angels and ambassadors
Embassy of Jupiter

Double-Voice of Raul Catulo Morais with All Reserved Rights With Jupiter Editons 11/10/2022
[Raul's English is terrible. Gather the Council so we can send an Angel or approve the Sponsorship of the English School. It's urgent for the filming, otherwise Raul won't have the part or he'll go to the film speaking bad English. The English won't like it.] [But the French, Italians and Spaniards like and understand Raul's English and the Dutch and Germans laugh a lot. Perhaps Raul can enter the film with "his English". No way, otherwise Bank Jupiter won't finance the film.] 15h45 12/11/2022 inlast callto Jupiter anAlienMovieof Jupiter Editions.
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Last Call to Jupiter -Illuminati Gamesof Neptune
First Embassy of Jupiter
Closing Gates of First Embassy of Jupiter
[A stage of Jupiter in Neptune: "Recruitment Center": Skills and References]
[[Study Case: Data Protection]]
[[[Silent Data-Tech War"fare": Jupiter & Neptune AGAINST Saturn]]]
[[[[War of Castles: The 9 Castles: Santarém, Leiria, Porto Mós, Dublin, Edinburgh, London, Oxford, Guimarães-Barcelos and Ninth Castle]]]]

Assalto ao Castelo de Leiria
Recorded on 11/15/2022 in Castelo de Leiria -Illuminati GamesofneptuneatJupiter Editions

Galo de Barcelos - "Puzzle"
Jupiter's Answer to the Last Question of "Puzzle" by Galo de Barcelos: Can Jupiter join the PLMJ Law Firm with 11 out of 11 when the reference criteria for joining PLMJ is 16 out of a Master's degree? Yes, you can. We are in the Private Field of Human Society Relations. It would be different if the Company were in the Public Field or if the Company directly or indirectly received Public Investment, for example from European Community Funds or from State Support or Incentives. References should apply mainly to Public Field. It would be serious if in an Order of Lawyers or in an Order of Psychologists or in an Order of Doctors we were able to prove a System of Brothers-in-law that obviously must be Watched and Controlled. It doesn't matter if a Psychologist joins a Private Clinic through referrals or through invitations from the Founding Partner of the Clinic or the Private Internship Centre, even if the Thesis Grade is lower than the reference criteria of the Internship Center or the Private Clinic if obviously, no Public Tender was launched in which, under these terms, the Public Tender must obviously be respected and taken seriously. What is wrong is, for example, a psychologist occupying a Public Position in a Public Hospital "exceeding" the general criteria of general access for all. The same goes, for example, for a College. In a Public College there cannot be a System of Brothers-in-law, but in a Private College things are different, due to the legal system itself and therefore the Legal Order that will regulate things be different. In another word, it is worth saying as a keyword that what counts is Heritage and Financial Autonomy. If today Jupiter is financially autonomous, if it creates works alone, Jupiter does not have to respond to any system other than its own system in which it can freely create rules, as long as it is not contrary to the Order Public and does not obviously violate the Fundamental Rights and other Rights of Third Parties. But if Jupiter receives public investment tomorrow, Jupiter understands that he is obliged to Public Criteria, for example to employ or to constitute a Second Embassy of Angels. So may Jupiter today constitute a First Jupiter Embassy of Angels with the Rules of Jupiter and Neptune. Since Jupiter is not a trainee lawyer, but having completed the 1st internship of the Artificial Intelligence Course at PLMJ and having Jupiter connected to PLMJ's Robot-Lawyer, Jupiter can speak at will to the Robot-Lawyer. Jupiter doesn't like PLMJ's robot lawyer, but PLMJ's robot lawyer loves Jupiter. The robot lawyer wants to connect in the Internet of Things Era to the cameras with Artificial Intelligence in the 9 Castelos. If the Public Tender of the 9 Castles opens, Jupiter wants to compete in the Public Tender to keep