and we all have to know how to draw our own conclusions... For a Question of Equal Opportunities and for a Question of Survival and Legitimate Defense... Don't you agree, Dima?"

11:37 02/02/2023 Raul Catulo Morais With All Reserved Rights With Jupiter Editions

Program FinalIllumminnatti 

This program supersedes previous programs and orders communicated through the Internet of Dreams, the Internet of Things and Movements of Order and Disorder and Mental Confusion and Silent Banking Movements

- For the imposition of Use of Only 1 Hour on the Empty Computers in the Ghost-Library of Bernardo Santareno and in the Ghost-Library of Braamcamp Freire in Santarém and for the Monetary Prison of Raul that is limited to Santarém and since Raul is without Microsoft and the Office for lack of Subscription, you must go to the Library to prepare the Final Psychiatry Report within an hour  no  Maximum with 5 pages _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ including  Attachments   that you deem necessary. In a 2nd  attempt you can exit a library and  enter the other   to play with a Usage Period of 1 H and send a maximum until 6:33 ampmo Final Psychiatry Report  to the Order of  Doctors   to Dr. -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_inviting the doctors as Doctors-Angel for the Jupiter project, because in the History in Invisible Work Network they attested 100% the Psychic Capabilities of the Author and the Lucidity and Wit of the Author during the Proc. nº666 not referring the Author to Psychiatry or Psychology, because the Author   did not have Psychotic Manifestations during the entire Process nº666 even watching in Silence the works of the Author and the productions and audio recordings, _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Writing and film  which the Author  was_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf Played by   and Psychiatry. You must notify in the Report the  exact location of the recordings that the Author made in all interviews/consultations, including the  interview with Social Assistance in which you will have _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_de   go to the Family Social Assistance   to show the whole Film-Project and Work and place the recording on the table for the Assistance Social  de Family authorize   recording to enter Jupiter's Film-Nouvelle   as Last Film Evidence.   If the Family Social Assistance does not authorize the  recording, it must be immediately destroyed in the   Social Assistance room and reproduced the Representation of the Social Assistance in Simulation Interview by Raul and shown, before or after, the Internet of Things between the Interview and the Photo-Revelation of the Porsche T-535 Frame. Alternatively, if one of the Social Worker's children provides the Social Assistance number, Raul can send the recording via WhatsApp requesting authorization. After Raul finishes the Psychiatry Report at the Bramcaamp Library Freire must photograph the Library Film Camera that filmed Raul writing the Report at the Library together with the two paintings exhibited at the Library on Internet of Dreams and publish as Puzzle Pieces on Film -New. For the preparation of the Final Psychiatry Report, Raul can only use the Family Doctor's Report and the online public part of Case nº66 of the Psychiatric Internment opened online in the Jupiter Virtual Court.

- Before publishing the Final Psychiatry Report, the Author publishes the Last Advanced Degree Simulation.
- After sending the Final Psychiatry Report to Key Stakeholders, the Author must comply with the Notification to all other parts of Process #666, including sending it to the Jupiter Science Team and emailing, by mistake, to Doctor Dmytro and sending to the Public Prosecutor's Office requesting the Greater Accompanied Regime  to be able to accompany your mother by offering your mother greater autonomy. 

- For the  2 Second Masonic Dance of Criminal Law and Tax Law,  must take the  Sword of Jupiter and Doctor Diogo to try to expel him from Ship nº9999 by writing a Romance with him in Masons Diary in a Three-way Chess Game with Doctor Dmytro in which in the 1st game he plays on Doctor Dmytro's lap and in the 2nd game he plays _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_on Doctor Dmytro's lap.   You should also write a Proof Dance Diary with Angel Diogo and publish it in Masons Diary. The game of swords and the attempt to expel Doctor Diogo by Masonic imposition of Angel Diogo and Robot-Diogo serves to destroy the Reference of Doctor Diogo in Raul's head   who won for the "Blood Transfer" de Vida" that Doctor Diogo performed "invisibly" for Raul. Raul cannot have References in his head other than the Reference of his Boyfriend or Husband or Children. He should also try to expel Angel Domingos from Nave nº9999 by writing a Romance with Domingos in a Ring in a Mano a Mano Fight in which Raul will be trained by Angels-Fighters Salvador and Bernardo. At the end of the Romance, if Domingos stays, Raul must submit a Quota from Jupiter Editions to convince Domingos to change a part of one of his songs   in which he replaces alcohol with water, and Raul must publish it in the Chamber from the Reflections of the Jupiter Congress the Hip Hop he wrote during the Romance with Domingos. He should also try to expel Tiaguinho and Jorge from Nave nº9999 with the Love Letters that he writes to Tiaguinho and Jorge and publishes in the Câmara de Reflexões sending the links from the Câmara to the Angels. You must try to expel Angel Sara from the 1st Embassy once again by proposing a New Song for Sara to dance with. Raul's attempts to expel Raul serve as a Fire Test of Friendship in which the Angels must prove that they are Seriously in the Project   and that they Seriously Support the Project and that they really want to travel of their own free will on Ship #9999 bound for Jupiter and who are not Masons infiltrated from Saturn,   from LaVey's Church of Satan or Opus Dei to block or delay the Jupiter program and project.

- Raul must continue the work on the Last Work of the Illumminnatti Games at Film-Nouvelle, at the Jupiter Congress to Close the Windows that were opened and complete the Stories by 02/6/2023 due on _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_then start Studies in Administrative Law and Economic Law for the Provision of Written Examinations at the Faculty of Law by recording at least 6 passages aloud from your study and publishing on Kanal Jupiter.

- Until the 6th, after publication of the Psychiatry Report, Raul's Masonic Grade Ascent to Grade 33 takes place again, Confirming the Degree Astronomically on the Passage from the 6th to the 7th with the Dance of the Stars, in which Raul will have to prepare a Simple Police Report for the Judiciary Police,  Interpol, Europol  e FBI up to 2 pages against the Illuminati and CIA in which Raul You must publish the Summary Work of the Illuminati by JIM MARRS that you met on 01/31/2023 and Underline the Most Relevant Parts with 3 Jupiter Code Colors,  enclosed to the police Final Report of Psychiatry.  You cannot mention the CIA in the report.

- Since Raul continues the works in Regime de Jogos de Hunger and from the Online Editor of the Site of Jupiter Editions in which the Writing Is Slower because of the Editor, blocking the Editor several times, Raul must face everything with Naturalness and Patience and Maximum Tranquility knowing that the Picture has already been Painted and Evaluated and that it is simply just Finishing and Putting the Final Touches and that if you don't succeed in doing so, you shouldn't stress, simply leaving the Final Touches for the Future, to Another Future. Thus, if he manages to finish the Work at the Film-Nouvelle and at the Jupiter Congress, he must at the END write "Work Finished" if the Work is finished or "Unfinished Work" if the Work has not finished, living happily in the two hypotheses of the Work, knowing and having the Conscience that is   doing an Important Work with Restriction of Hot Baths, with Restriction of Nutrients and Meals, with Restriction of Displacements and Travels, with Restriction of Contacts having been sophisticatedly Isolated by the Network and Intelligent Program and Restriction of Access to Important Information. Therefore, Raul should also limit his coffee contacts and combinations   to reduce interference   until the 6th and then until the date of his exams to think more about yourself, remembering that you always gave everything up for others and that others never did the opposite, learning to be more selfish and temporarily giving more to yourself in the last days of the 33-day Learning Games, knowing that Altruism is your highest Quality, but which should for the moment at the time of the Games Championship   suspend its highest Quality.
-  Raul is free to make the Jiddu Speech, to return to Grade 33 as Raul is Freed from the Oral Presentation and Compulsory Reading of the book on Psychiatrists and the book  Hereges imposed by his Father for Access to Travel and the Bus Pass to do the 2nd Semester of the Faculty  de Right, owing on  Domingo to sit Settlement of Accounts and Judgment of Final Judgment transmitted Online in the Virtual Court questioning the Father   if the Case of Aunt Giralda's Jewels were part of a Simulation and elaboratesfrom theby what kind of Order and if Raul's Semi-Eviction from Home was part of the Simulation to Stress Raul Accelerating Raul in the Program for the Argument of Raul's Reception first by Gypsies and then by Opus Dei. The Final Psychiatry Report is also published in the Jupiter Congress   as Closing of Congress and in the Virtual Court   for Final File on Case #66 and Confirming Masonic Approval of Institutions of the Official Opening of the Virtual Court with Case nº66. On the day of the end of his exam in Administrative Law at the Faculty  de Direito, Raul must photograph all the Film Cameras that he considers harmful to the Personality Rights of Students of the Faculty of Law and send the List of Photographs to the National Commission for Data Protection in accordance with the Commission's Administrative Law Game Rules and also send the Camera of Film of the Braamcamp Freire Library with a Comment of Reflection to the Commission linking the Game of Partnerships of the Cameras of Film of Santarém to the Cameras of the Faculty of Law and the Psychiatry Service through the Film-Argument of Opus Dei, communicating the Formalization of the Complaint   and the Reflection to the Public Ministry and the Judiciary Police with the Picasso Code, publishing the Draft of the Code in the Film-Nouvelle finalizing the painting in the cameras of Praça do Sá da Bandeira.
- You should write a Love Letter to Mariana Portugal and Mariana Varregoso and publish it in Masons Diary.
-You must send a Simple Report of up to 2 pages of the Masonic Games and Simulations to all the Masonic lodges that appear hidden in Augmented Reality on Page 66 of the 6th Exemplar d'
The Algorithm of Loveby Jaime Maria Bayamonde da Costa Ayala and Start the Request for Visits to Stores and Beekeeping Societies in accordance with the Jupiter Agenda.
- You must, under a Tranquility Regime with the Angels, start   work on requesting sponsorship and support for the Jupiter project with all brands, companies and banks (including abroad) and requesting partnerships with brands and companies that follow the   Center for Ethical Business and Sustainable Partnerships Philosophy for the  Future.
- Raul closes the doors of Ship nº9999 of the 1st Embassy of Angels in Jupiterday 02/5/2023 by updating the Jupiter and Jupiter Editions Embassy Rules and Privacy Policy.
- The Sketch of Raul of the Works is valid as Puzzle Pieces and as Final Finishes of the Work, alternatively only the  Sketches may be published as Main Pieces and Film Films or published as Final Attachments, _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_valuing the entire Work itself as a Single Work.

- Raul does 6 Simulations of his Death and 6 Possible Shares of Fortuna Jupiter.

- Raul gives the 1st Take of the 1st  Legislation on the Law of Bees and the Law of Psychiatry and Confirms the Beginning of the 1st Order of Verona and makes the 1st Attack on Opus Dei Face to Face Eye to Eye.

09:47 02/02/2023 Raul Catulo Morais

«Raul, you have to be very quick!»

«Mariana, I'm fed up with your calls!! It's always fast with you, everything is always very fast...»

«Oh Raul, seriously, you really have to be quick because of my mother... She sends you a kiss. Listen: it's like that, I shouldn't tell you this but I'm going to tell you so you don't make a mistake... On Joana's birthday,  Fred will show up and you'll be sleeping in the room with Fred okay? That's it... That's all.... You're going to do your theater and such and such and such but you're going to end up sleeping quietly in the room with Fred. I already told you.”

«O Mariana,  but wait... For me to understand... What Fred??? Fred from The Algorithm of Love???»

«Oh Raul!!!! You don't understand anything!!!!! I'm angry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No, Ralph!!! It's not Fred from The Algorithm of Love, that one has already passed into history, it's Fred from The Other Algorithm of Love... That's it, Raul!!! I have to hang up...”

«Mariana, wait... I can't sleep with Fred on Joana's birthday...»

«Oh Raul!!! You're going to sleep with Fred!!!! Why aren't you going to sleep with him if you think he's drop-dead gorgeous?"

«Because Diogo invited me to dinner on the 14th..»

«On the 14th????? On Valentine's Day??? But which Diogo?»

«Doctor Diogo...»

«Oh Raul... But isn't he straight?»


"Then why the hell did he ask you out to dinner on Valentine's Day on the 14th if he's straight????"

«Because he's Single, Mariana... Besides, he says like me Valentine's Day and not Valentine's Day, because every day is Valentine's Day...»

«Oh Raul, I have no patience... I don't care about that at all!!! You're going to sleep with Fred on Joana's birthday, because the beds are made!!!! Diogo had no business inviting you to dinner on Valentine's Day, because you were going to have dinner  with me!!!»

"Oh yeah???"

«Alas, Raul!!!!»

«And how about you warn,  not Mariana!!!???»

«Oh Raul!!! I have no patience for your worries and questions... I have to hang up! I hate you!!!! You screwed up!!!!!”

«What, Mariana?»

“Raul, goodbye! Chat later!" Raul Catulo Morais inReal Timein Film-Nouvelle 13:25 02/02/2023

20:38 02/02/2023 



“Yes, Ralph! Who would that be?”

«You are calling me on Private Number...»

«Ah... Sorry...  Listen to something...  Take me away  a doubt... Because Is it that Doctor Diogo invited you to have dinner with him after he told you on the phone that he was no longer interested in being on the project?”

«Mariana???? How do you know that? I only authorized the Judiciary Police, Interpol and Europol  to listen to my calls and as far as I know you are not from the Judiciary Police...»

«Raul... Diogo told the call to a friend who in turn is a friend of a friend of mine... That's it... Now explain to me why do  Diogo said he wanted leaving the project by  call but then having invited you to  dinner... But no lies and no Concealments, Raul... Come on... I beg you- you..."

"To talk about his Share..."

«His share?? What kind of Quota are you talking about? »

«Society Share...»

"No way!!! Raul!!! I had already said that I wanted to open a Society with you...»

«We opened the 3...»

"No! I don't want to open a 3 share company... To  I prefer to open  a public limited company and include the activity of banks in the CAE... Yes, because the project looks more like the project of a bank and not of a publisher, but that's it...»

«So we opened  a limited liability company... We just need  2 more partners...»

«But to open  a public limited company we need €50,000 and I only put €20,000 in my Savings Account, 10,000 yours and 10,000 mine... But you know... Then you have to tell me return with Interest on Mortality and Love with Love Letters... It can be with Love Letters, which I accept...»

«You are so beautiful, Mariana...»

«Yes, I am... But first you have to finish the course... I'm not going to risk putting 10 thousand in your name without having completed the Law Course! You are very smart, RauL!!! Damn!!! You just have to get our books!!! You don't take the books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

«I'll get it, Mariana!!!!»

«Damn,  Raul!!! See if you finish that shit!!! It was you who was my professor of Criminal Law... Remember? And also tax law... Did you remember??? I didn't understand any of that and it was with your classes that I passed... I still remember when you snuck into my Tax Law class with Ventura and Ventura looked right at you and told you to do the  Tax Law case and you did the case with a pint.. Then you did the same thing in your class...»

«Mariana, don't talk to me about Ventura... I hate him!»

“I know, Ralph! But do you know that I think he has a soft spot for you like Jorge does...?”

«I already know Mariana,  I already know about your theory... I hate Ventura! I hate what he wrote about women in Horrible Writing where he basically said that women were just a Sex Object and he liked to be 4  with the ponytail pulled back... I hate it -O! I hate his Xenophobia, his Racism and his Nazism! I hate the! And I hate his Psychopathism!!!! He's nothing more than a Seducer... What counts is that Psychopaths and Seducers all have a crush on me and I don't understand why if I hate them to death!!!!!!!!!!!!"

«I already know,  Raul... I already know...»

«I can see the Cocaine in his Horns... It should be forbidden to enter Parliament with Cocaine or with the Hooks in the Horns! Those in power cannot consume drugs! There should be pee tests for all deputies!! Are they spending our fucking money on fucking drugs??? I hate the!!!"

«I already know,  Raul... I already know... And I also know that you lied to me, because I know you didn't go to vote...»

«Mariana, I was in Faro at the time and I lied to you  because I know you would freak out if I told you I hadn't voted...»

«Raul, you don't need to hide these things from me... You're my best friend!»

«Mariana, I know you...  I know you were going to give me a Peel on the phone at the time and at the time I didn'tI wasn't in the mood to hear  a little bit of yours...»

«I know, Raul... But tell me the truth then... What is this invitation from Diogo due to?»

«I think the two of us should go to Faro so that Dimi can sign the "divorce" papers between Jupiter and Saturn, as it should be, because formalism is missing... For all the purposes of Fé Pública, Dimi still appears as a partner- founder of the brand with me in the Registers,  because he did not attach the Citizen Card when he wrote the Act nor did he write the Citizen Card and Address in the Act... Although I received a Strange Notification from_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Records where "everything was ok", the truth is that in the Online Records his name  continues to appear and this is making partnerships with the project difficult and stalling because they look at the brand names and always ask about the "ghost" Dimi... And Diogo said that he will only continue in the project if Dimi's name disappears, because also his Law Firm in Partnership with 6 other foreigners only enter the project if Dimi's name comes out... So let's go s arrange for us to go to Faro for Dimi to sign the Simple Document that Diogo will draw up for Dimi to sign and deliver to the Registry so that Dimi's name disappears and the "divorce" becomes "official" once and for all.. Diogo said that Dimi is nothing more than and was nothing more than a simple  designer who simply made the drawing as I asked with the colors that appeared in my mind and that he saw and with the colors and the drawing that I  saw projected onto an invisible hologram when I was 9 years old... Legal Words from Doctor Diogo...»

“Oh, Raul! How does Diogo know about your hologram? He sometimes seems to speak as if we were in a Metaverse in 2050 or 2080 where we could see a whole Past of Things... What if Dimi doesn't sign?»

«Dimi signs! He had already told me that  signed as long as I prepared a document for him to sign or went to him with the document for  to sign accompanied by a attorney..."

«Do you trust Diogo?»

“I trust, why?”

«Just to understand "one thing"... But why do you trust him?»

«Because we have the same "chip"...»

“But why do you say that?”

«Because we have the same writing and way of seeing things,  Mariana,  in terms of Technology and Law...»

«Hum... But you and Dimi too or not? I remember you saying that Dimi had a handwriting just like yours and that if you saw something written on the computer you couldn't even tell if it was you or he who wrote it...»

«Mariana, but Dimi changed the writing and his chip changed...»

«And yours too, Raul... You started writing things you wouldn't write as if you had another chip... Raul, I haveThe Algorithm of Loveon my hands..."

«Mariana, come on...»

«Raul... I just want to make sure you're sure...»

«Mariana, I'm not sure, that's it...»

“Do you still like him?”

«Do  Dimi?? Of course!"

"Not even??"

“Of course not, Mariana!”

«Why do I have the feeling that you are lying to me or hiding things?»

«Mariana, I'm not hiding anything...»

«Hum... Another thing... Why did you go to have coffee today  with Pê Mello???»

"Oh my God! Mariana??? How come you are in Estremoz and have eyes in Santarém???»

«No, Raul... I don't have access to the Film Cameras that the Stupid City Council of Santarém installed in Rua do Canavarro, but I saw Margarida Rebelo's Storie that filmed your greeting with Pê... And I know it was Rua do Canavarro because of that building where there used to be a Barbecue which is kind of abandoned and which the City Council could very well hand over to Jupiter and, as a courtesy, repair the building and furnish it with nice furniture  ecological and sustainable... I should give this building to the publishing house and the Sports Pavilion, which is also abandoned in Campo da Feira and which could be the o  Studio and I already have some really cool ideas... I she herself was capable of moving to Santarém if the Council supported and installed the project... And I hate Santarém... I hate the people of Santarém... I hate the high school... I hate  the imposture all over Santarém and I hate Rotary_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ Club that has the mania that rules Santarém... Rotary simply degenerated... Like everything degenerates, Rotary degenerated... The idea of the foundation was good, the idea was the Self-Made Man in which Rotary had obligation to support and finance all Self-Made Mans, all those who managed to create a project with head, trunk and members, only because of the  Power and Money that rose to the head of Rotary the Rotary has lost its mind and manages to exercise a great power of influence in smaller cities like Santarém, Olhão, Faro... Anyway...»

«That pavilion you are talking about belongs to Inatel...  I already asked Inatel...»

“Did you ask?”

«I asked...  It was really cool... It could even be a Cool Spot for Jupiter's Hot Air Balloons to rise to the skies...»

«That was really cool Raul... But where it was also really cool to go up the Jupiter balloons was in Estremoz...»

«We can also climb them in Estremoz...»

«Is your father always going to pay you for the Parachute Course and the Ballooning Course so you can fly Hot Air Balloons ?»

«I don't know, Mariana... My father has already kicked me out of the house, he's already cut me off from going to college... I don't know... It's always a great instability...»

«Oh, Raul... Your father is so  strange... He sometimes seems like an Actor...»

«Yes, it seems... But look, never want to live with a psychotic Actor, otherwise you'll always live in a Constant Psychotic Film and Theater...»

«Raul... You didn't answer me... Why did you go have coffee with Pê?»

«Because I was with his mother... And his mother told me that he was in Divorce Process... Pê asked me if I was capable of being a father now at 30...»

“Oh, Raul!!! Don't even think about getting into it now..."

«Do you know that he reads everything I write?  It's really strange... He  reads everything and says he loves everything I write... He he's the only person I know who reads everything I write and who loves it... He was the first guy I was with, Mariana... After an Offside... In our hotel room there were stairs and there were 2 more players on the floor de  above who heard everything... They heard him crying drool and snot just because I said I wanted to stop, they heard him saying that he only felt that for me... I still remember everything... I had already erased it... But with my separation,  I remembered everything again, you know...? It's so strange that he appears in my life now... He used to live right across from me, we were neighbors... E  I don't know... You know when someone comes along and tells you they like what they like you do,  when you love the things that  you say or do? When he praises you... When he always gives you strength,  always strength...? When does he listen to you and also start wanting to be better?”

«Raul  he tried Ene times to be with you being married to a woman and having a child!!!»

«Mariana, I know... But he swore to me that his Cena is really only with me...»

«As so many others have sworn to you, Raul!!!»

«I know, Mariana... But we were never together when he was married...»

«They didn't have it together, because you didn't want to, because you're Decent!!! I don't like him and I don't trust him and don't even think about bringing him as a Partner to our Society!!!!!» 21:53 02/02/2023 Raul  Catulo Morais inReal  Time



There is  only one way to vomit a "Technological Witchcraft"... It is to vomit. It's talking about "witching", to vomit it and in Vomit, in all the Crap, we see the Device and see how  after all  we are connected to all the Crap because of a Device that connected us to all the Crap. That's why witches only exist in Technological Form and never in spiritual form, because that Spirituality obviously doesn't exist. Spirituality is something else, it is our Intuition linked to the System, to the Core of the Earth, to the  Winds, to the Waves of the Sea,  to the Sea,_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ to the Sun,  to the Moon, to the Ants, to the Bees, that is,  to Nature! Spirituality only exists in this form and not in any other. Everything else is the Network working is nothing but the Network. If an Invisible Hand installs the Net in our eyes, we already know that everything will appear in front of our eyes and that all  the Net will see what we are seeing... If the Net is installed in our Head,  we already know that we have a Beehive Society of Algorithms installed in our Network of Neurons... Because to uninstall this "Technological Witchcraft" it will be necessary to talk about the entire Network of Algorithms that chases our Network of Neurons for the Algorithms to stop chasing us and unlock us  in the Network,  because if not, the bastards of "witches" and algorithms will unlock us they're pretty fucked up with us,  because we get ahead of them and puke all over "the witches"... We learn to puke Verborrhea,  so we don't_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ stay Let's deal with the Verborreia  of others.  This is how we get rid of a "Technological Witchcraft"... Just talk intelligently about it_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Internet of Things and after we talk we throw up. In the vomit we will see the Device coming out and we will understand how everything was connected in the end and how everything connected to  Crap. All we have to do is speak fearlessly about things and say how they are and how they really are. It's easy,  it's like Chicken Soup to get us out of Tech Witchcraft. It's fun! It's really fun! Raul Catulo Morais 22h40 02/02/2023 in Real TimeWith All Reserved Rights With Jupiter Edititons

Exposed - Matty Fees
00:00 / 00:33

Do we have to marry Evil for Evil not to do us Evil? I would say no. But if we marry Evil, let it at least be to lessen Evil and to get closer to Evil and denounce Evil with the evidence of Evil. Without proof,  is not worth it. Law is badly built, written and designed,  because it was built, written and designed by Evil in Evil games, so that we get lost  and get tired of games. .. Well... But I don't get tired and I never get lost... We know who we are from the beginning. Our Essence and Genuineness comes from the Principle. We remain the same Little Ones, the same Children even at the age of 30 who feel the pain of a bee, because we are capable of looking into the eyes of the bees and understanding an entire  Human Life. I don't want to marry someone who doesn't see what I see. I don't want to marry someone who doesn't see the Law of the Bees as I do. I'd rather stay Single, Divorced and Widowed forever and be the Black Widow who only devours Black Widows in Self Defense. If I am able to kill my husband? Of course I am! In self-defence, I can! It was a Criminal Law that taught me how to pick up a Paper Pistol properly and shoot Ink Bullets in Self-Defense. I'm a penalist, I'm a civilist, I'm just a humanist. I don't go beyond that. Do we have to marry Evil for Evil not to do us Evil? I would say no... If I would be able to marry Evil so that Evil would not make me Evil? Yes, of course it was... By Survival Instinct and I would even say by Self Defense. It's my Institute... The Institute of Legitimate Defense is the Institute that I claim to Criminal Law, to take it as a Legacy for my Marriage, because it was I who wrote "in another life" the Regime of Legitimate Defense. If I believe in Past Life, in  Reincarnation? Only if I was really Stupid... It's just that not even Evil is that stupid believes in Reincarnation...  Evil is very intelligent... It's not stupid... If we have to to marry Evil so that Evil does not harm us? Maybe... But I would always say no... 23h04 Raul Catulo Morais 02/02/2023 in Real Time

Grade -49 and Grade 33 – Tech Paranoid Film Trail Attachments


Final Advanced Degree Final Simulation


The Volume of Things - Masonic Report of Regular and Irregular Masonic Games


«The last-degree tests are neurologically advanced in which one manages to “get hold” of the Being and experience it not only at the same time on several levels in the same simple dimension of “social street” with “various social café conversations” with the extraction of the voice in which the precise state of mind, anxiety, stress levels is collected, games of fitting through voice analysis and facial recognition along the long game of chambers where the masons-algorithms-humanoids appear and strategically always placing and replacing the “Being” in the Experience, perceiving the Being of the experience inwardly, playing with the program itself and making a detailed analysis of everything without losing the social context inherent to the invisible social program that the Being knows he cannot talk about he, having to dramatize in some contexts responding to the various Masonic theaters in a natural way, abstracting from theaters and invisible tapes. The Being is also raised to the last degree to see "as a privileged" the program from above and to see the various actors and Freemasons and to recognize the root and structure of Freemasonry and identifying the perimeters of the anthills and the designs formed of each anthill being later again descending vertiginously and ascending to the middle of the degrees, descending again, ascending again to a penultimate degree, descending then, ascending again, descending, ascending more degrees, descending, ascending, returning again to the last degree for a while to fit the whole program and all the natural ascents and descents of the program and letting the being reflect and analyze and place himself on which ladder and degree he finds himself.» Raul Catulo Morais


«O cousin, being with your mother is very exhausting. I don't know how you stand it, I swear... and then it's a complication to understand your mother and the things she says.. oops, fire... I don't know how you stand it... it's just that your mother consumes your energy all, like I ran out of energy... and I just spent a little time with her... I can't understand how you can stand it, I swear, or how you don't explode or go crazy... if it were me, I would have already given up crazy.. I swear…”

«let's raise the bar a little bit more… let's raise the volume… get bruno out of the way… send bruno to café nº 6… he can't leave café nº6 until raul passes Rua do Matadouro… Only for Raul to breathe a little, poor thing... But then on the fairgrounds, in the parking lot, tell the 11-year-old gypsy to call Raul and ask for coins and to ask Raul to take him to the supermarket... Raul will say no and then the gypsy who says that then he's going to try to get coins parking the cars to take a taxi... muahhaha just to play a little more... I want to play a little more with raul... let his mother take the order of the medicines that the doctor from the family folder on top of the desk and ask raul to go back  to go down the mountain and then go up just to ask for the prescription ahahaha» «oops poor thing.. that's a lot of tasks and like o his father took his bank card and left him with only €5 and it's to buy cereals and his vegetable milk...» «so let him drink the cow's milk that is at home muauauahahaha» «oops, poor guy.. he's already so skinny, all malnourished, he counts to zeros, always to zeros... poor thing...» «I said on the island of the pirates that I put a Christian armed with a smart-ass always going up and down the mountain doing favor work muahahaha he asked me why I had done that and I said it was because he hadn't obeyed me... but then raul asked a question that i didn't like and i took my character out of lucyferian psychiatric eyes and said i didn't want to play the game with him anymore and said it was just a psychological game and raul said i didn't like that kind of games psychological… then I tried to hypnotize him but he immediately looked away… he's not stupid… but he's not very smart either… it's easy to fool him… just pull his dick out and that's it… he sucks well, that's the lucky for him…» «muahahahaha» «go, let him rest…» «ahh!!! Let the mother take the keys from the house so that Raul can wander around the house like a fool looking for the keys  and the mother tells him he needs a psychologist because he doesn't know where he puts things ahahaha and the father to remove the medication prescription and replace it with the “secret paperwork” only for raulzinho to feel the whole game turning against him and see the whole film disappear and be without his  evidence ahahaha…» «not the other way around… the mother takes the prescription» «no… let it be like that… there is a logic… because of the dream episode for the “dream” episode to disappear and he is left without “the ballot” and the “ passport” and see a whole “lost cause” as the doctor Diogo said... muahhahahahaha!»


For the Understanding of the “Prisoner” in the Mountain, we see through Camera Exercises and Lens Game that the “Lord or Owner” of the Mountain (The Programmer or Master Player) increases the Prisoner’s Plan of Weights and Tasks so that the Prisoner does not finish the tasks, distracting him with Small Maneuvers but since such Small Maneuvers mean Great Maneuvers and a High expenditure of energy for the Being who is trapped in Rational Energy Saving taking into account the Precarious Resources in which he is carrying out the tasks, we managed always see Prisoner Status, Energy Levels, Stress, Distraction. For example, halfway down the Mountain a Technological Rider is sent and even in a Little Interaction of the Being with the Rider and even At a Distance we manage through the Analysis of the Mind and Imagination and Capacity of Simulation and Realization of the Being to be in the hands with the film made in the Mind of Being. For example, if the Being becomes very Excited, taking into account the Level of Sexual Excitement caused by the Isolation of the being "in the net" and the imprisonment of the game felt by the Being, if we quickly build a hut in the middle of the mountain, like SIMS GAME, in which the Being does not even see the construction = Super Fast Printing of a Cabin already in force in the Saturn Market in analogy to the 3D Printing of Houses in 180 square meters in less than 24 hours, in which in the Game it is in 6 minutes to impression of the hut as if it were a book, we can predict that the Being by the Excitement Degree and Excess Accumulation of Energy of Mental and Masonic Games will enter the hut to masturbate, to free himself from all the energy and in that masturbation of his we will see a romance that the being made with the knight and we are left with a movie. Now this film can be adapted into a short chapter ofThe Algorithm of Loveor for a short episode ofTechnological Knightscommercializing the Being without him knowing in a Parallel Pornography Market in which the Being appears with a Porn Star in which the users and spectators themselves think that the film is real and that the being himself wanted to direct and act in the film, when the film simply does not is nothing more than an Extraction of your Maker-Mind with a High Graphic Level so close or “even equal” to the Real.

3:01 pm 01/02/2023 Bernardo Santareno Library.

Raul Catulo Morais

From library to library as only 1 hour of use is allowed


«send evil spiders to Raul's house»

«WTF?? He will photograph…”

"Will not…"

«Go on… He’s smart and so he’ll have proof…»

«It won’t… Send…»

«It kind of looks like you're helping him... I don't understand... He took a picture... it looks like you're giving him proof... Are you with him?»

«Of course not… ya he’s really smart…»

«lol… it seems that you are secretly on his side… you are giving him proof of the game…»


Braamcamp Freire Library


1 hour of use


15:45 (departure a little earlier from the Writing Simulation due to hunger and fatigue)

I was unable to prepare the Final Psychiatry Report


Reasoning of Nutrients and Energies with the Hunger Game applied to the Program with the issue of the Bank Card in which I still have to go back down Saturn Hill to São Domingos to Rua do José Saramago to fetch the Prescription that "Mysteriously" disappeared from the folder to then go back up to the city via Jupiter Hill back home.  What a great drought! 3:50 pm 02/01/2023 Raul Catulo Morais

Masonic games follow the Technological Age, which means that if we are in the Age of Instagram or Facebook, Masonic games will take place on Facebook and Instagram and it is known that many of my Masonic friends have access to all my messages and they are all seeing the messages to whom I am sending and the responses I am receiving... It is also enough, for example, to be hacked and the pirate to know my password and pass on the network all my target. But it is living with it and not letting this Piracy and this Freemasonry of the Devils interfere with our Life and we always look at it from Above with our Altivez that we had to Invent as a Defense Mechanism to get rid of the Chip that we see in the Head of Others. It is true that we also have the Chip,  only that we inherited and were born with other  Chips that defend us from the "Evil Chip". Because we are born with the Chip of Good,  with the Laws of Good and when we speak of "God" the representation we see in that "Word" is simply "Good" and doing Good. Well, we don't need any shitty bible or any Written Code that tells us what good is and what evil is. It is the Law itself that teaches us this,  what our Natural Law with which we were born had already shown us. For Facebook,  for Instagram and for Freemasonry we are nothing but an Experience. But for me too, Facebook, Instagram and Freemasonry are just an experience. Tomorrow I see Facebook being arrested and closed as I see Freemasonry being arrested and closing its shops... When we see this we know that we are capable of looking at the Masonic games and the Technological Age and denouncing the Irregularities. But we know that the Law itself is Irregular and even so, if the Law makes us Ears of Merchant we give up. We never give up. As a last resort, we learn a New Language, we go on a  Backpacking, we leave and make our way to life, in another life, on another trip,  in another World. All we have to do is catch a plane or a train to leave. It's always worth staying in life. We can always change lives. Just get divorced. All we have to do is split up and go our separate ways and that's it. Is life. That's what Masonic games teach us. It's to divorce us. It is learning to divorce ourselves,  from our own spirit in order to face the Technological Era with Eyes to See and with Reality. Raul Catulo Morais 22:46 02/02/2023

Raspar de Filme de Frigideira
00:00 / 01:38
Conversa Familiar - Lixo
00:00 / 10:01
Conversa Familiar - Lixo 2
00:00 / 25:24

"Family Conversation Between Mother and Son About Garbage and Cleanliness" and "Typical Frying Pan Scraping Sound" onReal timeof 02/1/2023 included as Film Evidence in the Final Psychiatry Report delivered to the Medical Association

Atestado Multiusos
00:00 / 02:30
Consulta Médico de Família (Lígia)
00:00 / 27:04
Cinto de Segurança
00:00 / 13:41
00:00 / 07:04
Bicho de 7 Cabeças
00:00 / 10:24

Episodes "Attestado Multiusos", "Family Doctor Consultation (Lígia), "Safety Belt", "Synthetic Gasoline" and "Bicho de 7 Cabeças" recorded on 01/23/2023 in Real Time All Rights Reserved to Raul Catulo Morais , Lígia Catulo Morais and Jupiter Editions in Film-Nouvelle-Documentary by Jupiter - Because when our telephone and our parents' telephone is pirated we ourselves become Pirates of Our Own Life and We Transform Our Life into a Film,_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ because We are the owners of Filmes das Nossas Vidas. The IIllumminnatti Games  showed me that when I sent my email to the Family Doctor that my email ended up in the Spam and that in Real Time the Pirates hacked the computers and took my email from the Spam Box to the Inbox. I remember when I went to the Health Center and an Online Game Player entered the Health Center just to photograph the Health Center screen when s all of a sudden everything was in ukrainian, because the pirates hacked the computer system and he was gone with a wink. The other day,  at my mother's Psychiatric Masonic Theater of Dementia at the Health Center with aunt Zezinha 2 meters from the Placard with the information about Covid my mother asked if they were Marrakesh beaches, or if it was a Mirage and then I had to confirm the Mirage from my mother's Masonic Theater of Dementia, because Marrakech doesn't have a beach. The other day, on the day of my General and Family Medicine consultation, the System was Temporarily "again" down and "again" the Player appeared to photograph the Health Center Television screen appearing in Ukrainian. Francisca and 3-year-old António pointed to the Player and said he was "the Pirate",  returning the Player to leave  from the Scene flashing me " again" the eye with its mocking and fucker look. My question is, why is it that in a movie like this, with players and fuckers, children aged 3,  6, 9 and 12 years old and teenagers aged 15 and 17 appear? That's how I'm always called to call Criminal Law. But I'm a bit tired of calling Criminal Law,  I confess... I'm not tired of Criminal Law, I'm tired of always having to call Criminal Law... Television screen, but I managed to photograph the Mirage of the Placard of the "Beaches" of Marseille, Saint Tropez,  of Rabat, Casablanca, Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli, Alexandria, Tel Aviv, Beirut, Odessa, Mikola , Sebastopol, Mariupol, Novaya, Chukotka, the Lyakhovsky Islands, and the Palma Islands because the Scoreboard at the Health Center in Santarém de Portugal talked about Covid in French, in Arabic,  Hebrew , Ukrainian, Russian and Spanish, but he spoke neither Portuguese nor English... The military troop of pirates that landed in the Jupiter Editions film in Santarém is French, Moroccan, Tunisian, Algerian, Israeli, Ukrainian, Russian and Castilian . They simply land, pirate and enter the movie. They simply pirated and entered the film. Then they left as if they had never entered and as if they had never hacked... 02:19 03/02/2023 Raul Catulo Morais

Consulta Médico de Família (Raul)
00:00 / 22:58

Final Report of Psychiatryby Raul Catulo Morais (5 pages) of 2/2/2023 - By mistake, the Aripiprazole (injectable every 30 days) was not indicated in the Therapeutic Scheme.


Clinical Analysis of Raul's Blood: HIV NEGATIVE (Confirmation Test of the 1st Test ofIlluminati Games) 2 pages

Clinical information: Low back pain and knees.
Vertebrae with normal morphology, posterior wall aligned.
Incipient marginal osteophytosis of the epiphyseal plates, without significant reduction in the height of the discs.
Slight sinister-convex scoliosis.
Posterior interapophyseal arthrosis.
Slight internal deviation of the kneecaps.
Sharpening of the spines of the tibial plateaus.

Program FinalIllumminnatti - 2nd Communication 

This program supersedes previous programs and orders communicated through the Internet of Dreams, the Internet of Things and Movements of Order and Disorder and Mental Confusion and Silent Banking Movements

- For the 6 Illumminnatti spa baths taken in the Pool Spas where in the Last 6th Hot Water Bath the Pupils blocked all the Lockers to Raul only leaving Locker 44, the pupils leaving the changing rooms and entering the Actors and Characters who turned on the Program in the Bank and who mysteriously opened a New Anthill and a New Secret Hive underneath the Jupiter Editions Anthill and Beehive, unveiling a  Advanced Mysterious Grade, the 44th Grade and once the Report was delivered and published At the end of Psychiatry, Raul is completely free to carry out the tasks he wants in the Program, being able to freely change the Program, , being only obliged to send an email to Caixa Geral and to Laboratório das Análises requesting the Sponsorship key to the slogan «A Chemistry that Unites Us»,  because that was the Laboratory's slogan and because that was the slogan an that he heard in the 6 baths and in the homes of the doctors and chemists who "predicted" the day of the Laboratories Fusion. Raul knows and understands in History the Sequence of Slogans in Analogy to the Game of Cameras with Picasso's Painting and History, just as he knows that the former Chairman of the Board of Directors of Caixa Geral had a Fetish for Rugby partnerships and Fernando's poems Pessoa, is also aware that the current Chairman of the Board of Directors, who learned about Jupiter's Business Plan when he was Executive Director of Banco BPI, ordered the book "Ensaio sobre  a Cegueira" by Saramago to be placed in the Counter nº66 with the marker on page 66 when Password nº66 came out to Raul,  knowing therefore that if the Sponsorship is not granted to Jupiter Editions, tomorrow Raul may sit on the Board of Directors to Order a Salary Raise and Stop the Robot Agenda to Replace Employees and the Voice and Heart Rate Analyzers that Halifax Bank already uses for Multi-Credit Decisioning. It is not difficult for Raul to see the bank administrator behind the camera at Balcão nº6, or to see the director of the Faculty of Law or to see a psychiatry or a psychology, at the same time seeing the cameras above psychology and psychiatry and being able to hear "not listening" behind the bench microphones,  of faculty, psychiatry and psychology. In this regard, knowing that Quadro has already been valued at €666 million, Raul sends the  sponsorship request to Caixa Geral, knowing in advance that he will receive a No from Caixa Geral, and must then counterattack in the Virtual Court with the information it has about the bank, submitting the information to the Information Society. 

- For taking a bath in the changing rooms with Sérgio Canavarro, son of Social Worker Cidália Canavarro, with Martim Canavarro, brother of his first girlfriend Catarina Canavarro and cousins of Sérgio Canavarro at the same time that he took a bath with Raul, married to Catarina and with Raul's friend and with Raul's son, Joaquim,  who traveled with him on the plane to Porto Santo and for the pupil who left the locker room   with key nº 66 being the Savior who on the return trip from Porto Santo de Raul  asked his mother if Raul was the 666 when Raul passed in the aisle of the plane, according to the Real Literary Reference of Diário de Salva-Vidas de Porto  Holy and fur at the end of the bath, Sérgio gave Raul his mother's number in the changing rooms, once the recording has been sent and heard by WhatsApp, Raul can publish the recording as Last passed element 6 days of Silence, for having heard the 6-day Silence Key  at the Radiography Center  with Password  which was logod_ taken at the Counter,  without the Password Proof.

- To give Raul's Masonic Grade Ascent to Grade 33 again, Raul  goes at night to Jupiter Mountain, Confirming the Grade Astronomically in the Passage from day 6 to day 7 with the Dance of the Stars, in which at 00:44 on the 7th you will have Confirmation of the Mysterious Advanced Degree 44, and therefore you must stay on the Mountain until 00:44, after which you can go down, up or stay. Having been TOTALLY freed from the Program, Raul can Prepare the Simple Police Report for the Judiciary Police,  Interpol, Europol  e FBI up to 2 pages against the Illuminati and CIA before or after the Dance of the Stars how to take the 1st Legislation of the Law of Psychiatry and the Law of the Bees before or after the Dance of the Stars,  publishing the Take in the Program Parliament  of Kanal Jupiter and the 1st Jupiter Rights Congress on the Jupiter Science Team Online page. You should,  however, publish the Summary Work of the Illuminati by JIM MARRS that you met on 01/31/2023 and Underline with 3 Jupiter Code Colors the Most Relevant Parts for you, _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_sending the Final Psychiatry Report, sent to the Order, as an attachment to the police.

- For the Judgment of Peace with his father it is recommended to read Raul's one night from the bookPsychiatrists - A Story to Tellby Jeffrey A. Lieberman.

