play illumminnatti games

The game consists of author cards, actor cards and arguments.
Each player builds his persona (game character) with an author card, 2 actor cards and 3 arguments for a total of 6 cards.
The last game level is level 6.
Only players who play at level 6 are illumminnatti players.
Moving from level 5 to level 6 is only allowed to players who make a Possible Game Link between an author card and an actor card.
The choice of author and actor cards predetermines the condition of a player being able to play level 6 or not.
The game allows a player to be playing at level 6 with the illumminnatti while playing with other players at lower levels at the same game table.

The illumminnatti who is playing with the best cards wins level 6.
In case of a tie, a seventh level opens in the game and the illumminnatti that wins becomes gennius .
After randomly drawing 3 arguments from the deck of argument cards, players choose one of the 3 author cards and 2 actor cards from the Actors Roster.

Antoine Canary-Wharf
I was crucified like Christ. I am not Christ nor am I the Anti-Christ. I'm an upside-down Ace of Trump that hides a double-pointed 6 to connect with the strongest pair of 6s on the table of life. I got the letter from the God of Thunder. If the alliance is not made, we will be forever under fire from the Thunderstorm.
Jaime Maria Bayamonde da Costa Ayala
I'm the light at the dark side. I'm a pair. That's why singles show up to match my pair of 6s in the game's darkness. On top of the dark table I have a pair of 6. The strongest pair to establish an alliance. I got the letter from the Prince of Darkness. In the real life game I play the role of Prince of Darkness and step into darkness. Not all of us can join (the game of darkness). We have to be light.
Gil de Sales Giotto
I got the letter from the God of Lightning. At the Speed of Light I see rays appearing and disappearing. The game says I have the super power to send lightning wherever I want. May the rays break all diabolical alliances on this gaming table where this mysterious life is bent. Damn this game!
“There are silences that we can fulfill. But there are other silences that are not, because they are criminal silences . Someone who watches a constant psychological game that always attacks the same human mind and the same character and keeps silent is a criminal. To accuse, we just need to raise the character.” Gil de Sales Giotto, November 4, 2021 in Illumminnatti Games : Silence Code
«Not everyone can play the game of silence. Before we comply with the Silence Code, we first comply with the Penal Code . We comply with silence, when we know that silence is not described in the Penal Code , nor in its hidden form, and when our Natural Law, which we inherited from the Civil Code, tells us that we can remain silent. There are silences we can fulfill. There are others that don't.” Jaime Maria Bayamonde da Costa Ayala, November 4, 2021 in Illumminnatti Games : Silence Code

«For Criminal Law , the aggression of a psychological game is as good as the aggression that is made by gestures or words that make blood or leave marks. The Code of Silence must always be seen with the Penal Code . Doing nothing or remaining silent when we could not remain silent or had a duty to act is a crime of omission . Antoine Canary-Wharf, November 4, 2021 in Illumminnatti Games : Silence Code

The actors are characters from the Knights of Technology by Barac Bielke, from 2080 by Antoine Canary-Wharf, from The Algorithm of Love by Jaime Maria Bayamonde from Costa Ayala and from Pirates Island by Jaime Maria Bayamonde from Costa Ayala.
Actors present their character to players as per the hand on the table, for players to pick up or pass.

1st List of Actors:
Diogo Bug
mother rose
Mr Rugby
Audrey Newton
Captain Yco
Angel Raphael

Captain Yco's wife
Marcos Spinola
God Nico
angel nico
Sarah Fox
James Fox
Xico Fox
Joan Fox
jakob kirlian
Thomas Kirlian
Antoine Canary-Wharf
Simon Roncon-Oom
The Cousin of Criminal Law
The Prima of Tax Law
Judge Bruno Müller

Helena von Der Maase
Mathias von Der Maase
Sylvia Rot
Sara Rot
Alfonso Corte-Real
Domingos Bayamonde

Manuel Sampayo
Manuel Toiros
cousin seabra
cousin infant
The Engineer's Son
the banker's son
the investor
Hugo Moort
Aunt Giralda

Game Information Grade:
All players must declare their level of information before starting to play under a pledge of honor . The most knowledgeable players should be the last to draw cards from each deck and should always be the last to play. Each players council may change or ignore the rule with a simple majority vote. It makes sense to defer to the rule if there are only 5th and 6th grade players at the table, being relative.

The degree of information has to do with the stories and chapters that a player knows from the following Jupiter Editions works:
Technological Knights of Barac Bielke
2080 by Antoine Canary-Wharf
Jaime Maria Bayamonde da Costa Ayala's Algorithm of Love
Pirates Island Process by Jaime Maria Bayamonde from Costa Ayala
Jaime Maria Bayamonde da Costa Ayala 's Lifeguard Diary
A player's degree of information varies on a scale of 1 to 6 where 1 means “uninformed player” and 6 means “very informed player”.
For a player to concretely ascertain their level of information, consult the Map of the 6th Zodiac attached to the Illumminnatti Games .

For example, referring to the Map of the 6th Zodiac a player must declare himself with the 6th degree if he knows all of the following stories or references:
1st Cry for Freedom of the Internet of Things in the Isle of Pirates Process by Jaime da Costa Ayala
Jaime Maria Bayamonde da Costa Ayala's Sheik to the King in Proceedings of the Island of the Pirates
The story at Jardim dos Idílicas in Gulbenkian and Sporting in Processo on Ilha dos Piratas de Jaime
The Invisible Pact with the Bugg (Secret Legion of Life) in Jaime's Lifeguard Diary of 15/07
Military in Jaime's Lifeguard Diary of 06/29
Sid – Cruz de Malta in Jaime's Diary of Life Saving of 2/07
He said he needed time off (the Marine Grindr ) in Journal of Jaime Lifeguard of 9/07
Illumminnatti Games in Jaime's Lifeguard Diary of 9/10
A dismissal because of a set of 9 towels Manuscript of 7/23 from Jaime's Diary
Manuscript Penal Code of 07/30 of Jaime's Lifeguards Diary
“Internet of Things (Mata dos Medos) ” in Algoritmo do Amor by Jaime da Costa Ayala

“ A political courtship ” in Algoritmo do Amor by Jaime Maria Bayamonde da Costa Ayala
“Hugo” in Tech Knights of Barac
“Aunt Giralda's Jewels” in 2080 by Antoine
“Internet of Authors” in 2080 by Antoine

All Member Readers who find the demo of Illumminnatti Games on Jupiter Editions can send an email to publish@jupitereditions.com with the subject “Illumminnatti” with the exact location of the demo on the site requesting 2 jupits.