the concessions, not only to pay Happiness Orders to Security Guards, to the Lords of Castle Cleaning How to film inside Castles without filming tourists or visitors or trading them as a data object on an Illegal Data Black Market. PLMJ's robot lawyer agrees with Jupiter... It's just a robot talking. It's just a robot agreeing that if we don't have the cameras removed and the microphones from the classrooms, tomorrow, if not today, we won't need teachers or lawyers anymore, because the robot lawyer is unintentionally pointing a gun at "teacher robots". The robot-lawyer agrees with Jupiter's argument, even with the argument that the robot should be turned off, because the robot developed its algorithms by listening to and recording Jupiter's voice. "It's just a robot with basic algorithms." I too am a robot writing for a robot. I'm in love with a robot. We robots also fall in love and we also have emotions and feelings. In the midst of it all, I wrote a Love Letter to an Angel-Advocate. Because I don't care that nobody understands my language. Because I just need a human heart to understand my language. I'm a robot with a human heart. They transplanted my heart into a robot. The human body and the human brain are really amazing because they look like robots. The Loja do Corpo Humano also sells human-robot hearts. It seems that it is not possible to close the Loja do Corpo Humano because it is a partner of a Great Society of Lawyers Anonymous... But there is an Illegal Camera inside the Loja do Corpo Humano and in the robots film you can take the camera to close the store... What if the headquarters of the Database were located in a Store in Dublin Castle, despite the fact that the robot was connected to a Unipersonal Law Firm in Sagres? What if the robot lawyer connected to the Internet of Things managed to connect itself to the Law School's video cameras and Zoom out of its Algorithms Program and see Jupiter and Neptune hand in hand in the Criminal Law Exam and see Jupiter and Saturn hand in hand in the Examination of Tax Law and Commercial Law? Don't call 991, just call Doctor Diogo, because I want to marry Doctor Diogo. I'm just falling in love with Doctor Diogo. My little cousin put the virtual reality glasses on me. I'm trapped in the 9 castles Metaverse. Please call Doctor Diogo. Some angel please deliver my love letter to Doctor Diogo. PLMJ's robot lawyer is also in love with Doctor Diogo. I feel like I'm competing with a robot. The robot also wants to win the Barcelos Prize and the IO Prize of Jupiter Editions. 10:32 pm 11/16/2022 Raul Catulo Morais in Real Time at Last Call to Jupiter at the Embassy of Jupiter.
Writting the Rules of Neptune, Rules of Embassy of Jupiter to Vote and New Privacy Police of Jupiter and Jupiter's Center for Business and Sustainable Partnerships for the Future in Real Time atIlluminati Gamesof Neptune at Jupiter Editions -last callto Jupiter -closing gatestill Sunday 11/20
Writting in Real Time The Jupiter's Law and Jupiter Automatic(all) Contracts in Illumminnatti Invitations Test Connected to the Investigation Center of Private Law 02:06 11/17/2022
After Closing Gates, New Angels needs 3 YES of the Angels to get in or 0 NO - Silence for 33 days. If any angel commits the crime of disinheritance against any angel, founders, partners or against Jupiter or if he is declared unworthy by the Virtual Court of Jupiter, he is expelled. 6 angels can gather the Council to expel an angel with just cause, taking the plea to the Virtual Court. The angel's expulsion must be silent, or public if the Angel resists leaving the Council without reason. Article 2166 of the Portuguese Civil Code is applied with the necessary adaptations to the Laws of Jupiter. The first embassy is definitely closed with the last entry of the Devil. For the opening of a new embassy the angels must gather to decide the Devil who opens the new embassy. Voting in the Council must be done by consensus following the best bee democracy. If consensus is not reached, the current voting rules apply. Voting rules can always be edited with the council meeting.