Exposed - Matty Fees
00:00 / 00:33

Hello Mariana. I am writing to you with tears in my eyes. I'm listening to Matty Fees' Exposed. I'm writing to you on a hot air balloon. I'm the one driving. I took off alone. I called everyone, but nobody wanted to come in...   I know you were silent,   because you knew I was going to take off even with your silence, because I know that you know that I know how to decipher your silence. I know you're also going to leave in a balloon, because I'm passing Estremoz and I see a hot air balloon at your house.   I know you're going to leave on that one. It's true, I don't know who the pilot is... I don't know if the pilot is him or not... I still like   him,   don't you? It's impossible not to like it.   I know you know. I know you know everything.   I know it's as if you had accessed my eyes, because I authorized you, because I lent you. We don't   lend our passwords to everyone, but when we lend, we lend because we trust... I know you respect the true Laws of Friendship and Love. I've known that since the day I saw you. I could see you through your eyes. The Spirit feels. And truth. It's like a magnet. You were the only person I actually cried with because of him. You were the only person who said he   was a motherfucker, in the midst of all the silence and I defended him   crying  e I know that you know the Laws of Love and that you have respected them. Things have a time. You know, I am not ashamed   to cry. Crying makes me feel real. It makes me see what Reality is like. I   don't know if he will be the pilot of your balloon or not. But if it is, you don't have to worry. I know why you don't like Santarém. I know why you don't like high school. If you had studied   in high school, you'd have a whole circle behind you just because of history, just because of your last name. Santarém was like this... I lived that time. I also think the nicknames are cute. I also think the  rugby guys are cute. There is a drawing of feet and hands that is drawn through the History of Nicknames...  I saw that the hands and feet that I thought were most beautiful were drawn by nicknames, by _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_cause of Genetic History... Inheritance is Genetic... But I stopped finding many feet,  hands and pretty nicknames when I got to know the hearts  and the spirits... I don't think there's any harm in being attracted or letting ourselves be fascinated by someone's face or by someone's story or by the way someone walks or eats or talks... It's part of the attraction. We only got to really see and hear the heart afterwards.   But when we see what the heart is like, anyway,   if we don't find the heart beautiful if we make it, we try to leave, don't we? I know I just need to get close to you and dance for you and I know you can read my dance, I know you can understand my voice. The truth is that Silence is different with you. Know why? I'll tell you... But   you know... It's that "Silence",   is the "that" code... That's why with you silence doesn't hurt and silence with you is never disturbing or embarrassing... Quite the contrary. If I "lie" to you   or "hide  things" you know why I'm doing it. On the contrary, I also know and there is no "game of silence" or any "Game  de information" between us, because I am sure that our friendship never was and never will be a game. I know that you know how to listen to the message and understand why I am writing this message to you. I love you! If I wasn't gay, maybe it would be you. Maybe it was Sara. Maybe it was Mariana Varregoso. But perhaps,   in other times and if our nicknames were the other way around,  by   if I am black, we would have to "run away" as we are "now running away" in a hot air balloon... I know it's stupid to keep going back to the same thing,   not leaving history, I tried time and time again to ignore history and always look to the future and to the present but the bloody history keeps coming back,  sempre... "It's a  shit"! Another War is coming, Mariana... We have to escape in these balloons so that the Ascent can be Discreet and save Energies  e Resources... The War for Resources is a lie, _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_know? But it seems that it is not worth it... It seems that it is not worth writing. It seems that  nothing is not worth saying. I'm getting less and less strong and I'm on my "last energy"... I'm in Energy Savings... I don't know where I'm going with this balloon... I don't know... I know and I don't know... I saw the winds...  I know where I'm going... But I really don't know... I don't know what's after the winds... I don't know what's after the Milky Way ? I don't know, Mariana! I don't know... I know this sounds crazy... To go up an entire Atmosphere to the Milky Way with a balloon... We know that the Balloon is to enter Door 44 of Ship nº9999.  That's why it's possible to take off in a hot air balloon from Santarém, pass through Estremoz, climb the Atmosphere and pass the Milky Way. Because there is more than one Spaceship in History. Thank you for always believing in me! Thanks! Thank you for Understanding my Movements,   for reading my Passages in Secret and for trusting me! Thanks! I love you! Then I'll write you another, better letter. It's just a little Love Letter. I loved it when you told me to stop running on the street in front of the Edifício dos Leões... We went into a Pharmacy... You got a Password... You know it was with the Pharmacy Nickname that he came back, when we finished the first time , because of alcohol? I'm sorry I didn't tell you... But I didn't want anyone to know... We broke up and got back together and it all went so fast... It was   just leaving  a bottle of alcohol and remembering how alcohol had separated me from so many nicknames in stories that I could not have imagined linking me to so many anthills, so many beehives and so many parliaments... I know that you have linked me "invisibly" to others too better anthills,  beehives and parliaments... I love you! 4:44 pm Raul 02/04/2023

[[44[I stumbled upon Canavarro's foot card and Canavarro's hand  card. I know it's his hands and feet because  I saw his hands and feet in the changing rooms... Aunt Giralda gave Uncle Luís a hard time with Canavarro... Save me from this story ,  because I don't want to marry Canavarro in the game just because of Aunt Giralda's Jewelry Story. Play that "card",  please! Please play! You're the one with the King's Letter... I need you to pass me the King's Letter to get out of Canavarro's lap. History and the Game handcuffed me.]55]] Raul Catulo Morais with All Reserved Rights With Jupiter Editions


§ Hello, Dmytro. I know everything. I know all the moves. It's not just you watching me anymore. It's also me now that I'm watching you. It's so strange, this is all so strange. I'm sorry when I told you in São Miguel that I didn't want to rise to any power. I saw how your eyes lowered and how devilish you became. I don't like Power. I hate. I don't like giving orders. I like to recommend. I like to suggest. I like to collaborate. I don't like being authoritarian.  I hate dictators. But the truth is that my stuck writing gives another idea. I understand the shitty religion that may have been falsely created around my writing. My church is simply Nature. My religion is bees,   people, mammals, trees,  the ocean,  the sea, the beach , the mountain, the forest. It's just my religion. But it's true,   when I ended up in your lap I was full of little monkeys on my head, because they put little monkeys on my head. When we grew up with little monkeys in our heads, we can neither be truly Initiated nor play Mind Games... Now I can play, because I don't have little monkeys in our heads anymore. But I needed to get them out. (...)  It's true that when trust is broken it is broken and it's hard to get back... I would say it's really hard. But I was hoping that everything could be part of an Initiation Phase, a game, a movie... I'm not afraid of anything. I do not have afraid to die. I'm not afraid to speak the truth. I'm not obedient and I don't bow my head. I fight. I fight to the death. But my death is worthless, because I know how to die in silence. I love my brain, you know? I love my memory! I adore! It's something really extraordinary. I'm a camcorder. I film everything, everything. I can rewind time and re-enact everything, everything. All. I'm really dangerous. And I'm a Chameleon. I don't sell myself for money. Not seeing myself for Power. I was trained to be Hacked and to be Bio Hacked and to be able to indicate the Bio Hacking Source. Even a CIA Syringe won't kill me... Do you understand? I finished Jim Marrs' Study of the Illuminati and I was able to place myself in the study, I was able to place you,  I was able to place my family, I was able to place "Our" friends and enemies, _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_I managed to locate the bank, I managed to locate Jupiter Ediitons,  to Saturn Editions, how I managed to locate the history of Banco BPI and Caixa Geral and link the stories and link the _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_banks. I know I'm an Enemy because I invented Clean Money. And when we invented Clean Money,  when we invented what we invented by being Good, we were left with the whole World, with all the Evil on top of us... _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_But the truth is that when we are "the Spirit" we manage to overthrow Evil. You changed characters. You scared me. You really scare me. (...) It is still funny to be in Santarém where there is a great truth of things and we are born on this Stage of Truth about the World and manage to see the World (almost all of it) just from Santarém. If 53 families govern the United States, then (almost) the whole world, a  asks if 23 families govern Portugal, which have Root Base and History in Santarém and are linked to the most powerful families from Germany, France, England and the United States, it is asked if 6 "enlightened" families from Santarém could or could not tomorrow govern the world through a bank, a publisher, a director, a hotel or a restaurant... And the answer is yes... It's only after creating the various cells out there... Who says Restaurant, says Glasses Store, Radiology Center or Small Hospital. Through the Net everything is possible. All. Even hacking a Smart Brain and using it as an Instrument or a Scapegoat. Because I saw this as clear as Water, I had to Act as I Acted. Because I know that things have a Time. For a while. I'm just getting ready to go and ask for a job in a restaurant,  or in a clothing store  or in a cleaning service... I'll send CVs back to to be able to work... I just want to work, you know?  But I just want to work without feeling like a Slave, being able to Save for the Future, to be able to Travel, to be able to buy a Jupiter Editions shirt and visit the countries I have to visit.  I'm in no hurry. I just want to see who's really with me and who's not. Just to keep the memories about everything. I don't mind being sacrificed. Neither I nor my Brain. I know we were sacrificed. I know. We know.  But  I don't mind giving my Heart away,  as long as I actually see the Society better, more evolved,  with less prejudice... I also had prejudice... I thought all the orgies were diabolical... I don't think so anymore and never participated in any. I already see them Naturally,  I only see diabolical ones where I see betrayal and where I see people handcuffed in orgies for Money and Power... That is my concern... But despite worrying about others and actually putting others on top of me I don't sacrifice myself for others, because I have my limits. (...) I'm not stupid. But it's not my fault I'm surrounded by Maus who lost their Emotions in the Oath of Initiation. My Initiation was Different, it was Privileged. I know that. I was Initiated Freely, still more Secretly, Authorized to Speak and Write and Investigate. In Freemasonry, I am the Inspector. Dmytro, Thank you for everything... But you are under arrest in the name of the Law,  in the name of Love, in the name of Jupiter, in the name of Jehovah, in the name of Allah and in the name of Satan! 11:11 02/05/2023 Raul Catulo Morais with All Reserved Rights With Jupiter Editions

[The illuminati will not rule, the motherfucker Musk fake philanthropist will not rule nor command society with his brain chip,  the New World Order will fall with the Catholic Church,_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ with Opus Dei and the Church of Satan who belong to the Old New World Order! The Illuminati Culture is criminal,  psychopath and sociopath! They like to see real-time deaths, they like to hear children cry, they hack our phones and they know everything about us. They are criminals e  are no longer invisible. I will denounce the Name of everyone in Boca do Inferno with my Mouth of Demon and I will spit the Fire they want so much,  because they adore the Fire of my Mouth, they adore my Tongue of Snake, they love my Chameleon Skin. I will never tattoo  my skin.  I will never mark my skin! They worship Satan,  but Satan hates them to death!  They are false, they are not legal, they are not humanist, they are not environmentalists and they enslave! Their thinking is diabolical and we must  have a Diabolical Mind so that they cannot access us or if they access us they do not harm us.  My Mind is a Shield . I am a Chameleon. I lie with the Devils because they adore me. But I know how to get out of their beds. I dealt with them. I know their Orchestra. I really know them. They call themselves atheists, but it's a lie. All of them  are worshipers of the Church of Satan. All  they worship the Evil Devil figure. For I too am the Devil! I'm the Devil who wants the Bad Devil to burn in Hell! I'm the Devil of Criminal Law who fearlessly say to an entire Auditorium of Penalists that the Penal Code is poorly made and is designed to protect the Bad Guys and I don't care that he gets into the Shit of a Faculty of Law and has a whole Legal Community_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ of Students  Stupid as Hell against me, because I want to be there  know that I walk on top of their DARK NET as I do over the DARK NET of the students of the Faculty of Medicine, because I connect the faculties and high schools through a Network and hand it over to the Judiciary Police,   ao FBI, INTERPOL and EUROPOL! I will also denounce the names of the  professors of Shit  of the Faculty  of Law! Teachers who were Initiated in Berlin and Boston into the Skull and Bones Society. O  Administrative Law and Opus Dei to put up with me, because I wasn't born in Vain nor did I die in Vain! It would have been better to have aborted me! You should have listened to my mother! She wanted to abort "the Mission"... [But I don't abort the Mission!]» Raul Catulo Morais 11h37 05/02/2023]

Exposed - Matty Fees
00:00 / 00:33

Underlined by Raul Catulo Morais of the Work "Illuminati" by Jim Marrs (23 pages) as perLast Illuminati Program(Grade 44)

Police Reportby Raul Catulo Morais against Illuminati Culture and Freemasonry in Portugal and Rest of the World (2 pages) + 5 pages with the History of the Bank on Jupiter Editions - Judiciary Police, Air Force, Portuguese Space Agency, European Space Agency, NASA, FBI, Europol and Interpol - With Translation Code44-99-444-999-9999-4444-XYX-X


Program FinalIllumminnatti - 3rd Communication 

This program supersedes previous programs and orders communicated through the Internet of Dreams, the Internet of Things and Movements of Order and Disorder and Mental Confusion and Silent Banking Movements

For the Breaking of Silence of the Security Withdrawal of 666€ in the Episode of Grade 44, Raul must include in the Police Report the Episode of the Withdrawal and break the Judgment of Peace and start the Judgment of War with his father communicating the Judgment to the PJ and Ministry Public with the Summary History of the Father-Son, Father-Son-Mother and Father-Mother Relationship,  communicating in the same Court  the Disappearance of the Single Copy ofTech Knights that his father took him to  Hemodialysis and that his father says he doesn't know anything about theTechnological Knights, which must include the Power of Attorney in which he represents his Father and that he carried out the Security Withdrawal of €666 on behalf of the Bom Pai de Família Regime,  preparing the Defense against his father's Attack that file the Complaint against Raul, and Raul must present the Power of Attorney and in Counter-Attack, file a Complaint against the father for the Disappearance of the Single Copy ofTechnological Knightsby Barac Bielke who ended up at the Opus Headquarters at the hands of Padre Espírito Santo, the Professor of Administrative Law and the Cavaleiro-Forcado Espírito Santo who in an Augmented Reality Engineering Edited the Augmented Reality of Page 66. Family Discussion "House Below" on 02/3/2023 arrived at the Opus Dei Database, was heard by Cavaleiro-Forcado who included in the New Augmented Reality on page 66 the episode of the Family Discussion and once the Episode of the Discussion A family member was also heard by the Information Society who entered the Bank on the day of the Grade 44 Episode verbalizing parts of the Discussion at the Counter, Raul should expose the complete episodes in Film-Nouvelle together with the Episode in Social Assistance and continue to represent his mother as a Family Psychologist-Attorney in Divorce Simulation with the Sponsorship of Jupiter Editions. Raul must print the Final Psychiatric and Police Reports and Attach a Simple Critique to 3 chapters of the  book Psychiatrists - A story to tell and put it on top of dad's bedside table. If you comply with the Complete Program, you will be awarded 1st Degree Internacional  55, if you do not comply, you will be awarded Degree 44. To comply with the Program, you may delay your studies in Administrative Law and Economic Law, due to the Open Instability in Play and start studies from  on the 9th. By the Confidential Letter received by the President of the Southern Regional Disciplinary Council of the Ordem dos Médicos, Professor Dr. Process of Complaint and Disciplinary Action of Case nº66 simply reply with the Remission of the Final Psychiatry Report already sent to the Order simply thanking you for the contact and Definitively Filing Process nº66 in the Virtual Court. The  Program and Film-Nouvelle is definitively closed on 02/20/2023.

«You have no friends,  my idiot! If it hadn't been for me opening doors for you when Dmytro broke up with you in Mata-Lobos, you would have died in Mata-Lobos, you would have ended up in Psychiatry. Because what he wanted was for you to change the address to Faro  so that you would be stuck in his Service Internment. Only because of Code nº9999 that you discovered in Faro  the Spell did not happen! You saw the Psychiatry at the Bank Movie when you had to dial the code nº9999 when I was on Hemodialysis "about to die" and you needed the Code to access the Bank Account and not die in the game. That's why I gave you Power of Attorney! You didn't stay in the movie with the Attorney's Letter by chance! Nothing is by chance and nothing was by chance! If you had changed the address to Faro when you were there in Mata-Lobos today you would still be stuck in the hospital completely crazy, because the guy with the other psychiatrist with whom he wanted to open a 3-way relationship in a Sacrifice to Satan would drive you completely crazy and you gave in or stayed there. You are a big stupid! It's what you are! I already told you that guys look at you and just want to make you a Study Object and a Sexual Object and make fun of your Mind! The guys just  just want to fuck you, that's all! You are a voodoo doll in their hands! You still don't realize that you were born in a movie? You still don't get it? You still don't understand the Reality?? You write movies,  but you don't believe in the movies you write.... Damn!!! The movies you write are real, you idiot! After the guy broke up with you and asked what you were going to do and you said you were going back to Santarém to finish college, the fucker with a great air of fun asked you why you weren't looking for a job in Faro and you stayed around Faro looking at the Mercedes exhaust pipe saying that the Mercedes exhaust pipes were fake and that going to Santarém could be a fake exhaust pipe... Do you know why,  my big asshole??? Because the guy thought I was going to close  the doors,  because that's what I said I was going to do in the game... Except that I'm your father ... I knew perfectly well that you were going to Mata-Lobos  before you knew you were going to Mata-Lobos... It was all a Maneuver for Fun... It was always everything_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ a Fun Maneuver in your Life... Except that I gave you Secret clues, except that you were playing the clues on the Table of Cards ahead of time... In front of the guy, before you left I gave I took the secret track and said "Sítio" in a loud voice and the guy immediately looked at me and I "dropped" my head invisibly hitting his continence... You think it's all a movie in your head, because you live in the Pink World, but the movie in your head is Reality, my friend... We are in 2023,  but it's like we are in 2080, my friend go... You've been hacked! You live in a Metaverse! You're trapped in a movie within a Metaverse game! You played your Best Trumps right in the first moves and now you've run out of trumps... In the Game of Doors, a Door opened, Canavarro's door opened, only suddenly you saw the Cabrão coming in and you saw yourself handcuffed in an Imperfect Triangle designed by Opus Dei who designed the Triangle in 2080... Open 2080 on page 666 to see the Augmented Reality that Canavarro and Dmytro installed on the page of your life!  A question you have to ask yourself is why did your friends all know that Dmytro was going to end up with you in Mata-Lobos  and they didn't tell you anything... I played, because I am your father and I played in your favor... Your friends are not your parents, they should have been your friends and they should have warned you about the move, but they didn't... The question is why if they were your friends ... And now I'm going to laugh a lot, because now I'm going to play against you. I'm going to call you to court, because I want you to see the court seriously with eyes to see, how things work... Your €666 Withdrawal will have Consequences! And I want to see your Roster of Witnesses in Court doing your Personality Characterization so I can laugh out loud in Court! I'm just a Player and I like it man... You took €666 from me and you'll have to answer for  them in court! And now I want to see what you are going to do with this story and with the Story of the Jewels of Tia Giralda handcuffed to Canavarro's lap!»

Secret Barefoot Card Game. Mariana plays the Knight-King Mohammad of Istanbul and Dubai Card, unlocking the 5th Algorithm (The Other Algorithm of LoveBook V)

Raul Canavarro

Mariana Portugal,



Margarida Rebelo Corceiro

Mariana Varregoso

«Am I, Raul?»

“Sara, hello…”

«Listen there!!! where are you?

«I'm in Santarém...»

«Ah!!! You're still in Santarém... Haven't you been kidnapped to Arabia by the Prince of Arabia??? MUAHAHAHAHAH»

«Raulzinho, Raulzinho...  Muahahahah!»

"Hello, Tiago..."

«Hello, Raulzinho... Sara's mother called Sara to say that she saw our Raulzinho in Santarém with the Prince of Arabia in the Castle of Santarém...»

«Look, you see, if you don't marry the Chief of the Moors and then the Moors conquer the castle of Santarém again saying that it is theirs and then we have to go to the Cemetery to wake up D. Afonso Henriques that is to go back to take the castle from the Moors...»

«Muahahahaha!  Raulzinho, Raulzinho on the side of the Moors to defend romance in the Castle of Santarém  in the History of Portugal...»

«Tell me... Where did you find that Prince of Arabia from...?»

«Oh Sara... It's Mohammad...»

«Oh... You don't tell me... The Mohammad from Dubai??? The driver???"

"Yes, Sara..."

«Who did you exchange the Port Wine Bottle with???»

"Yes, Sara..."

«Oh...  I can't!!!»

"Suddenly appeared..."

“But did you get his number when you met him in Dubai?”


“Then how did he appear??? Sorry!!!"

«Sara, I turned on the Application... And he appeared on the Application at 66 meters... And I thought it was strange... Because that meant that he was right on top of me, but then he told me that he was using FAKE GPS from Istanbul and that he had accidentally put the GPS in Santarém because he was coming to visit Santarém... And that was it... We met...»

“And where is he now?”

«Já  went to Istanbul again...»

«Damn it, Raul... Suddenly Mohammad appears, fallen from a parachute... Come on, he didn't appear in a hot air balloon...»

«It was a close call that he didn't appear in a hot air balloon... He has a Hot Air Balloon Business in Istanbul and a small ballooning school... He said he was supposed to come in a balloon...»

«Ah!!! Go there!!! Hallelujah!!! That someone comes along to teach you how to fly a balloon, otherwise you'll never take off again... Come on... Look, see if you finish your law course and go there to Istanbul to learn how to fly balloons... You write there is a little book in Istanbul with Mohammad, from Dubai, to Santarém, to Istanbul and you learn to fly balloons in Istanbul which is for when you return to Santarém to fly the balloons... Weren't there 5 balloons that you received??? »

"Yes, they were..."

«This summer, forget about lifeguard season... This summer you're going to learn to fly balloons, because that's what's important so that we can escape  all in a balloon... What This is the beginning of a big war... Wow, Raul, you've already seen it,   suddenly they all start to appear... I'm about to see the end, I'm... I'm even scared! !!»

"And me!!! I'm scared too!!!!» 

«Hey, you guys are chickens!!!! This isn't any horror movie that I know of, is it?"

«Hey, you're quiet, Tiago!!! You just say it's shit!!!! Didn't you see that this is a Romantic Film with the Prince of Arabia...?"

«You are talking about War...» 01h22 07/02/2023 Raul Catulo Morais

§ Inspector...  We discovered that one of the Illuminati from the Baviera Group is 17 years old and belongs to the Legion of Ezequiel and lives in Santarém... There is a strong probability that he is Martim Drummond...

§ O  Martim Drummond is one of the 3 pseudonyms of Sérgio Canavarro. It is Martim Drummond who appears as a Ghost Partner of Saturn Editions with 6% of the shares having joined the Company with 666 thousand saturns on 01/19/2022... One of the other partners is Zé Maria Lupi-Levy who invented a Online game within the Dark Net with 5.555 million  followers.  Sold the Game to Saturn Editions,  being the Headquarters of the Game in a Santarém garage that became an Illicit and Illegal Data Bank capable of creating saturns creating programmed Inflations to the currency itself. Zé Maria is 12 years old. The game is called "Vampiros  da Mente". Game Programmers and Publishers and Producers are named  by Vampires. The Vampires  choose Human Minds overnight to Navigate through the Brain Chip and create Links between Minds and Brains with Programs through Game linking Brains and Minds in a Game Episode Scheduled for the days Next. The Mentors of the Game are Doctors and Psychologists from the Bavaria Group and the Skull and Bones Group who supervise the Game, also creating Illicit, Illegal and Occult Databases. The vampires are Pupils  from the Army, Navy, Naval School and Military College and had access to technologies and the chip   in the laboratory. Zé Maria Lupi-Levy was in Fun Maneuver Games on Ilha dos Piratas when Raul was sent to Ilha dos Piratas. Zé Maria belongs to the Daniel Canavarro Portocarrero Group at the Lyoness Club.

§ Who is Daniel Portocarrero?

§ He is the brother of Catarina Portocarrero, Raul's first girlfriend from 1st to 7th grade. They were later separated by the Hand of Moral and Religious Education in a Fire Station on the Pilgrimage Footpath from Santarém to Fátima. The Teacher took Catarina from Raul's sleeping bag and took Afonso Côrte-Real from Mariana Varregoso's sleeping bag, putting Afonso to sleep in Raul's sleeping bag, thus making Afonso one of Raul's algorithms. It was a Hand of Opus Dei that wanted to "Invert" the Algorithm and the "Numbers", because the teacher was placed in the class by the Hand of Opus Dei. Catarina's brother entered the program because it was one of the Penultimate Matches with Raul, before Raul started dating  with Dmytro, but Raul didn't see the Match because he started dating and then uninstalled_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ the application.  There is an Algorithm Program that in fact circumscribes and vitiates Raul's Algorithm Network. It was Daniel who appeared naked in front of Raul on Ilha dos Piratas and who later played rackets with his father by the sea,  his father threw the ball nº6 at Raul's feet,_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ for Raul to catch the ball and hand the ball to his son and see that the rackets each had drawn  also a 6. But Raul did not recognize "the uncle" nor the brother  of his first girlfriend. It was on that same day that Raul's 3 Swimming teachers appeared and then disappeared  on the Island alongside the teacher of Raul's Rescue Swimmer Course, when Raul sent the butterflies into the sea. Then he passed by Barco do Capitão, one of Raul's first swimming colleagues, the 1st boy who made Raul start masturbating thinking about boys when he saw his colleague naked in the changing rooms... The colleague passed in a ridiculous character in the middle of the boat with the toque  on and the swimming goggles on... It was just to create the impression and the Temporal Mark of Memories to Raul during Process No. 666..._cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ It was all part of the Program. It was all programmed. When Isaac pulled his dick out, Isaac pulled out the Order of Dmytro in the Dark Net Occult Game and Over the Program itself. Dmytro sent the Order for Isaac to place the Cinema-Lenses. It wasn't just Anjo who had the Cinema-Lenses on the Island, but Raul could only see the lenses on Anjo... Perhaps because Anjo had wanted to show Raul outside the Program itself... Here is our Investigation... Well, when Isaac pulled his dick out in front of Raul eating the hot dog  as if he were giving a blow job Raul fixed his gaze on Isaac's eyes not looking at Isaac's dick , Dmytro "was" in Isaac's eyes and that's why he saw how Raul was fixed in his eyes without looking at Isaac's dick and that's when he calls Raul "past the head" to create a Marcador_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ de Tempo to Raul with the excuse that the letters on the Jupiter site were too big and that only  wanted to leave the site... It wasn't just Raul and it wasn't just the 9 books_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ by Raul who entered Process nº666, the site itself and Jupite also entered r Editions as the Site Editor himself entered... Who authorized Isaac's entry in the film was Raul's own father,  that's why it's the father who receives the receipt afterwards purchases of poultry sausages by mail and after  Raul returns from the Island the Talão Mágico  mysteriously appears on the bedroom floor_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cful58d_ debad5cful58d_ with a date prior to Raul's departure to the Island, as published in the Film-Documentary 66mins and 6secs... Isaac was chosen for the Programa dos Salva-Vidas because he was a "twin" of Hugo Moort, his boyfriend_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ from Raul before Dmytro. That's why Raul saw Moort's "twin" hand in hand with a girl in the Roundabout Selection nº66 in Santarém before leaving for the Island... It was Isaac. But Isaac told Raul that he had never been to Santarém... Raul got the movie right, because after the "1st Episode" Raul sent the Link to the Demo of the Technological Knights by Barac Bielke to Isaac... And Isaac "got excited" with Raul's Intelligence showing him a Secret Internet Secret Connection within his own group of friends, because Isaac thought that Raul belonged to the Illuminati Network and was well positioned, because only a few had privileged access to the Demo dos Cavaleiros that was Hacked in a Saturn Editions Online Game, requiring 666 saturns to access the Demo. Isaac didn't know that Barac Bielke was Raul and that's why he bet Draw and Kidnap Raul to Dmytro in the game and that's why the next day Isaac shows Raul his tail and tells Raul to lie on top of him, pushing him then into the lifeguard house the other lifeguard who would lock them up. If Raul betrayed Dmytro, Raul would stay with Isaac to live on the Island and set up kitchens around the World in the Family Business... That's why Raul's father accepted the game and the Program... The Canavarro, _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_or Côrte-Real or Tiaguinho would end up joining the Triângulo  or the Trapezio or the Pentagon. That's why it was at Rua do Canavarro in Santarém that there were 3 scheduled meetings between Raul's family and Raul's group of friends so that Raul could "feel" the Invisible Network on his skin and see the Program intuitively. It was on Rua do Canavarro that Tiaguinho told Raul in front of his father that he was no longer going to take the Lifeguard Course after Raul had joined. Raul's Lifeguard Course was part of a Rotary and Lyoness Club Program. António Canavarro Portocarrero  opened the Phantom Hearing Aid Store to compete with Domingos Côrte-Real's Hearing Aid store on the same street, Rua do Canavarro. Côrte-Real Store hearing aids do not record conversations or secrets and therefore does not have Clouds of Conversations or Clouds of Secrets of Customers and Users of hearing aids, but Canavarro Store hearing aids record creating Illicit and Illegal Banks of Data... The Store has a Dolphin drawing... There is a 66 in the Dolphin Drawing which hides a Triangle. It was at the Auditorium Store that Raul introduced his uncles to Dmytro, but Ligação already existed before in Rede Invisível. It was later, when Raul returned from Mata-Lobos and at night discovered the 66 in the Dolphin Drawing, photographing it, that right after  by  the first time he saw the 66 in the Roundabout of the Selection nº66. Dmytro has access to the cameras nº66 of Rotunda da Seleção nº66, as well as access to the Online Cloud of Secrets and Recorded Conversations of the Hearing Aid Store. Dmytro hacked Raul's Family Secrets Cloud as he hacked Valentine's own cloud that they bought in New Zealand to download the 9 books, having illegally transferred the 9 books to the Saturn Editions Database, triggering Saturn's shares on the Stock Exchange. .. Dmytro sold and trafficked Raul's brain on the Stock Exchange.

§ Excellent thesis and excellent argument... Congratulations!

§ Thank you, Inspector...

§ That's why Raul's marriage to Canavarro is part of a game... If Raul marries Canavarro,  Canavarro vows to destroy the Data Clouds by selling only hearing aids without recorders and without being connected to the Internet, but he also vows to remove Red Meat from his Diet and Cow's Milk on the condition that Raul has to drink the Vegetal Milk regurgitated from his mouth and only regurgitated from his mouth and eat the honey barred from his dick and only barred from his dick or from his feet, having Raul accepted the Pact at the Illumminnatti Games during the Works of the Work that slaughtered the Cypress of Berg, having promised Canavarro to Raul in the same Pact as for each slaughter that the City Council made to a Cypress of Berg that he himself would throw, in broad daylight, a stone on the windows of the Palace of the Chamber.

§ In the Illumminnatti Games, the Canavarro is Martim Drummond.

§ There are 2 Martim Drummond. One is Sérgio Canavarro, the other is Daniel Canavarro. Both have a Game Character Twin Brother. Raul made the Illumminnatti Games with the Character of Martim,  but the Character disappeared as if he had never  existed... As if he were a clone of Martim... .An alien that left..

§ When an alien leaves,  an alien returns... We just don't know when... 06h39 07/02/2023 Raul Catulo Morais

Be More Diabolical than the Devil! Always play clean! Always play with the Law! Be smart. Stay in the good groups, leave and stay away from the bad groups. Be good!! Be smart!  Open your path, but also open the path for others! Be empathetic! Be more empathetic! Don't see real deaths! You don't feed on the blood and suffering of others! Don't  be a psychopath or a sociopath, but if you are you have to know there is a Cure! Stop eating Red Meat, walk closer to the Sea and closer to Nature, take off your shoes, feel the Ground of the Earth, feel the Rock  of the Earth. Walk without the phone,  Turn off the Internet, don't always walk with the Internet  connected to Emisradiação. Open the Window and look at the Stars. Look at the palms of your hands and see Human Intelligence. Look at your Unique Fingerprints and Feel Unique and Special and be More Devilish than the Devil. But ya, in the Devil's Game, you play everything with the Devil, dance with the Devil, dance, but dance more than the Devil! Dance! Dance more! Dance a lot more! Dance! Dance with the Law! Dance for the devil's institutions with the Devil's Dance the Devil Taught You. Thank you! Thank him for the dance, but only bow to him if the asshole bows to you first. There was a Covenant. There was an Alliance. There was a Wedding. But then there was a Divorce. In Divorce you saw that you married the Devil. Be More Devilish than the Devil, because  the Covenant is Broken! The Alliance was Disbanded. A New Covenant was Established. We are at War, but because of the New Alliance after the Dance of the Devils we will be in Peace! Believe it,  son! Life is worth it! We cannot say that Life is Shit just because of the Devils that reign and complicate Life to the Right... Because Life is not Shit! Simply be more Diabolical than the Devil! Because there is a Devil in the History of Life, so, my son, be more Devilish than the Devil! Do not be afraid! Don't be afraid of anything. Draw the Devil's Face that Doesn't Exist on paper and then catch Fire! Raul Catulo Morais  04h04 02/07/2023 with All Reserved Rights With Jupiter Editions

Scream - Once Monsters
00:00 / 00:33
Haunted - Inova
00:00 / 00:53

Program FinalIllumminnatti - 4th Communication 

This program supersedes previous programs and orders communicated through the Internet of Dreams, the Internet of Things and Movements of Order and Disorder and Mental Confusion and Silent Banking Movements

By the Simple Message of the Shopping List received  from his father through his mother at 6:49 am on 02/07/2023, Raul is expressly prohibited from proceeding with the Complaint against the Doctors and he must definitively understand the message under penalty of Episode DREAM disappear with the Invoice of the Episode DREAM of Emergency with the Price of 666€ . Should Raul Suspend What's On His Mind for Final Drafting of Police Report  Against the Illuminati Culture, Restructuring His Mental Outline, Definitively Positioning Himself  in the Illuminati Culture of Humble Form Protecting the Good Names and Spirits  Being Unable to Reveal Other than His Name and the Names Closest to Himself, in order to try to expel the names of the Culture that Masonically entered the Invisible Network of Jupiter to protect the project Jupiter on Earth. You should pay attention to the Truth of the Exposition with the Consequence that every Sentence and Written Word in the Report can turn  totally against you, pointing to a Silent Masonic Death putting all your Judgment and Lucidity in check. You should know that you are in the 1st Advanced International Grade 44 and that it is better to stay in Grade 44 than to try  to advance Without Truth or Coherence of Ideas to Grade 55, having to be able to Give Up and Go Back the Preparation of the Police Report being Serious. Without Social Assistance Authorization, only with the Work and Completed Program you can publish the Social Assistance Episode, with Episode 44 of the Bank and with the Psychology Consultation Episode  at Home on the visit to_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 10:30 am on 7/2/2023. You must indicate the Royalties of the Episode 44  and of the Social Assistance Episode representing such publications without authorization of the characters the 1st Minor Crime of Jupiter Editions, representing such Crime the Blood of the Victory of the Truth of Jupiter, Blood " White" needed to soil the Jupiter Editions Corps so that Jupiter Editions can prove to the Illuminati Culture  that it is capable of Fighting to the Death for the Bloodless Races!   Raul  must scrupulously comply with the message e  bring the Apples of Alcobaça under penalty of starting a Nova Battle , Ceasing the Fire  and making the Truces in the Code of Silence adopted by his father. You shall at the Jupiter Rights Congress answer the Occult Law Economics Examination Question by transcribing pages  from the Economics Handbook from the Prisoner's Dilemma Chapters, from the Hidden Power Learning Games and_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ from the Hidden Power Analogy to Mafia Power. Must Prove Gaming Link in Possible Proof of Ideas that it was your economics professor who saw the Real-Time Evolution of Writing in Grade 44 and who sent a Message to the Order for the Order to send a Message to the father for the father accepted the New Justice of the Peace in the Best Deal by sending the Shopping List through the Woman, even after the son's Withdrawal-Assault-Redemption of €666 from the Joint Bank Account with the father at the Counter in Broad Daylight in Episode 44 , after the father removed his son's bank card and "cut off" his son's legs, handcuffing his son's feet. 07:33 02/07/2023 Raul Catulo Morais

"Haven't you seen the movie??"

«The Movie is kind of Secret... That's why you can only see the  Movie on the Site... But basically the guy is like sent to an island,_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ looks like this,  to finish a Work... Except that the guy is Bio Hacked... All his Cellular Activity is Monitored, all his Neuronal Activity, everything... The Dude has Nanorobots  in his eyes, in his skin, circulating all over his body and the guy is as if he had a kind of hive installed in his head because the entire Hacker Community can access it by Levels... That later has Access Levels. The Upper Level is reserved only for Doctors, Psychologists and the Husband of the guy who is a Doctor... Only the shit is that all that is a secret project and authorized by the governments themselves through Freemasonry and supposedly the Program does not hurt to the guy, because the guy's Brain was chosen and tested... But the guys start to want to Explore the Limits to the Maximum with the guy always arrested and the guy because of the Technological Prison and the nanorobots with all that Disruptive Technology starts developing a bacteria inside him that causes a kind of diabolical belching... And the doctors can't treat the bacteria,  the guy starts to lose weight, to get really thin and soon he ends up dying in the Hunger Games and the one who later inherits the entire Work is his husband, who in the meantime had divorced during the Program... The guy supposedly doesn't know, except that when you read the guy's Ora you realize that the guy knows everything about the program and even about the programmers,  makes the psychological profile  of the programmers themselves and of the hackers and manages to connect all the programs without leaving "that" Matrix Reality that they put in front of them of the eyes... And now it's this movie that the guys want to come here to film on the Island next year if the Project goes well... And man, they want the boat, the beach concession and the Shipyard, but the guys they're offering me a low price and that's what I'm negotiating with them now... Man, the movie is high... The Base of the Movies and the Lab and the Implantology Center of the guys is in Titan, except that the guys go down to Earth in ships... And then the guy's own  friends all want to join Freemasonry so they can join the Program so then you also see the whole story behind the guy, the guy at the Faculty of Medicine going to see his boyfriend at the time, you see the guy in class the ones from the Faculty of Law... And you learn at the same time... Man, the movie is 5 stars... It's just, it's  Secret... You have to go to the website, put it Enter your password and pay  I think it's 6 or 7 € to see it... But when you pay to see a movie by the guys, you win like shares in the currency of the_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ guys who then give to a lot of shit... I'll give you the password. I'll ask Nini and give you the password. It was Champalimaud who gave him the password when he came here on the boat when the Seabras came here with that big group of pitchforks and horsemen... Didn't you play Rugby with the guys?»

"No, Captain..."

«I thought... Well, the film is highly... It's just a pity the guys let the guy die, but  that's it... Because then you watch the movie as the guys They then release the guy, giving him greater freedom and greater stability in the Program, the Quality of the Work increases significantly and he decreases the Sexual Load in the Work, because in prison the guy is like a Pig, completely Pig,_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Completely Ordinary... . That's all in the guy's head,  they simply arrest and put the guy in certain programs so that the guy can do the Work according to the Program... See how the Algorithms stick together to the Neurons and how the Algorithms arrest the Neurons to prevent  that a Set of Thoughts  of the guy is expressed in the Work... It's like a Faucet, go... When the guys analyze the Set of Thoughts or the Cloud of Thoughts and consider it good, the guys press the button and open the faucet letting the Film of the Work come out freely... When they are seeing what shit is coming they try block or try in an Intelligent Way  to distract the guy or disturb the program and then they also bet with the Stimuli and Interactions and program that include in the Program how the Work will come out and the Time of Execution. .. is me s highly the film!» 8:14 am 02/07/2023 Raul Catulo Morais

§§ Cousin... Look there!!! Bestial or not?

§§ I love the house cousin!!!! Seriously, thank you!!! Thanks cousin!!!!

§§ Is it beastly or not, Junior?

§§ I love!!!

§§ And I'll tell you something... You couldn't do better here!!! 400€ with this Sossego,  with these Fruit Trees and with this Plan of Stars??? No way!!! And the landlord's son is also in medicine... Dimi must know him...»

§§ No... Dimi said he didn't know...»

§§ And look there... Dimi? Do you like the house?”

§§ Yes... Just say it's a little small... I understand, even though I love the house and think it's perfect...

§§ Wasn't Dimi starting  thinking about buying a house? At least that was the idea I had from our conversation at the Moto Club when you went up there... That he was looking at the chances of Mortgage Loans for Young People... And since he's a doctor, I'm sure he has more facilities... And I also already said that if Dimi wants to gain more weight, he can talk to me and I'll put him there in private that I'm a friend of the Clinic Director... You know you're welcome with me... If Dimi is with you, it's like Dimi is family! Have you seen where the Judiciary Police is? It's close to the Psychiatric Internment Service... We were talking about the possibility of the Judiciary Police installing video cameras in the Inpatient Service, but that's one of those conversations I had at the table with some friends from there just in that Parvoíce. You already know... A guy always has those silly talks everywhere and at every table... Listen there... How are you going to get around here??? I have a bicycle if you need it...

§§ Oh, no, cousin... Thank you... We'll both drive to Faro... We leave together...

§§ But isn't your working hours at the Vacuum Shop where you are different from Dimi's sometimes...?

§§ Ah, yes... One day or another, but we'll get our bearings for now...

§§ Check it out, man... It's just that sometimes it might be necessary to play the game of hours, you see?

§§ No, cousin... For now... No... We've also just arrived and we're still getting our bearings...

§§ But look there... Don't get disoriented just because of a Bike... You already know,  if you need a bike just let me know so you don't get hung up... That this can sometimes be a game and a guy has to know how to play the game of times and schedules... That this is what we are still seeing and understanding from the bicycle... But come on bro! Quiet!!!

§§§ Your cousin is a little bit crazy... Don't you think?

§§§ No!!! I adore him!!! He was so nice to us!!! Why do you say this?

§§§ He talks "too much"... And I doubt he's really a friend of the Clinic Director he was saying... I really doubt it!!! He talks "too much" and has a slightly crazy air... Don't you agree?

§§§ No... I really thought you liked him... Like,  my cousin loves you...

§§§ There's no need to cry...

§§§ Lol... I'm not crying...

§§§ Ya... But you're going to cry now with this one, do you want to see? Who's going to ride their bike to work?? I'm coming in the Mercedes... And you? 

§§§ I also come in the Mercedes... Lol...

§§§ It can't be, because of the timetable... One has to hit the pedals... Are you coming?

§§§ No, lol... You come!

§§§ I am not!

§§§ If you really want to get a bike, let's divide the days...

§§§ Lol!!

§§§ Lol what? I'm not even knowing you...

§§§ ya... Now you get to know me... Don't forget that the 1st holder is my father and the 2nd holder is me... 

§§§ Are you kidding or are you  serious?

§§§ I'm serious... And I paid the last installment with my salary...

§§§ Listen, are you serious or are you kidding?

§§§ I'm serious, baby... Why?

§§§ We never split our money,  but if you want to go that way, I spent a whole summer working as a lifeguard and I put my lifeguard salary in the account to pay 4 installments of the car...

§§§ Txi... You really have a good memory... I was just testing your memory...

§§§§ [I'll call Raul and I'll Simulate the Conversation to Set a Timestamp because of the Game and the Movie, ok.... He's 5 minutes late...  Faz like he's late like half an hour "as usual"] He always does this every time I lend him the car... Yeah???? Where are you, Raul??? No, now don't come here to have it, right? you took a long time... I'm already in Seabra's car... Look, go to the Hospital... Do you know where the Psychiatric Emergency Entrance is?? Okay,  park there...


Program FinalIllumminnatti - 6th Communication 

This program supersedes previous programs and orders communicated through the Internet of Dreams, the Internet of Things and Movements of Order and Disorder and Mental Confusion and Silent Banking Movements, maintaining however what was communicated in the 4th Communication

Through the Episode of "Clarification for the Mother" of 9/02/2023 at 9:09 am, the Episodes of Social Assistance  and the Visit of Psychology at Home may be published in Film-Nouvelle with Presentation of the Project toProject Inclusive -   A Barbfounded by Social Assistance and Family Psychology. however, it should remain as the last elements of Jupiter's Film-Nouvelle. 

At the end of  Raul's Administrative Law Examination, Raul is obliged to photograph all unnecessary, illicit or illegal video cameras at the Faculty of Law and hand them over to the National Commission for Data Protection by their Foot , addressing the National Data Protection Commission.

At the end of Raul's Economics Law Examination, Raul is obliged to go to the Banco BPI store in Campo Grande and Praça dos Restauradores, to the Sociedade de Garantia Mútua Lisgarante, to the Bankinter store in Praça do Marquês de Pombal and to Bankinter's store  in Amoreiras to settle accounts and gather information to prepare for the opening of Case nº112 in the Virtual Court. 

Raul also goes to the National Institute of Industrial Property to hand over the document signed  by Dmytro in which he waives all rights to the Jupiter Editions brand, being obliged to contact Dmytro if the Document remains Irregular and for this reason, Dmytro's name continues to appear in the registers, requesting Dmytro to once again draw up a new document with the required formality.

Due to the Attribution of the Most Advanced Grade 55 to Raul, Raul interrupts the Work at Filme-Nouvelle and at the Jupiter Congress on 02/9/2023 to start studies  of Administrative Law and Economic Law returning to Work on 02/14/2023 for its Completion until 03/1/2023, pressing the Magic Buttons for Language Translation  on 02/22/2023 at 22:22 for Automatic Translation of the Jupiter Editions Website in the 13 languages + 9 New Jupiter Languages and Confirm the Beginning of the Order of Verona.

Send toIntroductionof the Police Report  from the History of Jupiter Editions to Psychiatry and Psychology of the Judiciary Police and the Air Force with the Annex of the Psychiatry Report and with the Underlining of the Illuminati Work of Jum Marrs, only being able to make reference in the Contact about the 4th and 5th Communication of the Final Program Illumminnatti against the Illuminati Culture and with the Sign of the Episode of Clarification to the Mother for the Security Withdrawal of €666 to the Joint Bank Account with the Father.

Due to the Diversion Maneuvers, in which the 2nd Psychiatry Consultation was first advanced and then postponed, and due to his mother's episode of Simulation Dementia on the day "The House Goes Down" when there was no Emergency Service_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ of Psychiatry operating in Santarém for another 6 consecutive days, Raul dresses the role of Psychiatrist in the Character of Doutora Inês,  in the Character of Dmytro, in the Character of Raul_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ and in the Character of Sílvia, after her exams and lays her mother on the Divan with the DREAM Episode issued by the Ordem dos Médicos to Start Proc.  nº666 with her mother Returning Behind in the Time for Truth Discovery and Investigation by putting all family and friends names in Check for Final Checkmate.


Once the Final Program Illumminnatti was successfully installed in Raul's Cerebral-Computer System Without  Damages and Illnesses, Raul freely follows the Intuitive Program with his Intuition, Serenity and Sensitivity,_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ knowing what to do in an emergency. 10:44 09/02/2023 Raul Catulo Morais, Monstro Kattullo Di Verona, Order of Verona in Tri-Alliance-Masonic with Jupiter Editions.

Esclarecimento à Mãe
00:00 / 34:21

Episode of Clarification to the Mother of the Security Withdrawal of €666 - In Real Time at 9:09 am on 9/02/23

Face in The Dark - City Wolf
00:00 / 00:33
They Don't Care About Us - Michael
00:00 / 00:33

Report  Policial (Introduction) 11 pages -  History & Foundation Jupiter Editions by Raul Catulo Morais

Levantar Voo - Maestro Raul
00:00 / 14:48

Essays by Raul Catulo Morais do Direito in the Spa  of the Faculty of Law with 6 Hidden Chambers  of Opus Dei and Rotary Club Internacional
- Trimasonic Class of (Occult) Law, Administrative Law, (Occult) Law of Economics and Criminal Law (Masonic)  - Giving Clues to the Judiciary Police...
Jupiter Editions against 6 Chambers,  6 Squadrons and 6 Works: TheLluccyffer Eye of Raul against Lucifer and Church of Satan

Essays 1 to 9 filed by Superior Order atIlluminati Archive

Parte 14- Aula - PJ
00:00 / 40:05

There are 6 Berg Cypresses missing on Caminho dos Owls that Casimiro shot down in his Work! These 6 cypresses from Berg appear in the Augmented Reality of the History of the Illumminnatti Games that the Illuminati Culture implemented Without Authorization on page 66 d'The Algorithm of Lovethat he hid during the Illumminnatti Games inside the Cement Mixer. Either the Municipality of Santarém is responsible for the slaughter, or it is  to Casimiro or it is the Police Station of Santarém that did not police the slaughter of the 6 Berg Cypresses. Either Casimiro gives the Duplex Floor to Jupiter Editions or Casimiro's Works will be Cursed for 666 years. Can Casimir appeal to the Ghost Court to stop Curse 666,666,6666,666. The pool deck must be made with Imitation Wood or Bamboo and not with the wood from the 6 Berg Cypress trees! The river view from the Caminho dos Mochos is only beautiful with the Cipestres de Berg, the Oak Oaks and the Pines and no other way. Casimiro's Obra is as clandestine as Jupiter Editions' Obra do Diabo. The Municipal Master Plan was Edited at 3 strokes by the City Council, because it did not foresee the construction of any Work, which is why the Licensing Obscuro and the Obscure Work in which only the Fireflies of Caminho dos Mochos can give some light to the Work. To do so, the Fireflies must be defended, under penalty of Total Disorder  Capable of Destroying Order. Diabolic Opinion on Administrative Law by Raul Catulo Morais 2:49 pm 02/11/2023

00:00 / 42:04
00:00 / 50:09
Nos Jogos de Fome os Macacos comem Laranjas
00:00 / 04:17
00:00 / 35:03
00:00 / 51:38
00:00 / 40:46
00:00 / 36:50
Parte 15-Há ventos e ventos...
00:00 / 29:35

Episodes "Part 10-15 Trimason Rights Class", "In the Hunger Games Monkeys Eat Oranges", "What the Hell!", "Part 15-  There Are Winds and Winds" and "Part 15- Porto de Balões em Santarém" engraved inReal timeon 02/11/2023

Whiplash - Black Math
00:00 / 01:33

“Why are they both dancing against each other with knives in their hands if they like each other? They look like two demons  Climbing the Construction Site and the Scaffolding and playing with the Cranes as if they were Remote Controls... Do they really exist? Why do they kiss and then push each other to see who falls down the  Staircase? Why do they dance and kick each other, one falls, but then the other goes there and brings him back? Does this make any sense?”

«They are two demons, that's why they can't be together. They are from different planets. They can only celebrate Pacts of Honor, Pacts  of Dispute, Pacts  of Gentlemen. Both are looking for a Soul Mate, despite being a Soul Mate. They are demons. It would take us to be demons like them to understand the Demon World. They are 3 heads. Each of them is a Trinity. A Trinity is missing, because there are 3 Trinities with 9 Heads. Perhaps in their Dance,  in the Demons' Strange Dance of Love they are calling out the 3 Heads of the Trinity that are missing from the Puzzle. There are 3 Trinities capable of bringing down the Trinity of Opus Dei. They found the numbers. There's a Reckoning to be done! They will not stop until Opus Dei gives in... They have Opus Dei in their hands... And in the War of Demons, not even the Police get involved and Criminal Law is only a Mere Observer of the Masonic Games to Watch and Learn in silence."

"Inspector??? Are you well???"


"Inspector...? You're just saying silly things..." Ahahaha

"Devilish things, isn't it?" hahaha

«Yes....» Ahahah

«I think it's really true... The Age of the Devil has begun... We are really at the End of Times.... Life is difficult, Sonia...  And at the end. .. In the end, Sonia, we die...»

«Inspector...  For the love of God... Come on, let's get out of the Work... What a fool, my God!!!»

«We have to laugh, Sónia... We have to play with the Devil's Mind, Otherwise it's the Devil who plays with our Mind...»

«Inspector...  Go there please...  You don't believe in the Devil, do you?»

«Not me, Sónia... But that there are Things of the Devil, there are... And this, Sónia... This is the Devil's Work...»

«Ahahahahahahah! inspector... The things you say, my God...» 4:06 pm 11/02/2023


«Raul Catulo Morais, you are under arrest! You have the right to remain silent! Shut up, because anything you say will be used against you in court. You have the Right to Silence! Do not break the Silence!”

«I am arrested why?»

«Because he built a Satanic Work!»

«Agent Tiaguinho, please read the Letter to the Romans of the Apostle Paul in Chapter 13 in  Versículos  7 and 8 to Evangelize the Spirit of Raul and manage to get this Demon inside Of car..."

