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180 pages

Process nº 668 – “Baby, wake up: we killed the devil”

16 000,00 €Price
  • Delivery policy: The book is delivered to the Member Reader by the author's own hands within a maximum period of 3 months anywhere in the world. The Member Reader undertakes not to film the author upon delivery. Delivery may not be made under or at the angle of any camera, whether a public or private domain camera. Jupiter Editions will first certify that the location chosen by the Member Reader is a safe, camera-free location. If Jupiter Editions understands that delivery could jeopardize the author's privacy and confidentiality, Jupiter Editions will look for a nearby location and suggest a new delivery location. If the Member Reader wants to invite the author to enter his house, the Member Reader cannot have any camera inside his house, unless it is previously agreed with the author, committing himself not to use the telephone or not to point the camera phone directly to the author. If the Member Reader wants the author to deliver the copy to an establishment, be it a coffee terrace, a rooftop or a hotel bar, it is important that the space does not have surveillance cameras either at the entrance, or at the place of delivery or on the way to the entrance to the site.

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