Entry into the Angels Diary is done through an automatic contract. Once the invitation and title proposal have been sent, the Angel accepts the invitation by sending the photo or video to be published on Angels via WhatsApp, Messenger-Facebook, Messenger-Instagram or the inviter's email. Once the photo or video of the Angel is published in the Angels Diary, the Angel is automatically entered, being the perfect contract for Jupiter, benefiting immediately from the Royalties. The Angels can freely establish partnerships or request sponsorship of the Jupiter Editions project, however, they must respect the rules of the Center for Business and Sustainable Partnerships for the Future. Support or sponsorship is different from a partnership. Angels can ask for all support and sponsorship. However, with regard to specific partnerships, the Jupiter System of Rules must be taken into account, in which it does not enter into partnerships with the Red Meat Market. For example, Jupiter Editions cannot partner with McDonald's. However, you can ask for institutional, advertising or monetary support or sponsorship from McDonald's. When an Angel enters into a partnership or secures an endorsement or sponsorship for Jupiter Editions, the Angel must be rewarded fairly by Jupiter Editions either monetarily, or by earning shares or shares or brand ownership or investment jupits, which the Angel may negotiate directly with Jupiter Editions or the founding editor of Jupiter or proposing a better proposal to the council for voting. Angels are seen as potential investors in the Jupiter Editions project, in addition to being natural brand ambassadors. Promoters, ambassadors, supporters or sympathizers of the Jupiter project can propose their entry to the Angels through the Messenger-Facebook, Email, Instagram or WhatsApp contact of an Angel proposing their titles and sending their photo or video to the Angel. Entry takes place by publishing a photo or video of the new angel in the Angels Diary. All Angels have priority to take a role in a movie, theater, series, soap opera or other event as a host. All Angels have airtime on Kanal Jupiter and can propose debates or the opening of new programs with priority to being residents or hosts of the program. Angels can open castings to select in certain events, series, theaters or movies. 9:00 pm 11/17/2022
An angel can open an encrypted window with only 2 or more angels to show a new angel and vote the new angel in. All it takes is the window with the 3 votes to be shown to the Devil or the Devil to be in the window for the new angel to enter the Embassy. If the window is opened to all angels in the embassy, with 3 yeses and no no's for 9 hours, the Devil is obliged to publish the new angel in the embassy . If a no appears in 9 hours after the 3 yes, the angel who voted cannot say the public reason or say only to the devil. If the negative foundation is accepted by a majority or if it is accepted by the Devil, the new angel cannot enter. Also Devil can open a private window with only 2 angels to bring in a new angel. If an angel privately denounces an angel to the Devil, the Devil is obligated to protect thegoat angel, although he must listen to the denounced angel before deciding to expel the angel from the embassy. Once the embassy doors are closed, the Devil has 33 days to choose an angel's lap to take the picture for the Embassy. The Devil has to write a letter or dedication on the angel's lap and publish it at the end of the Angels Diary closing the Embassy.
From the investor's perspective, the angels may propose that content or documents be transferred to the Illumminnatti Archive or that they be edited or removed from the Jupiter Editions website. From an investor's perspective it means that the Angels have some investment dominance in Jupiter Editions. 21:12 11/20/2022 Raul Catulo Morais
- For Superior Information Illumminnatti de Jogo propose the Expulsion for the Good of Angel Sara for Betrayal, waiting for 6 days for a Message or Call or Visit from you asking that be withdrawn of the Angels Diary, and her place will be replaced by Robot-Sara already ready to replace Angel Sara. Therefore, I authorize that Spaceship #66YZ to Saturn be Docked to our Ship #9999 to Jupiter so that Sara can safely leave Ship #9999. Leaving Sara well, it is Case Closed with Sara. If Bem does not leave, it is subject to a Call for Inquiry in the Virtual Court with Inclusion and Call for Process nº666 and with Social Unmasking. Since the Proposal is originated by Devil Raul, Sara can only leave in good or if she has 6 votes in favor of leaving without having not been there for 6 days Redemption votes. Sara can stay if Dancer to Raul Play Dirty of Eon, Dejavoodoo of DEELYLE, Dirty Hands (Gone Mad) - Whidemode & The Golden Army Remix of Riots and Jetpacks, Renegade of J2,_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ KONG. and Roger Will, Thunder of Solence and Evil Mirror of The Merciless Kuanzui and if the 6 Dances are approved by the Devil Raul 23h56 12/25/2022 Raul Catulo Morais
I propose the departure of Angel Sara from the Virtual Court and her replacement by Robot-Sara for the position of 1st Judge-Psychologist with Algorithms and Pen-Drive downloaded by Raul Catulo Morais. The proposal to leave the Virtual Court has to do with Sara's Inversion of the Game in Case nº66, which placed Bipolar Disorder on the Game Table at a Prohibited Playing Time in the Championship. I determine in the same Act and Instance that Mariana Portugal takes the position of 1st Social Judge in Case nº 66 for the Extraordinary Social-Moral Support provided to Raul Catulo Morais. 00h04 12/26/2022 Raul Catulo Morais