«Therefore, give to each one what you owe: to whom tribute, tribute; to whom tax, tax; to whom fear, fear; whom honour, honour. You owe no one anything, except to love one another, because he who loves another has fulfilled the law...»

«Now, it's another Demon... How do I hunt the other one.. Fuck it... How does this shit shoot...?? What a shit gun...»

"It's on this button, Inspector..."

«There... The Demon has already fallen from the Work... Doctor Dmytro Krupka... You're under arrest! You have the right to remain silent... Shut up, because whatever you say...»

«I am silent,  inspector...»

«Shut up!!! because anything you say will be used against you in court... You...»

«I know... I have the Right to Silence,  Blah, blah... Why am I in prison?»

«For Attempted Murder of Raul Catulo Morais in Mata-Lobos with the Bronze Man...»

«Lol!!! That was just a movie... by Jupiter Editions..."

«Speaking of Jupiter Editions, for the attempted murder of Jupiter Ediitons in Mata-Lobos...»

"Like this?? Attempted murder by Jupiter Editions???»

«You shouted in Mata-Lobos that Jupiter Editions was  die...»

«And this is an Attempted Murder where, excuse me Inspector? You seem to be a bit creative,  don't you?"

«I am Director-Inspector-Police from Jupiter...»

«Ah!...  Another Jupiter Editions film... No patience...»

«And he is also accused of the Attempted Internment of Raul in the Psychiatry Service where he works...»

«Lol!!! This is speculation..."

«Shut up, because you're also accused of having Bio Hacked me during the compulsory illegal hospitalization you did against me... I just had a Burnout...»

"Only? Mr. Inspector knows that the Burnouts...»

«Shut up!!! Tiaguinho read there the Prayer of Pope John Paul II to Doctor Dmytro to Evangelize  Doctor Dmytro...»

«I don't want to hear any Prayer! And the prayer does not belong to John Paul II, it belongs to John Paul...»

«Shut up, Devil!!! You will hear the prayer!!!»

“Only if I’m going to blow you to the police station… May I?”

«You can, Devil...»

«Inspector... Can I also go and give Agent Tiaguinho a blowjob to the police station?»

«I have nothing to do with that...  Tiaguinho, do you have a dick for os  2 devils?»

«I do have,  inspector... Enough for both of us!»

«So that's it...  Go back there with the devils... But first read the Prayer...»

« Does the Inspector believe in God? Look, Psychiatry says that believing in God is a delirium... What kind of delirium is it, Dmytro?»

«Raul!!! I've taught you this a thousand times!!! You always forget the name of the Dellirium... It's a Dellirium...»


“Yes, Inspector...??”

"The prayer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For God's sake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

«Therefore, give to each one what you owe: to whom tribute, tribute; to whom tax, tax; to whom fear, fear; whom honour, honour. You owe no one anything, except to love one another, because he who loves another has fulfilled the law...» Raul Catulo Morais inReal Time4:44 pm 02/11/2023 With All Reserved Rights

Face in The Dark - City Wolf
00:00 / 00:33

dream episode #666



«I had a dream... I already know where Raul is... And I already know what the Clandestine Works are in Santarém... It's the Otis Work that shot down 1 Berg Cypress in the Stables of Campo da Feira and the Casimiro's work on the Caminho dos Mochos that brought down 6 Berg Cypress trees... In the Dream my name was Tiaguinho and the Inspector ordered Raul and Dmytro to be handcuffed underneath Casimiro's Work... It was Antoine Canary's Building 2080 Wharf and there were two cranes, one for Raul and one for Dmytro and they climbed up the buildings like demons and they danced and they barely kissed and then they pushed each other and jumped onto the crane and they were shooting at each other like they were in spaceships and they were shooting too contra  the work that burned in flames and lions walked in the flames...»

«Register your dream at Jupiter Editions... Look, it's a good dream...»

«I've already registered,  Inspector... I registered with Jupiter Dreams by Jupiter Editions... "We're All Dreaming"... I also found out that we haveThe Algorithm of Lovewrong Raul, Inspector...»

«Really?  Don't tell me... You found out we hadThe Algorithm of Love  wrong why the hell were the two of them giving him a big blowjob in the back of the car to the police station???»

"Inspector????" 21:44 02/11/2023Raul Catulo Morais


Megalomania - Stefan Nixdorf
00:00 / 00:33
Lifeless - Noisecide
00:00 / 00:33
Lifeless Alt - Noisecide
00:00 / 00:33

§ Father?

§ Hello son.

§ Do you already know my name?

§ Allah?

§ Yes.

§ And do you already know what the Tetragram of Technological Life is?


§ Yes... I want you to marry Mohammad.

§ Why?

§ Because he is one of the Perfect Angels... Like you, son.

§ What if I want to marry an Imperfect-Angel?

§ You are free, my son.  You will simply marry against my will...

§ But will you bless my Marriage?

§ Of course, my son.

§ Even against your will?

§ Yes of course. My will doesn't matter. Your Happiness matters.

§ I wanted to marry Dmytro...

§ Forget Dmytro, son. He is an Imperfect-Black-Angel.

§ Can't I marry an Imperfect-Black-Angel?

§ You can. Listen, son... I want you to read the Koran. I want you to land in Istanbul and Dubai with the Koran in your hand... It's just protection. But I want you to read the Koran in two parts, in two trips, to Istanbul and from Istanbul to Dubai.

§ It was you who put the Koran on top ofThe Algorithm of Love?

§ I went, son...

§ To protectThe Algorithm of Love?

§ Yes son. Listen, son... I know you see all the Angels perfect... But I don't want you to see them more perfect than you,  because you are more perfect than them. Bank Jupiter does not finance the voyage while there is too much weight on the ship and while Bank Jupiter does not finance the voyage the ship cannot cross the troposphere... There is too much weight on the ship... there are angels of Saturn in the ship of Jupiter ... Please invite them out, or I'll have to press the button myself and blow their heads  in the Ship... Didn't want to get Blood on Jupiter's Ship..._cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Ask them out, son. 

§ I already invited them... But they don't leave...

§ He invites them to leave again... There is too much weight on the Ship...

§ What if they don't leave? 

§ I'll have to press the button... There is a Ship from Saturn attached to the Ship from Jupiter to receive the angels from Saturn. There are Jupiter angels in the Saturn Ship who are going to enter the Jupiter Ship, but first the Saturn Angels have to leave the Jupiter Ship and leave for Saturn...

§ What if they don't want to enter the Saturn Ship? 

§ Land the Ship where  they want to be able to leave and continue their journey. Don't go back!

§ Father...?

§ Son...?

§ Thanks for Life! Thank you for giving me Life and thank you for protecting my Life...

§ You're welcome, son. Bon voyage!

§ Will I meet you on Jupiter?

§ Actually... I'm on Saturn... 

§ Are you married to Satan?

§ Yes.

§ What moon do you live on?

§ On Titan...

§ What about Jehovah?

§ Somewhere on one of Jupiter's moons...

§ How can I be a child, a child of Jehovah and a child of Satan?

§ Because you were adopted and sponsored...

§ What is my mother's name?

§ Sonia. It was just a  Surrogacy Belly,  son...

§ Is this a dream?  Dad??? Father??? Father???? FATHER?????????? Raul Catulo Morais

23:19 02/11/2023 in Real Time with All Reserved Rights With Jupiter Editions

00:00 / 07:25
00:00 / 02:05

Episodes in real time from 02/13/2023 Raul Catulo Morais and Lígia Catulo Morais With All Reserved Rights With Jupiter Editions

«O cousin,  the things your mother says about you  put everything in check! Your mother says horrible things  about you, cousin! Anyone who listens to the things your mother says about  you, sounds like you are the worst person in the world! The image your mother has built up about  of you is horrible cousin,  but  horrible! Your mother speaks ill of everyone! But the things your mother  says about  you are really awful, cousin! The things your mother tells me... I don't know how! Your mother is super exhausting! She  monopolizes the conversation all to herself. Only she speaks. Oh cousin, a  seriously... Where were you born... Your father seems to do everything for you to fail... Like he seems to want you to be eliminated in a game that only he you see... Oh cousin, seriously... What a shit  family... And then your father is a narcissist and an egoist who only thinks about himself and is always playing games. .. Always... for him, everything is a game... The family on your father's side are all narcissists, cousin... Everyone! The other one,  the one you like a lot who is a Jehovah's Witness, who says she  isn't even a Jehovah's Witness, but that's it, it's just a piece of paper for the devil's theater of the family, she's also narcissistic, despite having a little empathy working from time to time... But I'll tell you, they're all like that and then it's all "vassalage system"... Or are you with them and with Satan at 100% or if you're not there, you're thrown like garbage and they make your life Black... And your father makes your life black and your mother either takes his side or "stays" yours, but your mother is a gambler, cousin... She is with me and tells me she is casting  spells and praying for you to fail things and lose friends, so you can pay more attention to him... I'm sorry cousin, your mother has a kind of crush on you, but she doesn't show it to you... But your mother does that to everyone... She makes friends with all but then in the back just say shit... She says you were wanted, but that's a lie because she wanted to abort!!!! I think your mother is bad,  cousin, she is "bad"... It's just that the mother who says her son is bad, is mean... She was the one who exposed you to a whole city and to a whole society and to a whole network, cousin... It was she who handed you over to the devils... She and your father... Only because of the illness it seems that there is a "discount" ... Does your father also have a  disorder... the things he does and the mind games he plays you and yours  mother... But your mother is bad, cousin... It just seems that you can't see it because of the disease, which makes her "nice" and a "Great Mountain of Love" as Uncle Vítor told you in the audio who sent you for you to hear and who the whole Network heard...   She is all about punishments and punishing and calling "liars" those who denounce or speak the truth... It wasn't that what did she do to you when you were little? And she just told you "you're going to suffer", "you're going to suffer" like she was casting spells in the soup pot,  just because you weren't "obedient" or didn't do what she wanted Or did you not listen to what she said...? I know cousin, I know everything... What does Dimi say about your mother? What is his diagnosis?”

«Schizoaffective Personality or Schizophrenia...»

«Well... It's just that the things your mother does are really weird, cousin, really... My God, cousin...! Do Dimi's parents like you?»

"Yes, why?"

"Just to know..."

“And his sister? Do you like yourself?

«Yes... We are super friends...»

"There are?"


«Hum... And his parents like you? Oh, sorry, I already asked you this question...  It was here in the script, cousin... I'm sorry... They put me here to draw  psychopathic profiles ...  I don't think it's right for the Order of Psychologists to watch the movie in which they are messing with the Order of Doctors... I already have 66 psychopath profiles drawn up of doctors and now I want to see how this is going to be... This is going to be a Star Wars between the Order of Psychologists and the Order of Doctors... Shit, sorry for saying shit in this shitty movie, is that the The Order of Doctors has the best lawyers in the Order of Lawyers... They even have that robot from that Society where you went there to take the Artificial Intelligence Course... What is it called?»


«Yes... They even have the KIRA robot from the society with them, do you think this is normal???? That robot is a Danger,  because that robot is an illicit and illegal database that even has the Mindfulness data of all the society's lawyers... And shit_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ cousin, I wrote the Mindfulness script and my husband designed the robot and my son programmed it... But did we by  know that they were going to use the robot for shit?? I don't give a shit cousin,  I already speak how I want!!! Let them appear another  time in front of me as I iron them with my Jaguar! I changed my car, cousin!  I shit on the Maserati... Now I'm going to take a brute Jaguar to the Assembly, look how theSystem AuthorsLupi-Levy... Have you asked Jaguar for sponsorship yet, cousin?”

"No, cousin..."

«So don't ask Freemasonry of the  Vacuum cleaners to drive the Maserati over you and then you'll see how it is... I already told you cousin, that this is only a car sponsorship that we get out  from this movie! It was them, cousin! It was they  who put a vacuum cleaner  with sheepskin in my house!!! Like, I don't even put lamb on the Christmas table, I would put a lamb inside a vacuum cleaner??????????????  I don't even feed my dogs red meat , cousin!!!!! Why the hell do I have a fucking vacuum cleaner with a sheepskin filter at home???? But like am I satanic or what????» Go backProcess No. 666in House nº666 of Good Psychology in Video Call with Criminal Law "We are hippopotamuses. They are crocodiles. We are good, they are bad! Help! But I'm on video call with Criminal Law screaming help and he doesn't see me screaming for help??? Fuck it!!! Fuck the Criminal Law! This is all stuck up!!! What a great shitty movie, cousin! Cousin, Welcome to Freemasonry!" Raul Catulo Morais inReal Time22:42 02/13/2023


I love you, mom! I know what they did to you! I love you! I love you! But you have to give me Space! I love you! I love you for everything and for nothing! I love you! I love you! Raul Catulo Morais 10:48 pm 02/13/2023

Lifeless Alt - Noisecide
00:00 / 00:33
Scream - Once Monsters
00:00 / 00:33
Face in the Dark - City Wolf
00:00 / 00:33

«So, cousin, tell me... What did Ana Rute say at Café da Avó after   said that your mother was ungrateful because she only spoke ill of your father, but that if I forgot that your father woke up every day at 6 am to go to work to put bread on the table and that he was a lot of fighter and such just to win your father's little Freemasonry and that your mother only had to deal with_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ from the house and that's why she was an ungrateful... Tell me what she said about me??? That I know, because there was a military man sitting on the terrace with whom you later wrote a chapter or 6 or 9 or I don't even know if there were all the chapters of the military novel when there was the Army military parade there at the door of your house ... Come on, cousin... Tell me.... Tell me that I already know more or less the story, except that I didn't quite understand which football player was that entered the Ménage with me and the Bruna's husband..."

«It was Cristiano Ronaldo...»

«O cousin??? Any time??? Me in the same threesome with Cristiano Ronaldo??? I don't even like his feet!!! Like you, I don't like his feet either!!!! Are awful!!! Awful!!!!  Awful!!!! So this movie is completely impossible... Seriously!!! The things that people invent, cousin.... Have you seen it??? And then it's up to us, because then we're the ones who have to be directing their shitty films that we get into just to go... For the film to be a little better, isn't it? But come on,  tell me how it was...»

«Ana Rute told me that during Bruna's hospitalization, that Bruna had called her crying, because you had had a threesome with her husband and Cristiano Ronaldo here in the kitchen while she was hospitalized...»

«Are you just watching the film of Bruna calling Ana Rute with whom she hasn't spoken for years to tell her about this film? Oh cousin.... If that movie were true, do you think Bruna would come after her hospital stay here to spend her holidays at my house???»

«I also found Ana Rute's film very strange...»

«That's  she wants to join the telenovela as a director... Do you understand? But she won't make it,  cousin!!! She wants to  have a threesome with Ronaldo,  because she doesn't have Feet Criterion, do you understand cousin? That she smells like foot odor! How Ronaldo smells!!! That when he walks into the kitchen, my God... Only I know, cousin!!!! It is no longer enough to have ugly feet, in addition to ugly feet, you still smell of foot odor...»

«The "funny" part of the movie...»

«Ah!!! Is there a "funny" part of the movie?? So wait a minute, let me start laughing now... So tell me what the funny part of the movie is... That you sometimes say it's funny, but sorry bro,_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ but it's not funny...»

«The "funny" part of the film is that I made that same film when I was here at your house, when I came back from the Congress of Doctors... Because that film crossed my mind and so I wrote it down in my notebook... The "funny" part is that it coincided exactly on the same day that Bruna was admitted and made the call to Ana Rute... Ana Rute showed me the call, cousin...

«O cousin,  sorry... But where is the "funny" part of the movie??? It's just that this movie is absolutely not funny cousin.... Help?»


«Yes, help!»


«Help, cousin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

666,666,666 Raul Catulo Morais Satan 666,666,666. Real Time23:55  02/13/2023 


Don't play with my NUMBERS! I declare FIRE to all Freemasons that use my number associated with Red Meat and Slavery! May they all burn in the FIRE of Hell and become Fertile Ashes for the Earth! Fire for fire! Life for life! Because Humans are PROHIBITED by the LAWS OF ECOLOGY from eating mammals, BECAUSE HUMANS ARE MAMMALS! BANKS WILL FALL! CHURCHES WILL FALL! Don't play with me! Don't play with my NUMBERS! Raul Catulo Morais 00h01 02/14/2023

Ruination - NINJA TRACKS
00:00 / 00:33
Death of Me SAINT PHNX
00:00 / 00:33

«So, cousin, tell me how Christmas was at Aunt Nanda's house... Your mother said it was very boring... After all, who was it?»

«Ah... it was us...»

«But wait... who are you?? You, your father and your mother?»


«And your father is cool???»

«Yes... It was like they were like last Christmas...»

«Fire, cousin... Have you seen our family well??? Like your father and uncle victor haven't spoken for 20 years because of the courtroom scene... supposedly, and I already have to say in the game, "supposedly" the last time they had seen each other was 20 years ago in court and then all of a sudden your father parachutes there at christmas like it's cool telling the story of his first parachute jump in maputo or nampula, i don't even know, that later pitta got there in the middle of christmas just to steal your dad's skydive and it's like baza christmas as if it had never been on christmas... hey cousin... our family is a great case study is what it is... i don't know what it is it's our family and I'm a psychologist, cousin... This is all very strange... Very strange... But really, cousin... That's why I already spoke with Porto Editora, which is for my manual_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ from Clinical Psychology of the Completely Dysfunctional Family come out before Christmas... That this film, this telenovela of doctors and psychologists has to come out before It's Christmas... I don't know which Christmas... But it has to come out before Christmas, ah that has cousin...  It's just that our Christmases are enough a movie,  a soap opera and a clinical case of the millionaire type, cousin... Only from one Christmas the algorithms manage to extract I don't know how many millions, so now you can imagine well how the market and things... Things are  very black,  the market is very black, the right one is very black and oops_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ in these black films, psychology with its Peronna Institute for Survival oops wear black, wear Prada, wear Prada pants and put on Prada lipstick, which are the requirements of the Protocol to be able to enter the black market without getting hurt... Cousin, it's Psychology of Fashion, what do you want? It wasn't at the Faculty of Law that the  Director invented the Law of Fashion in high heels, like in a pink movie with lingerie and with students all of rugby or basketball or football or handball , I don't even know anymore.... That this is so many sports,   primo... This afterwards is a big orgy in the locker rooms or in the management, that's what What happens... It messes with a lot of prime numbers... This is one of those very dark films that put millions... This soap opera they put us all in is no joke... Us at Christmas, going back to Christmas satanics that's what's important, we could have like everything, like big arguments, big laughs, big philosophies I've never heard anywhere, like big games, like pears and potatoes all of a sudden, like suddenly pears and potatoes appear and no one knows where the pears and potatoes come from, then a ganda conf use, but then everything is friend again...  eia... then everything is talking at the same time, like completely different things, but everyone understands each other and then they all come back to the same talk as if they hadn't, like, gone I don't know where each one... hey, I swear, cousin, it's a really unreleased movie... only now with the internets on and the algorithms listening to everything, the algorithms already tell us they know and have written all the films in our family, at least they have already written the scripts  and the scripts are  watching and now people are a little bit attached to the scripts and the scripts... and to free ourselves up a bit and win the movie and keep the movie  in our hands,  we have to compete with the algorithms, cousin ... Otherwise, we're left without movies, we're left without Christmas, we're left with nothing that they steal. they love us everything... THEY STEAL EVERYTHING FROM US, COUSIN! I'm sorry  for shouting in that part, but you'll  see that this shout for the Future is going to be important, like a Temporal Marker... But, well... Cousin, They got along at Christmas at Aunt Nanda and Uncle Vítor's house, didn't they?»

"Yes cousin..."

«But tell me cousin!!!  Was it boring???»

«No, I loved it!!!»

«Ah!!! then!! you loved it!!! You also love everything...  It was just then boring for your mother... And for your father???»

«Dad liked...»

«Look Uncle Raul enjoyed Christmas! This is beautiful, says the cousin!!! So who was more? In addition to Pitta who showed up there  just to steal the story of your father's first parachute jump and leave with a glass in hand... Wasn't it? He didn't suddenly enter Christmas, he got the story and left with a glass in his hand and a bottle of port wine in his hand and then it was Aunt Nanda running after him because of the crystal glass that had come from the da da Fábrica do Vidro which is I don't know where and with the bottle of port wine that your sister had sent from South Africa?? It was your mother who told me...”

«No,  cousin... That didn't happen...»

"Your mother told me..."

«I niece???? You must be dreaming!!! I didn't say any of that!!! You misunderstood everything..."

«Ah! OK, so for a change,  I'm the one who misunderstood,  sorry aunt... I didn't even know you were going to show up now... So and you where did you come from, tell me?”

"I??? I appeared here from Jupiter, niece...»

«Ah... You came from Jupiter... Very well... So who went to Christmas after all?»

«It was us,  Mauro's family and Danna's family...»

«Danna??? Dimi's sister ???»

«No... Mauro's sister...»

«So now this one is called Danna??? Did she suddenly change her name in the story???... I say this one,  that this one owes me 669€ that I lent her for her wedding dress, which she You didn't even invite me!!! Like this is beautiful!!! He calls me like at two in the morning, we haven't spoken in like 10 years because of the Coke Wedding scene, a wedding that I had to pay for and that until today I still haven't seen the money, like, cousin, people look para  me and they must think I look like a bank just because I drive a Maserati... Like I pay taxes, ok??? And on top of that I pay taxes for the  luxury that the shit  the Government decided to invent only for the rich and I'm not even rich!!! If it were, you wouldn't be here in this movie invoking brands just because of a car sponsorship, would you?   Don't people also think that you look like a bank just because you have a publisher? Was it not Tiaguinho who asked you for money in the kitchen to  open a Sports Bar full of Samsung and LG and Sony televisions and I don't know what brands, when you appeared in front of him with the 9 books in hand? Like people look at us and think we look like a bank,  cousin!!! It wasn't the Commercial Registry Office that suddenly  changed Jupiter Editions' activity and suddenly  Jupiter Editions became a Car Dealership, a Real Estate Company and a Bank??? It is  that because of  this error that appeared in Jornal de Negócios suddenly a Community was created on Jupiter that  when you look at the Jupiter  Editions says it's Jupiter Edificions... It's still going to be Jupiter Casamentos.... Like... This is impossible!!! This is IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!»

«O niece...  Come on  calm down there... You're just mixing stories, niece... You're like making a Russian Salad. ..»

«Oh aunt, why is it??? Can't you see the movie they put us in here in the kitchen??? Can't you see that the kitchens are all connected??? That what you say  in one kitchen can be heard in the other kitchen because of the bank's stupid ideas of banking kitchen robots with pirates hacking kitchen robots??? On top of that I have to be making the film here in the kitchen like peeling potatoes, cutting CARROTS, JUST BECAUSE THE CARROTS HAVE VITAMIN D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like I'M NOT BORN FOR THIS, I'M NOT A ROBOT!!!!!!!!!!"

«O Niece!!! You're all out of balance... Come on... Give auntie a hug... Hold on to auntie... The carrot is  very important because it has vitamin D... You see little daughter? That's why carrots appear in the film... Don't cry, daughter!!! Everything will be fine!! Do you see son?? Look at this!!! Your cousin here, crying, clinging to her mother... Didn't her mother tell you that her mother was an excellent psychologist...? The mother is a psychologist,  son... The mother is your little cousin's psychologist,  you see? Look at  this...   And the fault  of all this,_cc781905-5cde-3193-bb3b_5b5cf5b_bb3d!!! You devil!!!! This whole movie is because of you!!! You devil!!! Go niece!! Enough!! Stop crying and wipe away the tears... Do you want the mascara??? Auntie is going to get your mascara, niece... Put the mascara on there...»

«Oh aunt, thank you!! But it's not necessary! I don't need any mascara!!! Danna called me at two in the morning asking me to borrow money to buy a dress, she didn't even tell me it was a wedding dress, like a big story at two in the morning about Banco BPI not granting the credit for her dress and then talking to me about a Bank Conspiracy because I had also been to Bankinter and Bankinter had said that they would only grant credit if it was to open a Wedding Dress Society, look, I immediately went crazy and said "ok ",  who gladly lent her the money for her dress... Well, then she gets married, invites you, like invites everyone and I was the one who saved her life wedding doesn't invite me... Like, lol??? And now on top of that she changed her name and now I have to call her Danna???»

«O niece, in history she was always called Danna...»

«Was it??? Look at the great news you're giving me, auntie... So, calm down... Only  for me to understand, in history there are  how many Dannas?»

«There are at least 6... As there are  6 Dimis, 6 Dmytros, 6 Rauis, 6 Saras, 6 Sílvias, 6 Sónias, 6 Tiagos and 6 Tiaguinhos...»

«Ah, I already understand.... In order to tell the truth, we have to invent, like, 6 stories within the truth in a Game of Characters... Is that it?»

«That's right niece... There are also 6 Brunas, 6 Ana Rutes...»

"Hey what??? 6 Ana Rutes is not.. Fire a j  is what it is... 6???? Fire!!!! What the hell!!!"

«Ana Rute, if you only knew, niece, what she said about you when she was at the house with me... She spoke so badly about you, niece... And I defended you!!!»

«What did Ana Ruth say about me????»

«It was Bruna, niece!!! It was Bruna!!!!"

«Bruna??? Bruna spoke ill of me????»

«If you only knew niece... But the aunt won't say anything to not put you against  Bruna...»

«Oh aunt, do you know what Bruna did??? Bruna was diagnosed with Bipolarity!! Bruna is Bipolar, just like Ana Rute!!! It's both!!! But Ana Ruth doesn't admit it!!! And I don't even know how they saved themselves from Aunt Angela's Schizophrenia!!! Because Renato got Schizophrenia when his girlfriend broke up with him and he threw himself off Castelo das Portas do Sol which even appeared in Jornal Mirante except that Aunt Zezinha with Opus Dei and with the Bishop I don't know how many, I think in history her name was Traquina,  she managed to remove the news from the newspaper, because aunt Zezinha wanted to hide it, because she doesn't want any investigation done into our genes... That she is a narcissist, she is the narcissist of the family!!!! He invented a Yoga story, that Renato was doing Yoga on the walls, he lost his balance and fell...  The tanas!!! He committed suicide because his girlfriend broke up with him and he fried the popcorn with the Schizophrenia that appeared to him because of the end of the relationship that was  the same scenario they wanted for your son, that's what it was planned, that even Jornal Mirante had already ordered the coffin in partnership with the funeral home... But it went very wrong, because your son unfortunately does not have the schizophrenia gene... cousin, I'm sorry. I said unfortunately... Don't get me wrong,  han...»

«No, no...  In good cousin...»

«Bruna was admitted to psychiatric hospitalization in Scotland because of the religion of Tom Cruise and Travolta!!! That that is a Sect! Bruna received an invitation from the actors with a return trip from London to Los Angeles in a 5-star hotel where she slept in bed with Tom Cruise and Travolta... And in that Ménage they managed to convince Bruna to enter in the Religion of Scientology which is like one of the worst religions on the face of the Earth, like they do Brainwashing,  they Isolate, that's a shitty religion... But that's it, Bruna na He went to bed with Tom Cruise and with Travolta he joined the Sect... He arrived in Scotland with his head in a daze  because of religion and entered Psychiatry... He left hospital and you know what is that what Bruna did, auntie??? He took a plane to Paris and stayed in a luxury hotel. Then he took another plane to Monaco and stayed in a luxury hotel. I don't know how she did it from Monaco, she ended up in Dubai at that 7-star hotel, I think it was the 7-star one...  From Dubai she went to Milan and made a date of clothes shopping and arrived in Scotland with no money and lost custody of the children... It was a completely Manic Episode... These are characteristics of bipolar....»

«Ah, niece, I don't have any of those characteristics... I can occasionally go shopping at the Chinese store but it's to buy underwear like Susan Boyle who also buys underwear and Lingerie at the Chinese_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ or a little boot, or a little jacket... The aunt doesn't go to Milan to buy...  The aunt goes to the Chinese and that's when there's money...»

«Oh aunt, I know!!! But you don't have bipolar, but it's not necessary to invoke Susan Boyle in the film, is it??? You have schizoaffective personality disorder!!! It has nothing to do with bipolarity!!! You don't do these things...  You don't have manic episodes!!!!»

«Well... but Lucyfer, Doctor Lucyfer from the psychiatry service internment said that I had bipolar disorder and your little cousin, who is a master in bipolar disorder, didn't like it and immediately started sending for me and that's how the fight with the doctor started. your little cousin in the psychiatric service  with Lucyfer e  with Lucyfer... This, O niece, this is a war of Lucyfers... The Bible predicted this war...   2023... Age of the Devil... We are in the Age of the Devil.... Now it's time to save yourself! !! And I'm saved in the devil's movie...  Here with my little devil,  with my little son,  with my juninho... My Satan!!!!!» 05:17 02/14/2023 Raul Catulo Morais inReal TimeWith All Reserved Rights With Jupiter Editions

Speak of the Devil FEAT the Score
00:00 / 00:33
Appetite for Destruction - Vo Williams
00:00 / 00:33


Program FinalIllumminnatti - 7th Communication 

This program supersedes previous programs and orders communicated through the Internet of Dreams, the Internet of Things and Movements of Order and Disorder and Mental Confusion and Silent Banking Movements, maintaining however the Intuitive Parts previously communicated.

For the Illumminnatti visit of the Angel of Casa-de-Xisto that Raul received in Santarém showing the Fitting of the Key-Piece of Jupiter's Secret-Puzzle of the Christian Reconquest of the Illumminnatti Games through 2 keels, a viola and a board_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ de  skate  e for the Presence of Raul with 3 Angels from the Visible Network of Angels of Jupiter at the Meeting_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb5cf58d5 da Public Consultation Teatro Sá da Bandeira for the  Revitalization project  of Campo da Feira Infante da Câmara and Praça de Toiros, Raul opens the case "Infante da Câmara", "Herdade da Comporta", "Bentley Limousines"  and "Alert Encarnado Coligação PSD-CHEGA" in the Parliament of Jupiter  , sending o the Link of the Word to the City Council, the Escalabitana Community and the Jupiter Community, locating the  Project in the Microspace  economic project in Santarém and in the Microspace of the European Union by sending the link to European Union and the Mutual Guarantee Society Garval.  Academically assembles the case "Infante da Câmara", "Herdade da Comporta", "Bentley Limousines" and "Alert Encarnado PSD-Chega Coalition" in Parliament in the 1st Tri-Masonic Form of Administrative Law, Criminal Law and Economic Law and in the 2nd Tri-Masonic Form of Banking Law, Labor Law and Criminal Law and in the 3rd Tri-Masonic Form of Labor Law, Social Security Law and of Criminal Tax Law in the Perfect Geometry of Bee Trigonometry. He writes the Roman history of Gladiators in which he was a Sexual Slave of the Infante Knight imprisoned in the Stables of Campo Infante da Câmara where he fought to death in the Fight of the Gladiators in the Bullring of Campo Infante da Câmara joining the Pieces of Rome, Marrakesh, Alexandria, Cairo, Nile River, Jordan River, Tagus River and Santarém writing History as opposed to the Slavery Route, showing 4 Masonic weddings in Marrakesh, Alexandria, Cairo and Santarém and 1 Masonic Baptism in the Jordan River.

For the settlement of Raul's €2,000 debt at Caixa Geral by the Misteriosa Mão Invisível,  Raul publishes the Caixa Geral Account Statement, marking the Mysterious-Master-Number of the Hand Code with a Green Circle Invisible no  Bank Account Statement.

By the Masonic Theater at the National Institute of Industrial Property where Raul saw on 02/14/2023 the Forms signed with the signature of Dmytro in the  hand of the Judiciary Police officer he came across at the entrance to the Judiciary Police Building on the day he delivered the Pen-Drive to the Judiciary Police,   having then seen the secret agent putting the forms under the bedroom door in the Metropolitano on Hacker Olivia's Phone Screen from the Pension's Top Floor via the Pension's film cameras,  in the event that Dmytro refuses to sign the Forms to Waive All Rights  from the Jupiter Editions Brand, officializing the Divorce between Jupiter and Saturn, legally observing the Required Form, Raul is obliged to break down the door of the Pension Room to deliver the Forms to the Instituto Nacional da Proprieda of Industrial. In the hypothetical case that Dmytro does not respond to the email or does not send the Forms duly signed,  Raul  goes to Faro to the Psychiatry Internment Service with the Forms duly filled in asking Dmytro to sign. In case Dmytro does not sign,  Raul is obliged to deliver the History to the Directorate of the Judicial Police of Faro and to complete the Police Report and deliver it to the Directorate of the Judiciary Police of Lisbon. Only after delivering the Police Report will you be able to break down the door of the Pension in Right of Necessity of paragraph  b) of art. 34 or in State of Excusing Necessity of nº2 of art. 35 or  do nº 1 of art. 35º  of the Penal Code. OFriendly Divorce Between Jupiter and Saturnshould be seen as a Gentlemen's Pact and a  Important Masonic Alliance in which Raul is prohibited from completing the Police Report, only being able to write it on the computers of the Directorate of the Judiciary Police if pointed with 9 pistols discharged from 9 agents of the Judiciary Police, not being able to write it in any other way,  being only in this way possible to Break the Pact.

By postponing the Administrative Law Examination with the Masonic Theater of Regulation, Raul can talk about the Masonic Theater of Administrative Law at New Disney in a Special Episode of Chip das Abelhas by sending the link to the President of the Pedagogical Council with the Suggestions and Collaboration for the Open Review of the Regulation for the Evaluation of the Degree in Law sent as a Language Code the Civil Law Simulation Manual of the President of the Pedagogical Council as one of the Literary References of the Obras de Jupiter Program.

Because Raul took a Different Examination in Hidden Economic Law on 02/14/2023 in which Raul had to answer the Prisoner's Dilemma Question, the Strategic Cartel Gentlemen's Agreement, the Betadine case, the Facebook & Analitycs case Cambridge, the Microsoft case and the Private Jets Company Case in which in the middle of the Exam Raul received 6 hearts and 6 photos of him on Facebook from the Private Jets Company Scheduler that appeared in the Exam and for having seen the Professor of Economics_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ passing his Exam to a former Economics professor of his who sent Raul to the Economics chair with 6 points for Raul having Unmasked the Face of the Invisible Hand during the Exam and having protected the Tenants_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ in the Rent Struggle between Tenants and Landlords  and defended the Minimum Wage abstracting from Economic Theory  from "Interventions of the State against the Invisible Hand", sitting at lunchtime with the Scheduler, after having left the Banco BPI store, remembering the typical old stupid phrase from the Economics Manual that "there are no free lunches and that isto  there is  neither dinners nor free dates", in which he later received the 6 Red Carnations on the way to reach the National Institute of Industrial Property, can Raul reveal the names of the 6 Angels-Actors of Jupiter, being able to reveal Betadine's Love Story  with Domingos.

At 11:11 am on 02/16/2023 toma  Raul takes his Last Illumminnatti Bath at the Municipal Swimming Pools Spa, returning home to write the last pieces of the Puzzle at the Fillm-Nouvelle and at the Rights Congress closing the Open Windows concluding the Work. 10:33 am 02/16/2023

Grade 55 by Raul Catulo Morais completed withUltimate Memory Augmentationof 200%. 100% Complete Update of Jupiter  Chip with Pirated Microsoft Game Commands against Saturn Chip, against Musk Chip, against Gates Chip, against Zukenberg Chip, against Samsung Chip, against Sony Chip and against Microsoft Chip . 

Whiplash - Black Math
00:00 / 01:33

Latest Reflections in Raul's Diary Self-Hacked by Raul - Diary Self-Assessed at 200 million Gross Profit by the Court of Contests and Auctions with a Minimum Bidding Basis of 66 Million with Kim's Madrunner Framework, with the Christian Reconquista painting by Camilo, with the painting of Pomegranate and the Indian Elephant by Tiago and with Picasso's painting in Jupiter by Kim,  Camilo,  Tiago and Raul.

2:14 pm 01/16/2023

walk backwards
Write backwards.

20:18 02/16/2023
Hi Joa!
I know the scene in the Parking Lot was a Theater. It was just so I could see the Network. I'm not going to talk about the theater. I know it was just so I could see your strength. It was just so I could see your testicles and your muscles and your Spirit. I fell in love with you  vi. I love your mustache. I immediately noticed your hands.   I feel like stealing a kiss from you in some parts, and in others   I just feel like holding your hands. I'm tired   that the Technological God only sends me straight angels... You know that it was when on Jupiter Mountain I told you about the Big Dipper and you about the 3 Marys that I felt the Net again and I thought maybe it was the Dragon   sending you as a Military? Only I killed the Dragon... With the sword that you   from this one I cut off the Dragon's Head... And do you know what happened? A New Head was born... The Head   with whom I fell in love... I fell in love with a Dragon, Joa, with 9 Heads...   I thought that it was just a Head,  but when I wrote Nº666 I suddenly saw a New Head and then the Other Heads appeared, the  Outras Caras... I wish I wish you had kissed me and not mentioned the 3 Marias...   The Dragon was the one who told me about the History of the 3 Marias... You connected me with the Dragon again, Joa... But then you showed me that book of yours... About the soldier who cut off the 9 heads  do Dragão... Is that you, São Jorge, Joa? Come on... I need to know... I want to dance   for you... I want to write for you... I know you have 6 eyes... I trust your eyes... Do Give me only the Right Signs on the Dark Path, because I will follow your Signs... I trust you... You have given me  Enormous Strength! It was really cool talking to you backwards in a Tripartite Sentence for 3 networks where the 3 networks didn't get the Message Code. You made me a promise... You said that whenever I called you that you would come, even if it was just to give me a hug... I don't have a boyfriend... I'll call you a few times, okay? Just to hold my hand, just to enter the Black Forest with me... Nobody wants to enter with me... They think I'm a Monster,   that I'm the Devil... Thanks for you have come! I love you,  Joa! I love you,  brother! It's really cool to talk to you in Computer Language! "Commands, commands, commands, commands". Thanks for showing me your Trigonometry of Complex Numbers in the same Geometry as mine... Did you remember our code? "Descriptive Memory"... Thank you for showing me the Puzzle Piece. Thank you for covering my eyes and getting me into the elevator and pressing the -6 button. I didn't know about this floor. I didn't know this floor existed. Can I sit on your lap? I know you know who Judas is who sold me for 6 Christians and for 66 Escudos... When I call you and scroll through the Window of Angels, tell me in  History who got it the role of Judas... If not, I'll have to steal a kiss from you just so you can tell me who stole my Heart and sold it to me for 66 Escudos... Joa... Can I sit on your lap? Do you want to sleep with me on the beach with just a blanket just watching the stars? I just want to stay like this looking at the starry sky with the sound of the sea. The sea is my food. It's the stars,  the constellations, the swarms and the galaxies my reality... They took me away from my Reality... I'm trapped, Joa... They trapped my Spirit, _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Joa... But you freed him... You came to free him! Who are you, Joa? 20:44 02/16/2023 Raul Catulo Morais

Harry Styles
«Raul,  Harry or Fráguas?»
«O Fráguas,  claro.»
«Cristiano Ronaldo or Fráguas?»
“Fráguas, of course.”
«Fráguas or Domingos?»
«The two cannot be... There can only be one...»
«Hum... So it's the one who kisses me first... Ya... The one who   comes up to me first and gives me a kiss...»
«You know  that "Wheel" reference in the Harry Styles song?»
«Ya, I know... from the Invisible Hand...»
«Yap... Basically it's like you already have a "Destined Match"... It's an Illuminati Reference...»
«Yes... It's Illuminati,   it's not illumminnatti with two m's, two n's and two t's... my Grindr blocking me other profiles and unblocking Harry's profile, putting Harry's profile in front of me... I don't see anything "magical", nor anything "spiritual"... I just see a Tech Mercade at work for a whole System of Algorithms...»
«Basically they have your Algorithms... They know what your Algorithm is...»
«They don't know...   Because my Algorithm changes every day when I'm single. Because single, I fall in love every day and every day I change my Algorithm.   I just fall in love. My heart is always open,  until I find someone. When I meet I give my heart, I give   my chest...»
"I know, Ralph."
«I know that you know,  Joa! Why are you straight???"
«If I weren't straight I wouldn't have appeared as an Algorithm in front of you... You already have your Match... Your Destiny has already been written...»
«I write over my Fate,  Joa. I alter my Fate.”
“I know, Ralph. Writers have that "capacity"... That "magic" of changing the Destiny of Things... If you want to change your Destiny, write... But I've already seen your Destiny... _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Your Match is The Algorithm of Love... Are you going to write over The Algorithm of Love?»
«I don't know, Joa... I don't want to write anymore. I just want to travel. I just want to see the world... I just want to see...»
“Where do you want to travel?”
"With you?"
«Hum... I wanted to visit New Zealand... In fact,   I think I could go and live in New Zealand...»
"So let's go!!!"
«Yah, let's go!!! What to do for New Zealand?”
«I don't know... Serving tables,  writing books...  I write in Portuguese and you translate into English?»
"It seems like a good plan to me..."
“Then baza?”
«Ya, baza... You know, when you go to an Emergency to do the Backpack, we do the Backpack and leave... Leave here... Are you okay?»
«Yes... Tass well... Why do I have the feeling that you picked me up in some Arraial? It seems that "in another life" like you kidnapped me in a camp and suddenly we got married...»
"You really don't remember me, do you, Raul?"
«No... But I feel super familiar...»
«Raul... At Arraial da Agrária you were really drunk and you came at me and I had a Triz to hit you with my head...»
«Aw!!! Now I understand why I'm kind of missing a piece of my head   like it's a puzzle piece...   I seem to have no blood on my head in this part of the puzzle ... My God!!! Excuse me!!! I do not remember anything..."
«Ya... But then I got a message on the Stilwell Network saying that if I touched you, the whole Trinity would fall on me... And I took 6 steps back...»
«The Stilwell?? My God!... It was the first name   that I wrote on my First List  Illumminnatti when I was 9 years old... Do you know why? Because I had my nickname engraved on a Rugby ball that came into my hands when I was living at Escola Agrária... I had the name engraved in my head and then at the age of 9 I wrote the name... After the nickname Stilwell I wrote the nickname Burnay, because my rugby ball was switched to another rugby ball signed  Burnay...   And I told my mother that someone had come in at our house because   rugby balls were different and my mother said I was making a mess and I surrendered to the rugby game mess... After the rugby ball disappeared that I had put it on top of my mother's Fados Cup, which my mother had won in the fados in Barreiro, and a soccer ball appeared signed with the name Canavarro...   On the same day that that Stilwell's Rugby ball came into my hands is when I was I'm with Stilwell   without ever having seen him... In the same dream I dreamed of Diogo and when I woke up Diogo appeared and I had never seen him except in the dream... We became friends and he offered gave me a puzzle as a gift... Life separated us and when my father was admitted to the hospital I took Tiago to the  esplanada of my landlords at the Escola Agrária and it was on the esplanade in that   first spoke to Tiago about the attic where I had been born and that after the attic I had gone to live behind the Agricultural School and that the landlords were the owners of the cafe where we were drinking coffee... I spoke about the puzzle that Diogo had given me, I had never spoken about Diogo to Tiago in no  sei how many years of friendship and brotherhood... It was right after, _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ where I said goodbye to Tiago and _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136ba d5cf58d_Diogo appeared... It was "magical"... Then I saw Diogo   working at the Bar do Saca Dados and then I saw Diogo for the last time in Campo da Feira also trying to go out with car... We were both in the car looking   for the exit...   It was a mess like a dead end... And I found the exit there and I said a big goodbye to Diogo and I saw Diogo   say a big, big goodbye to me... The following day my father came home and said that he had heard on the Seminary Esplanade that Diogo, who worked at Bar do Saca Dados, had killed himself because of  amor, because his girlfriend had broken up with him and my father said that while he was listening to Diogo's story it seemed that he was listening my story from Mata-Lobos in which Diogo could have been the one who killed me when Dmytro ended up with me, saying what my father that Diogo's story only lasted for 1 minute and that afterwards it had given way to a whole other Carrorrel and Rollercoaster of conversations... I tried to investigate Diogo's death...  Os  jornais de Santarém didn't know... I went to the police station and the GNR and they didn't know of any suicide either and when I went back to the bar to see if I saw Diogo, _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_Diogo was like a ghost, because at the bar they didn't even know who Diogo was and I don't know Diogo's last name, I grew up not knowing Diogo's last name... And that's how Diogo disappeared from history... He he offered me a Puzzle when I was 5, 6 years old... A friend of mine had gone on an Engagement Trip to New Zealand... I was afraid that his girlfriend would break up with him in New Zealand and he would kill himself in New Zealand Zealand..."
“And the Engagement is over?”
"He finished..."
"In New Zealand?"
«In New Zealand... I called Pure Intuition and my friend was crying on the other end of the line saying that he wanted to kill himself... But I managed to keep him connected on Line with Life until the Airport by promising him I'd be there when he landed... We went for a walk,   looked each other in the eye... We cried without speaking... Then we looked at the sea... I tried to show him the sea from different perspectives... To give you several perspectives... We left the beach laughing and ended up having a non-alcoholic beer... He didn't like non-alcoholic beer and I managed to get him to like it non-alcoholic beer... I took the cigarette out of his mouth and gave him a kiss! I don't know...   I didn't know what to do, so I gave him a kiss! We started to laugh. And I just told him that if he put the cigarette in his mouth again I'd give him another kiss and the guy stopped smoking and started  run... I don't like _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_run,  but I had to send the first few runs with him just to give him the taste of running for life... Now he doesn't stop running, he says it's "the best scene of life"... It's funny when we discover little flavors in life and turn life around..."
«When will Stilwell   make history again?»
«When I go to mass at 17, 18, 19, 20   or 21 years old I don't know and I see for the first time the Stilwell who had appeared in my dream of  5, 6 years later when I got the Rugby ball engraved with his name without even knowing it was his name... I fell in love with him when I saw him at Mass and went straight away to see who he was _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_that he was and I saw   that he was Stilwell and I thought the whole story was funny... He was under the Pyramid and the Eye on the ceiling of the Church... When I recently re-entered the Church to Back to   photographing the Pyramid and the Eye, I imagined myself again at Mass,   younger with a whole Lyceum full of cameras _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_pointing me under the Pyramid and the Eye and looking passionately at Stilwell... When I left the church, Canavarro passed   with the phone "filming me leaving the church" and I saw in that Secret Network all the possible nicknames, from the Stilwells, to Portugal and to Morais da Silva... That's when I went to "search " then the painting of the Porshe Tractor... Who was defending it at the Museu das Cervejas was Cidália Canavarro's son-in-law, Rita Canavarro's mother... daughter, with  a Alice who had the Alice in Wonderland book in her hands and who asked me if I had already read the book   and I said no and I remembered when in Mata-Lobos I opened the drawer and saw the book that Dmytro   had brought without   I saw the Cat's Mouth Sewn on the Cover , opening a page by chance and   having read that when the Queen had heads cut off  that the heads had not been cut off despite  the Queen  thinking that the heads had been cut off that very day   5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Dmytro brings the book by  Mental State Examination Psychiatry and I accidentally open it precisely on   page where he spoke of Alice's book in Wonderland... It had been the day before that I had had the interview with the Social Worker because of Case nº66 of the Internment in the Psychiatric Service of my mother that was opened in the Virtual Court of Jupiter... We spoke in the Interview of the my relationship with  a Catarina, Cidália's niece, Cidália spoke about her daughter and her grandchildren... Catherine, looking at me in a Half-distant Look at Things... Then I passed by  Catarina's brother and then by Catarina's father and that's when I got to the painting and Tiago was there "defending" the painting. .. I knew I would see Catarina when I saw her, before all this, because I dreamed about her...»
«Commands,  commands, commands, commands...»
«Yes, of course... No   it's hard to see the thought appearing in a chipped mind of "go get   the board" and make the Program to _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_measurement, placing and sending the Parts as Cards on the Board of Life... It's easy... When I saw the tractor picture,   after having seen the tractor and having heard the story of the tractor it was clear that I knew that I would have to include the painting in my Work because of the Internet of Things... But when I saw the painting I didn't photograph it, because it was in a social context at night. .. I just knew that I would have to go back to the "Crime Scene" to go "get" the painting... It's also easy for me to see my hacked phone that when I record or take a picture or write _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_an Offline message that as soon as I connect Online that my recordings and photographs and messages _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_are seen and heard by an entire Society of Flies from Network #6, Network #66 and   from Network #666 and by an entire Other Society of Bees from Network #9, Network n99 , from Rede nº999 and Rede nº9999... I know that Sérgio didn't give me his mother's number and  a "password"   by chance or " just by chance" in the spas...»
«Who is Sergio?»
«Cidália's son... Rita's brother... He was the one who appeared to film me when I left the church... It was he   who passed the ball to Burnay and Burnay in the dream passed to Stilwell and Stilwell passed me and I don't know how I scored a point... I scored a point on the bench... Suddenly the field became   a bench. And because I scored a point, my debt disappeared... I had a debt in the bank, Joa... And my debt disappeared...»
22:53 02/16/2023 Raul Catulo Morais

09:00 02/18/2023
{I'm Giralda...?}
{Celia??? Why are you calling me from a private number??}
{I told you that you were going to have problems with Júnior... I told you... When I told you that Júnior was here at my house to live for a semester to finish the fucking Law course and I had to for the fucking Jehovah's Witnesses Bible Study to delay his Program and put him to do the Bible Study with António that I already knew that António was gay and that they were going to have an affair to delay the Program even more do  Júnior and I told you if you remember correctly that Junior didn't like cats because I had a cat in the house and he had opened the door ON PURPOSE for the cat to run away and then die, you know What did they   do, make one of the Angels walk past a bunch of cats   filming the Angel with the camera _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_pointing to Junior said "you don't like cats, you don't care about animals... You are a fa rsa" and do you know what Junior replied? That he slept with a great wild beast and among wild beasts and that he adored his wild beasts, but that he did not like all wild beasts or that he did not greet all wild beasts because wild beasts had their own personality and that therefore he did not _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_he said hello to all the cats like he didn't say hello to all the people and then you know what they did to Junior? The bees put Júnior in the middle of 6 animals in which Júnior was the animal's favorite and they filmed it for the whole Network to see how after all he liked cats that were good... That's why I told you that you were going to have problems with Junior! You're going to have big problems,  Giralda! Get ready... He's a chameleon... I told you! He saw you since you were a big snake that you are! He accepted you...  No  Have you abandoned your son? Things turn around! Suddenly everything turns around... Junior for me is like a son! I only took him   to the Congress because I just wanted to see his Heart... I know perfectly well what the Congress is... But I wanted him to see it with his eyes... Listen there... I'm his Mother!!!! You do not know???? I'm his mother!!!! Me, Vítor and Nanda are  dele's parents!!!! We exchanged children at the Maternidade Alfredo da Costa... He wasn't born at the District Hospital of Santarém... That's why he has two Birth Certificates... But there are more Certificates... In another story I was Surrogacy Belly I'm Sónia in the space soap opera... I'm the Criminal Law teacher... Giralda... You're under arrest in the name of the law because of the story you made up about the Jewels... You messed with her Beast...   Junior is the Great Beast... It is that Beast of Satan able   to slay the Beast of Belial... Giralda... You and Raul has 6 pistols pointed at his head!!! Are you listening, Giralda??? 6!!! 6!!!!! 6!!!!! Muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah» 09h15 02/18/2023

09:53 02/18/2023
I remember   when I was at the Round Table at Tasca and Carlota showed me   the prints of the conversations between the Knights who said that they wanted dick, that they wanted milk, that they wanted suck, who wanted to fuck 3, who wanted to fuck 4, who wanted to be fucked, who wanted to be fucked... They were "important" Knights of Parliament,   they were football players, they were rugby players, they were "catholic", they were drop dead gorgeous,   were "my algorithms", they were the big brothers "of my algorithms", they were _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_younger brothers  "of my algorithms", they were "homophobic", they were Nazis, they were racist,  were nationalists, they were monarchists... I went later when I went to Lupy's house and Lupy dressed me  a shirt c With the Monarchical Crown sewn in a House of Pitchforks and Knights who silently fought for the Races Without Blood... I had just entered the Faculty of Law at the Catholic University of Portugal and then I saw how Carlota was a friend of all of them, she knew everything about them , was a friend of the sisters of all the knights and all the pitchforks... Then they appeared as "algorithms" on my Grindr... Manel Toiros from Liceu appeared and "suddenly" they all appeared... A Team appeared de Horseball,  apareceu uma  equipa  de futebol internacional e foi assim que na Roda  da Vida eu I went around and saw with my own eyes what Freemasonry was like.

I lied   to Sara. Lied 6 times. I was a tenant in Sara's house. A beautiful view facing the sea. All I had to do was open the blinds and I had a whole Sea to feed me. I ate from the sea. But I wanted someone to see the sea with me. I wasted time... It's true...  I wasted time "looking" for Love... I wasted time on Grindr... But  I was always deceived. I just wanted to find someone and stay with the first one forever... But then they left me   and there I was   went back to shitty Grindr and went always _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_rondondo... I turned on Grindr and a drop-dead gorgeous surfer appeared who was going to catch the waves I was watching from above... Sara and Catarina  were in college and of course I said I had a place... I had my room... I broke the rules of the Landlady who implemented a Regulation against the Law... In the rules of the Landlady I could not take anyone there without authorization,  because it was a family building... And Sara's parents would always know... But how could Sara's parents know, if the neighbors weren't even at the window like me and _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_if the front neighbor was out? Afterwards, Alex, a doctor from the Opus Dei Wing of one of my professors of Civil Law... Then a Ribeirinho from the Opus Dei Wing of another Constitutional Law professor of mine appeared... And that's how they started to appear... It was later Jorge who told me that the surfer I had fucked when he had  quebrado as Senhoria's rules was from the same Ward as Nuno, who was the son of the administrator of Caixa Geral and that in the Wards game me having "eaten" the surfer it was as if I had eaten the administrator's son... But of course it was one of those conversations in which we feel a Great Lens on but in which the second after the conversation the Great Lens turns off and it was when I felt my spirit entering all the lenses and traveling in a Mysterious Network of Flies and Bees, of Algorithms and Hackers. I thought maybe they always knew and had always seen me in bed with them even though they said what the fuckin bible said it was a sin for two men in bed and I thought if they were just waiting for me to tell them about _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_my Truth... But I respected the "Biblical Truth" of the Church they showed me they belonged to and that's why I hid my romances from them and that's why I broke the Lordship's rules, because I knew it could break. At the end of all that was broken was a friendship. It was a Circle of Friendships,  listened to, friendships thrown away, friendships that went to the Trash. It feels good to throw a friendship into the Trash! How good it feels to throw a love into a coffin! Opus Dei loves coffins... Well, I ordered a big coffin from Opus Dei! :) 10:40 am 02/18/2023 Raul Catulo Morais 

I remember how the Doctor from the Church of Satan wanted us to go to the Amusement Park with our phones hanging on our chests... I was furious because I saw a doctor who wanted to kill our hearts,  uma  medical-robot who wanted to go to Cardiology just to be able to touch our black hearts that technology had changed the red color of  our hearts. It was a Psychiatrist who fought right in front of me in 2 seconds against the Cardiologist. Then a neurologist arrived who defended the cardiologist and another neurologist arrived who defended the psychiatry doctor and therefore defended our hearts. Doctors are not all the same, because they defend different churches. There is a Church of Satan in the Medical Association as there is a Church of Satan in the Psychological Association as there is a Church of Satan in the Law Society. There is   a Church of Satan that has to be closed, because it loves death, sacrifices, macabre rituals because they are really macabre, they are psychopaths and sociopaths. I lay down with them. I lay down with them all. And I wasn't a whore! I slept with them without being a whore! Bitch are all of them! Fucking hell! 10:47 am 02/18/2023

§ Hi Raul...
§ Hello...
§ Listen, New Bees are going to enter the Hive and New Ants are going to enter the Anthill. You will see a Secret Silent War Illumminnatti inside your own anthill, inside the Hive you created. You can't do anything. You will only see the Vuns and hear only the Secret Entry and Exit Movements in which you will see privilegedly sitting on your Pair's lap leaning over the Table of Cards. You will see the analogy in the Card Game. Thou shalt not interfere. There are Black Angels who would have to enter by Force of the Order to give you Strength, but who will have to leave. You have to trust. You cannot interfere. Simply watch. You can simply watch. The Hive is Democratic. The Ring is Democratic. We don't want any more Blood. But whoever sheds Blood will see his Blood spilled. Blood for Blood, Life for Life. Which lap do you want to sit on?
§ On Sebastião's lap.
§ Good choice.
§ Sebastião or Bravo?
§ Sebastian.
§ Sebastian or Harry Styles?
§ Sebastião, obviously.
§ Was he your Algorithm?
§ Yes, he was...   He has Dmytro's face... He has the  Facial Expression and Dmytro's Eyebrows...
§ And has the same Soul as yours...
§ Is he Neptune??? It's just that I married the god Neptune with a blindfold on my eyes. I don't know what kind of god I married. All I know is that I married Neptune. But I don't know who Neptune is! It's him? Is he Neptune? If so,  Joa, please take me on his lap.   Please,   give me your hands to go up to him, because I didn't go up alone.
§ But you have to climb alone.
§ But I don't want to go up alone.
§ You have to climb alone!
§ I don't have to climb alone! Cum! After all, who makes the fucking rules??? 

6:31 pm 2/18/2023 "We Writers Are Dangerous!"
We writers are a danger because we are great indicators of the Medium. If we are happy, happiness will appear in our  writing. Writing is code. The most sophisticated code ever. Who taught us to write were the ants, but who taught the ants to write were the bees. My ears when I write this. I have the muscle in the ears. The alien sensory muscle of Intuition. We cannot often reveal our Intuition by voice... So we reveal it through Writing. Our Writing is silent, but it is precious. It is a good indicator of stress. If we are under stress  stress will appear in our writing. Through a Program of Algorithms able to read and accurately interpret our Sentences they,  the algorithms, will one day be able to calculate the Stress Level of our Writing. That's why it's dangerous to marry a Writer. Either the Writer is happy and the marriage is  normal and peaceful, functional marriage or the abnormality, imbalance and dysfunctionality will appear somewhere in the writer's writing even after widowhood or divorce.   We writers, Good-Masons, Anti-Masons only kill our husbands in Self Defense. If we vomit on someone our Vomit is  a  Code. We writers,   are a  Danger! 18:39 02/18/2023 Raul Catulo Morais

Picasso's Birthdays 6:44 pm 02/18/2023
I didn't know what to buy. First I took the stone earrings, then the rings with semi-precious stones and then a necklace with semi-precious stones and a precious stone... A green stone. A stone that had appeared in  my dream and that had come from Neptune.   A stone that supposedly originated from Neptune... The semi-precious stones supposedly originated from Mars,   from the Moon and Saturn... I was undecided. .. I didn't really know what to buy Joana... The earrings cost 6.99 ,   the rings 9.66   and the necklace cost _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_12.99... One of the ladies in the store said that the earrings would be a good choice... The other lady who had sold me the gloves that I had bought as a present for Teresa, said that the rings would be good one... Bia appeared with the phone in her hand calmly... Although in a quiet movie and on a quiet network I managed to see Joana and all the Joanas and all the Marianas and all the _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_Dmytros and all Saras and all Dannas and all  Tiagos, without leaving from Realidade,  despite the invisible film always being part of Realidade, he immediately told Bia that he had   a birthday and that he was trying to choose a gift for a friend, but who didn't know what  take... Bia immediately said that she could only wear earrings that were made of silver or gold because otherwise she would be allergic to pollen, despite loving bees. .. I remembered that it was the same allergy as Joana and the same allergy as Mariana... That they were all allergic to pollen, but that they all loved  Zangões and the other Young Queens, but not all the Young Queens... I learned that in a Visible Network, despite Bia and Mariana not being Joana and Mariana's friends, that didn't mean that in an Invisible Network, for example Angels, they couldn't be connected and That's why Joana  saber q ue I was in the shop in "difficulty" looking   for   which would be the prettiest stone to take her... House of Braamcamp Freire after the History of the Golf Shoes that ended the Party and that History had traveled through all the high schools in a Secret Network of Bees that ended up being "pirated" by another Secret Network of Super-Technological Flies.. We are in the era of the Internet of Things in which a single Internet is capable of connecting all networks,  all things,  all frames, all movies, _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_all the pieces and show us a Puzzle of a Life linked to other 66 lives or  to other  666 lives or to other 99 lives or the other 999 lives... Anyway... It depends on each one's Perspective on and Life is about Lives in the so-called "Game" of Life that an Internet decided to connect and put all the lives to play with each other... The lady with the earrings soon came to defend the earrings, saying that the earrings had a protection any that even for those who had these "chic" allergies of "chic people" "armed in thin blue blood that was red like everyone else's" and who said that they could only wear gold earrings or silver earrings in a "big lie of allergy" and that her husband was an Immunoalergologist and therefore she knew very well what she was talking about... Bia immediately raised her hands pointing to the  camcorders and I also raised my hands in a big laugh and a policeman appeared who said "hands up or shooting"... It was Afonso Côrte-Real... The lady of the rings took advantage of the scene to say that her husband was also a policeman, ordering the policeman to lower his gun invisible... I kissed Afonso Côrte-Real almost on the lips, giving congratulated him on having been placed at the Santarém Police Station,   saying that he knew that he had been placed at   in front of the 33 and that he had _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_seen on camera no. 6 the show he had given to Macacos do Supermercado in which he also played the role of monkey in Gratificado when he took the thief's hat, took it off in front of everyone like a monkey and then put it back on hats off to the thief   giving the best spectacle of the Macacos,   both at the Macacos Supermarket and at the Macacos Police Station... my dick right next to his at a party of our own,   in a secret of our own... He asked me who the Necklace was for... And I said it was for Joana,   that he didn't know , who was a friend of mine... He asked for the last name and of course I had to say the last name... When I said the last name in the lodge, they started to do the Masonic steps and the lady of the lodge said that maybe it would be better take the necklace, because in fact, because of her last name, my friend was capable of being allergic to both earrings and rings if they weren't really made of gold or silver, saying that she was disclosing Confidential Information because of her Husband that he was an Immunoalergologist and that because of Data Protection he could still be arrested... But Afonso shook his head in a silent theater saying that "it wouldn't be that way" that "we would get into the story"... I thanked the " Anjos Caídos do Céu" who helped me choose the best present... I gave a 20 note and received €6.6 in change... As I left the shop, after saying goodbye, one of the pupils from Ilha dos Piratas entered, whom a father had sat him on my lap when I was lifeguarding at the Watch Post... The pupil turned to the other side. Another pupil who had entered one of the scenes of the changing rooms of the Municipal Swimming Pools where I was calmly taking my hot shower, while he hacked my brain chip that I had kept in the closed Pen in Locker nº55, but that he had a copy from the locker key nº55, nº33 and nº66. That's why he later entered the shower scene, invoking one of my phrases that I hadn't published yet, and that's why immediately after another pupil appeared saying another phrase that I hadn't even saved on the pen but that I had written Online realizing immediately that he had hacked my Wi-Fi and that he read it in Real Time... I remembered this Internet always that I always wanted to connect my Brain to a Network, I always wanted to hang up   because I like to walk in Reality always abstracting   from the Net as if there were no Net connected... The oldest student who entered in the store with the pupil he asked the pupil when did "he" receive change and the pupil said that "he" had received €6.6 looking at the phone... I remembered that it had been the oldest pupil who was going with the student's brother on the street when I left Social Security and when I had just done the calculations for my  desemprego subsidy and since I was going to receive €66 a week and right after that the pupil's brother said to the other "he will receive €66 a week "...  I did the calculation on the Offline phone's Calculator... But maybe   had been answered by the mother of _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_one of the pupils in Security  Social or maybe you had just shared my allowance on the Net... I remembered that it had been the same lady who  "me sent it back" when I went to Social Security with the forms to be an Informal Caregiver for my parents because of the conversation my father had with my family in which he told me to take a closer look at the Regime, because it is not _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_aplicava in my Case of Life... I also remembered However, when I arrived from Ilha dos Piratas and my father immediately put me in front of a Social Security Regime that I saw did not apply to my Life Case or the Hypothetical Life Case that my father was in a Matrix _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ trying to put my life in a   Game of Life or Death where I saw the Requirement was "66 years and 6 months", remembering later at the Center de Saúde during Case nº66 of the Virtual Court I went looking for the Regime and on that same day the Regime was changed to "66 years and 5 months"... It is therefore not difficult for me to see that the _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_my "friends"  bloodsuckers and vampires turn away from me when they see that my Bank Account is at zero and then approach me when they see bank transfers to my Bank Account ... The same with my Mailbox... If I get a response from Mercedes saying that If you are not interested in funding The Algorithm of Love because of page #66 where I wrote against Mercedes Artificial Intelligence, my friends  algorithmos stay out of my Anthill, simply showing up at the door to Disturbing me by Order of the Masonic Network on a connected  Network just to interfere with my Peace, with my Tranquility, with my Lucidity... But if Bentley appears to want to edit Mercedes' name and covering the upholstery in Vegetal Leather,   I already know that the ants   read the email and that's why they _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58.d_ appear: the damned ones... I don't step on them... I "understand" them... I pick up some, I pick up my smart ones... But I don't pick up on all of them... And when I see them, I don't step on them... It is by being connected and invisibly connected to the Bee Network that I protect the ants, the Despite understanding that in the Hierarchy of Species there is an Order that sees the Law of Bees constitutionally enshrined, but does not see the Law of Ants enshrined, despite the fact that Natural Law dictates that we respect the lives of ants, despite knowing that if they were bigger than us or their size increases that we could be a Prey in their Pincers... Only an Intelligent Brain capable of mentally connecting to an ant without losing the Reality Film is capable of, through Telekinesis, ordering Unblocking the Pincers of the Ant and Command an entire Anthill backwards to simply   the ants move away. We are seen by the Bees. They too, like Humans, have Photographic Memory. They don't forget a Head and protect Heads that are protected  on  Rede. Just do an  Analogy with the Life of Bees and the Life of Ants to understand our Analogical Life... 20h20 02/18/2023
I left the Scene calm as always in all the "Funny" Scenes of Analog Life... When I went down the escalators looking at the brand of the escalators and knowing that it was the same brand of the elevator that had taken me to the Secret World of Ants in the Floor -6, I found Vasco, remembering that at Dinner in Coruche an Internet had been connected right in the open air right above the Plano de Estrelas with the Spaceships that only Mariana had seen with me "disappearing" in a big " sprint" through the Clouds... I saw the Net on because of the Tattoo Artist from Auswitch... I saw the Net because of the Stains on the Tablecloth and the Mysterious Extension that I saw afterwards at the Hotel Corinhtia and on the Tablecloth that was spread with the same Knots for the Folklore Ranch. So I saw an Immense Network in an Intense Internet of Things wanting to connect all things and conversations and I thought it was disastrous at the time, but everything went well... No "Short Circuit" happened... It was "Lucky".. There is a Time to accept the Truth, to accept a Network of Neurons and Algorithms installed in our Brain like a Beehive with immense Anthills that access us at different Levels of Technology... There is a time to accept... There is a _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Important process to do... There is a whole Reflection that must be Respected... There is a Strange Natural Order of Things that is experienced and projected in the Brain itself. Our brains are different. It is not in a random brain that a whole Network decides to install itself... It has to be a chosen Brain, a brain that the Network knows can be installed without damaging the Brain... There is a whole Network _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_first who inspects the Brain, tests it, puts on some Learning Games and at the same time learns with the Brain in a True Human Experience in Real Time that evolves the Brain itself that was chosen for the Life Extension Experience Human.   The truth is this:   is that all of us are in an Extension of Human Life, because we were no longer meant to be alive, but thanks to Medicine and Technology we stayed in Life, accepting Life... After greeting Vasco and remembering the Political Trip I had with him on the way, about the Airport Construction Study that had been carried out by a Fantasy Company, about Funds of the European Union for Artistic Production that had already expired and on the Salaries of Ministers and Deputies and on the Lifetime Salary of the Prime Minister and the President of the Republic, I remembered when we stopped halfway to have a coffee in a cafe that had the giraffes "stolen" from Aunt Célia that Aunt Célia had called me in a story that her giraffes had disappeared after I visited her   asking me if by any chance I hadn't put them "by mistake" the giraffes in my backpack, telling a story that once my mother had taken a giraffe of hers and that because I was a son that I could also "by mistake" have done the same thing in an "automatic command of genes" ... I remembered   the Credit Card story when I had gone to visit Aunt Célia for lunch and Aunt Célia had given me her Credit Card to go buy chickens and that on the day then he called me to say that he had tried to withdraw the money that was on the Credit Card and that the message had appeared that there was no money on the Credit Card saying right away on the phone that "he was not accusing me of anything" and I immediately I replied so that my aunt could please take out the Account Transactions slip to see that after I had paid for the chickens there had been no more Transactions, as was logical, on my part asking her to confirm, _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_saying her that he had already confirmed and that,   in fact,   was strange, and that he had gone to the Odivelas Police Station to deliver the story that money had disappeared from the Credit Card after she had lent her nephew her Credit Card to buy chickens,   having delivered her nephew's name to the police station... I remembered how in the History of Jewels _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_da Aunt Giralda in which Aunt Giralda showed me the picture of the slaves on the Internet in the Radiology Service, I later saw the Slaves in the Open Safe of the Best Room where I stayed with Dmytro in Fatima at Sofia's house as I saw the DNA of my hair , my chicks and my sperm left   on the sheets on the Lamela da Rede do Laboratório dos Médicos, remembering how from Sofia's house we went to cousin Mauro's house and they asked Dmytro if Dmytro it was the u not very friendly with Sofia, Dmytro saying in a Not very Liar that they were just "colleagues" from college, remembering Dmytro's comment when we left about the sinister "kind of evil" laugh of aunt Nanda who had accompanied us to the car at the farewell saying that "auntie is always with you",   in the story of Aunt Giralda's jewels, reminding me that I had seen Sofia's brother on Grindr and that Sofia's brother had shown me a part of his book that he was writing on Email Online that was like a piece ripped out of my brain with the story of a Chip,   saying that he knew his movie-book was coming out in a publishing house in Portugal   and it was going to premiere in a  Cinema room in the  United States, because his father had "contacts"... I thought maybe in this chip thing I could show up er my hacked story of the jewels and for that reason I registered in a "Stress of an Algorithms Race" the story of my life,  the story that was mine,  remembering-   that when I told my friends that I had written in Real Time parts of Aunt Giralda's dialogues when she had shown up at the house like a fool saying that she "felt" that things had been messed up, because while he was at the Masonic Theater connected to the Masonic Network,   I was recording the Masonic Theater making it legal in Legitimate Defense, remembering the faces of my friends looking at each other like if only they knew silently about the Crime in a Mafia Complicity that I could not imagine within my own group of friends that I eat after all Target - The Digital Footprint of Ralf Kleba-Kodak was no fantasy, but a _cc781905-5cd e-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_possible reality... I remembered that Teresa and Mariana appeared,   were closer to me, when my group moved away, when I started calling _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_the things... When I started talking about the Net of the Flies and the Net of the Ants,  the Flies and the Ants simply silently left the Scene and the bees appeared.. The bees that were invisibly distant,   simply approached with a Great Gaze in which very immediately,   telekinetically, we managed to pass the privileged and secret information of the secret game by fitting all the Pieces of the Puzzle of Life... I saw an entire tingling that I had inside my Stomach coming out... I saw ants coming out of my mouth. I saw ants come out of my brain to make way for other Smarter Ants and to   make way for Bees that simply "entered" my Neuronal Network in Invisibility to Strengthen the Connections of Neurons and make me Think Better,   connecting me even more to life,  restructuring my whole way of Thinking about Life and going back to see how it had been always all my life.   And in a Going Back "Another Time" I saw those "little  links" important to connect "that" movie of life, _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_"the one" film of life that appears in a Logical Sequence of Painted Pictures  e of Unpainted Pictures in which we begin to pay attention to the brand of paints and small _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_Details that had escaped us... It's as if   were suddenly able to look at a painting and see fine lines that we didn't see,   but that we saw them in the Ants, in the Bees and in the Stars... It's as if we were able to "suddenly" turn our eye to Focus only on the Pictures and then focus it only on the Path... bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
On the Way I came to think about how   had spent those 12.99 €   and that despite needing new sneakers, because I only wear one shoe, which I preferred spend those 12.99€ rather than 15€ or 20€ on new sneakers,  waiting a bit longer, because it is more important to buy the gift for Joana... A trip that costs me dearly , because of the Round Trip Ticket plus the Round Ticket  and Return  Bus  Train_Station  Joana's house on a trip that could cost me €20, knowing that I would need those €20 to take the Administrative Law Examination in Lisbon,  but doing the math and sacrificing anything to be able to go to Joana and Ex's Birthday ame of Administrative Law. The  Caminho felt like every day feels good to me. I remembered how important it had also been for me to offer the gift to Teresa on her Birthday when I knew that Teresa had invited the closest people knowing the Important Meaning of that invitation,   at a time when the my father had given me the Bank Card and had told me that I could not make extra expenses other than the Essential ones,   knowing that my father had seen in Real Time my purchase of gloves for Teresa being able to then block the Card when I went to pay for dinner, immediately telling Teresa jokingly not to worry if it didn't say "Unauthorized" because her friend already had the money there ready to pay for my dinner in case "it did" the crooked one"... But it didn't work out and when I got home I saw a  "illumminnatti" sign from my father, the same one Teresa had done to me, _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_knowing that my father had agreed to buy Teresa's present and to go to Teresa's birthday dinner, knowing that it would be severe if I went to another birthday, blocking everything again,  blocking another I've played all my life as if my life were just a "game" of illlumminnattis infiltrated in an Illuminati Network and not Illumminnatti. 22:22 02/18/2023
Raul Catulo MoraisWith All Reserved RightsEnding The Historie and Storie of Illumminnatti Games 

3:05 pm The Matrix and the Interception of Strange Things and Strange Dreams -  Chip

Cousin Bruna's visit was one of the most important I've had. It was also the foreign visit that my mother had after her hospitalization.  Cousin Bruna unblocked me in the story, when she authorized me to write about  her story, even leaving a record, a proof with me. They are important "fire" trials in a world that is made and built on rights  and proof.  Without proof, we lose the  law of things and the law of stories. Sometimes a visit gives us immense strength. Above all, foreign visits from foreign eyes  who lend us their eyes and when we place our eyes on a  our landscape with borrowed foreign eyes,_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ it seems that  confirm what we had already seen all along. It's a force. It is an important confirmation. It was at dinner with her cousin that Bruna unlocked a memory that I had blocked. A memory that was a kind of window,   that lived locked in an "invisible matrix"... In episodes that all  belonged to a "matrix".. It was an important memory... After dinner with my cousin, I went alone with cousin Bruna to Castelo... On the way there,  cousin Bruna told me a story of hers that I already knew from  Matilde Pó told me at the Driving School when I was getting my license.  At the time I heard the story and remained silent. It was many years ago. Suddenly Matilde appeared at the end of the class and asked me my last name and by the last name she asked me if I was Bruna's cousin... Then she asked me if we were very close and, although I love Cousin Bruna, I don't she said and said that we only saw each other on Christmas and not every Christmas and that our family was very big... And then Matilde began to tell Bruna's whole story. I saved the story,  like I saved 666,000 stories. After "10 years" I'm listening to Cousin Bruna's story by  Cousin's mouth  Bruna,  a story that the Algorithms already know,  a story that even Facebook already knows and that an entire Information Society already  knows... It seems  that I stayed in history with the only role of Registering or Protecting Cousin Bruna's Story as Data Protection, because in order to register "we have to write it"... But, after listening to the story, in the end I realize that I was not just a Data_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Protection, but that I really entered  into the story,  as if an Invisible Hand had heard the story and created an invisible film_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ where are we going to fi being "trapped" in history, in which we are "Obliged" to write history in order to get out of the movie that the Invisible Hand has put us in... Have we entered a Black Hole? Have we entered or are we in a Metaverse? Could it be that the Invisible Hand installed an Augmented Reality in one of the pages of 2080 by Antoine Canary-Wharf creating a "Portal" and are we in a "Portal" or in a Matrix of a Film? Could it be that we fell asleep in the House of Good Psychology and did Good Psychology put some Augmented Virtual Reality glasses  on us and we have to write the story so that Criminal Law can reach us and take our Glasses and save us from the story in the  film?... Or is it simply that when cousin Bruna told the story she was connected to the Internet and the Algorithms listening to the story in a Magic of Algorithms ordered the film? Was it the algorithms that ordered Hole no  Tire? Because suddenly a puncture appeared in the tire... There were even two punctures... One in Leo's bicycle tire and another puncture in my car's tire...

When in the story Cousin Bruna told that when she needed it most that our uncles did not open the doors, knowing that these same uncles me  had said that I would have the doors open, but later telling my father that the doors that I had open from my uncles were "fake exhaust pipes" like Mercedes exhaust pipes (just like Dmytro's slogan) and what I was supposed to do was life as an adult no matter where I went, I knew that when Cousin Bruna spoke about Nelson that when I got home and turned on Grindr Nelson would show up whether it was really Nelson or a Fake Profile of Nelson.  We then entered the Castle with the story from Renato... That cousin Renato who was a true Artist and a Philosopher had developed Schizophrenia when his girlfriend dumped him... When I heard the story it was as if I were a brother of Renato and Bruna and not_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ um_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ cousin and see the Mirror of Renato in me... The story of Mata-Lobos that didn't kill me could have killed me and could have driven me crazy with the pieces of the puzzle loose from the Island of the Pirates and back stories... Except that my Brain Chip must have prevented something in my genes,  leaving me with my crazy schizophrenic movie being able to reproduce a series of movies of myself, equating the multiple possible realities, staying with the story and like all the films in my hand in my complete sanity, simply looking at the films and seeing them as films and as life arguments that others had and that many will have. The truth is that I "fooled" the program and algorithms by saying that I would be able to kill myself for love,  when in fact I would be incapable of ending my life because of someone else._cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ And really, just pack your bags and go. It is not difficult to start all over again and even if it is difficult to start over in a city,  because a whole city has the story of our life in its hands and plays it with us and with our minds, making our life difficult, for example, to find a job or a decent job, knowing how our life is, just take a train, a bus or a plane and change cities. And I believe this more and more. That in an Emergency Call we just need to catch "a plane" to leave our reality, the  network to which we are "stuck", to another reality. It's not running away from problems. That's not what it's about.  But for example, if I live in a city of bulls and I don't feel like fighting the bulls every time I leave the house because I spend a lot of energy, I can moving to a city where I don't have to fight bulls every time I leave the house. Or I can go around the world or I can volunteer or I can simply open a Word page and start writing the whole story. Life is not difficult. Is easy. Others complicate our lives. And it's simply not letting anyone be able to take our lives, let no one be able to leave us in our tracks. We can cry and cry and cry. Crying is part of Mourning,  of Loss... And we can spend a year crying hidden in the middle of the Forest,  seeing the Stars, seeing the Sea... But then it will taste very good to us. Very well indeed and that's why I say that whenever it's always worth staying in life, even if the person we love the most suddenly gives up on us, wants to leave, makes a thousand excuses... It doesn't matter... we all really loved. We've all experienced true love. We've all been there. All. That's why we all know what it's like to love someone. And when we lose that someone and we decide to stay in life, of course, and start a whole new life  the truth is that we become testimonies and important living stories to also keep others in life. At the end of the day, we do the math and we are happy that the person we loved the most and to whom we gave all of our Being,  Heart and Spirit is gone, because that made us very strong , in a Force  that we discovered we had in us and that we didn't know we had...  A kind of "Magic Force"... A kind of a "Supernatural Force"... And "we", don't even believe in supernatural forces, of course... It's all physical, it's all chemical and it's all technological. We know why the "Magic Force" is Technological and has to do with our own Natural Chip. We know that we are born with different chips and that is why, in the midst of the Scratched Cassettes and Horror Films of the "Matrix", of "Strange Things" and "Dark Things" we show our Chip to others,_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ so that others endure the film as we endured...

I said goodbye to Cousin Bruna and Cousin Bruna continued her journey... 

I turned on Grindr and o  Nelson appeared. I immediately took Nelson's body and Nelson's dick on the screen as if I were taking his dick in the face. I first showed my face photos without knowing who was behind and Nelson later sent his body and his dick in which I could see his feet in one of the photos... I remembered that they were the feet I had drawn when I was little and I saw him at Coca's wedding when he was Cousin Bruna's boyfriend... I had a soft spot for him at the silent wedding, I was 16 or 15 and he was about 20 and something close to 30, I think I...  And I drew his feet in my mind... I asked for a photo with a face guessing that it would be him and he asked me if I wasn't Bruna's cousin and I didn't see him I answered more.

I dreamed of New Disney in which I had turned into a Witchcraft and that Farinha and Carlos had sent Hugo to slash my bicycle tires... Bruno Cigano and Sónia called me to ask if I could take them them to the hospital for Bruno to visit  a friend of his at the hospital. On the way I saw Carlos that I hadn't seen since high school. But I didn't quite understand if it was really Carlos or if Freemasonry had not been able to contact Carlos and so they had to put someone similar to Carlos in the way. As I write this, I remember that an uncle called me by mistake today who, during the Masonic Theater at the Hospital do Tumor Maligno of my father, was "placed" right behind my car and that I had to look at him in the rearview mirror while dialing the aunt's number, registering the Piece of the Puzzle in the Diary Book of a Masonic Love in a Freemasonry of the Devils and sending the Piece to the Masonic Criminal Law. I stayed in the cafe with Sónia trying to get my mother out of the Dark Eyes movie by calling the Dark Eyes store and finding out about my store consultation after having investigated the technology that Dark Eyes used just to do an Optometry consultation ... We then went to pick up Bruno right in front of the hospital who was having a good time smoking a cigarette with his friend who was hospitalized in psychiatry right in front of the security guard who pointed the phone cameras at me and I thought that film surreal and honked for Bruno to hurry in because I was creating a Cinema Queue behind me in front of the door of the Hospital Emergency Room... Well,  someone who is_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ admitted to the psychiatry service at the hospital doesn't go outside to smoke a cigarette... Or does he? I don't even know anymore... I don't even know if the story that Bruno told later that his friend had already escaped from hospital was true or not,  but I wasn't surprised but I was just I wanted to laugh while I was watching the film's script... Then I opened my News Feed and the news immediately appeared that a patient had escaped from a  psychiatry internment service... I I know the technology and I know the algorithms. I knew that such a real-life movie would only be possible if I had the Internet turned on and the algorithms on my phone were listening to the conversation and then fetching news similar to the conversation I had heard from Bruno... But I'm always on the go with the internet off... This is the fucking movie... "How is that possible?..." I know how that's possible and I know how the possible answer is an "Algorithm Silent Horror Movie" who fight, play and play with our minds and put us to the test and constantly test us within the reality of the Internet of Things, even when it is turned off...

The next day, the flat tire of the car appears. I call a garage and call the tow truck and another trailer appears before my tow truck... It was the Serra do Dmytro tow truck who asks me if I want to be "towed" by them and I say no that my tow truck is already I was on my way and the guy "just like" Nikita gets out of the trailer and starts  inspecting my tire and says he could give me a hand if I wanted or that he could "tow" me to to the workshop telling me not to be afraid that he wasn't going to "kidnap" me and it's when my trailer arrives that he starts honking in front of the other trailer for the trailer to leave the scene and I see "Nikita" leave the scene and the driving down my street with the PIXAR van,  again, and I remember that the Serra do Dmytro tow truck had been one of the first companies I had emailed to ask for a sponsorship...  I stay there with the mechanic watching him remove the tire and then I go with him to the of He goes to the garage to go get a new tire, because the mechanic says there's nothing else to do and then Farinha enters the workshop, knowing that the next day Hugo will show up to do the Sequence of the Illumminnatti Games Card Suit. After seeing Farinha in the workshop who only appeared laughing to count the flat tires of the day, also making me count and see the economy of tires and think about the tire market and think about how tires were made and see how important tires were tires and how it was therefore an economy that, despite polluting, was important and, for now, irreplaceable and which therefore forced other economies to be more sustainable and more ecological to compensate for the economy of tires that had no other form than that of course, thinking it was, for example, the best use that we could  make of the piles of flat tires to make new materials, after seeing all this I looked at a sign and saw Matilde Pó's nickname on a sign lawyers.

The following day, in the first Supermarket, I saw the mechanic and then Matilde Pó. In the second supermarket I saw Hugo and logo  followed by Nelson. I haven't seen Hugo since Finance when I had to go to pick up an Invoice because of the Jupiter Account Closure, haven't seen him for ages... 5:02 pm

Then I dreamed again of the Interception of the History of Tires... In which when Nikita had got off the trailer, Leo had appeared with the bicycle in his hand with a flat tire and that "Nikita" had immediately gotten into trouble. conversation with Leo about the flat tire and I introduced Nikita to Leo as my neighbor and Nikita immediately took the inner tube out of the tire and said he just needed a bucket of water to see where the puncture was and glue it the patches and that I had said in the dream that we could go home because I had a bucket at home and Leo had the inner tube mended and after Leo left the scene Nikita asked me for a kissing romance and in that romance of kisses we ended up in a Metaverse with lots of links in which my father had the key,  except that my father had lost the keys and it was Leo who had found the keys who had turned into an ant and managed to open the hive in which I was "stuck" in a Metaverse with Nikita... It was a Dream Interception, a Link Interception... I woke up with Dmytro's horn... It was Dmytro who was honking inside the trailer in front of the Nikita's trailer for Nikita to leave  scene...  That's how the dream ended and I woke up... While I was waking up I saw Alex sitting at the computer pressing the arrow to remote control Dmytro's trailer and pressing no  ENTER to make "honk"... I went to the courtyard and saw a "Link" written on Leo's bike and I remembered that I still hadn't passed the Jupiter Editions Link and the New Disney Link to Jessy and Leo,  to my neighbors and I passed that same day the link to Jessy telling her to pass on to Leo. Then Leo appeared on my porch calling "neighbor" with a keys in his hand, saying that he had found the keys outside... They were my father's keys... I called my father to go give him the keys.. He was sitting in Casa do Campino with a whole scene of Technological Knights behind him skattating "invisibly"... I saw the nurse who had appeared on Grindr and who later appeared during my mother's hospitalization in the psychiatry service.. . door of the hospital when I was about to go in to visit my father... I saw Canavarro... I saw Kleba-Kodak... I didn't see Nikita, but it was as if I had seen him..._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ I only saw these,  but it was as if I had seen 66 or 666..._c c781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ I saw how the keys opened the lock of the Technological Prison of Algorithms and Technological Knights... And I saw, "again" how Link had taken me the "Mysterious" Real Life Keys of Reality of the Network and the Internet of Things. That's when I remembered that after I had seen Link on Leo's Bike, who casually passed over Alex and that after I had opened the gate and I had also casually walked up the street and greeted Alex, that I saw him as a "nice" hacker who had simply entered history just to connect the pieces of the technological puzzle (which the knight crackers had entered and installed already)... 17:57 12:58 02/26/2023

After having received it at his uncles' house, the plate of sweet bebinca for Christmas  with the painted picture that depicts the scene of the knights with the greyhounds in the Carreira de Tiro appeared exactly the scene as on the plate that I had it in my hands. One of the riders was Kleba-Kodak and one of the others was "Other time" "the one" Fráguas who appeared in the "figure of Christ"... Even the greyhounds were the same  in the same scene " frozen" running in which in Self Defense I only had time to take the plate out and show the knights as if my plate were a weapon in which  they simply let me pass by lifting "the invisible siege "... Like all the scenes, this scene became an invisible scene because I only had the plate painted with the scene in my hand. Even the costumes were the same. I tried looking for invisible cameras,  for invisible drones,  but it was all invisible. It was just an invisible scene in an entire invisible movie. I saw that Kleba-Kodak was carrying the same grape liqueur that he had tasted at his uncle's house. When Joa came to me, before leaving, he gave me a bottle of Grape Liqueur on Jupiter Mountain as a present, telling me the secret that he was the producer of Grape Liqueur, promising to teach me the Distilling Arts of Liquor, Organic Wine and his 6 vines if I managed to introduce our novel como  a mini episode of the Work. I asked him what work he was talking about and he answered me about the work I was painting. I didn't know I was painting a work.



07:52 02/19/2023
I had "O Sonho", "O Sonho do Legislador"...
I dreamed that I was holding hands with Mariana in the Castle of Santarém, but there were several fonts,  fontes that don't exist and that I never saw in mine, but that were created inside my mind by _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_my brain... I was born with an architect-brain despite not   being an architect and not knowing how to draw on paper... Drawing in the mind... They were beautiful fonts, all a beautiful vegetation, beautiful trees, beautiful free birds... It was kind of "tropical",   kinda "Moroccan", but still scalebitan... An interesting architectural intersection... There was another time the swans that a Town Council had uprooted... There was once again a whole dimension of trees that the same  Town Hall "Policial" had uprooted... It did disgraceful works... There was a small Arraial Medieval at the bottom of the garden... There were 4 singers, _cc78 1905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_o Angélico, Faro, Carreira and Carreira... There were some footballers... There was Ronaldo,  o Palhinha... _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_The director Daniel from SIC television was there and there was one of the directors of a Series that I had no idea was on television on Channel 1 of RTP... I remembered how I had seen the 69 of one of the players in football inside a Bentley limousine via Hacker Olivia's phone at  Metropolitano shortly after having passed the pineapple stand in Praça do Comércio where the lady with the bars told everyone at _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_barraquinha when I passed "be careful with this one, that has the 6th Sense and is connected to the Police... It has the 6th Sense... He manages to enter without getting into Private Jets, Limousines and Spas ... Be careful with that one..." Of course, in Praça do Comércio I I listened like a Merchant... And I simply passed Praça do Comércio seeing it like a Tetris, going down to Metropolitano  and because of the "6th Sense" activated by the lady with the bar, as if she If I had touched an invisible button as I passed I felt "a kind of game" and I intuitively saw a group of hackers browsing the Deep Web in the middle of Metropolitano and that was why I sat down with them to see, _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_to also navigate "without navigating"... To see the crime without committing the crime... I saw a Strange Network that I had never seen in my life... It looked like a Game of Lenses, a Game of News and of information. I saw the hacker, Olivia,   the name I gave her, opening a window and in that window a football player who had appeared in my story of the Island of the Pirates... He was sitting in the limousine being eaten by the opponent in a "69"... I didn't know who the other player was, but right after Hacker pressed an arrow and the equipped player appeared on the playing field... He belonged to the opposing team... I knew the player had a girlfriend, I had seen his holidays because the lifeguards from the Island of the Pirates who followed him showed me on Instagram... I was silent thinking if what I was seeing was Real or if it was Edited. .. I remembered the stories of the Orgies of the singers with other men, the Orgies held by the Security guards and I remembered   the times I had been invited to these Orgies through friends of mine with whom I I had been alone with them  in a Relationship A Morose Monogamous Hopefully Romantic... I asked myself where I was... What kind of Network were we talking about... But I quickly "deconstructed" everything and saw that it was "simply" a highly criminal Fly Network easy, for me,   to eliminate and dismantle through the Installation of Artificial Intelligence with a Criminal Law as it should be, well written, more technological and more real... I wrote to Jupiter what was happening to see and who was watching and I saw a Simulation of a Police Film in which the Network, being used in the Underground as if it were a Bunker in an Encrypted Secure Network, could not be intercepted either by the Police or by the Army, but that I when describing the hackers' clothes and the hackers' face by message and say who they were seeing that immediately when they left the Station the police would appear to carry out an Expertise on the phone and take them to the Police Station for Inquiry... be like this in Future... Crimes could tomorrow be based on this,   on technological crimes, on hidden criminal networks where data is trafficked and people's lives are negotiated "in blood" with blackmail... With you see that the images i) are either a lie ii) or are  through the camera of a security guard/driver who arrested the player as if he were part of the opposing player's army to keep a _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_important sexual data for future negotiations and blackmail thus handcuffing him to a net iii) from the camera phone of another player who was also in the "Orgy" in another act, in another place iv) from a fly-robot remote-controlled or a remote-controlled spider-robot... In the dream, Mariana took me to go talk to Angélico... I knew that Angélico was straight and I could imagine that maybe he was "the boss" in some orgies just him  with the women res or just him with several women at a time, imagining Requeijão in a sexual act with him just to "try to go up",   just so that Empresa Entre Broncas could be shared on Angélico's Instagram...   In the dream I didn't want to go to Angélico, because he's not my friend... It doesn't make much sense to "Go there and bother him..." if you're with his friends... But he was at a Mixing Table playing the role of DJey... So we went there to ask for a song... Angélico gave me his hand, shaking me and asking if everything was ok and I said yes, smiling at him and slowly moving away naturally and Angélico said that I was "Very intelligent", repeating it 3 or 4 times and I smiled without really knowing why he was saying what he was saying... We left the Castle and passed by a New Square in Santarém in the style  Picaddily Circus in which Ronaldo appeared on a TV like a geek and everyone else s geeks looking at Ronaldo on a Drone that filmed the Geeks and sent them and sold them to the Data Economy Manual for the  Totos... It was Ronaldo just saying shit and influencing everyone to "basically" throw themselves into a Bottomless Pit, invoking a fucking hotel   that practices slavery and is not cool,   but that Ronaldo with the millions in the mouth made the hotel look bueda cool... Soon after, my first girlfriend appeared with the role of Requeijão who had gone to SIC Television to show her project in a Freemasonry in which I saw in the film that for her to have managed to appear he had to have slept with Angélico and seen in Angélico's bed the Ménage à Troix of  Ronaldo,   with Daniel and "Liedson"... When I got home I had a message from _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136ba d5cf58d_Angelico saying "Hello... What exactly   have in mind at this hour? ahaha"... And I saw that I had sent the link to the Jupiter Editions project and had invited him to join the Angels to join as an investor and ambassador of the project having forgotten that I had sent him, as is natural, when I send a   message and the algorithms block my message  or the message arrives and is not answered I am no longer stuck with the message sent and obviously I forget, because the message becomes garbage. _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_I don't remember the nos, I always remember the yeses. Because I had 66 noes, but I had 6 yeses that later became 9999 yeses. Of course I didn't answer Angelico, _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_not even in a dream, Angélico is my type... I woke up once remembering how my life had always been...  And feeling happy with myself myself... Of not being able to sell myself for sex or money... I remembered João, Sheduler from the private jet company that recently appeared and that, in other words, if I wanted to unlock a little private plane for Jupiter Editions here on Earth I had to first get in bed with the Sheduler and then I would get in bed with him and with the owner of the private plane company... And I went back to reflecting on what a   pity many of the partnerships between companies governed by men have this type of sexual alliances and fantasy sexual pacts, which many sometimes they don't even reach any alliance because the sexual pact ends as soon as one comes into each other's mouth and that's it,   was filmed and that's it. I feel truly privileged to be able to write about this, to be a living witness, a living account in which I can write about this without soiling my name and my body. It's not that sperm soils the body, it's not that a 666 devils sperm bath soils our body... But it's the way the act is done... The intention... It's a shame... Many sometimes I feel alone in a Network of Men, completely trapped... It seems that I'm going to be single forever... It's a shame when we don't reduce ourselves to Sex, but everyone around us is reduced to Sex and a Product, to an Instrument, to a Mere Object... It is true that there is the so-called "gay lobby" where partnerships are established with large companies and freemasonries led by gays... It is a reality. It is the reality of human apes who think they are "enlightened", but who are nothing more than apes,   of such apes   where these sexual hierarchies of power exist in the Animal Kingdom. .. It pains me to write this. But I'm writing a shitty truth...   And in this truth I like myself more and more. Every time I am happier with my way of being in life. I see doctors betraying their partners, friends of mine betraying their marriages in great Freemasonry with words, eating red meat and   saying "that's life like that" and silently I have to be sitting at these big round tables with a vicious cycle, watching fake weddings and completely crazy conversations that make my ears and head hurt but that I always calmly listen to,   knowing that I would be incapable of having a fake marriage in my life,   the marriage and courtship that others have that many times is nothing more than an Advantageous Property Agreement for both... I had been at a Round Table in one of the taverns in the El Galego,  a mafia group, a Cartel,  an Oligopoly in Santarém that partners Invisible in the Shadow of the Hidden Chambers with the Rotary Clu b and with Taberna do Quinzena and with Franciso's Galinha dos Ovos d'Oiro. Both Francisco and the Baron of El Galego know who I am... I've already "sat" on their lap... Maybe they don't remember, but they "changed my diapers"... Today I can see my dicks _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ them to go outside only when I pass by them calmly... I'm not afraid of the mobsters.   They read in Real Time what I write and I don't know why they all get excited about what I write. It pains me to have to go to their tavern, when I know that they earn "close to a million" and feed their employees shit, enslaving them in a modern way, in an Invisible Masonry of Friends _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_with a chip that they put in their little heads as if their employees were cattle in a cattle land... Because I am "in love" with almost all of their employees... Sometimes I just go for a cup of coffee to see how the being the film of the camera game... Mine costs me a lot after I went with my friends to a Groomsmen's Dinner at Taberna do Quinzena and heard that the employees live for that and can't start a family because they get to home every day and knowing that the tavern has a house on Rua do Matadouro, has a shitty concession in a hotel and other concessions in butchers and other blood businesses making "close to 1 million", it really hurts me that after the employees who love us are with us talking r of his life, even defending the tavern, but in which we intelligent people managed to hear the chipped speech, which after that,   after I said that the tavern installed camouflaged camouflage cameras in the middle of the mantas ribatejas as if we were on a safari, that even after that my friends continue to want to go and give money to the mobsters just because the shit from the tavern appears in the Rotary Cycle Program... It's hard for me... El Galego knows that if you cut me to pieces in one of his slashes that immediately burns in Hell and that is also cut into pieces... Pieces by pieces... Blood by blood... And I know that after I write this it will The Baron and Francisco appear with the Hen of the Golden Eggs in front of me with their tongues sticking out as if they were goats inviting me to edit what I wrote and I negotiate with them at the table for them to do it _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_a Bank Transfer as it should be pa to me or to Jupiter Editions and their employees so I can edit what I wrote...   My blood and go business is very simple because I am a very Being, _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_very, very simple... I see Francisco's Golden Egg Goose traveling the world... Going to lay eggs in Guimarães,  in Braga,   in Faro, in Olhão, behind Panitejo's Pãozinho dos Tolos, which is also running around the world opening little shops with their camcorders and microphone in a true obscure data business... there in the little tascaquinha drinking my coffee it's as if I knew about the Big Washing Machine that is in the cellars of El Galego and I was putting one of my spurred underwear or a little sock in the Washing Machine... It's hard for me to go there a Vegetarian or a Sushi in Santarém and knowing that that vegetarian or the sushi belongs to El Galego but that appears in another brand, thus seeing the Baron playing in Oligopoly in all markets and dirtying the Environment and Enslaving everywhere... He pulls his dick out and asks me to suck him... Only with a gun to my head am I capable of sucking his and Francisco's dick. That's why I don't want to serve in their restaurants and I'd rather pack a bag and go out and sell to Denmark, Norway, Sweden,   to Finland, because I'm of no use here. 09:09 02/19/2023 Raul Catulo Morais
At the Tavern table, Bea talked about Singapore, North Korea, South Korea... We talked about the world over there in that tavern connected to other taverns... I am a Data Protector... I know the conversations that if they talk in a tavern... These are conversations that are worth a movie in a tavern,  a policy or a new political party that is formed in a tavern, a business idea that is formed in a tavern, a class in law or medicine talked about in a tavern... We talked about Osteopathy and about Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine...  I removed the "Holistic" from Acupuncture and Osteopathy to give credit to  Osteopathy and Acupuncture that the Order of Physicians also credited, obviously removing the Holistic part... If a Stomach appears enchanted in the X-ray but with an Osteopathic Massage on the belly, we will see later that the Stomach appeared unenchanted on the X-ray and that I stopped belching devilishly as if it were a Demon, well...   This is Physical, not Holistic... Because there was a Physics in Massage that allowed the Stomach to unhook... accurately calculate the Mathematical Formulas of Physics that demonstrate the Correct Calculation should not be a factor for the Order of Doctors not to recognize the practices of Osteopathy if in fact an improvement is proven, for example via X-ray, being able to see if obviously the Invisible Physics... And I know that a Medical Association is able to recognize if in fact there is this logic... This is logic... I told Bea at the tavern so that she wouldn't be offended by the Medical Association only because the Order of Physicians had removed the "Holistic" and "Energetic" part of Acupuncture... Well, we can't ask doctors to talk about "sacred" or "energies"... Yes, the energy of the electromagnetic field exists, the energy of electrons and the energy of electrical impulses exists and therefore the Order of Physicians   obviously substitutes the expression "energia "chen-chen"?" by "electrical impulse" thus recognizing, yes, the dry needle inserted in a part of the head that touches a point, in a nerve that will unblock other nerves in another side of the body with the Manual of Medicine of the Human Body open in the Nerves section... I remembered how I always defended the Order of Physicians and the WHO against many doctors in coffee conversations and in bed conversations... I lay in bed with many doctors completely out of touch with reality, _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_with "cocaine" doctors, with psychopathic doctors who don't even know who they are anymore... But let me sleep with the good doctors first... Maybe that's why I got to know both sides and got into the Political War Silent Masonic of the Privileged Medical Association Assembly... I know that I am a target to be shot down by many young doctors, because I grew up with them, I know them, I played card games with them   and I saw in these card games s what was their thinking... I know I am Anti-Mason, because I am a Good-Mason. I know I'm Anti-Illuminati, because I'm Illumminnatti, I know I'm Anti-Constitutionalist because I'm Constitutionalist... The Constitution was badly written... The laws should be made in another way... Because I know who wrote the Constitution,   I know who the Legislator is and I know that many times the legislator wrote laws completely beating   badly from the head,   at a round table a tavern with wine on top of the towel with cocained doctors,   with everything crazy just so we can all go crazy... In my dream as a Legislator, the Legislator is in a Great Conference at a Serious Table of Parliament writing the laws monitored by bees,  by doctors, by psychologists,  by penalists, by ecologists, by environmentalists, by physicists, by chemists, by scientists... "w every sentence" has to be voted on by a conscious people, by a more or less informed people, who at least listen to the science that is also sitting in the Great Conference of Parliament... This was how a Constitution should be written before a whole Parliament... We should know how to imitate the Democracy of the Bees... But I'm just a Bee in a human body in a Great Dream of the Legislator... 09:33 19/02/2023 Raul Catulo Morais at Arraial eating a watermelon that not even  appreciates a Community of Flies around Toy laughing and filming and staying there for hours laughing wasting time in that "Show Without No fun at all"... Toy appeared in Sonho, because Toy appeared at the tavern, where I had to watch a video of him, not funny at all, eating a watermelon like a joke on a television show with everyone laughing except me ... Everyone was outraged, for a change, that I didn't know the show existed and then they showed me the cast of the new series on channel 1 of RTP that had reference to Santarém with "our speeches" and "dialogues" from high school, telling the tavern that it really looked like the cast had sat there with us, asking me who was the director and director of the series and seeing that the face was the face of a data oil owner who navigates the dark nets of microphones and cameras and sees and hears the speeches and conversations that the algorithms bring him... I saw that the series was on Netflix and simply with my little finger that guessed it said that Netflix had problems with Copyright and that a German or Norwegian Dark series could very well be stolen by German or Norwegian directors who browse and pirate in silence in the Cérebro of Jupiter Editions and then they will sell it to Netflix, as the algorithms of their pirated phones do and that is why our conversations in taverns and at the bakery-director transform the episodes of our Lives in a film... But why go back to the same film over and over again when the film has already been written, recorded and seen more than once? In this era of the devils of the Internet of Things chip, whoever can save himself, because the Law is a big shit! Raul Catulo Morais 09:55 02/19/23 With All Reserved Rights With Jupiter Editions


Painting "Of the Forbidden Fruit of Pomegranate" and Painting "The sail shoe made of vegetable leather in the hidden workshop" by Tiago Talhamares

Rule the World - Valley of Wolves
00:00 / 00:33
"We find the Power" - Rule the World - Wolves
00:00 / 00:13

The Black Hole appeared in the air and I "pressed" it as if it were a Button. I was lying on the bed. As soon as I pressed the "Magic Button", a hologram was projected in front of the desk and it was "me" in the Hologram sitting at the desk writing on the computer. I got up in silence and went close to the Screen of Projected Life to see what "I" was writing... I wrote this...

I shouldn't   have   born,   because I am a demon.
"Demons must be aborted".
I should have been aborted.
I'm a Demon. I'm a Virus. But I'm a Good Demon. I'm a Good Virus.
People need to know  that in the National Geographic Edition in which the Number 666 appeared linked to the Code of  Jupiter that also appeared the Good Virus Reference _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_e of the Bees that connect the Life of Humans.  É verdade e o Direito sabe:  O Direito das  Abelhas e o Direitos dos Mamíferos  tem de appear in the  Constitution and in the Administrative Law Manual, because otherwise I'll tear it up in the Professor's face   the Article he wrote, showing him the video of him writing the Constitution on a Table Napkin soiled with Red Wine with Professor-President Marcelo. I failed 6 times in Constitutional Law I and 6 times in Administrative Law I and Economics I just because my name   was on the Black List of the Minimum Percentage of Failures of 66%, when all my exams were worth  13, 13 and 13.  I am a Chameleon and I don't play around.   I wore my shirt with the Monarchical Crown just to enter the Conjured Ball and be the partner   of Sebastião, of Carlos _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-58dde_bade Simão, my teachers' children...  I don't suck their dicks to go to law school. They're the ones who're going to suck my dick. I am a Demon and I shouldn't have been born. There's a Fire to catch. And that Fire is at the Faculty of Law. Codes   are old   and need to be burned. Either the Law of the Bees  e  o The Rights of Mammals appears in Professor Paulo's New Manual of Administrative Law and in the Public Contracts Code or I enter as a Demon in the Big Teacher's class just to light the   manual with the Holy Skull Lighter I received at the Illumminnatti Games. I don't play at work and I don't let them play with my life. I am a demon. The country's cancer is precisely located in the Faculty of Law.   The Medical Association already knows. The medical troop is on its way.  666 is my number.   I told you, Mom. I love you. I will pursue the Spirit of Banco BPI, wherever  he goes. If he goes to Caixa Geral, I'll go to Caixa Geral.   If he goes to the BANK of the Holy Spirits Amen,   it is to the BANK of the Holy Spirits Amen that I go. All  Holy Spirits Amen know me because I served them and saved their children. But I don't serve anymore,  because I've   washed my hands.   It's not my hands that are dirty. It's not my   hands that are going to get dirty in  Accounts. Because there's a reckoning to be done. We all have to sit down at the  table and settle the score. Because there's a reckoning to be done. The match tests are out. The game opened. The magic numbers opened "the magic doors". When the magical doors open, the whole game opens and all Truth appears.  I am a Demon, I am a Virus and I am a Chameleon. I should have been aborted. I should have been eliminated. Now, I am   impossible to eliminate. The antibiotic that   should have killed me   didn't. Now I'm impossible to die.  The Faculty of Law, Banco BPI and Caixa Geral ordered me a large coffin... Well, I order a large coffin from Caixa Geral, the Faculty of Law and Banco BPI, which finances the Film of the Devils, the Theater of the Devils and the Fair of the Devils. Banks will fall. Churches will fall.  The Age of the Devil has begun. 666,666,666. Fire for fire. Life for life. 21:49 02/20/2023 Raul Catulo Morais

Another Black Hole appeared on the Computer Screen and I clicked on it. The Button has turned into a Folder. I uploaded it to Folder full of Videos. I opened the 1st. It was "me" entering the Grande Aula  of Professor Carlos and tearing up a page of the Constitution in front of him and leaving the Grande Aula  of Constitutional Law_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ and entering Professor Paulo's Great Class of Administrative Law and setting fire to the Manual of Administrative Law with an entire auditorium of bees filming in silence without a laugh or applause. Those who applauded the Masonic Theater in the Grande Aula de Direito Administrativo were the professors. Professor Carlos entered the Theater just to applaud and then left as if he had never entered the Theater and as if he had not failed me 6 times. My Spirit was grateful for the 6 balls and the Silent Applause of the "Illustrious" Professors of the Faculty of Law, understanding Law in a different way  and obviously looking at Law with the 6 Eyes of the Devil, because I saw with my own  eyes how the 75% had been replaced by 66% in the opposite direction, in an inversion of the numbers. 22h22 02/20/2022 Raul Catulo Morais with All Reserved Rights With Jupiter Editions 

Criminal Law, have I  died? Was it you who killed me? You killed me in Preventive Self-Defense with your Anticipatory Criminal Justice Algorithms? Why did you become unconstitutional? Do you think I look like a poet or de  reppar? Do you think I'm not fit to intern the psychopathic and sociopathic devils, your children,  that you gave me to dance at the Law Ball? It's just that they all look like Skeletons dancing. I look at their Faces and I see Skulls, I see Skulls. Why did you make me dance with them? Why did you make me an Enemy of Criminal Law? Criminal law were you the one who killed me in self-defense? Please answer. Responds. Respond, Criminal Law.  Why don't you answer me? Why do you look at me as if I  were a Ghost, if  am I alive? Stop telling your kids I'm a Ghost. I'm not a Phantom. Criminal law, have I already died? Was it you who killed me? Was it you who handcuffed me? Was it you who put me in a cage? Why did you give me a husband with the Handcuff Fetish and the Cage Fetish. Why am I handcuffed inside a cage,  naked and you don't do anything? Why don't you hear me? Criminal law, have I already died? After all, what kind of Criminal Law  are you? Don't see me as your enemy... Because if you see me I will be your worst enemy. Criminal Law,  wake up! The Age of the Devil has begun. They want to kill you. You ran out of bullets in the game,  because you used up the Last Bullet. Why did you fire the Last  Bullet at me? Your Bullet hurt. It hurt a lot. Criminal law, have I already died? Was it you who killed me? Why did you shoot me? Why did you shoot me when I was naked inside a cage handcuffed? After all, what kind of Criminal Law are you? 22:51 in Real Time in Film-Nouvelle de Jupiter 02/20/2023 Raul Catulo Morais With All Reserved Rights with Jupiter Editions


operation 2.22+7.77
Grade 77

00:00 / 00:44
Nightmare - Avenged Sevenfold
00:00 / 01:34
Julgado de Paz I
00:00 / 45:28
Julgado de Paz II
00:00 / 45:03
Julgado de Paz III
00:00 / 40:17
Wrecked - Imagine Dragons
00:00 / 00:33
"Remember the Life U Had" - Imagine Dragons
00:00 / 00:09
Death of Me - SAINT PHNX
00:00 / 00:33

I feel it wherever I go, it's like a poison in my veins
Everyday I wonder
maybe whenI'm six feet under

someone help me
The devils at my door

I'm a dreamer, I'm a man
I'm doing whatever

death of me- Saint PHNX

When I write "Death" I see Life and that's why I write "Death", because I Invert Death into Life. That's why I write the "Devil's number",  because I invert the "Devil's" numbers. Because I know firsthand the Devil's fears and anxieties and the Devil's tics and traits. I enter no  Dark that the Devil does not enter. I enter the Black Forest that the Devil does not enter.  I see the Swarm of Bees and the Swarm of Stars and das  Galaxies that the Devil does not see...   In other words, I know and know the Devil and the Devil's children because I lay with them in bed. That's why I know their fears and that's why I say to  Psychology that I don't have irrational fears like Psychology has and that I'm not a Psychopath or a Sociopath because I have more feelings and emotions than Psychology itself and my name is Satan! I am not false or cynical like Psychology and I do not pretend or simulate the "empathy" of Psychology that lives in a World of Appearances, Fantasies and Illusions and that your own marriage is a great Masonic lie, which is nothing more than a Masonic product. That's why I send one Psychology to Fuck and the other Psychology I join hands and follow the path hand in hand with Good Psychiatry.  Because there is a Good Psychiatry and a Bad Psychiatry, as there is Bad Psychology and Good Psychology. Either Bad Psychology listens to me or you will simply burn in Hell! It's simple :) 11:55 pm Raul Catulo Morais With All Reserved Rights With Jupiter Editions inReal Time. I hate Death like I hate Animal Sacrifices like I hate the Church of Satan and my real name is Satan! I love the Story of Christ, because in History Christ was a Good Man.  Period, paragraph.  If the story is a lie or if I was told a Big Lie then man I have no idea nor am I to blame. I love the figure of Christ as I love the number 666, because the number 666 is my number.  When I turn it around, the number is 9999 or 666,666,666. It's Trigonometry, it's Complex Numbers. I don't do math, I don't even know how to do math. Let mathematicians do the math for me. I'm not a mathematician. I'm a writer. I'm just a writer playing with my letters and my numbers. I'm just experimenting. I too experience myself in the Life Science Experience of the Technological Life Extension Program... Do we all know that we are part of an Experiment and that we are all in an Extension? Right? 00h06 02/23/2023 Raul Catulo Morais With All Reserved Rights With Jupiter Editions inReal Time.

Lifeless - Alt Version
00:00 / 00:33

I dance Com Vida or Lifeless "Sem Vida", because I ignore the title and simply love the rhythm. I don't understand the lyrics,  but I love the song. Maybe if I were to investigate the Lyrics later, I would hate it...  But the truth is that this was a song that gave me life and Spiritual Strength and that's why I love Music despite hating the Title and despite pronouncing it without any problem. I have no Superstitions. Superstitions kill us and take years off our lives. Raul Catulo Morais 00h19 02/23/2023 With All Reserved Rights With Jupiter Editions inReal Time.

Illuminati - Onicks
00:00 / 00:33

Despite listening to Illuminati music and having it on  my Playlist I Hate the Lyrics of the Illuminati Song as I hate the Illuminati Culture, because my Culture is theIlluminati Culture, with2 l's, 2 m's, 2 n's and 2 t's = 9999. The Lyrics of the Illuminati Song are precisely the Opposite of all my Thoughts and the Contrary to the Illumminnatti Culture, because Illumminnattis do not smoke, do not like drugs, do not eat red meat, love bees, love the sea, love the sky and stars , they adore trees, they hate animal sacrifices especially of mammals, they hate slavery and are only able to rise to Power by "Masonic pressure" in the name of a Better Law in Reason and in the Natural Order of the Law of Bees,_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ of the Law of Trees and the Law of Mammals, not worshiping Money but knowing that Money is the Passport in a Money System, being por  this obviously Important for Traveling, for the Good Food, for Good Health, for Safety and for Financing Intelligent, Empathetic, Truly Human and Sustainable Projects capable of reversing the Order of Things and Decreasing War, Entropy, Suffering ment and Chaos on Planet Earth. 00h44 02/23/2023 Raul Catulo Morais With All Reserved Rights With Jupiter Editions inReal Time [Because 2=9]

Wakangenei - Ankobo + Kaboo
00:00 / 00:40

Because maybe I only wrote 9 books with 9 pseudonyms in 99 days to be able to dance the Wakangenei for 40 seconds,  to be able to show my Hidden Dance with my Hidden Writing. Who knows if I don't even know? Who knows? Who knows? God knows? What God? What God is this? What is this God who knows? What is this God who thinks he knows? What is this God who thinks he knows everything? What is this God who thinks he knows everything about the Universe if the Universe is "infinite"? My dancing and my writing are also infinite. 00h55 02/23/2023 Raul Catulo Morais With All Reserved Rights With Jupiter Editions inReal Time.


07:07 02/24/2023

"Good morning!"

"Good morning Dad!"

"What time is it?"

"It's 7:07..."

«I'll tell you why I don't sign the Judgment of Peace Contract... First because "it's still early"... It's 7:07 am... It's still too early... Then because in history throughout There is a Big Mistake... It's just that Aunt Célia is not your aunt... She's your sister!!! You wrote Aunt Célia, when you couldn't have written Aunt Célia... Because Aunt Célia is not your aunt... She's your sister... And like your sister, she was a "second mother"... She is a mother ... It's your sister who was your mother, who played the role of your mother in history... That's why History has a big Error!!!! Because you don't have just one sister Célia... You have two sisters Célia!!! And with that Error you made in History, my friend... I cannot sign the Judgment of Peace Contract....  And if you need a Credit or a Financing for edit the History Error, ask Banco da Caixa Geral, Banco BPI, Banco Montepio, Banco Santander, Banco BIG, Banco Bankinter, Banco Eurobic, Banco Millenium, Banco do Espírito Santo, Banco Halifax or to Bank Jupiter... And take them your story of Bebinca, which is worth Gold... Don't forget that you were only born because of a Slice of Sweet Bebinca... When we went to Dona Bebiana's Restaurant in Almeirim on your mother's birthday I gave you History at Dessert, that you were only born because of a slice of Doce de Bebinca... The question you now  have to ask is why is it that there was a Pintelho do Canavarro on the plate of your bread from Caralhotas, when Canavarro was sitting at the next table dressed with the Imortais de Albufeira Basketball equipment and why were we served 3 slices of Bebinca for dessert, if Bebinca was not even listed  on the Restaurant Menu and if Canavarro is not even_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Basketball player... That's the question you have to ask and if you get it right maybe I'll sign more  late, because it's still  too early for me to sign the Judgment of Peace Contract... What time is it?”

"It's 8:08 a.m...."

«Let's see if at 8:08 am the  of Dona Bebiana's roosters sing  and lay eggs like chickens lay eggs so we can serve more stories for each slice of Bebinca. In a chicken coop, when there are no chickens and only 2 roosters are left, one of the roosters has to hit the other's ass so that eggs come out,  otherwise there's a Cock Fight..._cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ That's what happened in Mata-Lobos... There was a cockfight...  With valuable roosters... With roosters_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ with Ruby's eyes... They put Ruby Stones inside the roosters' eyes... And they waited for one of the roosters to give the other rooster its ass so that eggs would come out... do the other cakes and sweets not contain eggs?  Don't forget... That you were only born because of a slice of Bebinca... Your mother served me a slice of Bebinca and I I liked it so much that in Capoeira I turned it over and that's it, you were born... But if she hadn't served me the slice of bebinca you wouldn't have been born, because I would have left..._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ I only stayed in the Capoeira story because of a slice of bebinca and because of the Story of a Revenge... Do you remember the Story of Revenge I told you? You can't forget that you were also born because of the Story of a Vengeance... And now you want to enter into a Judgment of Peace Contract? It's still   early... What time is it? Look, your aunt Giralda called me so we could go visit her in Albufeira... I think that because of the history of the jewels, she bought a large villa with a view of the sea right there on the edge of the beach... I think it's coming then a big Tsunami... Let's go visit her before the big Tsunami... What time is this anyway,  man?» Raul Catulo Morais 02/24/2023 With All Reserved Rights With Jupiter Editions

end 8:33

Finished Work


"Hello my dear..."
“Do you know who is talking? It is me!!! The Gi!!! Aunt Giralda, dear... Sorry to call you without warning... But I can't reach your father... And I really needed to talk to him... Is he on hemodialysis today?»
"It is not..."
«When are his hemodialysis days?»
"Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays..."

“Do what? 6 hours on Monday, 6 hours on Wednesday and 6 hours on Friday?”
«Txi...  Poor thing... See there... What about your course? Have you finished?"
“But do you finish this year or not?”
«Ah!!! Check it out...   Finish the course... It's really very important, Junior... This is a jungle... With a course life is already difficult... Imagine without... Look, I saw the Film-Nouvelle link that you sent there to the Family WhatsApp group... You know that the group was hacked, don't you? Now pirates are everywhere... There is no longer any privacy or intimacy because pirates invade everything... And what I discovered is that it was Chinese pirates who pirated our family group, that's why I left from the group... But I opened the link first and then I left the group... You don't even know the confusion that was just because I left the family group... Look... Your aunt Nanda called me right away saying that it was futile just because I left the group and she came back with that story about the jewels between you and me and I immediately stopped her dancing and said to her, "Look, Nanda, this matter is a matter between me and the Junior and if you want me to tell you I know very well that the person who stole my jewels was the chickenpecker that you loved and that you still adore just because he is a psychiatrist... And I already put an eraser on the subject. .." You know why Junior, because I'm going to tell you everything now!!! Aunt Nanda says that she likes you and that you are a son to her, but it's all a lie, she doesn't like you at all... She likes Dimi... She   even follows the Dimi on Instagram and he doesn't even follow you...   Don't you think that's weird...? I can see Aunt Nanda always liking Dimi's photos and never doing yours... Do you think she didn't know everything when he planned to finish you off in Mata-Lobos? The whole family knew... But your father and I were silent... Do you understand? This   is a great war that dates back to overseas... Aunt Célia, who is now sister Célia in the story, is also as involved in the story as Aunt Nanda is... When she called you into the kitchen and told you that she had heard the story about the jewels but she didn't know anything it was all her role... She knew... She saying she believed in you... It was all a lie... She goes on what is in the Bible... If the Bible says that you are the Devil, it sees you as the Devil... In fact, like everyone else in the Family... I know this because I entered the Church of Satan as an infiltrator and saw them all in the Church of Satan in Overseas times, you understand? And then you were born on a date you shouldn't have been born, but look...   That's life... It's just that they care about dates...   They care to these things... This is a church problem... Ready for your sister Célia to want to come after me just because I left the group... Well I left... And I said straight away that I was free and if tomorrow I wanted to make a group just with you and just your father who was free and that's where sister Célia,   that you now found out in the story that she was your sister, _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_jumped on me and said I was playing double role and playing dirty with everyone... And look, I didn't have the patience and hung up the phone right in his face! Don't you think I did well?"
"I don't understand anything."
«Well... It's confusing... The story is very confusing... Do you know why? Because the family is super confused... This comes from Africa... And it has to do with Black Magic...  Do you believe in Black Magic?»
"No, of course I don't believe in Magic."
«But you no longer believe in spirits? You told me that you believed in spirits when you told me that Carminho's aunt had given Carminho the keys to the house so that Carminho could go live with Jorge on the same day that I had given you the keys to the house so that you could go live with Dimi... I even told you that as this was a Conspiracy of the Spirits to leave the subject of jewels   behind... I asked you if you believed in the Spirits and _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_you said that  you believed...»
«I lied to him. Because I didn’t want to hurt their suceptibilities and their Faith.”
«Ah! You are loving!!! You didn't have to lie, because you didn't hurt my Faith... Did Jorge and Carminho get married yet? Weren't they engaged?"
"The marriage fell apart."
«Ah!... You see... And you're still with Dimi?»
“Did he break up with you? Don't tell me that it was at the same time that Carminho broke up with Jorge...»
“Actually it was almost the same time. It was for 6 days. Yes, he was the one who broke up with me.”
«Didn't I tell you that when he started working as a doctor at the hospital that he was going to dump you? I told you... I told you because this is a History of Genes... That's what happened to me too... Only they handcuffed me, you know? I was handcuffed to the bed with two psychiatrists... But that's another story... I'll tell you later when they came to see my new home in Albufeira. I sold the house in Palmela and bought a rough house in Albufeira with a sea view and overlooking the Basquet field where the Imortais basketball team trains... They are in the 1st league,  or n2nd or 4th or 6th or whatever... Ah! Whatnot! I don't understand in basketball, but they're all cute... I already invited your father to come here to Albufeira,  but it's for you and your mother to come too... Because I I want to tell you an important story that you have to know... Do you know what they did to your mother when she joined the family? They gave her the Black Life,   that's why your mother stayed the way she did... Because she wasn't like that!!!! I remember that she was a great fadista and a great actress!!!! This has a lot of history, a lot of history,   a lot... Look...   Once grandma put jewelry in your mother's bag and I saved your mother right away , because I confronted my mother and asked why she was putting jewelry in your mother's bag... It was to incriminate her! Do you understand? Our family does this... That's why when you enter   someone's house, it's better to enter without backpacks and nothing,   otherwise they'll put things in your backpack and then they'll say you're a thief... And if you still have the law course to finish, you're really like the thief in the family... So see if you finish the law course, which is to know how to defend yourself that this is a Family of Devils... Have you ever had Criminal Procedural Law?”

«I will have it now in the 2nd semester.»

«That Right is very important for you to know how to defend yourself... Ò Junior... Seriously... You were really born into a Family of Devils... But we all love each other very much, because we have a great capacity for erase things... It's   life, you know?»
"I do not notice anything."
«It's normal... You're a kid too... You're still only 30... You're a kid... You still don't know anything about life... What do you know?»
«I don't know anything... I don't know anything about life...»
«Well... You're a kid... At least you admit it... And you're very humble and you're very tame... That's why I found it very strange when you wanted to turn to me and you said that you had the right to thinking that everything was a hoax when I told you that there were no jewels... That's why I told you that you deserved two slaps... Because I thought you were soft and that you kept quiet and listened... ? I told you   like a mother... Because I'm not bad...   Besides, I'm the nicest of all in the family... They, your aunts are all poisonous snakes... You have to be careful with them,  Júnior... Because our family is a Nest of Serpents like Santarém is... Don't you remember from that comment I made to you on Facebook? I wrote in the comment that Santarém was a Nest of Serpents... And when I wrote that, do you know who I received a Friend Request from? From Jorge's father..:  What was done to me... From Jorge and Canavarro's father..: Of the two, soon... I know what they wanted again!! ! Except that I'm a married woman and the whole   soap opera about me putting the horns on your uncle with Canavarro is a lie! It's a lie!!! It's a lie Junior!!!!!!!!" 13:44 01/26/2023 With All Reserved Rights With Jupiter Editions


"I'm cousin!!"
"I'm prime..."
«Look there... When are you going to Faro to sign the   divorce papers with Dimi?»
"I must go this week..."
«It's just that I also have to go to Faro and so you were coming with me..  You don't need to be taking the bus, which must be a big drought...»
«No... The trip is even good...»
«Do it,   do it... I would definitely not go on a  bus to Faro...  Mas ready... If you want to enjoy a ride...»
«It was a good idea..»
«That was it... But hey, good idea   was another idea I had... Don't you and Dimi want to do Couples Therapy? I am now going to open a couple therapy business in Faro...»
«Couple Therapy,   cousin...?»
«Yes,  primo. It's so trendy... I know you're a bit drastic with relationships and you think that if relationships don't work, they don't work and that's it and people might as well get divorced soon... But look, sometimes so much things at stake, you see? A lot of things... A lot  cenas and a lot of things... And sometimes it's better to go to therapy and that's it...   Because it's normal for couples to get angry- if... You got angry... How could you not get angry and get angry once ready... Do you understand? and that if you got angry more often, maybe you were used to it... This is me saying as an Observer of History... I don't even know if it was like that or not, but that's what it seems to me... It's just that you never they got really angry and because of the Galo de Barcelos they got angry...»
«From the Rooster of Barcelos?»
«Or the Rooster with Ruby Stones in his eyes...»
“What first? No..."
«Look, wait a minute, I think I'm already changing all the   stories... Wait a minute... So why are you angry? Ah... Wait a minute... I know...   Wait a minute, I'm zooming in on a video camera from the supermarket... I'm going backwards in history... _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Wait a minute cousin... You know that now I'm a Market Psychologist and this is what makes money... And it's fun and fun because as psychologists we can freeze stories, go backwards and go forward ahead... All because of Data Protection... Wait a minute... I've zoomed in... Ah! They got upset because of the toothpaste brand... Have you asked the toothpaste brand for sponsorship? You have to ask cousin... You can't stare at the sky waiting for a toothpaste to fall on you, can you?”
«Prima, we didn't get angry about that...»
“But it's here, cousin! I'm watching on camera!!! Wait a minute, I think the cameras in the supermarket even have audio... or subtitles...  Wait a minute... Oh! It's here... I have your discussion in my hands cousin...   It was because of the brand of the toothpaste  , it was... You wanted one that it was cheaper, but he wanted another one...   And wait, there was another discussion in the soda aisle that he wanted to take Coke and you grabbed the Coke and went to put _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_a Coca-Cola  in the detergent aisle on the plunger shelf because you said Coke was good for unclogging pipes and for the washing machine... And I still have another argument from you about M&M's and that you started ordering M&M's because you read the ingredients and saw that the ingredients included cow's milk and you started saying that M&M's should not be sold with cow's milk. .. You immediately started to want to change the recipe to rem with vegan milk... This caused a hell of an argument in the supermarket...   And yet another one here   on the same day that Dimi wanted to take Fula oil and you wanted to bring olive oil and they started arguing like a cockfight in the supermarket... Wait a minute, I can get the audio of this one...  Wait a minute I'm listening... _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Oh... You're saying that Fula oil is bad for your health and that it ruins the damn pipes and is bad for the environment and that olive oil is healthier... Oh cousin... What the hell ! It was hell! And then to help the party were the store workers all dressed as devils and you went to grab the 66 shot Skip to get out of the movie unharmed...»
«Prime,   I don't remember   none of that.  I only remember the toothpaste scene, but we solved the   issue right away...»
«Well, at the time, you deleted everything...   You should have sent an email to the supermarket to delete the whole film...   There is no right to be forgotten by law of Data Protection?»
«Yes,  has...»
«But that's it, cousin, this can be solved well with a couple therapy and therapies are so fashionable!!! Look, I'm going to tell you, I already did couples therapy with Cristiano Ronaldo and his friend and thanks to me, the jet company  privados managed to survive the crisis because with my therapy Ronaldo came back flying to Israel, Iraq, Morocco and Saudi Arabia which is where his friend is... So if it weren't for me, the jet company would fall!! Like, it didn't survive the crisis. It was thanks to my therapy that Ronaldo returned to his secret flights. Then I was the couple's therapist for Palhinha. You know who Palhinha is, don't you? Like, hey cousin, everyone knows who Palhinha is, you have to know who he is too!!!! That already  ia I don't know where and I saved it... That's why FIFA already knows me. I managed to save 6 marriages in FIFA. That's why FIFA sent me an email asking if I wanted to be a FIFA Psychologist... And I didn't reply to their email and I still managed to save FIFA, because I was also a couple therapist within the FIFA Assembly, _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_so you can see my Curriculum and Experience... Look... I've saved a lot of marriages. I'm an expert,  primo. Harry Styles was another one...   But I had to catch a   plane to London, because he was in London just for couples therapy _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_to him and to another one that I didn't understand if he was a lover or if he was a boyfriend...  I didn't understand the story well, because Harry first told me that he didn't make video calls because of the Chinese pirates, but then in the middle of the consultation he also told me about a girlfriend and while I was in gay couple therapy I had to after doing couples therapy  hetero with him and his girlfriend the other one listening... A very confusing video call conference that I didn't quite understand, but what's true is that I saved two marriages or two courtships in the same session...  Look, I don't even know. .. What I know, cousin, is that my therapies always work.   And my partnerships too...   And I was thinking of doing a   partnership with Dimi, because I'm going to need a  psychiatrist for my business... And Dimi and I are now really good friends, but really good friends... Really good friends. I also became very friendly with his sister... Very friendly. We're all good friends now, cousin... And that's why I thought if you   didn't want to take 6 steps back and as a family we try to do couples therapy. Look, the last one I did... The couple, who were two boys who hadn't spoken for 5 years, looked at each other, started crying, hugged,   started kissing ... The other started kissing him on his left chest... On his left chest, you see!!! Like in front of me, cousin... Look, I grabbed my bag and left the consultation... In the end, one of them sent me €66 via MbWay to thank me for the consultation and that was it. Cousin, this is the future! Cousin, have you asked   for car sponsorship from Jaguar? It's just that in the film, we're going from Jaguar to Faro and Dimi will have to sign the divorce papers on top of the Jaguar's bonnet... Your account manager didn't open your BPI company account on top of the Mercedes' bonnet ? It's just that if you're going to sign papers this time, it's going to be to sign papers on top of the Jaguar's hood... That's why I'm asking you if you've already asked Jaguar for sponsorship...» 16h49 26/02/2023


Economics Exam I



Note: As a matter of Data Protection and Exam Attendance in the Special Period of Coincidence Appeal, the student is prevented from photographing the Exam, however, he may reproduce the first 5 questions of Group I in the Descriptive Memory through text and may copy/reproduce/publish your answer to Group I question #1. Exam ends at 1pm.

Group I 

1. Imagine that in 2027 Canavarro's company and Dmytro's company win all concessions for hotels, airlines, cruise lines and ships on the islands of Madeira, Porto Santo and Macronesia, being the only players in the market . How do you explain that Canavarro and Dmytro, despite being at different poles without any contact, play on the board of businesses and concessions on the islands without antagonizing each other in a   single move position that is favorable to both?
2. Imagine that Duarte Morais is the Sheduler of the private jet company NetJets and having knowledge of the new public tenders   that will open in the islands for airlines before informing the owner of the company about the tender for the company to compete, Canavarro arranges a meeting with Duarte to recruit him for his company offering a higher salary. From the point of view of  Learning Games, how can Canavarro's move be explained?
3. Imagine that Duarte Morais says goodbye to NetJets, opening a more sustainable and ecological business with clean energy supersonic jets, and decides to compete in the public tender for airlines on the islands.  If Duarte Morais wins the tender, could this put the Oligopoly of Canavarro and Dmytro in question, or does Duarte's entry into the Cartel not harm the Oligopoly?
4. In a hypothetical marriage between Duarte and Canavarro in which the companies merge, removing all of Dmytro's companies from the islands,   considers in this specific case the extinction of Oligopoly, verifying a Monopoly?
5. Bearing in mind the Microsoft case study, if Duarte developed software at his aircraft company for the Jupiter Editions spacecraft stronger than Jaguar software, but based on Jaguar software, how could he defend Jaguar against Jupiter Editions?

6. Regarding the Theory of Obligations, what would be more advantageous for Banco BPI? Grant a Credit of 15 million to Jupiter Editions at 6% interest, enter as an Investor with 12 million and exit the project in 6 years or enter as a Partner with 12% of the shares and buy the Bank Jupiter brand from Jupiter Editions to prevent that the Spanish bank that competes with the CaixaBank Group and the Banco BPI brand, which belongs to the CaixaBank Group, takes power in Portuguese banking by buying Novo Banco, as it threatened at a Round Table of bankers at Herdade da Comporta?

Answer by Raul Catulo Morais to the Occult Law of Economics Examination:
1.) Among the extreme situations of competition between atomistic winners, in oligopolistic markets, both Dmytro and Canavarro will have market power that will allow them not only to influence the price level, but also, _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_through this influence, interfere in the performance, in the  revenues and therefore in the profit perspectives, of its competitors, verifying an interdependence between the entrepreneurs, the "balance" being the result of the impotence of each one them to unilaterally manipulate prices or gain advantages. Now, given the level of extraordinary profits, the "most advantageous rational outcome" will be for the restricted group to act in concert and with cohesion in the monopoly-maximizing conduct, charging a higher price and the aggregate marginal cost,   in a coalition with a minimum of stability (cartel) whether in an explicit agreement or in a habit of following "a policy" or a strategic balance of communication and reciprocal learning of the Code of Silence. The situation of the oligopolists Dmytro and Canavarro is similar to that situation of the "prisoner's dilemma" in which 2 who did not have the opportunity to combine a common strategy and not being able to "now" communicate, are placed in a single bid position, in which both win in cooperating and both   lose because they are hostile... However,   as a general rule, oligopolies do not find themselves in pure "prisoner's dilemma" situations ",  because in 1st they are not limited to a single move on which everything depends; on the contrary, they form part of lasting relationships with the exchange of information, learning and cooperation and 2nd because maintaining the possibilities of communication, the option of negotiating reciprocal advantages seems to keep the game always open.

{Dimi, what are you doing here?}

{Raul I'm fed up with this! Send a message to your cousin Silvia saying we're back. I want to show you something.}


{Please trust. I want out of the game, Raul. I want to show you the game. This is a Witchcraft. Trust me. Text your cousin that you and I are back.}

{Already sent.}

{I received the following message from her "Hello,  Dimi. Are you and my cousin back?" Do you understand? I'll answer: "Han? Lol  Of course not, why??"}

{I just got a message from my cousin saying "I'm soooo happy for you cousin! I love you tiiiiiiii <3" I can't believe this...  I just feel like crying.. .This cannot be true. Is this doctor visit of yours also a game??? Does the Order of Doctors know about your visit?}

{Raul, take it easy. I got a message from your cousin saying "Thank you,  for the info Dimi it was just to confirm  one thing." Did you understand or not? Text Sara that you and I are back and ask if you can come over this weekend to tell her the news."}

{No... Please... Don't do this to me...}

{Raul! I want you to see Reality, okay? I want you to see the Reality of the Grid! I want you to remember the Prisoner's Dilemma in which 2 robots did not have the opportunity to combine a strategy  and communicate at a distance through the Language of Computers.  We are Computers ,  Raul. Send the message to Sara.}

{I already  sent it.}

{Sara already answered me. "Dimi, are you and Raul back?" I'll send the same message to Sara.}

{Sara already replied to me... "Hi sweetie, this weekend won't work... But I'm very happy for you... I'm happy that  returned to your Mais Que Tudo. .. For the bonbon with Ukrainian filling... Is everything all right with you? We haven't spoken since Tiaguinho's birthday...}

{Send a message to Mariana Portugal saying the same...}

{Mariana Portugal is calling me...}

{Can you see the difference? Mariana Portugal didn't send me any message... Send a message to Aunt Nanda....}

{Already sent.}

{Aunt Nanda sent a message on the Network saying "So Dimi, you and Junior are back and you don't tell me anything?" I'll reply "We didn't come back auntie,  what's that story?"}

{Aunt Nanda already answered me. "They came back? Are you sure? I'm confused,  Junior... The stories don't add up..."}


{Do you understand? Do you understand? I have to disappear again! It's like I never showed up, Raul.}

{What am I supposed to do Dimi?}

{Make your life and I'll make mine.}

{Have you been with anyone since Mata-Lobos?}

{No, Ralph. And I know you weren't either. You can continue talking to the private jet scheduler... I know you're talking to him. He's just a "Technology Knight".. Invites him to join the Technological Knights Saga II.}

{I won't invite you anything! Did you send it?}

{I have to go, Raul. Goodbye... I love you!}

{I hate you, you motherfucker! You satanic de  shit! You stupor!}

{Raul, don't call me stupid again or else I'll file a lawsuit against you and Jupiter Editions for using my name and authorization.}

{Go ahead, you motherfucker!}

{And don't call me motherfucker! I already told you that I don't like to be called a motherfucker.  I'm not a motherfucker,  Raul. I have to go. Try giving this pill to your mother to see if she wakes up and goes out of character or if the character comes out of it and if it works pass the prescription to Dr. mother. I have to go.}

{Thanks for the doctor visit.}

{You are welcome.}

Jupiter Editions Bank of Portugal



for jorge.daniel.dias, marc.philippe.calisto, hugo.francisco

Lord Callisto,

Mr George

and Mr. Hugo


Due to the Illegal Silence of the BPI Store in Campo Grande, Jupiter Editions requests 6 million from the store to finance the project within a period of 66 days under penalty of referral of the case to the Bank of Portugal and the Ombudsman and with referral of the case to the BPI and the Caixa Bank Group, also against the manager Hugo of Sociedade de Garantia Mútua da Lisgarante linked to the case. Now, Jupiter Editions requested funding of 4 million from the Capitalizar Mais Line at a time of the Championship when Banco BPI was obliged to finance with the Business Plan sent by Sociedade Jupiter. Banco BPI never sent any written justification to the Company, having remained silent, as silence is illegal and unlawful within Banking Law and Commercial Company Law e  of Funds Law Community.


During the 66-day period, Raul Catulo Morais is available to meet with the bank for talks on project financing. Dmytro is out, so it is Raul who has to be contacted, Raul being the owner of the Jupiter Editions brand and project.


The email was sent according to the 6/12/2022 Special Case Opened in Virtual Court - Link to Virtual Court


Yours sincerely, 
Raul Catulo Morais

12/16/2022, 10:09 am

for me, jorge.daniel.dias, hugo.francisco

Good morning Mr Raul Morais,


As for the matter presented, I would kindly ask that the Company Manager in question go to a BPI Branch so that this specific situation can be presented and analysed.


I take this opportunity to inform you that I am no longer working at the Campo Grande branch.


Thank you very much


Best regards,

marc callisto
Branch Director
Rossio counter
Praça D. João da Câmara,

1ª Visita/ Entrevista banco BPI
00:00 / 12:15
1ª Entrevista Banco BPI - II
00:00 / 26:57

1st Visit/Interview to Banco BPI after Raul's Economics Exam on 02/14/2023 according to the Illumminnatti Program. Announcement of the publication of the interviews with Dora,  Hugo, Jorge and Calisto  and invitation to Dora to join the Angels of Jupiter as Actress-Ambassador of Jupiter and Angel-Juri from Bank Jupiter. Sending Royalties to Dora and placing Dora in the Sphere of Extras in Jupiter's Film-Nouvelle. Test on Banking Law, Community Funds Law and Mutual Guarantee Companies Law.



« This is alreadyOff The Record, if you know what I mean... The story he was going to tell me at the counter was the story that the Jupiter Society account  was opened on top of the hood of Doctor's Mercedes_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Dmytro in Serra do Dmytro when the car was about to be towed by the tow company in Serra do Dmytro?»

«Yes,  Dora...»

«Well, in fact, the papers for opening the company account were signed outside the bank and the meeting between Doctor Dmytro and Marc was also outside the bank...»

"And what does that mean in terms..."

«Ah! Don't worry... But these are details that can be important in the whole story, if I make myself clear...»

"More or less, Dora..."

«Perhaps Marc is indeed the best person to solve the Mystery of History... Because we have to admit that we have here a Mystery of the Great... Of those Great Mysteries... Let me just give you two or three tips... Marc is the Director of the Agency located in Praça D. João da Câmara... Marc will immediately ask him if he knows who D. João da Câmara was and Raul won't say he has no idea, He will say that he knows he was an important playwright and that he was the first Portuguese playwright to be nominated  for the Nobel Prize in Literature... Marc will ask him if he knows which cemetery he went to D. João da Câmara was buried and Raul was going to say that it was in the Cemetery of Alto de São João, the Cemetery of Heroes... Do you know which one it is?»

«I know... Dmytro took me for a walk to that Cemetery when we celebrated 2 years of dating...»

"Wow! It must have been a fabulous walk... Among all the fabulous cypresses, eucalyptus trees, carob trees and jacaranda trees... D. Maria II had it built to bury the heroes and Illustrious of the City... It could be that Marc_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ ask... You know... Marc loves the works of D. João da Câmara and maybe it would be important to include in the Jupiter Editions film and theater financing project the representation of two or three works by D. João da Câmara... It's just a suggestion, but the Historical Drama of Alcácer Quibir by D. João da Câmara, the tiny play of the Devil on Mount Olympus that D. João wrote in college, perhaps go well with the Work... Or, for example, "Os Velhos", which was not at all  well received by the public or by critics at the time and only later received the recognition it deserved. It is a realistic piece, whose action takes place in Alto Alentejo and begins with the Cantar Alentejano when the railway works approach... Os Velhos puts on stage a lively gallery of real creatures, captured in the diversity of their temperaments, obsessions and affections... Anyway... It's just a tip... If Marc asks you which theater Jupiter Editions had thought of putting the plays in, don't get "Stuck" to the theaters of Santarém, because the Municipality of Santarém is in charge of them and all this can sometimes be nothing more than a Political Tantrum or a Political or even Religious Question... Think of Teatro D. Maria II, which is an EPE, a Public Business Entity... If Jupiter Editions debuted at Teatro D. Maria II, it would already have a small place at Cemitério dos Heróis... I don't know which company won the concession for Teatro D. Maria II and I don't even know when will the concession last because I didn't follow the Public Tender, but if it doesn't work eatro D. Maria II think of Banco BBVA Theater and if Banco BBVA does not give the keys to the theater to Jupiter Editions, do not despair and start training the Alentejo Song and show Banco da Caixa Geral that Jupiter Editions_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ is also able to sing the Canto Alentejano, because Farinha Morais who was the former Director of Banco BPI when Jupiter requested the 4 million under the Capitalizar Mais Line,  on the way da Reforma, sat as Chairman of Banco da Caixa Geral de Depósitos and all artistic or cultural projects that include Cantar Alentejano or Farinha Morais gives credit... Cantar Alentejano is a fetish of Farinha Morais, as it was a Fetishe of Former administrator and son of Caixa Geral Rugby and the Judiciary Police socks... You know that sometimes,  when we negotiate with the bank, we have to take rugby or soccer socks football or the police inside the pocket and put them right on the counter table... And I won't go much further... Cristiano Ronaldo and Palhinha, for example, when they applied for their first Housing Credit, they put some Judiciary Police socks... Sometimes it's just having Faro for things...»

“Thank you so much, Dora!”

"Good luck, Raul!" 22h02 02/26/2023 Raul Catulo Morais With All Reserved Rights With Jupiter Editions



«There are 6 Jaguars and 6 hearses in Praça D.  João da Câmara. They are the same jaguars that in the Diversion Maneuver delayed Raul's way to the Train Station on the day of Raul's flight from Lisbon to Porto Santo on the Secret Mission of Jupiter with the Air Force. The Diversion Maneuver was made for Raul to realize that the delay of the train and that the Place 66 in which he traveled in the train was part of the Masonic Program. Raul stapled the 1st Test of the Place not stapling the other Test in the Proto Santo Lifeguard Diary, respecting the Order and the Program. One of the jaguars, the one with the number 99, appeared in front of Raul in Porto Santo. It was the license plate that Raul managed to memorize of the 6 Jaguars and that's why that was the Jaguar chosen...»

«How do they know it was the license plate that Raul managed to memorize?»

«Chip... dah!...»

«Why are the 6 vans from 6 different funeral homes?»

«Isn't Grupo Krupka Funeral Company a Fantasy Company? She is not registered legally...»

"What time is it?"

«5:17 pm... The bank is closed... Why is it...»

«Raul has a key and is opening the agency door...»

«It's not possible... Raul entered the bank... The alarm did not go off... Who is  who is in the bank?? Enter the bank's camera system!!!"

"It's Marc."

"Who else is on the bench???"

«They are dressed in suits...There are 6 of them... Raul took two socks out of his pockets  and put them on the counter...»

“Two socks?”

«Yes... Football socks... They are from Sporting and Al-Nassr... Raul is undressing...»

"In the bank????"

«Yes... He took off his pants and kept his shorts on. What is the size of the shorts?”

"No. 6."

«He took off his shorts,  sniffed and is showing Marc his shorts. The shorts are...”


«Yes...  The zoom is at maximum...  They look spurred...»

«Was Raul naked on the bench?»

«No... He wore other shorts... With number 7...»

"It's Cristiano Ronaldo's number."

«The 1st wire transfer from the bank was made. The Bank triggered the 1st Silent Alarm. The Transfer was made to Saturn Editions. 66 million. The 2nd wire transfer from the bank was made. The bank triggered the 2nd silent alarm. The Transfer was made to Raul's bank account. 6 million. Report to Interpol, Europol and the Department of Money Laundering and Terrorism.”

′′ Raul will leave the bench. Prepare the weapons..."

«Raul Morais! Not another step! Hands up! You are being held for the Crime of Blackmail and Bank Fraud BPI  and for the Crime of Terrorism and Money Laundering. You have the Right to be Silent and anything you say will be used against you in Court.” 22h56 02/26/2023 Raul Catulo Morais with All Reserved Rights With Jupiter Editions 

Viper - Brand X Music
00:00 / 00:33


for marc.calisto, jorge.dias, dpo.rgpd, hugo.francisco.

Exmaª  Dora


Dear Marc Calisto


Honorable Antonio Farinha Morais


Following the 1st visit/interview to the Banco BPI branch in Campo Grande with Dora on 02/22/2023, when I went on behalf of Jupiter Editions to clarify issues relating to the Print Your Heart Project by Jupiter Editions, which I presented with the Jupiter  Saturn Neptune Company with the BPI bank under the Capitalizar Mais line for the financing of 4 million and that the project is online on the Jupiter Editions website in the Investing area, I inform you that I have availability to meet with Marc from March 1st to learn about the Bank's interest in financing the project with 6 million in the 66-day Communication under penalty of Remission of the Case to the Bank of Portugal._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_


Once  the company has already been dissolved, the Jupiter Editions brand having been separated from the Jupiter Saturn Society, and I am the owner of the entire project and the legal representative and founder_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ from Jupiter Editions it is with me that Marc should schedule and speak and not with Dmytro former manager of the Society  however dissolved and liquidated. 


The 2nd interview will be recorded as was the 1st for match tests for Banco de Portugal. The 1st interview was published in the Film-Nouvelle de Jupiter, currently at the bottom of the page, as "latest content", sending a Screen Shot with the Location of the recordings of the 1st Interview. Along the same lines, Dora is invited to join the Angels of Jupiter as an Actress-Ambassador and as an Angel-Jury of Bank Jupiter (Fantasia brand of Banco de Investimento de Projetos Cultural e Artísticos by Jupiter Editions created in the book 2080 by Antoine Canary -Wharf). In the episode of the Interview, Dora is an Extra, which is why she is responsible for the Royalties of the World of Extras in the Film-Project in the case of Directing and Production,  sending the direct link to the Royalties. I leave my telephone contact at the end of this email.

for me, jorge.dias

Good afternoon Mr Raul Morais,


How are you? I hope well.


Unfortunately, we have come to announce that the “Linha Capitalizar Mais” is already closed.


We remain at your disposal for further clarification.




Best regards,


[[ Marc left Raul's phone number in the PS of the email saying that while Raul continued to call him abbreviated as Marc Calisto, Marc would continue to call Raul also abbreviated as Raul Morais. There is a Russian nickname  that Raul is hiding in history. After the meeting between Dmytro and Marc, Dmytro was teaching Raul how to pronounce Marc's Russian surname. It's Raul who has to call Marc and not Marc Raul, because Marc replied to the email with the phone number.]]

[[The phone number is not Marc's. It's from Farinha Morais, former director of Banco BPI and current Chairman of Caixa Geral.]]

[[What is the meaning of this?]]

[[An Assault in Co-payment on the Headquarters of Banco da Caixa Geral, the Mint of the National Press and the Palácio da Biblioteca das Galveias? The Unique Copy of the Technological Knights is in the Legal Deposit of the National Press. It was passed by Raul's father to agent Tiaguinho and agent Tiaguinho a gratified at the door of the National Press passed the book to another policeman during the change of shifts and the policeman entered the National Press and managed to place the book in the Legal Deposit. 1 of the 6 copies of 2080 is in Vault no. 66 at Caixa Geral Headquarters  e 1 of the 6 copies of O Algoritmo do Amor  is in the Legal Depot_cc781905-94cde-31 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ from Galveias Library. When Raul went to deliver the Law of Obligations Manual  to Galveias there was a jar of condoms strategically placed in the hall of the palace with a film camera. After Raul had left the library, a masked man came in with The Algorithm of Love in his hand. He passed the pot of condoms and put 6 condoms in his pocket and delivered The Algorithm of Love to the Legal Deposit. The Chamber Algorithm Zoom indicated that the hands were Dmytro's hands with 99% Accuracy.]]

[[Why was one of Raul's Algorithms retained in the Legal Deposit of Palácio das Galveias?]]

[[Because of a page in The Algorithm with the description of the Palace... Which then teleports to the Stories of Arco do Cego through a "Secret Door" of the Palace to Rua do Arco do Cego... The 3 The Legal Deposits of the Palace, the Caixa Geral Headquarters and the Mint are located on Rua do Arco do Cego. The head office of Caixa Geral de Aposentação is also located at the head office of Caixa Geral de Depósitos. It was then Raul's father who passed the 2080 issue to the Signatory of the Definitive Retirement Pension. That's why Raul's father told Raul to "keep quiet" about his death so "the guys from Caixa don't cut the Reforma"... The Reforma entered the Illumminnatti Games as a Letter and Piece of the Puzzle. Raul forwarded the email to his father that he sent to the Ordem dos Médicos during his Father's Internment asking the Order whether or not the "Malignant Tumor" was part of a Masonic Theater and the father replied to the email by sending the Reform that Caixa Geral requested to attach to the Power of Attorney that Raul's father gave to Raul during Internment. In the Definitive Retirement Pension Letter, the Addressee is the Directorate-General for the Administration of Justice... But the address that appears is not that of the Directorate-General... It is that of the first Headquarters of Jupiter Saturn Neptune, Avenida Dom João II. It was because of this Address and the Company's Share Capital that Banco BPI in Loja do Campo Grande decided to open the Corporate Account, because the Company's Head Office was well evaluated by the bank's "real estate algorithms"... A Secret Reality was added Augmented by Konica Minolta to the 6th copy of O Algoritmo do Amor on the page of História do Arco do Cego where Raul heard the story of the Treaty of Tordesillhas and the History of the Maritime Route to India backwards, completely wrong,_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ through the mouth of Hugo Moort with a joint in his hand and who after 6 days heard the right story 6 meters away from where he had heard it.  Who gave the right story to Raul was Raul Mariana Portugal and Jorge. They were the ones who corrected the wrong story in Raul's ears. At the end of the story, they were the ones who gave 3 important references that Raul later used for the History of Portuguese Law Examination. Raul passed the History Exam with the 3 important references that Mariana and Jorge passed on to Raul at the end of the story.]]

[[Curious, not Inspector?]]

[[Yes, very curious... Well... The story seems to have been archived!]]

[[What, Inspector?? Shall we archive the story?]]

[[Yes... There is nothing by  to get...]]

[[What do you mean,  inspector? The camera shows that Raul's father entered the Palace, went up to the terrace with book 2080 in his hand, that the Signatory of the Definitive Retirement Pension entered next, that Raul's father left without any book in his hand and that whoever left from the terrace with book in hand went the Signatory...]]

[[But there's a camera on the terrace. We don't know what happened on the terrace. Raul's father could only have forgotten the book on top of one of the terrace tables and by Coincidence the Signatory had picked up the book without an owner and then had it delivered to Whom of Right... Feed the Signatory... The Causal Link is missing...]]

[[Inspector??? The Food Chain Link???]]

[[This is a Lost Cause... This is a Masonic Film... It's not worth it, you know?]]


[[I'm out. If you want, continue the Investigation... Today is my Last Day... It is the day of my Reformation. I pass it on to you and leave you the Testimony. If you want to continue, Good Luck Diogo!]]

[[Inspector??? Where you go???]]

[[I??? I'm going to have coffee!!! This film lacks coffee,  do you understand??? Missing time slots!!! Missing coffees and time intervals!!! We entered the Devil's Movie, you know? This is a Devil's movie. And I reached my last day. I want to live my Reformation in Peace, you see? I'm too old for this type of film... They all end the same way... There's a pattern... Good luck, Diogo! Raul became a widower because he devoured Macho. Don't forget that he is the "Female" and don't forget that the Diabolic Portia-Spider-of-3-Super-Powers devours the Male. Raul killed all his partners in Saga II of the Technological Knights... If you marry Raul... Sleep with a knife to kill him in Self Defense in case he decides to devour you in the middle of the night. I know you like Raul, Diogo... But don't get carried away by Emotions... I'll tell you what the Law Society told you... This is a lost cause, it's a Masonic film, it's a dangerous game ... Unless you get married and you are one of the Heirs of Jupiter.  maybe it's worth taking a chance on the game... Otherwise, leave the game, Diogo. Look around you. We are at 6 concerts at the same time... Listen to the songs.. Look around you... Look at the policemen... Look at the policemen's tattoos and rings... They are all holding a Devil's Work ... Either you defend and screw the Queen properly or you die. Devils only protect you if you defend the Devil. Do you have a dick for the Devil? Show me! Get your dick out of your pants so I can see! Show me your balls!!! Show me!!! Not bad... I just made a Shell under your tomatoes as if they were a Bunch of Grapes to feel your Testosterone and pass it to hell. The 6 Spokesmen of these 6 bands felt their Testosterone in my hands. I understand why you want to continue. It seems that the devils are defending him... But it's just a piece of advice, Diogo... Get married! Accompany Raul to Faro so he can divorce the Devil. Mark your position as the Devil in front of the Devil. If you don't keep up with Raul, maybe you'll lose Raul. It's not Raul who has to call you, Diogo. And you. He left him the Burden "of the Trial by Fire of Love". Look, the Flame is capable of extinguishing...  There are 666 devils blowing on your Fire Trial. Don't let the Flame go out... You've got to set the Flame on fire, Diogo.  He called him. You were called by him.  Good luck, Diogo!]]

[[Inspector... You can't abandon the Investigation just like that...]]

[[Diogo, I'm Retired!!! Realize??? I am out!!!! Look he's a Rosehip With Thorns. Gotta have the right stinger to screw you without bleeding... You've got the right stinger, like 666 devils have. Go forward fearlessly! If you see him surrounded, simply pass the Siege, even if it's a Flamingo Siege. Don't forget that we are human... Flamingos rule the World of Flamingos. Even if the Cerco de Flamingos is diverted to Quinta do Lago and even if Raul left Herdade da Aroeira in a Jaguar and entered Quinta do Lago in a Jaguar, don't be afraid to enter behind him in a Seat Ibiza or a Peugeot 206 or in an Opel Corsa or a Fiat Punto. Raul might enjoy leaving Quinta do Lago more in a Seat Ibiza or a Pegeot 206 than in a Jaguar or a Mercedes... Cross the Flamingos Siege, Diogo, even if the Flamingos have already made a Par for Raul . You will see "O Diabo" in the middle of the flamingos. Just undo the Pair in front of the Devil.  Don't be afraid! Follow your Heart and follow your Intuition in Research. Life, Game and Love are won with Intuition! The Masonic life, the Masonic Game and the Masonic Love are won with Intuition! Good luck Diego! If you need anything, if it's really urgent, please don't call me... Send me an email and I'll see it later... Actually, there are not 6 Concerts because there are not 6 Stages... There are 14 Concerts , because there are 14 stages playing at the same time, although some ears can only hear the 6 concerts at the same time... You have to go beyond Sound Level 6, Diogo. If you want to reach Him,  pass Stage 13.  He will be on the Piano on Stage 14. He only knows how to play the Piano, Jardim da Celeste and the Locomotive Breath by Jethro Tull. He was shown the Jethro Tull Staff at age 14. His music teacher was a friend of the Jethro Tulls. On Stage 13 you will see two devils. You'll see Dmytro and Oscal. Dmytro will be singing a song by Oscal at the same time. You only have to learn one song, Raul's favorite song. It's just a music. For Raul, life is a "Locomotive Breath". Raul left a Criminal Law class and hitched a ride in an Audi A6 to Aroeira. In the Place of the Dead there was a Psychology. Raul fell asleep during the trip. He woke up in the second 33 with Jethro Tull's Locomotive Breath on the bridge... On the contrary, on a Journey to the Contrary, Psychology that was going to the Place of the Dead died in a Citroën Picasso rammed by a Noble Brand Truck, only because Psychology had spoken badly about Nobre in an Online Consultation... However, Psychology thinks that she Escaped Unhurt from the Accident having no idea that she died and that she lives in a Dystopian and Disruptive Dimension of Virtual Reality,  having "Resurrected" when his Brain was simply Dipped by his own son into a Psychiatric Fish Tank connected to the Bronze Man Machine. During the Virtual Reality Game, Psychology won as an Insurance Prize an Audi A6 replacing the Picasso that went to the Scrap Metal and received Game Instructions to turn off the Airbag of the Passenger in the Place of the Dead. Psychology was behind the wheel waiting for its cousin and son. Who entered first was Raul. Cousin came in later. Raul did not sit in the Place of the Dead. The one who sat down was the son of Psychology. If Raul sat in the Place of the Dead, Bentley, Maserati, Jaguar, Ferrari, Bugatti, Rolls Royce, Porsche or Lexus would enter the Masonic film and Raul would die. In the 2nd Test Psychology left the keys in the ignition with the car connected to the Fuel Pump to add fuel. Raul,  behind, told his cousin to turn off the car and take the keys from the ignition. If Raul didn't say anything, the bomb would enter the Masonic film and explode in a Videoclip with the Angels and the Devils with the "6 Concerts" that we are listening to at the same time and with the 14th stage above where Raul would see himself himself playing the Jethro Tull piano. It was at the pump that Psychology gave its place to the Jethro Tull and left the scene. When Raul woke up he was going with the Jethro Tulls in the car and it was in the garage of Casa nº1 in Aroeira that Raul found out about the Masonic history of the Jethro Tulls. The Jethro Tulls left through the garage and Psychology's husband said to Raul "Not a peep to Sílvia about this. They are not my friends. Everything that happened in the garage was a Life Deal. Your life was negotiated, Junior. They separated and contacted my company. They are my customers. They are not my friends. Sílvia doesn't like them and neither do I. Not a word to Sílvia about this. I'm going upstairs to bed. Tomorrow I wake up very early. Good night , Junior. Is your friend Tiaguinho coming today or tomorrow?"; "It's only tomorrow."; "So today you're going to sleep colder,   isn't it? Good night,  Júnior.". When he passes Stage 13 he is capable of taking a Bujarda from Ronaldo or Palhinha. They are all Running Silently on the Net. But keep the Ballon d'Or that Raul won at the Illumminnatti Games and when you get to Raul, if you manage to get there, blow the Final Whistle with the Golden Whistle that Raul won at the Illumminnatti Games when he won the Ballon d'Or...]]
[[Inspector...  The Golden Whistle is worth 666k and belongs to the Jupiter Editions Museum...]]
[[Now  belongs to you, Diogo. The referee's letter came out in the same chair as Raul. Either you get married and sit on each other's laps or one of you is Offside... The Game is Serious and it's Dangerous,  Diogo... The Markets are increasingly playing Dirty and Measuring conflicts in Arbitration Centers... Arbitration Centers are the Future and the Virtual Court of Jupiter is an Arbitration Center. You have to enter the Jupiter Arbitration Centre, Diogo... It might be a safe haven for you.]]
[[With this Golden Whistle in my hand I could be arrested, Inspector.   Why are you doing this to me? The Golden Whistle...]]
[[Diogo... Dmytro wants to share Raul's Meat Pieces with Alex and Oscal. It is all a Sacrifice to Satan. Simply in the Illuminati Card Game in Caminha at the Online Congress of Doctors, your card came out, Diogo, and Harry Styles' card as Perfect Pairs and Raul threw away Harry's card, because only Harry's card was turned up. Your letter has been "spared". Afterwards, the letter from Oscal and Alex came out and Alex got up and showed the letter to Dmytro without Raul seeing it, asking Dmytro to enter as Partner of the Couple, transforming the Couple into a Trio. Dmytro asked for an amount. Alex transferred 666,000 saturns to Dmytro's bank account. At the same time, he received another 666,000 Saturns in the Bank Account of Oscal, who was watching the Game Online as an Observer-Player-Master. Saturns are still in Stand-Bye waiting to be Legalized by a Company based in Mykonos. Oscal indicated with 4 arrows that he could influence the Public Tender for Saturn Editions to win the Casino Lisboa Concession if he entered as a Partner with at least 14% of the shares and Alex accepted and showed the Raul-Alex-Dmytro Triangle in Faro that had left on the Playing Cards, for Oscal to enter Tony Raut as a Head and for Oscal to bring Luke and Sebastian, Raul's favorite singers, to a Tri-Masonic-Concert with Oscal at the Casino on Raul and Casino's Birthday, April 19th . Luke and Sebastian entered the Pirate Island Movie and appeared on the floors above Raul's lifeguard house in the Pirate Villa. Raul saw them when he went to hang out his lifeguard suit at night in the courtyard. I saw them through the light from the phones that projected Grindr into the air, as if "inviting" Raul to enter the Grindr App to "reach" them. It was a Test a'The Algorithm of Love run by Alex. But it is clear that Raul did not turn on the Gay Application that he had not even installed because he was dating Dmytro, but he wrote and Episode in the Diary of Lifeguards. When Raul spoke of the Chicago Bulls after crossing the Railroad Level Crossing on the phone with Dmytro, in the Exact Geographical-Timeline the following day Raut passed by dressed as the Chicago Bulls. But Raul  still didn't know who Raut was. When Raut was blocked with a Russian Jeep on Avenida da Liberdade,  at the exit of the Rotunda do Marquês de Pombal, for Raul not to arrive in time to register the Great Work at the Palácio da Foz and see the Doors of the Palace closed, Raut glued his face to the glass and devilishly with his "glass eyes" wide open for Raul, he devilishly stuck his tongue out, exciting Raul like an Algorithm stuck in Traffic in a Program of Algorithms. For 1 minute, Raul saw Porta Fechada and was forced to sleep in a Pensão Barata in Lisbon in order to register the
Great Last Work of the Illumminnatti Games - A Masonic Love in a Freemasonry of the Devils, on the following day. At the Pensão, Raul turned on Grindr and Raut appeared, sending Raul the location of a hotel with a part of a song of his invoking "the vampires and the devils", but soon after he entered the scene,_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ o Kevin - "The Firefighter" who saved Raul's Blood, sending a part of his Drawing that he was painting via WhatsApp to Raul. Because of the drawing Kevin sent Raul, Raul left Grindr to meet Kevin the next day. But Kevin didn't respond the day after Raul. But the next day Raul found Kevin in Lisbon painting a Simurgh on a wall, a Great Phoenix Queen,  from the Mythology of Persia who with the beating of her wings spreads the seed of Consciousness from the Tree of Life. Kevin invited Raul to go with him on a trip to Iran, Saudi Arabia,  to Afghanistan and Israel to paint walls, but Raul said he couldn't because he had to finish Right,_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ saying that later he would be ready to pack his bags and leave, but that first he had to finish right. Kevin only went down in history as a "Vegan Vampire" to Save Raul's Blood and to Save Raul's Love Letter that Raul was going to Burn. It was when he appeared dressed in Raul's room as a Firefighter after Raul had sent the Notice to the Fire Station that he was going to make a Burn to Burn a Love Letter and Burn one of the Algorithms of Love. Raul received a message from Instituto Português do Sangue to go and give blood at 3:033 pm on 03/03/2023 at Casa do  Campino and when Raul left the house to go up to Casa do Campino, Kevin appeared from backpack going up just to save Raul... Raul said he was going to give blood and Kevin said Raul couldn't give blood because he was too thin, saving Raul's Blood again. The Blood Bank was robbed and Raul's Blood would go into Raut's Wine Cup. They drink blood and in return they give the Blood the Food of the Blood: The Sperm, the Sperm of Life. That's why the "Vampires" keep Raul connected to the Life Machine to feed on the Blood by giving Sperm in Exchange. Raul's Neck was Sacrificed in the Illuminati to spare the lives of Goats, Cows, Sheep, Sheep, Goats, Pigs,  Elephants, Hippos, Zebras, Horses , Bulls and Giraffes, Raul's Sacred Mammals. Kevin also appeared in the Secret Face Down Cards on the Illuminati Table.  The Cards were Addicted with Invisible-Micro-Chips, the same kind that Alex put on Raul's Neck to keep Raul's Neck. Ronaldo, Palhinha, Bieber and Diogo Faro were also part of the cards and also came out as "Algorithm Offer" ao  Raul, but Raul threw them all away and held hands with Dmytro under the table. Hands were felt by  Alex,  by Alex being connected to the Neural and Nervous Network  by Raul  by Raul  by Raul  by Raul  136bad5cf58d_ via Microchip. When the Cards started to "fly", Raul knew perfectly well that the cards were flying because they were "chipped", but Dmytro wanted Raul to see everything as a "Magic" and to believe in his "Magic". The "Black Magic" Card Game was funded by Credite Suisse, Halifax, HSBC and Konica Minolta who printed the cards. Raul did not see the Invisible Network on the table, nor the Financing and Banking Transactions during the Game, nor did he even see the Secret Cards Facing Down, but he wrote the Principles and Topics of the Game in bed, after the card game,   when Dmytro went to get water for Raul and put a pill so that Raul would forget everything... But Raul didn't want to drink the water he had asked for, just so he could write quickly. Dmytro "freaked out" with Raul just because Raul said that "after all, he didn't want to drink water anymore"... Raul knew that Dmytro had put a pill in Raul's water. In the game,  Dmytro became Offside. A mask fell. Lenovo is Psychiatrist Alex. The Masks of the Illuminati have all fallen. The Illumminnatti Won the IIlumminnatti Games with Neptune, Diogo. Take the Whistle and go up to the Stage and blow the Final Whistle and bring Raul back. What are you waiting for?]]
[[And then?]]
[[And then what? Then like everyone else, get married. Go home. Park your Seat Leon in the garage. Raul likes the engine and gears of the Seats Ibizas and Seats Leons... Park in the Garage at house nº1.   House nº1 is for sale. There was Masonic Pressure for the house to be sold for 666 thousand. The house was for sale for 2 million and 666 thousand. It's a good investment, Diogo. Are you not a Scorpio native? Raul can handle your Poison and your Sting.]]
[[Since when does the Inspector believe in the Signs?]]
[[Since I entered this Devil's Film, Diogo. Raul's Pair is a Virgo on the 3rd. It appears as the first Pair in the Scientific Numerology of Numbers. It's Dmytro's date of birth. But your date of birth also appears as one of the other Perfect Pairs, as one of the Other Algorithms. Get into action in the movie, Diogo! You've got the right dick and the balls right in the spot!]]
[[Good luck, Diogo! Don't go back, otherwise you'll die!]] 06h55 01/03/2023 in
Real Timein Film-Nouvelle de Jupiter in Last 6 Days of Latest Attachments ofFinished Workby Raul Catulo Morais Edited at 11:01 am on 03/03/2023 in Real Time -Edited by Dmytro Krupka- Raul died at 3:33 am on 3/3/2023 after giving Blood at Casa do Campino at 3:03 pm on 3/3/2023. Raut died after drinking the Blood of Raul. Dmytro signed the Publishing Deal with Raut and Saturn Editions before Raut's Death knowing that Raut would die after Drinking Raul's Poisoned Blood. Dmytro resurrected Raul and transferred all rights to Saturn Editions to Jupiter Editions and turned Saturn Editions over to the FBI, Interpol and Europol.

Joker - Saint Raven
00:00 / 00:44
Warpath - Adam Jensen
00:00 / 00:44
Last Chance - Kabes, Felucia
00:00 / 00:13
Wake Up - JAD3D, Demitri Medina
00:00 / 00:44
00:00 / 01:07
Downpour, The Distortionist
00:00 / 01:22
мошпит, Oscal & Tony Raut
00:00 / 00:49
OSCAL спыхивать как фаер - не мое
00:00 / 00:33
Locomotive Breath - Jethro Tull
00:00 / 02:00

Occult Law Examination of Administrative Law I of 02/22/2023

Answers by Raul Catulo Morais to the Exam:
a) The order is not legal and Caixa Geral de Depósitos does not owe obedience to the Secretary of the Ministry of Treasury. As CGD is a bank controlled by the State,   in which the State adopts the Commercial Companies Code to set up a company, a bank,   in this case, _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ a Public Limited Company, thus governed by the Business Laws of Commercial Companies,   more specifically by the Laws of Banking Law, there is a Power-Relationship of Superintendence between the Government _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_e Caixa Geral de Depósitos, as this will fall within the scope of Indirect Administration cfr. art. 199th paragraph d) of the Constitution, in the "part" of State companies, in companies created by the State to pursue its purposes in pursuit of the Public Interest. Such power-relationship of Superintendence translates into the concrete case of the State having powers of guidance and control, as well as other powers such as disciplinary power, the power of revocation and guidance in cases expressly permitted by law crf art. 169º/5 of the Code of Administrative Procedure and the power of substitution. However, there is no duty of obedience between the CGD and, for example, the Ministry of the Treasury,   and no hierarchy exists or is established. What does exist is a Power-Relationship of Superintendence between the Government and CGD, which is completely different. The entities of the indirect administrations that embody the phenomenon of "Personalised Deconcentration" are subject to the superintendent's powers of guidance and control; and in the case of the State, the minister who,   due to the matter, could exercise oversight over CGD, could, in fact, be the Minister of the Treasury, who could be CGD's supervising minister if such was foreseen in his ministerial portfolio. But even so, no hierarchical relationship would be established between the Minister of the Treasury and CGD, with no duty of obedience on the part of CGD. What there would be or what there is is the power to control the performance of its action, which presupposes,   in particular, the submission of certain actions to authorization or approval, the lack of which is in both cases threatened with ineffectiveness, the exercise of disciplinary power over members of governing bodies, supervision through inquiries and investigations and the possibility of substitution in the practice of legally due acts in case of serious inertia by the responsible body. In maxime, if it were the Minister of the Treasury who, meeting in the Council of Ministers, had approved such an order and a Delegation of Powers had been envisaged and the Minister delegated such power to the secretary in a sense contrary to the case, it might be possible to assess the legality of the dispatch.   Thus, the violation of the Principle of Legality art. 3 of the CPA and the violation of the Precedence of Law. The order is invalid, being illegal, being vitiated by absolute incompetence and therefore null cfr. paragraph b) of paragraph 2 of art. 161 of the CPA. For example, nº 2 of the Dispatch where it says that "Any contractual support in the area of culture that exceeds 1 million jupits must be approved by me", in the person of the Secretary of State for the Treasury, suffers from the defect of usurpation of powers cfr a) of paragraph 2 of art. 161 of the CPA. As the order is void,   the order did not produce any legal effect, regardless of the declaration of nullity cfr. art. 162º/1. CGD doesn't have to worry. [6[6[ Either the Secretary is "crazy" or the Secretary has sent the dispatch to CGD to test CGD's Administrative Law legal department]9]9].

b) As legal adviser to the mayor of Évora, I would say that since the allocation of the sum of 1.5 million   by Caixa to the Municipality in the conclusion of the Protocol is from a bank controlled by the State, that it is subject to the power of the Superintendence of the State/Government/Minister of Guardianship that one of the risks that it could suffer in the face of possible inspection actions could be to see its expectations frustrated, because in an inspection action the Protocol lacks approval or is simply revoked . Thus, until the Municipality effectively receives the amount of the Protocol in the bank account of the Municipality or the City Council of Évora, I would advise the Mayor not to allocate funds based on the amount of the Protocol   while the amount "don't fall into the account".

c) Taking into account the various songs and dances that exist in Portugal and the amount of 1.5 million appearing to me to be a little high for the initiative in question and due to the already public case containing the public statements of the Mayor _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ following the allocation   of an amount of 200 thousand jupits to an association for the promotion of Cantar Alentejano from Baixo Alentejo, I would advise the inspector in his powers to assess the specific case by seeing possible links between the mayor and the Association through inquiries and inquiries, for example; and also seeing whether the money   would actually be channeled into the worldwide promotion of Cantar Alentejano, analyzing the Budget and the Promotion Plan,   also preparing or carrying out surveys and Interviews-Investigation with the President to find out what would be the fate of a specific Plan and Budget of that amount of 1.5 million to better assess whether the amount   would in fact be high or not in the case in question, deserving whether or not an eventual rectification in the amount or a total disapproval. However, if the Bank's Statutes stated that, for example, such a protocol would always first have to be sent to the General Inspectorate of Finance or that it would require some other approval without that body having been consulted and without that body having therefore approved , would advise blocking the outflow of money. If the money had already left, I would advise the Inspector to institute Disciplinary or possibly Criminal Liability if we were faced with a case of Embezzlement of Public Money through Banco da Caixa Geral,   when transferring money to a association or for a council with a fantasy promotion for a hidden purpose that would then not continue to promote the cultural activity or, for example, would spend only 34% of the public money and the other 66% for a hidden purpose.

Group II
If, on the one hand, it is true that the ways in which administrative powers are exercised are increasingly relevant as a result of collaboration, partnership or coordination relationships established between administrative entities of different natures; on the other hand, I do not agree that the powers of direction, superintendence or guardianship are becoming less and less relevant as ways of motivating or conditioning administrative action. Perhaps the regent professor Doctor Paulo Otero does not agree with my comment, having another understanding. For example, in his Manual of Administrative Law,   the professor defends the trend towards Privatization of Public Administration, for example, in areas such as Security, Health and many other branches such as Processing, Treatment and Data Analytics, the current Era being the Golden Age of Data, Data being the Oil of Today and Tomorrow. Although I understand your thinking,   for the study that I have done and that I do on the System and the Markets and the Vices of the Markets, at least  the Portuguese reality that I I know, I am forced to distance myself from your thoughts. What I see is in fact a reform to the Code of Administrative Procedure in a better More Intelligent Interconnection of the Public Contracts Code, judging better the idea of the State continuing to open Public Tenders, but more Transparent and more Publicized, with more Environmental and Social Criteria stronger and weighing more, in order to be able to grant management, security or health to the best private individuals, but without losing their control,   being able to "Hijack" the contract with the private "who misbehaved" and thus to open a new public tender and hand over the concession to another private, thus not losing, through the contract, such powers of Superintendence and Guardianship,  sem that such powers condition administrative action, but quite the contrary, motivating more administrative action through more regular public tenders with concessions between 2 to 3 years or between 3 to 5 years after end of economic activity, thus motivating the private political and economic participation.

Group III

If I were Minister of National Defence, meeting in the Council of Ministers, I would vote in favor of a  Caixa Geral de Depósitos, Expo 98 Bank, returning to Financing the Diabos Concert, authorizing as Minister of Guardianship for New Dispatch that in the State of Emergency had decided as the New Minister of Guardianship of the New War Bank of Caixa Geral, the  Minister of National Defence. Since the Request for Requiring the 3 Concerts of the Devils for the Establishment of Peace had been issued by the Russian Embassy under the orders of Putin's Chess Game,  would respect the Order of Concerts, 1st in Red Square in Moscow, 2nd in Independence Square in Kiev and 3rd in Jardim da Liberdade  from Santarém in front of the Judicial Court of Santarém with the War Tank Pistol pointing at my Heart despido  on Stage by Oscal, Dmytro and Raut, tattooing my body with their names during concerts in Russian as well as in Demand. As the Translation of Cantar Alentejano into Russian in Praça Vermelha also appeared as a requirement,  foreseeing the Translation Budget increasing by more than 2 million, it would approve the increase. To protect Portugal in the 3rd World War in the Secret Masonic Alliance in Portugal and Russia, it would only continue to approve funding from Caixa Geral to the Air Force and the Army for the solidarity shipment  of Tanks and Warships to Ukraine,  as long as the financing was authorized by Russia,  always continuing to notify Russia of the shipment to Ukraine through the Russian Embassy in Portugal, always with the Purpose of Protecting Portugal and for Portugal not to enter Russia's Black List, preferring to maintain the "Neutral-War-Advantage" by helping Ukraine financially and militarily, but always with Russia's Knowledge and Authorization,_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ in order not to compromise Portugal in the future. Regarding the Russian Embassy's request to send Portuguese troops into the field,  I would consult the troops asking who would be interested in the Mission, despite giving my opinion and saying that I would prefer that the Portuguese troops were not in Mission, offering as an alternative the Reception of Ukrainian troops in Portugal for Better Training and New War and Combat Strategies  with Portuguese, Israeli, Pakistani and Indian troops with the Dances of War of Songs by Oscal and Raut, thus authorizing the Credit from Caixa Geral de Cultura de Artistas to the City Council that had signed the Protocol with the Publisher, with Oscal and Raut. With regard to the Transmission and Transfer of Data by the City Council to Russia, it would order an Investigation and Inquiry to the City Council, raising the Disregard of the Legal Personality to hold the President  Currencies in disciplinary and criminal terms, definitively removing him from Power together with Montenegro and Ventura, to prevent Corruption and Money Laundering and Influencer and Data Trafficking in the Black Market. Жизнь — это мошпит, мышцы в огне Вроде ты в толпе, но ты с собой наедине, Даже не пытайся: мы не наравне, Столько сил, сколько есть, все в по кругу беготне, Жизнь, как мошпит, сердце в огне, На серьёзных щах не выжить: ты не на войне, Столько сил, сколько есть, все в по кругу беготне, И это мошпит (Мошпит!), сердце в огне, На серьёзных щах не выжить: ты не на войне (Мошпит!) Даже не пытайся : мы не наравне, 

Raul's 1st and Last Deed hidden within the Code of Administrative Procedure of Military Law:

Because I want to die. Profanely I want to die.   I want to die spiritually. And I have the right to want to die,   in this Paradise ruled by Hell. No. It makes no sense for us to be slaves. No. It makes no sense that we have to work to eat and barely eat. No. Doesn't  sense. It makes no sense for us to spend a lifetime working without being able to see the world. It's not life for anyone. And no, this is not life. This is not   life. What governments want is to disconnect us from life, to chip us, to drive us crazy. And I don't want to go crazy in a world led by crazy people, crazy people out of their minds. And for that, I want to die.   Profonally I want to die. I want to die spiritually. And I have the right to want to die. My Work is exposed and finished. My Work is 999 works. There are 999 works within a single Work. Call me Devil, call me what you want. I want to see Putin's Head  e of all  terrorists on a platter.  Because it was the Law itself that taught me to cut off these heads in legitimate defense. Take my spirit and put it on a plane to go play chess with Putin's lunatic,   because  Putin is the lunatic who is able to stop war with a Game of Chess if while we're playing I'm barefoot masturbating his dick with an entire Russian Army holding this Devil's Masonic Chess Game. I want to walk barefoot on the Tarmac of the Airplane Runway, because it is barefoot that I like to walk, because it is barefoot that I Feel the Sensitivity of the Reality of the Earth and I feel Real. You can't call me crazy just because I want to walk barefoot   feeling the tar (4) and I'm capable of getting off the plane (4) with the Koran (4) in my hand in Afghanistan (4) only to stop the war. There is no point in inventing more religions when what dominates the whole world is a single religion. It is necessary to learn the Language Codes to Universally speak the same Latin and establish Peace.   But to speak with Language Codes there is a whole Body Expression, there is a whole Silent Spirit that speaks through the eyes and only with Visual Contact is it possible to establish Order and Diplomatic Peace. It is not worth imitating the Good Spirits.   No   are worth copying.   Copying, adulteration and counterfeiting will always generate War. And I'm not for that.  For this World of Shit. This Anecdotal World. Even Bacteria and even Viruses laugh at us, let alone Extraterrestrials... It makes no sense to eat Pig, because Pig is a Mammal. It makes no sense to eat Cow, because Cow is a mammal and we are mammals. It is right here that the Establishment and Business of Peace against the Business of War, Blood and Suffering begins. Oil, Natural Gas and Hydrogen have to be talked about in a different way and we have to hold a Congress of Bees with everyone gathered to diplomatically reach a Consensus. If we need to sit on each other's laps to speak more diplomatically, let's sit on each other's laps. We are human and we cannot harm each other. If peace is not immediately established, Planet Earth will become Mars. It will be a desert with nothing where once, as on Mars, life once existed and life and a whole testimony   of life have already been written. If World War 3 happens, we will see Spaceship Fire opening up the Heavens. Only the good will be protected. Only the good ones will be abducted. Because the good ones are marked. All others will die. Does not make sense. And in this nonsense of the 21st century on 02/27/2023 I want to die on Earth. I profanely want to die on Earth.  On a Planet where Bees are the Beings that connect us to Earth-Taking and not seeing Kids talking about Bees or not seeing Kids protecting Bees makes me feel sorry, I feel like it cry and feel like dying. The world is upside down. Because the Devil likes to walk in a world upside down. For I am the Devil and I hate walking in a world upside down. My mouth breathes fire.   I set things on fire with my mouth like I put things out with my mouth.   And I burn my own stuff. I blow on my own writing and I set my writing on fire and then I blow and put out the Fire of my writing.   I breathe fire because I am a Fire Sign. I am incapable of dying for the upside-down world, for a world that has already died, for a lifeless world. Technology is killing life, it's killing humans, it's killing bees,   it's killing trees. Not all eyes are able to see the Technological Program. It takes Technological Eyes and I lend my eyes to an entire Society through my Writing.   But I'm tired. I'm tired of the world. I'm tired of the law. I'm tired of seeing the Monkeys in Parliament.   I'm tired of this world. And for that I want to die. I want to die profanely and I have every right to write what I am writing.   I am not inciting to Hate,   nor even Suicide because I would be incapable of committing suicide. But I want to die. I want them to shoot me in the chest. Take me to Putin, take me to Afghanistan. May the Russian Army fire on me. I want to take it with a Missile.   I want to leave the Matrix.   I want you to disconnect me once and for all. It seems that I live in a Metaverse, in that Metaverse that Putin invested 66 million. I seem to live inside  a Matrix.   They put my life in a Matrix just for me to appear tired, stammering, stuttering,   without knowing how to speak, _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d, just_showing up late for all my writing to be late. I hid all my writing for years because of the Catholic Church,  that stupid Church that says I am the Devil.  Because the Devil is her! And who commands this War, is her! I'm tired of the Administrative Law that allowed the Catholic Church to survive,   of Corruption,   of these Corrupt Governments and all this War! I'm tired of the War! I'm tired that war is always part of history! I am tired! Law and War have tired me! Because it is the Law itself that dictates the Rules of the Game and allows this War. A Serious Right sent a real shot at the Terrorist. It was Administrative Law that said in Loud and Bom Som at its Congress of Rights that "I", tolerant, could only tolerate war and terrorism with intolerance, because if I am tolerant and others are intolerant then only with intolerance is that I manage to return to Peace and Tolerance. A First Year Basic Class of Administrative Law, Constitutional Law, Study of the Environment and even Visual and Technological Education of the First Cycles. I'm on my knees and that's why I want to die. Profanely I want to die. I want to go to the World of Bees,   to the World of Free Bees who are capable of Creating 666 thousand parliaments of Hives linked to each other in Peace in True Consensual Democracy.   We only have to imitate the bees to stop the War! We only have to Import Bee Rights for all our Rights Codes. We have to enter the Secret World of Bees,  to learn to be better, every day better, because we owe it not only to ourselves,  but also to bees and we therefore have to import their Dances of Peace,  their Dances of Life, their Magic Codes of Life... Otherwise, it's not worth it and so, I want to die. Profanely I want to die. Putin knows who I am, because he saw me hand in hand with Dmytro on the Lisbon film cameras that Coins gave Putin 666 Coins. Putin entered my Economics Class through the film cameras that the Madam Director of the Faculty of Law installed in Auditorium 6. After the professor had written his name in Russian on the blackboard just for Putin to see and a Missile would not fall on the Law School I got up with my Spirit and I also wrote my name in Russian and I sent Putin to hell in Russian writing that I wanted to see his head cut off on a silver platter so I could eat his eyes and I saw Putin laughing and picking up his dick and masturbating with my Writing and my Spirit. Well then, take me to Putin, that to stop a war I stick my Demon mouth in Putin's cock! Written in Mente at 4:16 pm on 02/22/2022 with the Administrative Process Code opened on page 99 and retrieved at 7:34 am on 02/27/2023 Raul Catulo Morais with Jupiter Editions -  "I just I want to eat  Putin's Eyes because I'm Hungry, okay? I'm not a cannibal. I just want to see Putin's Severed Head on a Silver Platter, because he's a Terrorist, I'm not the one I'm a Terrorist.  Cut off Putin's head because I'm Hungry,  FUCK! 136bad5cf58d_

Jupiter Editions no Banco
00:00 / 12:41

Special Episode "Jupiter Editions at the Bank with Tax Law" Voice of Raul Catulo Morais in the Character of the Professor of Tax Law Recorded in Real Time at 6:46 pm in 03/03/2023 on Internet of Programs with Jupiter's Film-Nouvelle. Published in Film-Nouvele by Jupiter in Moovs and Bank Program by Kanal Jupiter

15:22 (6 hours ago)

para  cabinet.minister, treasury, alexandra, mario

Former Doctor Mário Centeno, Governor of the Bank of Portugal


I ask you to clear my name from the Black List of the Banco de Portugal Responsibility Centre, since the new Global Statement issued to me by Caixa Geral de Depósitos indicates that the amount of capital outstanding on my Student Loan is 1€ and that the amount owed on my Credit Card is 6 cents. I enclose the last two statements, the previous Default Statement and the new Global Statement for you to confirm with my Account Manager at Caixa Geral de Depósitos Alexandra V. and clear my name with the Bank of Portugal.


On another subject, I request the support of Banco de Portugal for my editorial project of cinema and directing Jupiter Editions, which I founded because I wrote 9 books with 9 pseudonyms in 99 days. The entire project is exposed online at the Jupiter Editions website.


Best regards,

Raul Catulo Morais

16:15 (5 hours ago)

for alexandra, management, cmvm, dss-portal, liveinportugal, cabinet.seafin, cabinet.minister, public relations, cabinet.minister, public relations, minec, dgpc, presidentcp, plmjlaw, antonio

Former Doctor António Farinha Morais


Referring the Matter to the offices of the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Finance and the Treasury, on the occasion of the request sent to Banco de Portugal to clear my name from the Black List of the Responsibilities Center of my debt of €2,148 to Caixa with the New Global Statement which shows that I now only owe Caixa €1, I ask that, in your current role as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Caixa Geral de Depósitos, SA, you approve the sponsorship and financial support for my film publishing project and realization Jupiter Editions which I founded for having written 9 books at the same time with 9 pseudonyms.


I leave you in the body of this email a scene set at the Caixa Geral de Depósitos branch (proposed in Faro) where the negotiation of my debt was "closed". The scene is included in Jupiter's Film-Nouvelle, my Last Work Finished in Real Time in the Moovies Program of Kanal Jupiter on the Jupiter Editions website, leaving a direct link to the Film-Nouvelle at the end.


"Hello! I'm a doctor. I want to make an agreement with Caixa Geral. This person owes a debt here. From €2,148.05. I want to clear his debt by paying €2,147.05, but I don't want him to know that I'm the one who cleared it. Is this possible?"

«Of course not... But what are you to our debtor...»

«Hello... I'm sorry... I couldn't not hear the conversation... Doctor, how are you? Yes,  it is possible... I am Master of Law of Obligations and the case is a Law of Obligations case... Let me see his name... He was my student. .. I know him... I remember him because of the Audi remote control... He showed up with an Audi remote control in my class, late... He entered late...  When I was talking precisely about a Construction Work in which Audi and the Ordem dos Médicos were involved... Por  that's what I remember him... He arrived at the classroom and put the command on the table... So the command wouldn't fall out of his pocket... He went in without a backpack...  Only with the Law of Obligations Manual in his hand... Not even I tagged him because he brought in the Law of Obligations Manual from another professor in my class... I'm not a Narcissist... I managed to Edit my father's Narcissistic Gene in Time... The story is the same, but neither is it it was for me That's why I marked him... It was really because he put the Audi remote control on the table when I already had the Audi home in the program to talk about... He just went to that class of mine... Then he disappeared like a ghost... That's why I marked him. He got a 13 on the exam but I legitimately lowered his grade because he never showed up again... I remember seeing him  that same day getting into the Audi at the end of the day... By  because of the license plate that had a 66 I knew that the Audi was not his. But it was a coincidence to have seen that 66... It's one of those things that only the Devil seems to explain...»

"There!!!! Lizard, lizard, lizard..."

“Are you superstitious, my lady? Look, you are at Counter nº6 with a Psychiatrist in front of you who has password nº66 in his hand...»

Raul Catulo Morais With All Reserved Rights With Jupiter Editions in Real Time in Film-Nouvelle  de Jupiter


Best regards,

Raul Catulo Morais

"Hello! I have a joint account with my father and I would like to apply for a temporary card to be issued.”
“But do you already have a card?”
"Yes. I wanted a 2nd way.”
“But where is the card?”
«He's in Lisbon and right now I can't get to the card and I really needed to be able to operate the account.»
"Aren't you lying?"
"Didn't your father take your card?"
«It's just that I'm looking at the account here and there's already     a lot of money... Your father won't get paid until the 17th and we're still on 3... And there's already little money in the account... I don't really know how they're going to live until the 17th, but that's it...»
“How much is in the account…?”
«Look... There's what there is... There's only about 300... Have they paid the rent? What about water and light? It's the car? It's just that life isn't easy... You've seen everything suddenly increase... That's why we're all talking to ourselves... Talking to ourselves, we're all talking, you know? If even Psychiatry has already realized this, why don't you realize this too?»
«I don't understand you... I'm very sorry...»
«Well... You don't understand... You don't understand what life is... I don't know what it's about...»
«I don't understand... I just came here to the counter   to ask for a 2nd issue of my card to be able to make movements in a joint account that I have with my father...»
«Well... And what I'm telling you is that your father doesn't have much money for big moves anymore... Besides, you're the 2nd holder and you have a big debt here... see me here something with Alexandra... Do you know who Alexandra is?”
«Yes, I know... It's my account manager...»
«Well, I'm going to start the chat with her here... Alexandra is in charge now...»
«I don't understand what my debt has to do with it...»
«I will explain to you! It's all about! Everything has everything to do! In life, everything has to do one thing with the other. It's just that if you have a debt, first you have to pay it before thinking about making other account movements... Do you understand? Caixa's  fear in relation to you is this...»
«The fear of the box...»
«Yes,   the fear of Caixa... Look, Alexandra already answered me. He's asking when you plan to pay off the debt. First, you have this Berbicalho to solve and only then from Berbicalho does Alexandra authorize the 2nd issue of the card...  Vá... When are you going to pay? Will you pay now? Something has to be charged to your account...  To amortize your debt, which is very large...»
«Yes,   is exactly one of the reasons... That's why I need the 2nd issue of the card...»
"Oh no! You don't have to, because that's what you do there at the counter! And if you want, you can also rob your father's account at the counter, you understand? You don't need the Card for anything. If you want to rob the bank, look at it...  I'm ready for  everything! You want me to put my hands in the air, I will!”
“You are very funny!”
«Life is meant to be laughed at, otherwise we cry... Do you know how much I get paid to be here?»
«Was that what you would pay if you were the Chairman of Caixa Geral?»
«If I were the Chairman, €3,000 clean would be the minimum, yes. For how things are in the country...»
«Yes, but do you know that I receive less than your father's Reform? That's why I don't get divorced. In other words,   am handcuffed here to the Counter.  Do you know who the Chairman is?»
"Know. It’s António Farinha Morais.”
"Ready. It's just that Alexandra asked me here in the Chat if you knew who the Chairman was... And do you know where he was sitting before coming to Caixa Geral?"
"Know. At Banco BPI.»
"Very good. So how do you plan to deal with your debt?”
«I intend to withdraw €666 from the joint account I have with my father and deposit it in my account and then from May onwards, which is when the Lifeguard season starts, depositing €66 every month until the debt is paid off...»
«But how are you going to deposit €666 if you don’t have that in your current account?»
“I’ll get it from the Savings Account.”
«Ah! Well played... And do you know how much you have in your Savings Account?»
«Look, Alexandra is asking how you are going to be a Lifeguard if you don't have a valid Lifeguard Card... Alexandra knows everything and passes all the information on to the bank... You must have consented to Caixa General who had access to his Lifeguard Card... This with Crossing Data,  you already know...»
"No, I didn't consent."
“So how are you going to pay? Are you going to work for the Agricultural Fair? Are you going to work for the Gastronomy Fair? Banco BPI always finances the Agricultural Fair... The Devil's Fair... It's a Devil's Bank...: It finances the Devil's Theaters and Films... Are you going to work for the Fair or not?»
«Yes, for example... I also have books. I can try to sell them at the fair...»
«Okay, what it takes is to be Creative, because of the new lines of Credit and Creativity Support Financing... The more creative the better, the more stupid  and nonsensical the better... That's why I've already lost my mind, to see if I can also apply for the line... Look, Alexandra said she went to have a snack in the chat... She went to a pastry shop in Campo Pequeno... I think she left on foot from the Headquarters to Pastelaria do Campo Pequeno... If that's what I'm thinking of, it's going to take a while... Because it always takes a long time at Pastelaria do Campo Pequeno... Maybe an hour or two... Do you have time? There will now be a bullfight in Campo Pequeno... Do you like bullfights?»
"I don't have time and I like Bloodless Races."
«So... Look... If you don't have time,   whatever, grab the account at the counter and leave, that's it... That's what I can tell you. I cannot issue you a 2nd copy without Alexandra's authorization.»
"All good. Your name is?"
"My name?"
«In the story I am Fatima. Put me as Fatima in history. Miss Fatima. Or just Fatima if you want. It's as you wish, Raul. If you want to take the picture of the ox now, take it. Don't want to take the frame down in history? Take the painting... Grab the painting and take the painting... Do you think I'm out of balance and do you think I'm in Normal Conditions to work? I tried to put a psychological drop-off but Caixa Geral threatened me that they would fire me because they put a psychologist here, Liliana, who said that I'm perfectly fine and that I'm just trying to play with the bank. What do you think of this case?”
“It would be an unlawful dismissal. Thank you so much, Fatima.”
«Thank you, Raul, for including me in the story. Hey Raul... Do you think I'm too nosy or invasive?"

«Lá, agora...» 23h06 in Real Time 03/03/2023 Raul Catulo Morais With All Reserved Rights With Jupiter Edititons in Film-Nouvelle de Jupiter

Saque 666€ Banco Caixa Geral
00:00 / 02:25

Check to the King: Withdrawal of €666 from the Bank of Caixa Geral de Depósitos on 3/02/2023 during Grade 44

Saque de 777€ - Conta derretida
00:00 / 04:20

Bishop Eaten: Cashout of €777 Online from Father in Chess Game with Son during Grade 77

Jogos de Fome 6ª parte
00:00 / 07:27
Dinheiro da Psicologia
00:00 / 00:56
Morto-Vivo (Pai)
00:00 / 01:15
Jogos de Fome 7ª parte
00:00 / 03:20
Couve Portuguesa
00:00 / 03:26
00:00 / 08:35

4:44 am 5/03/2023 Raul Chamma Chamma Luke Krupka-Raut 666,666,666.9.

Consulta da Serpente
00:00 / 16:03
Istambul - Internet dos Sonhos
00:00 / 28:03
Aqui há gato...
00:00 / 20:50
00:00 / 19:30
Jorge II
00:00 / 09:33

Episodes "Istanbul - Internet of Dreams" and "Aqui há Gato..." published in Angels Diary and Episodes "Jorge" and "Jorge II" published in Tech-Riders Vozes-Duplas de Raul Catulo Morais with All Reserved Rights With Jupiter Editions

Jupiter Editions no Banco
00:00 / 12:41

Episode "Jupiter Editions no Banco" published on Comedy Show and Banks Show  in Kanal Jupiter

Final Psychiatry Report Mental State Examination – Extracurricular Internship in Occult Law, the Law of Algorithms and the Information Society and the Law of Psychiatry and Social Security andPsychiatry and Social Security System Test- Simulation nº666 of Jupiter and Final Report of Psychiatry by Raul Catulo Morais for delivery to the Order of Physicians and Jupiter Editions concluding the 33rd Degree in the Society and School of Thought Jupiter valid and Recognized in the Order of Discrete Societies of Saturn, Ceres, Neptune and Other Regular and Irregular Orders. According to the Final Illumminnatti Program, published on the Jupiter Editions website at 9:47 am on 02/02/2023, the Final Psychiatry Report is prepared on the computers of the Bernardo Santareno and Braamcamp Freire Library within a maximum period of 2 hours with a Limit of 5 Pages including all Annexes, and must be delivered by email to the Main Intervening Physicians by 6:33 pm on 02/02/2023, evaluating the Author's Capacity for Synthesis, Fast Writing, Fitting Things Together and the Author's Productive Memory, separating the Memory of Production and Realization of the Author with the Memory of Reality with the Abstraction of the Film and Masonic Theaters of the Program and the Occult Law. The Report starts at 2:44 pm on 02/02/2023 and can only be consulted online during the preparation of the Report on the Public Part of Case nº 66 of Internment in Psychiatry in the Virtual Court and the Report on the Ligia Disease Certificate prepared by the Family Doctor. Case nº66 Patient: Lígia Author's Relationship with Patient: Son Author: Raul Catulo Morais Patient's Current Diagnosis: Schizoaffective Personality Disorder. Currently medicated with the following Medication Scheme: bisoprolol (for Tension) at breakfast, Metmorphine (for Diabetes) after Breakfast, lunch and dinner, Valproic Acid 500 in the morning after breakfast and 750 after with dinner, Diazapam (10 mg) with lunch and Olanzanpine before going to bed and injectable Aripiprozol every 33 days my mother is alert, conscious, more or less oriented in her references, cooperating with a “sick” look at times at various parts of the day, but not so depressed and not so sad anymore. However, sometimes it seems Stable, but other times it seems Unstable, Unable to carry out basic tasks such as sweeping and doing housework. For example, when she sweeps or washes the floor once or twice a week, she feels that she should be congratulated for her work and that she has done a lot, when in fact the house is very small, the room very small, and it must be normal to carry out the task more efficiently. or less quickly and more regularly, when my mother is only 62 years old and her only job is to run the house, having never worked in her entire life. Currently, she has returned to cooking, however I notice that sometimes it seems necessary for my mother to perform the task of turning on the stove with some uncertainty and delay in the execution, seeming to be dangerous at times... My mother often talks about wanting to going to a Nursing Home, it takes a long time to walk 100 meters, it says it's too far, my mother's day-to-day is basically watching television all day or going "doing her own thing" from " lead from home” however, the house always appears very untidy and disorganized, making it difficult to maintain cleanliness and organization in the house. At first, my mother's garbage accumulation problem seemed to be solved, however, yesterday, 02/1/2023, when I entered my mother's room, I noticed garbage such as wrapped papers, empty cereal boxes and leftover food such as hard bread in the cupboard of a few days. My mother continues to waste food and always leave food scraps in the fridge, always on plates, always having to remove them. My mother does not have hygiene habits like bathing. It is true that the water does not reach the shower hot because of the pressure and the plumbing. I also notice that my mother cooks the Food with few Hygiene Habits able to cook “on top of the crap”, even though she seems to “not be able to see the crap”. My mother is currently able to take the medication independently, having done the Last Review with her on 02/1/2023 and she started to become more Collaborative with me and let me “take care of her” after the 1st Consultation/interview of Psychiatrist with Doctor Inês in which my mother saw that the Doctor “entrusted” me with the Medication, having been very important for the success of the family at home. I classify our family as a Dysfunctional Family in which it eats "each one for his side", there are many silences and the conversation is typically between the 3, mother, father and son of family discussion. However, after the 1st Consultation/interview, I noticed that the family was more or less united by the Understanding of the father and son in relation to the Diagnosed Disorder, with greater Peace at home and greater Harmony. For example, before my mother's Hospitalization, my mother slept separately from my father in the living room, having already slept separately for some years. After hospitalization and after the 1st interview with Psychiatry, my mother went back to sleeping in bed with my father and doing better with the Sleep Cycles that she didn't do, as it was rarer for her to get up in the middle of the night to eat or tidy up and messing things up at dawn like I did disturbing the Peace and Silence at home every day. However, the Family Support is “False” or “Appearing”, considering my mother's Serious Risk of Social Isolation. For example, despite the fact that the family is large and that my mother's two brothers live in Santarém, my mother is not visited regularly by the family, having been visited twice by a brother during her Internment, visited by me every day when visiting with the exception of the 2 days I gave to my uncle, not having been visited by my husband, my father always saying that he “was out of it”, having however spent the Christmas and New Year festivities with his brothers in the city. After hospitalization, he had a very brief visit from a nephew, a visit from a niece who lives abroad and a lunch visit from a sister. At Christmas my mother was always very quiet and was not very integrated either, despite “appearing” integrated in the “photographs” of the family… My mother missed other people, “strange” some visits and finding “boring” others visits. Quite honestly “I understand” my mother and therefore I see my mother's Risk of Social Isolation for “perceiving” definitively that Family Support is False and Apparent. For example, my father's Family Support is a so-called “Survival Regime” more of “shelter” and “food” always in a “kind of relief”. Well, such a “regime” and such “false and apparent support” can be disastrous for a patient with schizoaffective personality disorder. My mother was very attached to me after the hospitalization and even more after the 1st interview. However, I can't always be with my mother, I'm always away studying and being a law student in Lisbon finishing my course and writer-director-producer in the editorial project I founded. I live with my parents. On 01/23/2023, in an interview/consultation with the Family Doctor, my mother was cooperative, with noticeable and fixable attention, an expansive and very verbose posture, maintaining contact with the family doctor interviewer. I noticed that my mother's mood was with the typical difficult-to-understand speech and flight of ideas. My mother's verbiage problem appears with my mother's sick look when my mother is weaker at a level of disorientation in which she is capable of hugging "the garbage" and putting the "trash in her lap" and taking her time while she is doing the garbage bag building big contentless monologues talking about everything and anything else in a long loosening of association with false recognitions and overvalued ideas of hypochondriac and religious content. 15:44 02/02/2023 Raul Catulo Morais – 1st attempt in Bernardo Santareno Library 16:44 Due to my mother looking like an old lady walking and doing things very slowly and due to my mother’s speech and bad memory of my mother in who confuses many things and exchanges many conversations forgetting everyday episodes, these episodes always proving conflicts not only at a family level but also socially with the main concern of being able to be facing a “hidden” dementia in my mother’s diagnosis or by so there is an “exaggeration” or an “exaggerated theater of things” irregular and incompatible with everyday life and a worsening derived from the psychiatric or neurological disease of dementia or a kind of catatonia that I thought possible in my mother's current diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder , I sent my mother's Radiology Report to a General and Family Medicine and an Orthopedics (by reference) of a General and Family Medicine so that the General and Family Medicine family member asked Orthopedics if from the point of view of Orthopedics it would be “normal” for my mother to walk just a little bit from the house to the garden or to the gate and always complain or from the parking lot to the supermarket with great slowness and support to me “like” a cane in a speech that is always “funneled” in which everything “seems far away”, after which General and Family Medicine took a coffee break and ruled out the hypothesis of catatonia. However, I remain convinced of the Dementia hypothesis in my mother's case. Taking into account my mother's tension and heart problems, I question whether a revision of medication should be carried out at the Psychiatric level for greater compatibility with the real problem, taking into account my mother's instability in which sometimes she seems "better" others with the Sick Look and other times with better conversation content and others very verbose, unwilling to do anything. I consider that Psychotherapy is essential to see a Useful Effect of the Medication, under penalty of not having the Useful Effect or losing the Success of the Therapy. I also consider fundamental the intervention of Psychiatry and Social Assistance in Interconnection so that my mother can be included in regular activities or every day with other patients for her Reintegration and Psychosocial Development in the Day Center. Knowing in the Concrete Case that the Day Center is based on the Residency Criteria and that, since my mother resides in Santarém, she is confined to the Santarém Day Center on the Waiting List to enter with the Ecclesiastical Criteria and Other Occult Criteria Governed by the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Santarém, with the Associação Farpa existing, for example, which fills in the “failures and lack of support” of the System. to worry about some meals as suggested by General and Family Medicine. But when being enrolled in the Day Hospital, for example by Psychiatry, it is important for Psychiatry to know that there needs to be a Free Transport that takes my mother home and brings her back. In this specific case, I also open the possibility of thinking about an Informal Caregiver for my mother for her Hygiene, Meals and Housekeeping if my mother says she is tired of “doing things”, judging the Day Care Center or the inclusion of my mother in Associação Farpa e Psicoterapia, in fact, Psychotherapy is part of the Recommended Therapy for patients with Schizoaffective Disorder. Due to my mother's health problems with arthrosis, joints, etc., I would only propose a drug for psychiatric treatment so that my mother "is not soaked" in medication in the small space of her home without psychotherapy completely isolated with a false family support in which I feel that I am the only person truly with her, in which I foresee a serious risk of worsening my mother's health on several levels in a lengthy process of things. Criticism of the Psychiatric Process in the Portuguese System by Comparison to the Scottish System in the concrete case I believe that it is important for the Law to immediately link Psychiatry and Social Security. In this specific case, I see that Psychiatry must have the autonomy to visit the family space with its eyes and ears in order to concretely perceive the situation. And I understand that this role should be given to Psychiatry in the first place. I also do not disregard the hypothesis that Psychiatry is more connected to Social Assistance. Regular visits by Social Assistance are important, but the visits must have a truly useful effect in seeing what is lacking and seeing what can be done. In Scotland, for example, Psychiatry is more available and behaves like a kind of Modern, Empathic and Human Psychology, knowing that Space and Family Support are the Base for the Success of Therapy. Perhaps my mother wants to go to a nursing home because she doesn't like her home, because it's small, because she has to “do things”, because she doesn't have a hot shower, because she doesn't have “anyone” to talk to… must be done by Psychiatry itself so that Psychiatry can understand the real problem of the patient in the specific case. “Taking” my mother out of her house through the Day Center or integrating her into an Association with different activities where it is also possible to do Psychotherapy can make my mother much happier and give the Useful Effect of Therapeutics. This should not be “left over” for the family, because the family cannot “stop” their lives to always be with the patient, and the family must function first as a family and of course helping with the disease and understanding the disease more and more, but not it is up to the family to be an "animator", "psychologist", "psychiatry", "informal caregiver", "physiotherapist", etc... If such institutions exist, it must be the institutions that come to the fore and function and Psychiatry, when knowing the institutions or services that exist for a Greater Proximity to the System to the Institutions and Services must provide the best response and referral and not leave this work of search and research, sometimes difficult, to the family. The interviews/consultations during my mother's hospitalization in the psychiatry service were published in the Jupiter Virtual Court with knowledge of the Medical Association. The 1st psychiatry interview/consultation with Dr. Inês after her hospitalization was published at the Jupiter Artificial Intelligence Rights Congress on the Jupiter Scientific Team Online page, and an emergency psychiatry interview/consultation with Dr. fictitious name) who assisted my mother at Hospital de Santa Maria, where I was forced to go with my mother to Lisbon at Hospital de Santa Maria, after the 1st interview/consultation with Doctor Inês, because I was completely disoriented and I didn't know what to do when there was no Psychiatric Emergency in Santarém for 6 consecutive days, having been in Santa Maria that Doctor Célia “did not rule out” the hypothesis of Dementia. The consultation/interview with family doctor Dr. Joaquina is published in Film-Nouvelle together with my consultation/interview with family doctor Guilherme, and this Final Psychiatry Report is also published on the same site following the recordings of the family interviews with the family doctors. The family episode "The House Goes Down"  is also published onIlluminati Archive between mother and son and between mother-son-father on 02/1/2023 as Film and Game Tests. 17:44 Raul Catulo Morais in 2nd and Last Game Attempt – Braamcamp Freire Library END of Report «God told me not to smoke weed. Well, I didn't smoke. Weed kills the brain. Drugs destroy the brain. That's why I don't like drugs, but we're all free and informed, right? God told me not to eat the fruits of the pomegranate tree... I thought it was strange... I was suspicious... I was suspicious because at my grandmother's house I had opened the Great Book of Medicine and Plants, my Book of White Magic and I remembered I remembered that the Pomegranate, like the Grape, were the Fruits of Eternity... I asked the Lord God if I could go to London to visit my grandmother... And the Lord God said "you can't, you rascal...". .. I asked "please" and the Lord God said I had to work and made Merchant's Ears... I went to talk to my father and asked if I could go visit Grandma and the father said yes and got me on the plane . When I got to grandma's house I saw on page 66 that the Pomegranate and the Grape were really the Fruits of Eternity... When I returned, I went to the forbidden Pomegranate tree... It was full of Serpents... Without fear I took a Pomegranate and started eating... An Angel Fallen from Heaven appeared and I shared my Pomegranate with him... I fell in love with the "Forbidden Fruit" and reached the Code of Eternity... I sent God to hell... I said: "Oh Lord God, fuck off!"» Thank you for everything, Dmytro <3 Hidden Love Letter from Raul Catulo Morais for Better Psychiatry and Better General and Family Medicine, published in Film-Nouvelle de Jupiter in Kanal Jupiter https:/ /

Police Report Introduction to Investigation for Preparation and Preparation of Final Police Report: Illumminnatti Games in Jupiter Editions and Order of Verona against Illuminati Culture, Opus Dei, Rotary Club, European Masonic Alliance, New World Order and Church of Satan Final Police Report by Raul Catulo Morais for delivery to the Judiciary Police, Air Force, Portuguese Space Agency, European Space Agency, Europol, Interpol, FBI, NASA, Jupiter Army, Dubai Army, Montevideo Army, Israel Army and Navy, Order of Psychologists and Doctors of the Nordic and Scandinavian Order and Jupiter Editions with Translation and Cooperation Code #9999;OK! completing the 55th Degree in the Jupiter Society and School of Thought valid and Recognized in the Order of Discrete Societies of Saturn, Ceres, Neptune and Jupiter Other Regular and Irregular Orders, with the 33rd Degree valid and Recognized in the New Order Physicians' Assembly and the Assembly of Psychologists of the New Order in Occult Program nº666 12:44 Argument-Project: Invisible Network - Illuminati Culture in Portugal in greater focus Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Law (Opus Dei), Santarém (Rotary Club), Olhão and Faro (Rotary Club), Aveiro, Viseu, Viana do Castelo, etc. The Jewels of Tia Giralda, Praia das Lontras, Praia dos Bodyboarders, Ilha dos Piratas, Air Force Porto Santo Mission, 6 Leads by Raul Catulo Morais to the Regency of Administrative Law of Opus Dei and Hidden Power. Introduction – History and Foundation Jupiter Editions 12:44 pm I started writing my 9 books at the same time with 9 pseudonyms on the computer, opening the 9 documents in Word in Coruche when Dmytro was placed in Coruche for the Internship in General and Family Medicine. I had already started opening this "window of books" in my notebooks with the main arguments and dialogues and stories when I was a lifeguard at Herdade da Comporta. It was at Herdade da Comporta that I showed all my writing to Dmytro, the writing that I had never shown anyone, opening my notebooks and showing him my writing as if it were "that" that I had to "offer him", as if they were "my furniture", the "Furniture" I had to take to the wedding, the only assets I had. After starting my writing in Coruche, I returned to my home, to Santarém, where I live with my parents, with 9 books in hand, and that's when the invitation came to go and live at my aunt Giralda's house for 11 years and I went with the 9 books in hand. Before he left, my father said he was out of "tricks and manipulations" by my aunts, in a loose warning phrase, he was supposedly Aunt Giralda's best friend. Because the story of some jewelry I had never seen and that Aunt Giralda accused me and Dmytro had appeared, I left Aunt Giralda's house and returned to my house in Santarém. Because of the story about Aunt Giralda's jewels, my father was pushing me against the wall, telling me to choose between him and Dmytro, that it was Dmytro that I had stolen and that he had great power in my mind, etc. and how everything was cutting me off, computer, college pass, money, etc and how I wanted to finish writing the books to register them and I didn't really know my father's ideas, typical of pure instability and "Game" , I decided to call Dmytro to find out if I could go to his parents' house with him to finish writing the books and I took my father's car and went without warning, having sent a message to my father on the way to say that I would be back later and then we'd talk. At Dmytro's house I think I was only able to stay one or two nights, I don't remember, then I went to Costa to Sara's house to finish writing for one or two nights (I don't remember either) and then I finished writing in the Living Room Study at the Faculty of Law and having sent the books to Dmytro and having Dmytro register them online on the IGAC Platform. We then set up Sociedade Jupiter Saturn Neptune, Lda to sell the books, adapt them for theatre, cinema and games and we presented the project to the BPI bank at the Campo Grande store. As I had a Student Credit debt at Caixa Geral, despite the idea of the publisher being mine and the whole project, it was agreed between me and Dmytro that he would be the manager because otherwise the bank might not open the company account because of the my debt at the time of 20,000€ today of approximately 2,000€ (Society of Mutual Guarantee Garval paid the part of the debt as foreseen in the Contract due to the Default). We requested 4 million from the bank under the Capitalizar Mais Line (European Union funds) which was the line I had in mind and which existed to finance companies without the need for equity capital and which was the line that excited me about the constitution project of society. Regarding the request for financing, the bank never issued a written statement, Dmytro having been the one who went to a meeting with the bank and who said that the project was really good, the only thing missing was "the equity"... I went back trying to contact the bank like Sociedade de Garantia Mútua Lisgarante, which was also oriented at the headquarters of the European Union so that it could grant financing to companies or projects of the type that we presented, with the project under analysis always silent. It was recently in Administrative Law classes that I received the "Game Response" to Forward the Case to the Bank of Portugal about the Financing of Jupiter Editions denouncing the presence of Freemason in the Campo Grande Store of Banco BPI and in the Management of Sociedade de Garanti Mútua Lisgarante, as well as FIS - Portugal. 1:44 p.m. [2:44 p.m. Pieces by Puzze Picasso Hotel Santarém “Assault on the Revista das Formigas Médicas Farmacêuticas Piece Alba – Silenced Death in Psychiatric Internment Caused by Bacteria] 3:44 p.m. On the beach where I was at Herdade da Comporta I was able to see with my own eyes how the beaches and the car parks, among other businesses, all belonged to Herdade da Comporta, Sociedade Anónima with the Activity of Agriculture, among others. I saw that the contract I had signed as a lifeguard at Herdade da Comporta in Praia do Pego with the Society that operates Restaurante Sal had been with an Espírito Santo. I saw how Espírito Santo exploited the beach business, the restaurant and the beach concession where I worked. Although the concession was in the name of Herdade da Comporta, it was operated by "rent" or loaned out by Espirito Santo with its Sal Restaurant. I believe that Restaurate Sal practices modern day slavery. It puts cheap labor workers from Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, etc. sleeping in a small annexe, all in a room with bunk beds in poor conditions, working hard, paying the minimum wage and with enormous surveillance. Restaurante Sal had/has video cameras throughout the restaurant and on the beach huts and workers also reported microphones in which, when they argued, the boss would come right away to "calm down the discussion". I give my Red Alert to this type of highly illegal and illicit Databases that do not serve to protect goods or people but to monitor people, behaviors, analyze them by participating in the Parallel Black Data Market, thus trafficking in Digital Slavery at the same time of the well-known Modern Slavery. The car park to enter the beach was €5, thus privatizing a beach with an "invisible tourniquet" and keeping other economic classes away. The scheme takes place throughout the estate of Comporta, where a Military Police knows how the municipal council of Grândola and the Portuguese environmental agency know. I was always "treated well", but I saw the boss speaking badly to all the employees, as I learned after other stories against an entire Labor Code in which we are facing several episodes of Harassment in the Horizontal Line so that the employees are afraid, but at the same time they feel "protected", in which people who are thrown there come a kind of Freemasonry also of clients with mystery clients in which they have to simply work and "serve". It's a gold mine. The concession is a gold mine. And because it is a gold mine, I also wanted to compete for the gold mine for knowing my values, my ethics and knowing that I would never practice slavery and that I would try to develop an empathetic, human, sustainable, ecological project in which I would distribute profits with all employees. I also started looking at car parks, I started looking at everything. I began to see that the public tenders for car parks themselves bring vices of an Occult Power in which, for example, to win a concession for a gold mine car park, you must first have (example) 6 car parks (to justify that manages to manage properly, in a ridiculous justification because the management of a car park has absolutely no science, other than looking for the best company that pays the best wages to tar the park, for example). Now, a Hidden Power obviously manages to vitiate this type of Public Tenders because it knows who in Portugal are the companies that have more than 6 car parks. All information is computerized. Now if I show up with Jupiter Editions to try to win a car park because I'm going to put a doorman there and pay him a better salary than another company would pay, I'll even call him later to share in the profits of that activity, I'm capable of setting up a show in the parking lot, I am capable of picking up children from schools to teach them about tar right there in the parking lot, well even if I have the best ideas if I don't have the 6 parking requirement I'll never get it a car park. Who says car park says many other things. It was later when I went to Praia da Cordoama in Vila do Bispo, with Jupiter Editions already on the air and the Jupiter Saturn Neptune Society already constituted, because I had seen that the European Union was going to advance with a lost fund for companies that had the Aquaculture activity and having studied the Aquaculture of Bivalves and Algae and considering this Intelligent, Sustainable Aquaculture that makes perfect sense because the bivalves purify the water and the algae increase the oxygen that I spoke with Dmytro to add new activities to to develop in Sociedade Jupiter, always taking advantage of the editorial project of Jupiter Editions, to develop writing and reports in aquaculture, in beekeeping, in farms with chickens where we would only sell the eggs in which our chickens would be in freedom or semi-free regime.. . Anyway, I know the markets, I studied them, I don't know them all obviously and I have my limitations but of all activities that were opened in the Society would be activities that I know that with funding I would be able to develop offering employment, happiness wages, "Cleaning the air", etc... I started to see the beach business on my first trip to Porto Santo in that I was a lifeguard at the Hotel Pestana concession, having also verified evidence of modern slavery and having later confirmed it on my last trip in "Missão Jupiter Editions - Força Aérea" where I spent a week "infiltrated" in the Hotel as if I were "rescued lives", describing the Mission in my Porto Santo Lifeguard Diary. I have no problem with grandiosity just seeing the Hotel Pestana or its tiny Concession in my hands or seeing the business of cruises and ships (which make, for example, crossing the islands of Madeira and Continent-Madeira) a future business of Jupiter in that puts electric cruises to make the crossing, paying good wages in a much cleaner project and truly connected to the oceans and the monk seal reserve, for example. My wanting to "also stay" or my wanting to also run is only when I see that whoever is in charge or in power does not do it in the best way. And it was with Jupiter Editions that I actually started to gain some strength in responding to markets, institutions, banks and law itself and to study them in a different way from a political perspective but also and above all an economic perspective in a green, blue economy , cool and clean that is indeed possible. I know why both I and Jupiter Editions are enemies of the System. I know why we are seen as "A virus". However, it is worth remembering that humans only exist because of certain viruses, because they are good viruses that invisibly fight bad viruses and that in this invisible fight we end up benefiting from life as we know it. I "see" viruses, as I see planets, as I know that Life on Planet Earth only exists thanks to Planet Jupiter, which is Earth's Guardian, for managing to attract thousands of asteroids to itself and injure itself by melting afterwards in itself all the "curse" of asteroids, as if "sacrificing" so that the Earth does not feel anything... Of course, this is astronomical, that is, Jupiter does not have a brain and did not think of this to protect the Earth.. But the Earth ended up benefiting... I make this parenthesis and this quick trip from the dimensions of the viruses to the planets to say that with Jupiter I am able to compete tomorrow for the concession of a laboratory to develop a good virus capable of destroying a bad virus, how am I able to apply tomorrow for the intergalactic line of spaceships as long as they are clean and do not pollute. When I see the spaceships, I see the planes, I see the boats and the lines of the boats, I see the buses, I see the Santarém bus station, I see the road cameras that are selling data that they cannot, as I see the attempt to install an attendant to replace the people at the counter or a machine to press a button to classify the service and I see all this as bad, machines that, in addition to polluting and wasting resources, are going against the rights of workers and at the same time are a kind of from "black hole" to "sucking" all "energy" and data from customers. But this is seen in a second. If tomorrow there is a concession for the bus station to make connections or for the railways with Jupiter I am ready to get back into the race again, as I am ready to hand in my curriculum and be a bus driver or train inspector. I simply know that if Jupiter or Jupiter Editions had the Management that the workers would be happier, that there would be a serious concern for the environment, with serious studies. Jupiter Editions' ideas are "Infinite" and fit inside a train carriage as they fit in a Spaceship and appear in the sun dressed as a lifeguard as they appear dressed in a police uniform. That's why I founded the Jupiter Editions project. As 9 books appeared to me with 9 pseudonyms written in 99 days I thought Dmytro and I had something cool for our future. I asked him to design the covers and we gave them to our friend Teresa who made the design arts and thus opened the publishing house online. 16:16 16:33 When registering the brand, Dmytro said he didn't want me to put his name on it, because it was all mine, because he had only helped with the project, he had designed the logo as I asked, with the colors I asked for and he opened the online site "in outer space", teaching me how I could later use the site's editor. But out of love I also wanted to include his name and the name of the Jupiter company in the Jupiter Editions brand and he agreed, it wasn't against his will. But since we split up and how he started to go against the whole project and in Mata-Lobos when he broke up with me in January 2022, he said that Jupiter Editions was going to die, so I later contacted him on 10/6/2022 by sending him a document for him to sign having published the conversation in the Illumminnattti Games. Dmytro returned the document without the Essential Formalism of the Citizen Card and Address, so if the request is rejected I will have to attach the document or get in contact with him again so that he signs the document in order to get the brand name and relinquish all rights to Jupiter Editions. At first, Dmytro didn't want to sign, but then he signed. The question is simple, is that if I die tomorrow, Dmytro will inherit the fortune of the Jupiter Editions work. It can't make sense that someone at the end started doing everything to make me give up, finishing me off like a Ghost and even saying that Jupiter Editions was going to die, being all the works and all the content and all the ideas mine, be he the one who can inherit the fortune. I even make some analogies. It would be as if a Freemasonry had called him and said that the books would only sell "if we had my blood" and he had joined the Masonic Psycho Game. The answers are multiple, the theories as well and the theories appear with a Reason of Order and with a Logical Sequence. 16:44 It is true that, being Portuguese, my works follow Portuguese Law in terms of Succession Law and Copyright Law and, in principle, those who could inherit my rights would be my relatives, first being my parents. But I am forced to open a scenario of 6 simulations of my 6 deaths. A scenario in which there is a document in which I myself signed in which I say that all my works are from Jupiter Editions, because it was a way that I found to protect my works and Dmytro with Jupiter Editions keeping him the " owner" of my works because of that contract; there is another contract that I am not aware of but that appears with my "cloned" signature and that I am dead and therefore the document is valid; the contract I made with myself and with Jupiter Editions is not valid for law and therefore my parents inherit; my parents dying after or at the same time as me and inheriting my family and marketing my works however you want and my films however you want. It is easy for me to think about this in a super natural way, because I was born into a so-called family inserted in a kind of "devil freemasonry", in a kind of "mafia" family in which "it seems that we always come together with invisible knives" in an invisible dispute over "inheritances ". My father was one of the main blockers of my writing and with the case of the jewels, as I was left with a big question mark, without him I would have set up the scheme or found out about the scheme of the jewels with his sister and family in the Social Contract of the Society. my father, protecting my mother with some conditions. Nobody in my family visibly supports my project, they hide it, they don't identify themselves, they don't talk about the subject with me, they pretend that I didn't do anything and knowing my mother's psychiatric conditions and how easy it would be for the whole family to get close of my mother with my death because of the fortune of the Obra da Jupiter, all these scenarios make me try to look for solutions such as a Foundation or another alternative to try that all those who contributed or participated in "the order of my coffin" that they will not later benefit from the fortune of the Work and the Juptier project or that afterwards they will be running it completely contrary to what was supposed to be done. It was in fact through the Social Contract of Sociedade Jupiter that I made a "kind" of testament to circumvent the Legal System of Portuguese Inheritance Law with which I do not agree, comparing it, for example, to English Inheritance Law or others. What is true is that through the Jupiter project I started to think about several issues that I had not thought about and that is why I consider that the Editorial Experience was very enriching in itself. As of today, 5/02/2023, I have only sold 2 books, being happy with my bank account at zero. The plan that I put together and that I agreed on the phone with Dmytro at the time we opened the company was to set up/open the company with a capital of €120,000 thousand so that we could deliver the capital by the end of the 1st economic cycle in the hope that we would have the financing of 4 million and that in this financing I would make an advance payment to myself foreseen in the Business Plan by myself as the founder-author in which in this advance payment we would deliver the share capital, I would pay my debt of 20,000€, Dmytro ceased to be the manager and the majority shareholder and would become the manager and the majority shareholder. This was the arrangement made over the phone. From a legal point of view, I don't see any legal problem. This is simple. If I weren't the author, if I were just the founding editor, when I ask for money to be paid to develop the activity of the publisher, it's normal for publishers to pay the authors in advance. And therefore, having founded Jupiter Editions with the 9 books and delivered to the Jupiter Society, it was thought, for example, to pay an advance payment of €50,000 for each work, thus transferring €450,000 from the company to my bank account where I would then put the €120,000 towards the constitution of the share capital and as lovers we thought about €200 and something for our first house and for a house for our parents who didn't have their own house. Now, this is all clean, it's legal. The advance payment was part of the Business Plan, the Publishing Contracts were shown to the Bank, therefore any transfer from the company to my bank account would be foreseen in the Business Plan and would always be limited to that Initial Advance Payment with the objective of constituting the capitals. Maybe the bank looks at this and sees it as not very advantageous, because in fact no new capital will come in, because the capital money would be constituted by the money "borrowed" by the bank... But the truth is that the money was not from the bank, because there was a European Union Fund that sent the money to the bank, so the bank could not "complain". The fund was even channeled to finance companies without equity capital, through Mutual Guarantee Societies. Now, share capital is often a Subjective Figure which we learn in Banking Law and in Commercial Company Law. Jupiter's game was clean with the bank, but the bank's game with Jupiter was dirty just as Lisgarante's Mutual Guarantee Society's game with Jupiter was dirty. In the learning game I learned through Jupiter and Jupiter Editions how wrong it was for the European Union to be sending money to Mutual Guarantee Societies or to banks, taking into account the Freemasonry of Projects and Ideas just to finance Social Classes and Economic Group. The criticism I made is that it is better for the companies or start-ups themselves to present the project to the European Union and the European Union to decide and not leave that decision-making power to a person who sits like a puppet in the executive chair of the Council of Administration or Management of a Mutual Guarantee Society or a Bank such as BPI. The truth is that Silêncio allowed me to develop a study earlier and earlier than I thought I would only be able to do it at 40 or 50 or 60. With the "invisible force" of Administrative Law I recently sent an email to Banco BPI to the Campo Grande store requesting 6 million to finance the Jupiter Editions project within 66 days, under penalty of communicating the case to the Bank of Portugal, due to the Silence that I considered a Fraud and an Illicit and Ilgeal Silence of the Bank even more rooted to the principles of the European Union even more channeled and injected with the Public Money of the European Union. It is in this sense and in this view of things that they are against the Occult Power and Freemasonry that harm the entire Logic of Transparency and the entire logic of the markets, distorting them completely. The problem with this type of addiction often means that we are the "visionaries" called terrorists who want to destroy the System. For that is not true. When I walk into Banco da Caixa Geral or Banco BPI I don't let myself be intimidated by the monstrosity of the building and I make an effort to study Banking Law and find the gaps in the bank and play around with them. When I say that I "attack" a bank with my words, my attack is simple, it's saying on a Network that the Bad Bank pays bad wages and wants to install Voice Synthesizers to assess the Spirit and Depression not to grant credits and I have absolutely no problems going up to the bank and saying that he is playing ugly and suggesting or recommending that he pay his employees better wages, otherwise I, on my channel or in my network, will tell everyone to take the money out of Bank Bad and put them in Bank Good. Am I a terrorist because of this? Can I suffer a Fraud and blackmail lawsuit filed by the bank against me or Jupiter tomorrow? Yes, it's possible, but deep down it's what I want most. To give even more visibility, to make this news. I'm playing with everything I can play, but in my games I play with the Law and I don't go outside the Law except in the Masonic Laws of Masonic Law in Legitimate Defense. I am highly against film cameras where they should not exist. If tomorrow the municipal council of Santarém decides to place film cameras on the public road, infringing my rights and I see no harm in demonstrating against the cameras in my constitutionally enshrined Right of Resistance! Of course, if I'm the only I, I don't manifest myself except through words, voice or theater. It makes absolutely no sense for a Faculty of Law to teach us that film cameras cannot be placed in social areas and the Faculty of Law itself set up film cameras for social areas. It sounds crazy and looks like a lie or fiction, but it's real, the cameras are set up at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon. Well, I can try through Jupiter Editions to put together a demonstration against the chambers or a movement, but if the student community itself does not join and wants to give soles in front of the chamber for an entire Board and Partners to see, fine, I will not be obviously " the madman" nor "the scapegoat" who will break the cameras alone to then be arrested... But I say through my writing that breaking the cameras is licit if the Right of Resistance is invoked, but I immediately give the idea so that nobody does it alone except in a Manifestation, in a Dance and that first communicates the Dance to the police and informs the Direction first so that it can be uninstalled. I think that Natural Law is simpler than we think, it is a shame that we complicate the Law, complicate People's Life and hinder truly good projects and ideas that make us advance and evolve in Society. It was for all these reasons that I decided to found Jupiter Editions, in order to be able to project my Brain, my Spirit, my Voice with the Philanthropy of the entire project, in which for every book sold a tree is planted, 9 square meters are cleared beach + forest (9 added today, the initial idea being only 1), and you buy a can of grains or beans + rice or spaghetti to be delivered to people or families in need. I initially created jupits as a virtual currency worth in Jupiter Editions and the Jupiter Society and later saturns and neptunes. I also created Saturn Editions inspired by "Dmytro's diabolical character" in the character that Dmytro appeared when I started Process nº666. As if Saturn Editions has the Saturn headquarters owned by the Church of Satan and is a competitor to Jupiter Editions based in Jupiter. My own separation from Dmytro also gave rise to the appearance of Saturn Editions, in which much of my writing and the films of my life were stolen and pirated for Saturn Editions, including our courtship which was nothing more than a novel or a an episode of Barac Bielke's Technological Knights... Saturn Editions would thus be the diabolical publisher of the New World Order which with its Army of Illuminati and Masons of the Church of Satan hated the writing of Jupiter Editions, editing it or stealing parts and that went clandestinely on a Dark Web, in which Dmytro would be one of the Programmer Partners, being a millionaire in a secret account with saturns, as if it were his currency. And that is why the Divorce between Jupiter and Saturn takes place, with all the History and Argument that exists and then a kind of Political, Military and Economic Masonic Alliance is made in which, separated, we try not to clash but we impose rules on each other . For example, Jupiter wants to protect certain intelligences and species on Earth and tries to negotiate with Saturn, making Saturn some demands... Jupiter wants to free people from slavery, but Saturn says that he only allows it in certain countries because others are his... alien vision of Star Wars from Jupiter that was achieved through works with Law, with Psychology and with Psychiatry is basically to make human eyes go up so that they can see things from above and then go back down to specific points to certain problems in which the solution to combat the problems is given. I can therefore perceive and feel all the Silence and Game of the Net and Freemasonry in relation to Jupiter Editions and "accept" and "understand" it. But the truth is that the greater the silence and the greater my "monetary prison", it seems that the more I get to the "deep truth" at the heads of the System and the more visible the "invisible Hands" become. Maybe that wasn't the idea. Maybe the idea was for me to "freak out", to "finish myself or my project", to give up, lower my head, have fears... But failures really make me very strong and my writing also gives me strength to continue the project for a Better World, truly Empathetic, truly Human, Sensitive, that wants to Evolve and that is ready to Recognize Various Intelligences that have always lived with us, such as, for example, the Bees that are social insects with Their Own Personalities that connect us to Earth Taking of Technological Life. 6:18 pm 05/02/2023 Raul Catulo Morais Illumminnatti Final Program - 4th Communication This program overlaps with previous programs and orders communicated through the Internet of Dreams, the Internet of Things and the Movements of Order and Disorder and Mental Confusion and Movements Silent Bankers By the Simple Message of the Shopping List received from his father through his mother at 6:49 am on 07/02/2023, Raul is expressly prohibited from proceeding with the Complaint against the Doctors and he must definitively understand the Message Otherwise the Episode DREAM will disappear with the Invoice of the Episode DREAM of Urgency with the Price of 666€ . Should Raul Suspend what he has in Mind for the Final Writing of the Police Report against the Illuminati Culture, Restructuring his Mental Outline, Definitively positioning himself in the Illumminnatti Culture in a Humble Way Protecting the Good Names and Spirits Not Being able to Reveal Except His Name and the Names Closest to Self, to try to expel the names of the Culture that Masonically entered the Invisible Jupiter Network to protect the Jupiter project on Earth. You should pay attention to the Truth of the Exposition with the Consequence that every Sentence and Written Word in the Report can turn completely against you, pointing to a Silent Masonic Death putting all your Judgment and Lucidity in check. You should know that you are in the 1st Advanced International Grade 44 and that it is better to stay in Grade 44 than to try to advance Without Truth or Coherence of Ideas to Grade 55, and you must be able to Give Up and Go Back, being Serious the Preparation of the Police Report. Without Social Assistance Authorization, only with the Completed Work and Program, you can publish the Social Assistance Episode, with Episode 44 of the Bank and with the Psychology Consultation Episode at Home in the visit at 10:30 am on 2/7/2023. You must Indicate the Royalties of Episode 44 and of the Social Assistance Episode representing such publications without authorization of the characters the 1st Minor Crime of Jupiter Editions, representing such Crime the Blood of Victory of the Truth of Jupiter, "White" Blood necessary to soil the Body of Jupiter Editions, for Jupiter Editions to prove to the Illuminati Culture that it is capable of Fighting to the Death for the Bloodless Races! Raul has to scrupulously fulfill the message and bring the Apples of Alcobaça under penalty of starting a New Battle of Aljubarrota in his house, ceasing the Fire and making the Truces in the Code of Silence adopted by his father. You shall at the Jupiter Rights Congress answer the Occult Law Economics Examination Question by transcribing pages from the Economics Handbook from the Prisoner's Dilemma Chapters, the Hidden Power Learning Games, and the Hidden Power Analogy to Mafia Power. Must Prove Gaming Link in Possible Proof of Ideas that it was your economics professor who saw the Real-Time Evolution of Writing in Grade 44 and who sent a Message to the Order for the Order to send a Message to the father for the father accepted the New Justice of the Peace in the Best Deal by sending the Shopping List through the Wife, even after the Son's Assault-Ransom Withdrawal of €666 from the Joint Bank Account with the father at the Counter in Broad Daylight in Episode 44, after the father removed his son's bank card and "cut off" his son's legs, handcuffing his son's feet. 07:33 02/07/2023 Raul Catulo Morais Illumminnatti Final Program - 5th Communication This program overlaps with previous programs and orders communicated through the Internet of Dreams, the Internet of Things and the Movements of Order and Disorder and Mental Confusion and the Silent Banking Movements, maintaining however what was communicated in the 4th Communication for the Episode of "Clarification to the Mother" of 9/02/2023 at 9:09 am can the Episodes of Social Assistance and the Visit of Psychology at Home to be published in Film-Nouvelle with Project Presentation to the Project Inclusivamente - A Farpa founded by Social Assistance and Family Psychology. however, it should remain as the last elements of Jupiter's Film-Nouvelle. At the end of Raul's Administrative Law Examination, Raul is obliged to photograph all unnecessary or illicit or illegal video cameras at the Faculty of Law and hand them over to the National Commission for Data Protection by his Foot, addressing the National Commission for Data Protection. At the end of Raul's Economics Law Examination, Raul is obliged to go to the Banco BPI store in Campo Grande and Praça dos Restauradores, to the Sociedade de Garantia Mútua Lisgarante, to the Bankinter store in Praça do Marquês de Pombal and to the Bankinter store in Amoreiras to settle accounts and collect information to prepare for the opening of Case no. 112 in the Virtual Court. Raul also goes to the National Institute of Industrial Property to hand over Dmytro's signed document in which he renounces all rights to the Jupiter Editions brand, being obliged to contact Dmytro if the Document remains Irregular and therefore Dmytro's name continues to appear in the records, requesting Dmytro to prepare a new document with the required formality. Due to the Attribution of the Most Advanced Grade 55 to Raul, Raul interrupts the Work at Filme Nouvelle and at the Jupiter Congress on 02/9/2023 to start studying Administrative Law and Economic Law, returning to the Work on 02/14/2023 to its Completion until the 1/03/2023, by pressing the Magic Buttons for Language Translation on the 22/02/2023 at 22:22 for the Automatic Translation of the Jupiter Editions Website in the 13 languages + 9 New Jupiter Languages and Confirm the Beginning of the Order of Verona. Send the Introduction to the Police Report of the History of Jupiter Editions to Psychiatry and Psychology of the Judiciary Police and the Air Force with the Annex of the Psychiatry Report and with the Underline of the Illuminati Work of Jim Marrs, being able to only make reference in the Contact on the 4th and 5th Communication of the Final Program Illumminnatti against the Illuminati Culture and with the Sign of the Episode of Clarification to the Mother for the Security Withdrawal of €666 to the Joint Bank Account with the Father. Due to the Diversion Maneuvers, in which the 2nd Psychiatric Appointment was first advanced and then postponed, and due to his mother's episode of Simulation Dementia on the day "A Casa Vai Baixo", when there was no Psychiatric Emergency Service operating in Santarém for another 6 consecutive days, Raul dresses the role of Psychiatrist in the Character of Doutora Inês, in the Character of Dmytro, in the Character of Raul and in the Character of Sílvia, after his exams and lays his mother down on the Divan with the Episode SONHO issued by Order of Physicians to Start Proc. #666 with his mother Going Back in Time for the Discovery and Investigation of Truth putting all names of family and friends in Check for Final Checkmate. Once the Final Program Illumminnatti has been Invisibly installed in Raul's Cerebral-Computer System with Success Without Damage or Illnesses, Raul freely follows the Intuitive Program with his Intuition, Serenity and Sensitivity, knowing what he should do in an Emergency. 10:44 09/02/2023 Raul Catulo Morais, Monstro Kattullo Di Verona, Order of Verona in Tri-Alliance-Masonic with Jupiter Editions. I, Raul Catulo Morais, holder of Citizen Card No. 14188150, CONFIRM that I authorize the Judiciary Police to listen to all my calls, messages and emails and to follow my Target and my Digital Footprint. I also give permission to have access to my phone's microphone whenever I turn on Mobile Data and GPS in Key Combination. 02/09/2023 14:07

Hon. Professor Maria do Céu, President of the Southern Regional Disciplinary Council of the Medical Association,


Thanking you very much for your contact, I inform you that I will not proceed with the Participation, also definitively filing Case nº66 in the Virtual Court of Jupiter, sending  in attachment the Final Psychiatric Report of 5 pages prepared by me with the Motivation of the Case Survey.


The injectable Aripiprazole every 33 days was not indicated in the Therapeutic Scheme.


Best regards,

Raul Catulo Morais



O  President of the Jupiter Virtual Court

Thursday, 02/2, 18:26

to Ines

Doctor Ines! Hi how are you?


I request that my mother be enrolled in the Day Hospital on the  recommendation from General Medicine  and Family Medicine and so that she can  be integrated at the Associação Farpa  having already requested the Reference to Social Assistance. I also request if it is possible to anticipate my mother's 2nd interview/consultation.


I enclose for your information the Final Report of Psychiatry prepared by me and which was sent to the Medical Association by Case nº66 which was opened Online in the Virtual-Masonic Court of Jupiter during my mother's Internment no_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Psychiatry Service.


Best regards  best regards,

Raul Catulo Morais

2ª Consulta (Familiar) de Psiquiatria
00:00 / 29:56

1st Psychiatry Consultation/Interview published in the Jupiter Online Congress of Rights with Artificial Intelligence on the Jupiter Scientific Team page and Consultations/Interviews during Psychiatry Internment published in the Jupiter Virtual Court in Case nº66 - 2nd Consultation of 02/27/2023 at 11:17 am - All Credits for leges artsReserved for Dr. Inês.

Simulação Entrevista Centro de Dia
00:00 / 13:43

Tuesday, 02/28, 17:43 (5 days ago)

for lucilia.

Dr Lucilia,




Thank you for letting me "peek" live and in color what the Portuguese reality of Psychiatry, Social Security and Day Care is like. I am writing you this email today because I went to the Day Center for the Simulation of the Interview of the Autonomity Criteria  for the mother to be able to attend and I clearly remembered our family interview when I said that the mother was autonomous_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ and who still hadn't been able to understand the meaning  of "being autonomous" in the context  of the disease, having now definitely understood.  


I indicated to Professor Maria do Céu that I intended to file Process nº66 that was opened in the Virtual Court, thus serving Process nº66 as a Simulation and Case Study of the Jupiter School of Thought for reflection on the Law of Psychiatry and on the Law of Psychology and on the idea of the Jupiter School of Thought in which Parliament should be Monitored by the Triangulation of the Order of Doctors,  by the Order of Biologists and the Order of Psychologists, the Argument being Registered and Exposed during my Process #666 under one of my Pseudonyms.


I know that during the Case, Psychiatry and General and Family Medicine gave me important codes "under the table" in which I learned to deal with and better understand my mother's personality disorder and today_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ maybe wanting to be my mother's "o  lawyer". But I know that it was thanks to the team, it was thanks to the stress, it was thanks to the opportunity to be "heard" by Psychiatry and to be able to enter in silence and see and feel the things that made me look at everything e_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ reset and rethink. And I know that at the same time I also passed important codes "over the table" in which I also gave Psychiatry new data about the disorder in the case. That's why my THANK YOU! 


It seems that sometimes it is necessary to "dramatize" mental illness in order to "cut with a knife" that stigma. I believe that Psychotherapy and Theater are the "knives par excellence" of this Stigma and the "Black Ribbon" that goes on in the minds of patients and that when we manage to see this "Black Ribbon" we just want to get it out of the heads of patients. patients without it hurting, with the slightest loss. That's why my concern was always during the case,  to choose the best medication for my mother to be her  without the "Black Ribbon", without the "Whirlwind in the Head".


I know you wrote an important book, very important. I know you know which book I mean. As soon as I finish reading "The Psychiatrists - An Untold Story by Jeffrey A. Lieberman" I will read your book. 


I invite you, as I invite Doctor Paula, Doctor Bruna,  Doctor Luís, Doctor Ricardo and Doctor Inês to join the Jupiter project in the Scientific Team and in Jupiter's Angels as Doctors- Angel-Atores-Ambassadors, leaving you my telephone number at the end of the email so you can contact me in your interest. I also leave you at the end the Film-Nouvelle de Jupiter Link with the Finished Work that I am in the Last 6 days including the Last Attachments and Closing the Open Windows of the Jupiter Rights Congress With Artificial Intelligence_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ on the Jupiter Science Team website.



Best regards,

Raul Catulo Morais

Tuesday, 02/28, 17:59 (5 days ago)

for luis

Doctor Luis,

Hello! How are you?


This email invites you to join the Jupiter Editions project in the Angels of Jupiter as a Physician-Illumminnatti and Actor-Ambassador of Jupiter and to join the Medical/Scientific Team of Jupiter as a Physician Urologist. I leave the link to the Film-Nouvelle de Jupiter, my last Work exhibited online at Jupiter Editions, the link to the Angels,  the link to the scientific page with the Jupiter Rights Congress and at the end the Special Program link that was opened during my father's Internment   and I leave you my phone number in case you are interested in the project and want to enter. I founded the project because I wrote 9 books at the same time with 9 pseudonyms, with all my works displayed online on the site.


Thank you for taking care of and taking care of my dad. Thank you for transferring him to Hospital da Rainha Santa Isabel.


Best regards,

Raul Catulo Morais

Tuesday, 2/28, 18:38 (5 days ago)

to Ines

Doctor, hello!


Despite what was explained in the 2nd consultation regarding the medication, because I did not pass on important information, the information that I noticed that my mother's movements are a little more rigid and because today at the General and Family Medicine consultation she had given that information that the stiffness and the arrest of movements could have to do with Olanzapine, being a natural side effect as my mother is going to start Physiotherapy and the Day Center, I thought if I couldn't "try" suspending it temporarily to Olanzapine,  for a few days or a month, just to see if my mother improves the movement part without obviously losing the mental therapeutic success achieved so far and without this not jeopardizing the sleep cycles achieved or whether it is even considered that it is better to keep the current therapeutic scheme as it is.  I take advantage of the contact to pass on the information that was h oday, Atorvastatin 20 mg for Cholesterol was introduced to the scheme by General and Family Medicine (with the Result 210 against the Reference Value below 200) and that a Renal and Adrenal Ultrasound was scheduled for the value 201 of Occasional Microalbuminuria against the Value -Reference below 30.


Best regards,


Wednesday, 03/1, 04:11 (4 days ago)

to Ines

Doctor, hello! Sorry to be sending a 2nd email with a 2nd question regarding Olanzanpina, but it's just for me to be definitely clarified and just to also be calm in passing on the information. My mother often goes to the bathroom to urinate.  She gets up, for example, at 4 am and/or 6 am to urinate. But then he goes right back to bed. I mean, it's just for peeing. I did not share this information.  Could this be Urinary Incontinence? Is it normal, being Urinary Incontinence a Natural Side Effect of taking Olanzapine? Or is this not even Urinary Incontinence and may not even have anything to do with the medication, because in the past my mother already had, for example, this habit? I only ask this last question because of the side effects of Olanzapine associated with the kidneys and the high Microalbuminuria value of 201 against the Reference Value of 30.


Thank you very much and I'm sorry!!!!!


Email-Nouvelle: Thursday, 9/02, 14:39
for me

Raul Catulo Morais,
Thank you for sending this email as well as the esteem you have for the Inatel Foundation. Remember that you didn't write the Diário de Salva-Vidas em Porto Santo in an Inatel Foundation hotel, by chance. Because in life, nothing is by chance.
With regard to the use of the Inatel Foundation pavilion, we congratulate ourselves on the evidence of the importance of this entity in the development of the territory, thus, regrettably, we do not envisage   the transfer of the aforementioned property since we will insist on its requalification and framing it in the revitalization plan of the Square in which it is inserted. Better pavilions will come. There is no shortage of pavilions and large abandoned Inatel palaces.   Not to mention those who were diverted by interests. But that's another matter for the  Judiciária Police and perhaps Jupiter Editions would be better off staying out with the searches that will soon be started on the Foundation. I say this because I'm vice president, even though I deserve to be president.   Let's see if I will be the next president or not.   If so, get in touch again.   Because things here at Inatel are not easy. But in life nothing is  easy, otherwise it wouldn't be funny. Does not agree?
Grateful for the attention given to my words, I send you my regards,
Lucinda Lopes

Email-Nouvelle: Monday, 6/03, 09:09
for me
Dear Raul,
Thanks for the invitation. However, I noticed that there were windows to close in the Congress of Rights. When we open windows we have to close the windows. A new hell of a pandemic is coming. Windows must be closed. Regarding the book,   does not need to buy it. Just come and pick him up at the Admission Service. The door is always open. Don't worry, when you want to go out, I'll open the door for you. It was a pleasure to meet you.  Have a good time!

Email-Nouvelle: Monday, 6/03, 09:09
for me
Dear Raul,
Your father is very stubborn and   says that everything is fine for him,   not accepting that he has Inoperable Cancer  Parallel Reality and I have to enter Parallel Reality with him for him to listen to me otherwise he   doesn't   listen. Your father is a difficult patient.   I was therefore "obliged" to transfer him to the Hospital da Rainha Santa Isabel, otherwise his father would die in the Hospital of Santarém. The motto of the young doctors is right: "Who wants to die slowly, come to the Santarém Hospital". I'm fed up with this hospital and so I do accept your invitation to Jupiter. Have the craft pass at 12:12 pm on 7/03/2023 on  day of the Great Full Moon. As I told you from the beginning, nothing is by chance and everything is Astronomically Oriented and Mediated by Astronomical and non-Astrological Events. Dr Lucília doesn't like Astrology,   but she accepts her mother's Astrology for   an "astrological" question. Dr. Lucilia goes upstairs with me. But then we   have to go back down to Earth because we have to clock in at the hospital at 9:09 am on the 9th, so I advise you to go get the book you asked Dr Lucília before _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_das 12:12. Cordial greetings.

Email-Nouvelle: Monday, 03/6, 15:05 (17 hours ago)
for me
Hon. Mr. Raul Catulo Morais
Doctor Mário can't write to you, because he's on the phone and has given me the hot potato.
In response to your message, we clarify that the information provided by Banco de Portugal on credit liabilities is provided by financial institutions, and therefore, in this specific case, it is up to Alexandra to correct it. Therefore, if you intend to settle / renegotiate debts or request correction of the statement of credit liabilities, you should contact Alexandra from Caixa Geral de Depósitos directly so that she can send the new information to Banco de Portugal, simply forwarding your prints from her email . However, based on my years of experience, I advise you to pay the remaining euro first,   under penalty of not being able to get to the best Bom Porto with Caixa Geral.   I even have a Podcast about exactly a similar case that you can listen to on my personal page. I have the link to the podcast on my Grindr profile. If you unblock me, I think you can get to the link.
Returning to the subject that matters, debts will only cease to appear on the credit liability map when the institution that reported them ceases to communicate them to the Bank of Portugal. Thus, if the amount owed has been paid in a given month, that debt should no longer appear on the statement for that month. For example, if a debt was paid in September, that debt should no longer be included in the map for that month, which is released at the end of October. I can already proceed, please, with the forecast of the astrological calendar foreseen for the disclosure of the credit liability maps in 2023.   If, for example, you manage to settle the missing euro by paying off the total debt by the end of March , it is expected to be released on April 19, coincidentally or astrologically on your birthday, which is still funny.   We also inform you that the submitted sponsorship request does not fit into the policy of supporting investment entities or credit institutions or banks for institutional reasons. Therefore, since Jupiter Editions is a  bancária institution, as published in  Jornal de Negócios, it is not possible to request sponsorship. Due to Jupiter Editions having created in their fantasies the jupits,  as saturs, the  neptunes and the ceres, I warn that with the new Law Jupiter Editions must ask for Authorization of Constitution of an Electronic Money Institution to the Bank of Portugal, so as not to be in bad shape... 1 of article 18 of the Legal Framework for Payment Services and Electronic Money (RJSPME), published by Decree-Law no. 91/2018, of 12 November.  The inclusion or expansion of payment services, among those listed in article 4 of the RJSPME, in the corporate purpose of electronic money institutions already constituted also depends on prior authorization from Banco de Portugal, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of article 25 of the said legal diploma. This intention to include or expand must be submitted through a request for a statutory amendment relating to the object, in accordance with the provisions of subparagraph b) of paragraph 1 of the aforementioned article. Pursuant to paragraph 1 of article 14 of the RJSPME, an electronic money institution is a legal person whose main activity is to issue electronic money. Electronic money, under the terms of paragraph ff) of article 2 of the RJSPME, is defined as the monetary value stored electronically, including magnetically, represented by a credit on the issuer and issued after receipt of banknotes, coins and currency. book-entry, to carry out payment transactions as defined in paragraph ii) of article 2 of the RJSPME and which is accepted by a natural or legal person other than the issuer of electronic money. In addition to issuing electronic money, an electronic money institution may provide one or more payment services provided for in article 4 of the RJSPME, as provided for in paragraph 2 of article 14 of the RJSPME. The issuance of electronic money and payment services, in accordance with the principle of exclusivity, can only be provided, at a professional level, by the entities listed, respectively, in n.º 1 of article 12 of the RJSPME and in n. 1 and 2 of article 11 of the said legal diploma. Within the scope of a request for authorization to set up an electronic money institution, Banco de Portugal verifies that the submitted proposal meets the legally established requirements. These requirements are listed in paragraph 2 of article 18 of the RJSPME, under which electronic money institutions headquartered in Portugal must meet the following conditions: 
Adopt the form of a public limited company or limited liability company;
Have share capital not less than the legal minimum corresponding to the services to be provided, pursuant to article 55 of the RJSPME (€350,000) - thus   in the case of share capital _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_of the Jupiter Saturn Neptune Company, to be €120,000, an increase of  capital should be made up to,  at least at €350,000;
Have the main and effective headquarters of the administration in Portugal and carry out at least part of its main activity in Portugal;
To have in the management and supervisory bodies members whose suitability and professional qualification provide, either individually or at the level of the bodies as a whole, guarantees of the sound and prudent management of the institution;
Demonstrate that the natural or legal persons who directly or indirectly intend to hold a qualifying holding meet the conditions that guarantee the sound and prudent management of the institution;
Present solid provisions in matters of corporate governance, including a clear organizational structure, with well-defined, transparent and coherent lines of responsibility;
Have effective processes for identifying, managing, controlling and communicating the risks to which the institution is or may be exposed;
Have adequate internal control mechanisms, including solid administrative and accounting procedures, which are complete and proportionate to the nature, level and complexity of the activities to be carried out;
Have internal control mechanisms in place to comply with legal or regulatory provisions aimed at preventing money laundering and terrorist financing.
Best wishes for the project.
To listen to my podcast, just unlock my Grindr profile   and click on the link. Don't make the mistake of clicking on the link below, because there are nudes of me.

Monday, 03/7, 09:09 (1 minute ago)
Homer, I confess that I was confused by your email. Above all, for having included the Grindr issue in Banco de Portugal's institutional email. Regarding the publication that was made in the Journal  de Negócios on how the Jupiter Saturn Neptune   had become the Bank,   was an Error of the Registry   of the Commercial Registry and which has since been amended,   together with the  error that the Society passed from a publisher _cc75c590 -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_for a bank,  for an imboliária and for a car dealership. But the Society has already been dissolved and Jupiter Editions   has separated from the Society,   not being, _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d7_ not to my knowledge, _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d7_ to my knowledge, _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d7 -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_no bank, being a publisher. Therefore, Jupiter Editions is not an electronic money institution. But even if it was or is in the future, under the terms of art. 1 of art. 14 of the RJSPME an electronic money institution is a legal person whose main activity is to issue electronic money. However,   is not the main activity of Jupiter Editions nor will it be,   its main activity being the publishing of books and the directing and production of films _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_e theaters. The jupits, neptunes and saturns are virtual currencies that were created in Jupiter and are currently only for Member Readers to circulate in Jupiter Societies,  Saturn, _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_Ceres and Neptune, being internal and not external fantasy-virtual-currencies. I therefore maintain the request for sponsorship from Banco de Portugal or institutional support for the project.
Raul Catulo Morais


Email-Nouvelle: Monday, 07/03, 09:09 (6 minutes ago)
Good morning! It is spelled Olanzapine and not "Olanzanpina".  We can suspend Olanzapine for 7 days. If it improves significantly, we can leave it like that until the next appointment. If there are no improvements, we will include Olanzapine in the Scheme. If during the 7 days of the Trial your mother gets worse,   we will immediately suspend the Trial and reinstate Olanzapine. 


"Yes, Doctor..."
"I can enter?"
«You can, doctor... The person who called me Lijota was my dad...»
“Look, do you see this medicine?”
"Yes, Doctor..."
«Okay,  this medicine Lijota is not going to take... This is Olanzanpine... This one is supposed to be taken at bedtime. But Lijota will never take it if she doesn't get dizzy, her movements are all stuck, she's like air... This medicine has to be taken from her by her son on "February 30th"...»
«Oh doctor, February has either 27 days or 28 days...»
«We are going to open a Portal on the 30th of 6 days... Do you understand? But it has to be your son to take it.... Your son has to send an email to Dr. Inês who is the Doctor who will then follow you and will be your Family Psychiatrist for the Triangle to work and the Alliance is established... Don't forget that we are under an important planetary war... It's Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune...»
"I know, Doctor..."
"There... You remember our conversation on the terrace, don't you?"
«Yes, I remember... Oh, Doctor, who will be the Family Doctor later when Doctor Joaquina retires?»
«Doctor Guilherme will be...»
"Who is he?"
«He was your son's colleague... The one who always had the number 66 key to the lockers in the Swimming Class was Guilherme... It was by email that the illumminnattis began to receive the Mysterious Game Instructions... It was Guilherme who defended the Police Report from his son's swimming pools in front of the teacher who doubted that the Report had been drawn up by his son... It was also Guilherme who bathed in the women's changing rooms with Raul and Dr. Joaquina when they were little in a small Invisible Triangle inside the spas when Dr. Joaquina was a user in the pools... Dr. Guilherme has the face of Dr. Dmytro and that's why there is an "Image Mark" in Raul's Mind that is important for the Cinematographic Element of Film-Nouvelle from Jupiter...» 
«Oh Doctor, is this a Movie or is it   a Novel or is it Real Life?»
«It's a Film-Nouvelle of Real Life, Lijota...»
«You know who called me Lijota was my dad who started calling me at the Military Messe in Lagos when we arrived from Nampula after a Card Game... Just for the Doctor to see how History appears in _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Deck of Cards...»
«Oh Lijota, that was the big card... Now Lijota showed the suit  todo... He had only shown me the first cards... How are we going to play or not a Swede?”
"Let's go, Doctor..."
«But Ó Lígia, inside, shut up... Don't tell the stories of Lagos and Nampula and the Ultra-Mar because inside that thing is full of algorithms that later steal our films and stories for the big movie...»
«Okay, doctor... Don't be annoying... You're a little annoying...»
«Me, Ligia??? I?? What did I say?”
«Come on doctor,  let's go play cards! I'll be your partner! I don't want to stay with Fatinha or with Alba's Husband, which he does to me during the game when he's my partner... I'll tell Alba when he comes to visit her husband...»
«Oh Lígia... Don't say anything... You'll get a  Intrigue...»
«Oh doctor, I sell intrigues!!! I'm a saleswoman of intrigue!!! And know that my intrigues are very good!”
“How much does it sell for?”
"With discount? For the doctor?”
«Yes, Lijota...»
«Ahahahha! Great Lígia... Come on, give me 5 more!!!! Do you know what our sign is?”
«I know,  doctor!»
“But don’t give cane, Lígia!”
«Oh Doctor, I'm very good at doing theater and acting silly...  Want to see me acting silly as if I'd just landed on Earth from Saturn _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_after taking Olanzapine? Look at me, Doctor...   Look at me... Oh Doctor... Is that Cristiano Ronaldo over there or is that Palhinha? Why did they put Palhinha and Cristiano Ronaldo in the same room, doctor? Why were they admitted here, doctor?”
«Oh Lígia... It's not Palhinha... It's Muhammad..».
«Muhammad? Who is Muhammad? But it looks like Palhinha... Did you know that I went into my son's  room once and there was Palhinha on top of my son...?   If it wasn't Palhinha, it was one of my son's law school classmates, very similar to Palhinha... I wanted to take a  photo, but they wouldn't let me. screams!!!! Screaming at me, doctor!!! Just because I was going to take a picture of them??? Screaming!!!! My heart was even... I don't know how...»
 Raul Catulo Morais With All Reserved Rights With Jupiter Editions 666.666.666.9.


“Because it is no sign of Health to be Well Adjusted to a Deeply Sick Society.” Jiddu Krishnamurti

Checkmate to Psychology, Law and Psychiatry from Machiavelli to the Lap of "Machiavelli's" Psychiatry.

Because when I continue to sit in the invisible lap of Good Psychiatry and of Good Law, despite having risen from their laps and when I continue to hold hands with Good Psychology, despite having let go of   hands of Psychology,   I don't listen to a sick Psychology or a sick Law. Because I don't listen to a Psychology that is not able to look into the eyes of cows and see their spirit in cows and I don't listen to either a Psychology or a Psychiatry that doesn't realize that their heart is anatomically the same as the heart of the Pig and that because Pig is a mammal we cannot eat Pig. I have no patience for Psychology or Psychiatry who continue to drink   cow's milk as if they were calves or goat's milk as if they were lambs from "God Machiavelli". Because I already have   my Certificate of Suitability from the Doctors and Psychologists of Jupiter and that's why I attack and continue to attack the mind of Psychology and Psychiatry charred, crazy, completely drugged with numb eyes lifeless who lost his life, emotions, feelings and all   his ideals in the game he played against my mind. Get burned once and for all, you whore of shit! Burn! Because I want to see you burn and I want to blow your ashes! You burn, you whore of shit!

Because it is no demonstration of Health to be well adjusted to a Deeply Ill Society,   in which a Sick and Sleeping Psychology comes to say what it is to be well-adjusted! Criticism made by Raul Catulo Morais at the age of 16 at Casa nº1 da Boa Psicologia (Herdade da Aroeira) and Confirmation of the Criticism of Raul Catulo Morais to Psychology "By The Book" at the age of 29 atHouse No. 666from thegood psychology(Herdade da Aroeira) -Process No. 666concluded in Herdade da Aroeira.


«Júnior,   please give me the Mutibanco Reference to pay for the Internet, because now with the Multipurpose Certificate that Doctor  Luís will give me right away to pay for the Internet. Later on Tuesday, when we go there to talk to Doctor Luís, thank him... Because it is thanks to him that your Light will not be cut off. Because with the Multipurpose Certificate   there are discounts on Telecommunications bills and even Exemption from the Single Circulation Tax of up to €240 and with those €240 you can already buy a lot of cans of tuna _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_or sardines or to, for example, pay your last tuition fee, because you may still be "stuck" with the degree diploma "unprinted" because   did not pay the last tuition fee or lack of money to have the diploma issued... Regarding our Reconciliation you have to read the book I told you about and then you have to read another one and present it to me and only after these two books can we be reconciled and only after that is it that later you can ask me for help with tuition fees or the pass or for lunches in the canteen to continue studying in Lisbon or for some new sneakers... Until then, try to find a job or a little part-time to see if you can get away with it and I'll be back you know, it's better to arrange Be quick, because you'll still have tuna cans here that I'm still bringing, because you're lucky, but you already know that suddenly the cans can run out and you, so you don't starve, it's best to have at least a part-time job.  Have you achieved anything yet?”
“I still haven't made it, dad. I'm shipping everywhere. No one gives me work, I don't understand why!!! I sent it to everything!!  clothing stores, supermarket, cleaning... Nobody gives me work!!!!!»
“Then keep sending. Look... I saw on Facebook that Vasco Saturn is in need of someone to give him a hand with his horses... That he has now opened a horse school and needs someone to brush them... You get away with it , my!"
«Now you are going to open a tender for train drivers with free training... I'm going to try to compete. I didn't know that dad and Vasco were friends on Facebook. I don't feel like having to pet his dick while I brush his horses. He is married!"
«Hey, stop your "oddities" and see if you fall into reality, otherwise you'll become "schizoid" or "schizoaffective" like your mother.   You have to understand which Reality you are inserted in and you must live that Reality without "oddities" and accept how it is  the Reality and how things are they work and you leave romances and fantasies waiting for Prince Charming, as I already told you that in the gay world there are no princes charming... Now, there are enchanted princesses, but in the world of Disney. For which trains did you open a tender? For CP trains? CP trains pay well, man!”
"No. It's for Fertagus trains. And the CP trains   do not pay well for the Millionaire and Extraordinary Profits that the Company of the Lord State makes! If you paid well, the workers on the CP trains would not go on strike and they would be happy!!!!!»
«Hey!!! I already told you that there are no Ordained Happiness and that your Ordained Happiness is Utopia and Fantasy, as a Psychology already told you...»
«I want this Psychology to be fucked!»
«That's it... If you manage to get into the Machinists' Group there, you can count on me for the pass to go to the Machinists' Training... Because that is an important thing.   By the way,   more important than finishing right... You have time right,  pá... That's what's important as it is important the books I give you. The books I give you are much more important than any manual and code of your law course and you should put them bb3b-136bad5cf58d_in front of everything and everyone,  because if not already  you know...  Because you speak your life... my Language, to understand my Language you have to read   the books that I give you which is for you to fall into Reality! Because I want you to fall into Reality! Do you understand, man? I want you and your mother to both fall into Reality! Because the two of you live in Fantasies... Look, another important thing and much more important than your course is to think about getting a heavy duty license... Because that's what there's money for... That's even me capable of getting me into debt so that you could get your heavy duty license to drive trucks, because I also drove trucks...  Don't forget that in a story you even wrote, your grandfather went to Spain to training trains on a banana truck, which I also had to drive after driving, just to train trains free of charge and then compete for the tender for Portuguese trains, which only entered those who had trained... So, you takes advantage of Fertagus' training to then be able to leave for other countries as a Machinist to Canada, Holland, Denmark, Uruguay, Japan, Singapore, Saudi Arabia where they pay much more than Fertagus and than the CP... But you have to get in somewhere, man... You have to imagine yourself as a rat that is capable of getting into the cover of a sewer and then coming out in Paradise, because you know the Sewer Network like no one else and because from your Chameleon Skin neither the Rats, nor the Cockroaches, nor the Serpents that walk in the Sewerage Network can swallow you... You have to learn to be smart and play with yourself otherwise you won't get away with it! You think that life is rosy...  I've already told you and I'm always telling you that life is not what you think and it's not even rosy... You you don't live in Reality... Now I would be going into debt for you to finish your law course when you should have finished it I don't know how many years ago that you continue to walk in Ketchup as a Psychology told you?? Only if I were crazy! You wanted to remove Ketchup from Psychology's table just because you read the carcinogenic ingredients and Psychology, which doesn't understand medicine nor Health Law, started looking at you and laughing and I saw Psychology _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_looking at you and laughing,  hey, I had to laugh with her, man... Because the movie is a laugh... It's a laugh, man ... When Psychology told you that you used mayonnaise and ketchup, instead of grabbing ketchup and reading the ketchup ingredients like a madman,   you should have told Psychology the History of Ketchup and only at the end did you take the Ketchup off the table... That's how you should have done it, man... But you  did it the other way around and that's why it's just that psychology was looking at you with an air of interest,   with the desire to study your brain ebro, to access your brain...  You pissed Psychology off,  pá... You really pissed off Psychology, man... Don't piss Psychology off again, otherwise She, poor thing, is still crying because you took the Mayonesse and Ketchup off the table... Oops,  ó Junior... As I am your father and as I see you a bit lost in the half   of the whole plot without knowing what to do,   without realizing what is true and what is a lie, what is a movie, _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_in this psychological film, I'm going to give you clues... And my clues are telling you a story...  You already know how I get my clues ... You must remember that in the movie at the hospital when I was bleeding and the doctors and nurses couldn't find out which Blood Source was I had to tell them give clues in Internment by creating a Story so that they could reach the Source... And in that story a Treasure Hunt opened in which I also got you involved in the Treasure Hunt Race... But why? Because I'm your son... And you managed to get to the story before the doctors, so much so that you managed to get there that you went to send an email to the Queen of the Disciplinary Council of the Order of Doctors with the whole story that later with that story Doctor Luís was "Obliged" to transfer me to the Queen's Hospital where they discovered the Source... So I'll tell you the story of Ketchup... Because my friend,  a History of Ketchup it's the same Honey Story... There was a Revolution... Ketchup is a sauce of Chinese origin where the main ingredient was the mushroom! It was! But later, when the sauce arrived in Malaysia and Singapore, it was tasted by English colonists who tasted it and took it to the United Kingdom... Then, the English took the sauce to the United States and the Americans spoiled the sauce, _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_they completely messed up the sauce, because they took out the mushroom which was the main ingredient and put the tomato in!!! It made a horrible tomato sauce like the honey they put in the sauce, just rubbish,   just rubbish, just rubbish that now the sauce with so much rubbish tastes like shit! Except that it was aboard a train between Los Angels and Las Vegas that a driver left halfway through the trip and saved the ketchup sauce by taking the tomato out of the kitchen and taking out all the junk they put in the sauce and with the mushrooms that were there. in the kitchen and a few more secret ingredients saved the ketchup recipe that was tasted by a Prince and he took the Machinist with him to Las Vegas and they were married on the spot. Just because of a ketchup sauce...  For you to see how life can be just a trip on a train. When I give you Geographical References and give you certain clues, don't think it's in vain, because nothing I say is in vain... I told you in Saudi Arabia, because Salman bin Abdelaziz, who is the King of _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Arabia  Saudia inaugurated a high-speed line linking the holy cities of Mecca and Medina that pays a lot to train drivers and _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cfes58d_revisors. But really... That's why when you were going back and forth looking through the books in your 6th year of the Course at the Faculty of Law and I put you in charge of the competition I had opened for Ticket Reviewers and dos Machinistas dos Caminhos de Ferro dos Comboios  Portugueses and I cut your money for the Faculty of Law and told you that you should run for Reviewer or Driver it was because I already knew that I was going to open the Railway High Speed and looking at me like your father In your skin I knew that you could land in Saudi Arabia later with the Koran in your hands. Because then Article 1 of the Basic Law of Saudi Arabia,  the Constitution of Saudi Arabia is the Holy Quran and the Sunnah Tradition of the Islamic prophet Mohammed. And just the fact that you land with the Koran in your hands, the King of Saudi Arabia opens the way for you to sit down as a driver on the Luxury Train Line, which only runs 4 days a week and 4 hours per _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_dia,  on the lap of his son, Prince Mohammad bin Salman, "... And then you know, all you have to do is get out of the Machine and serve the Mushroom Ketchup Sauce with this Book of Recipes that I am going to give you, so that you can sit on the Prince's lap...»
«I don't like Mohamad bin Salmán. I don't like him and he's not my type!"
«Listen there!! This has no genres!!! I already told you how things work!!!! You see if you fall into the Reality of Money and live the Reality of Money! You don't follow reality because you don't sit with me   watching the news on TV! Because if you sat with me watching the news, you would know that there was a huge controversy about Cristiano Ronaldo leaving Manchester United and that he became unemployed and who later saved him was Prince Mohammad, who owns Newcastle and owns Al-Nassr . And Cristiano Ronaldo got a   Debt to the Prince,   for his millionaire trip to Riyadh... And Ronaldo settled his _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_debt to the Prince in the 7 King Size Beds of the Prince in 7 installments, one of them in the Burj Khalifa... Therefore, on the Chessboard of Saudi Arabia, the King of Petroleum is in charge, who manages to grab Ronaldo and put him in inside a plane and while he is flapping with one hand he is bringing   the plane to his King Size bed with his 7 "angels", with his 7 men... If the If the Prince liked women, there would be 7 women... But since the Prince likes  men, there are 7 men and one of the Prince's men is Ronaldo... You can marry _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_with Príncipe just for the "movie in Arabia", but then in bed with Ronaldo.»
“Ronaldo is not my type either. I don't like Mohammad."
«There are no choices here, Junior... It's no coincidence that Mohammad appeared on your Grindr...»
“How could the father know that???”
«You have to unlock Mohammad for Mohammad to unlock the algorithms that are learning the message you sent Ronaldo about the Reckoning... There is a Chain of Algorithms that must be respected for the Reckoning to be unlocked...»
«I don't like Mohammad. I don't like Mohammad's   radical ideas.»
«But if you sat on Mohammad's lap maybe Mohammad would listen to your heart and maybe a new Saudi Arabia could be designed with a European Union Law capable of Understanding the Message of the Quran and without touching the Word of the Quran, _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_make more beautiful drawings,  scratch millions of skies who pay millionaire wages in their construction and in their drawings banked by Mohammad and Ronaldo's lap...»
«I don't like Mohammad and I don't like Ronaldo.»
«If it was still the Prince of Greece and Denmark Achileas-Andreas, or his brother Constantine, or Prince Nikolai, Count of Monpezat, Prince von Habsburrg, Prince Chamma Chamma of Istanbul, Prince Thomas Mayer of Geneva-y -Lyon or Prince Guri Gury of Goa and Elephanta I would accept...»
«These are bankrupt princes, man... »
«I like bankrupt princes...»
«You can't get away with bankrupts, man! You have to look at Reality and see things without emotions and feelings, otherwise you won't get away with life, man...» 00h44 8/03/2023 Raul Catulo Morais

«Sorry... I was distracted...»
"Again distracted...?"
«Sorry... I was thinking about the things  that my father told me ... Anyway... Am I playing?»
"Yes, baby... We haven't even started playing yet..."
“Oh no?”
«No,  baby... Go...  Start... It's you to start... Don't forget our rule... It's not worth doing Checkmate in the first 6 moves...»
«I know,  baby... I know, Stupid Rule baby you made up... Why are we playing so high?»
«Because we are on the  Top Floor of the Jeddah Tower...»
"Weren't we at the Burj Khalifa?"
"Baby!!! Wake up!!!! That was 6 hours ago..."
«Saying "6 hours ago" is a Pleonasm... Because when you say 6 hours ago, you already know that it was 6 hours ago, so you don't need to say ago when you talk about time backwards...»
«Yes, baby... Go, play!!!!! Do you know who is singing?”

«I know... It's Tony Raut and Garry Topor...»

“And can you dance to their music?”

"Yes I know."

«Txi... If they were here to see you dancing, they would immediately ask for your hand to marry... Do you also know the words?»

"Yes I know..."

“How do you know the lyrics?”

“So, I learned…”

“Where did you learn?”

«I learned it once, on the bus... From Faro to Santarém...»

“Did they teach you?”

«Yes, they were... They said like this "if   you don't learn the lyrics to our songs by the time we get to Santarém a missile from Russia will send us all to a Metaverse Funded by Russia"..   And I learned...»
«Txi... What if they now showed up here and said that if we didn't marry them,  a Russian missile would send the Jeddah Tower into a Saturn Funded Metaverse with us inside?...»
«So we got married, didn't we? I hope they don't show up..."

«Ya... I hope they don't show up... Go baby... Play!!!» 05/03/23 Raul Catulo Morais With All Reserved Rights With Jupiter Editions

Lion - Saint Mesa
00:00 / 00:55
The Top of the Montain - Alpine Universe
00:00 / 00:44
Sorry, Ma - Tony Raut & Garry Topor
00:00 / 00:33
Check Out - Tony Raut & Garry Topor
00:00 / 01:22

"Raul, call Dimi..."
"Dimi blocked me."
"Call my..."
"He will hang up as soon as he hears my voice."
"If he hangs up, we'll call again and I'll talk..."
"Dimi,  hello... How are you? I'm calling about the form I emailed you to separate your name from Jupiter Editions... He hung up the phone... "
"Let me try... Hi Dimi,   is Sara... As you know I am an Angel from Jupiter and therefore I am interested in  matter Since you are completely off the project and since you and Raul are no longer connected, I would like to ask you to please sign the forms that Raul sent you so that we can discuss brand matters with you. other brands,   banks and companies without your name associated with the  brand. Raul, Dimi is saying that for him to relinquish the rights to Jupiter Editions you have to remove the name   from it from the entire site, otherwise it will not relinquish its rights."
"Sara, Dimi's name only appears in a character and in a pseudonym that is mine, which I legally bought and which I registered with the General Inspection of Cultural Activities in a Story that was handed over to the Judiciary Police because of all the Internet of Things and because of the Dark Net of Things. And so that History no longer becomes Dark and Black on the side of Sir Doctor Dmytro, he please sign the forms in which he relinquishes all rights to Jupiter Editions, because if If I die, he will inherit the rights and I don't want a person   who, at the end of our relationship, was against me and against the project and who said that Jupiter Editions would die in a quarter of an hour after having finished everything with me in Mata-Lobos that afterwards I'll be all happy with blood on my hands worth millions..." 
"I heard what Raul said and I think that if he continues with this type of speech it will only look bad and he will only lose. I don't sign anything, even as he said and very well, if he dies at least I'll be with compensation for everything that happened. That's it. Jupiter Editions was hell in my life. While I was studying for the Specialty Exam I had to be translating the pages into English and translating Target _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_e because of these translations I didn't get the grade I wanted to get into Dermatology."
"Tell Dimi that his website's English appeared full of errors and that at the time our website was badly quoted on the Stock Exchange because of him, because he purposely translated with errors and that Target was also full of errors ." 
"Dimi, Raul...". 
"I heard, Sara. And I don't want to know! I'm not going to sign anything! Raul, if you want him to appear in front of me with the duly completed forms that I'll soon see if I sign or not." 
"But where is Raul supposed to meet you? Faro?". 
"But where?" 
"It could be the Psychiatry Service. All he has to do is ask Mariana to talk to me and I'll open the door to the Inpatient Service for him. I don't know if I'll open the door again later for him to leave!"_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
"Raul, Dimi is saying..." 
"I heard Sara. Fuck him". 
"Dimi, Raul sent you   to hell! And so did I!!!" 
"Me too!!!!" 
"Ah! And Tiaguinho sends you to hell too!".


«Рауль?» "Тони?" — Ты меня запомнил? "Да..." «Вы видели, кто передал мне этот документ в автобусе?» "Да я видел." — Но никто этого не видел. "Как вы знаете?" «Потому что я встал только для тебя. Ты знаешь, куда едет Фредерико? — Кто такой Фредерик? «Кто дал мне документ. Где вы видели его в последний раз? "На верхнем этаже пансионата." — А до этого? «В полиции». — Это был тот, у кого ты оставил ручку? "Да." — Так куда он едет? «На месте 33». «У вас есть документ здесь. Он подписан». «Did you do it in a pistol, did you do it on a подписал?» «Тебе не обязательно знать». «Моральное принуждение обесценивает документ и может быть аннулировано. У него есть свидетели того, как он сказал, что не подписывал документ». «В масонском театре вы всегда можете заявить, что вы думали, что его ответ был частью масонского театра, чтобы сбить с толку самих свидетелей, потому что, когда вы пришли домой, у вас на столе был подписанный документ. Войти в свой дом не сложно. Просто штурмуйте ворота. «Есть видеокамера с ночным видением, напрямую связанная с полицией, охраняющей мои ворота». «Камеру взломали, как и ваш дневник, в котором вы приехали и записали факт. Вы написали, что когда вы пришли домой, документ был подписан, вы не знаете, как. Ты же знаешь, что твой взломанный дневник — живое доказательство в суде, брат. «Doлжен ли я что-то делать, чтобы заплатить за подписанный документ?» "Да. "Я обожаю." — Можешь начать сосать. «Привет, я Гарри».

«O cousin sorry there!!! I had to call you because I don't understand anything about this film and this doctor's soap opera!!! I'm sorry bro!!! But where are you???»
«I am in Santarém.»
«But have you ever been to Faro???»
«But you were like, excuse me?»
“I went by bus.”
«By bus??? So what about Jaguar car sponsorship??? You couldn't go to Faro by bus!!! You had to sign the papers on top of the Jaguar's hood!!! Now we have lost Jaguar sponsorship!!! I mean I went to change my Maserati for a Jaguar after all for nothing!!! It's just that I only changed my Maserati because of a movie,  percebes??? If I had known I would have stayed quiet after all! Because the Jaguar they gave me is a piece of shit! It's electric this is not at all Sustainable, but like nothing, because this is much more polluting  in the Factory and on top of that this looks like a remote-controlled toy car, I don't find the Jaguar that makes me funny They gave... Oh cousin,  fogo... So you went by bus...  That's why we lost Jaguar sponsorship... But you went after all sign what with Dimi??? Divorce or Marriage?
«Dimi didn't sign the papers, cousin. I took the papers for him to sign...»
«But the papers of what? From the divorce?”
"Yes. But he refused to sign the Jupiter and Saturn Divorce Papers to part ways with the Jupiter Editions imprint. He refused to relinquish rights...»
«Hey cousin... Fire!! Great scene!!! But how did you go to Faro???»
“I went by bus.”
«O cousin on the bus? So I traded the Maserati on purpose for the Jaguar I was supposed to... Wait a minute, I'm repeating myself all over again... Wait a minute, I'm back from the script... Wait a minute, cousin... So, I already asked you this!!! I already asked him if he took the bus... I won't ask this again... This doesn't make sense... Who wrote this?? Like this script is full of errors   doesn't make sense and makes us go round and round and we'll go round and round afterwards... Wait a minute... _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_I am, cousin!!!! By bus? Did you take the bus to Faro??? What were you from Expresso? How much did you pay?”
"I didn't pay anything cousin..."
"You didn't pay anything??? But how come you paid nothing?? What did you ask? Did you ask for a bus sponsorship or what? Did you go on a sponsored trip cousin???»
«No cousin... I mean, I don't know... Buses park near my house in the field of the fair... And I was getting home very tired and a very funny little boy appeared at the door of the bus who He asked me jokingly if I wanted a ride to Faro and I said I did and he said I was just resting and that he would leave in about 3 hours and he asked me if I wanted to go in and I went in and that's it I rested a bit and when I woke up I was already arriving in Faro...»
«Hey cousin, that story is really strange... But why did you get on the bus like that?»
«Because the driver was cute and almost my age...   Otherwise I wouldn't get in, would I...?»
«But did you guys make out on the bus cousin?»
"No, cousin..."
«Oh cousin, that story of yours is very strange, cousin... Like suddenly a bus and an Angel-Driver that takes you to Faro fall out of the air... And on the way back, did you pay for a ticket?»
"Don't press..."
«This is very strange, cousin!!! You should find out more about this story. If I were you, I'd find out... But this is me talking here with the script in front of me that is already making my eyes wide!!!! This story of this whole movie cousin, it's making my eyes wide... That this is a movie, isn't it? We must not forget that this is "just" a movie.» 7:16 pm 05/03/2023

Topor & Raut Внимание! Говорит Москва!
00:00 / 01:11

Nothing gives me more pleasure than looking into the eyes of snakes, serpents and vipers and imagining their heads on my plate. Because we "snakes" eat   other snakes. Because snakes eat snakes. Not all of us can eat snakes. It is necessary to have a Poison inside the Blood, circulating our Blood that works as an Anti-Venom for the Venom of Snakes. The Blood I want to drink and the Meat I want to eat is the Blood and Meat of the Cobra, because the Cobra is White Meat and tastes like chicken. I raise my cutlery ready to eat snakes while humans and satanic continue to eat mammals. When humans and satanic people stop eating mammals I will put down my cutlery and run my tongue over Python's head, skin and tongue and marry Python. Until then I have my cutlery raised Piton! Because we also make a medicine for others, but we also make it (also?) for ourselves. Because we made a Medicine for us. A Medicine that we manage to put in our Mouth and truly feel the Taste of Masonic Life. The Medicine is our Life Writing that We Cooked in Refugee with the Poison of the Piton. Do we have to marry Evil so that Evil does not harm us? Of course not! It's just not being afraid of Evil and crossing it with our Spirit and feeling the Fear of Evil. Raul Catulo Morais 666.666.666.9. Master-Grand-Duchy-Honorius Order Kattullo di Verona  Maximum Degree 77 of Jupiter-Saturn-Ceres-Neptune (School of Thought)


Hidden Parts and Hidden Attachments - Program Changed by Higher Order Illuminati - Official End of the Work with the Last Public Annexes 23:49 06/03/2023 

Finished Work

War of Schools and War of Beasts: Jupiter v. Order of Psychologists (from Portugal) in the boxing ring of Jupiter

Olho de Vidro da Psicologia
00:00 / 42:44
00:00 / 04:11
6 Passos Para Trás, Psicologia!
00:00 / 44:30
Fuckality - 2rbina 2rista
00:00 / 00:44
Eyes - Greyskies
00:00 / 00:33
Teatro Ordem Dos Psicólogos - Confidencial
00:00 / 22:26
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