1st Print Order 1st Edition
The exclusive 1st Print Order of Jupiter Editions First Edition First Editorial Plan is a luxury edition that was printed on November 18, 2020 "behind closed doors" as part of Jupiter Editions' 1st editorial arts experience. This 1st luxury edition consists of 20 copies:
- 6 copies from 2080 by Antoine Canary-Wharf;
- 6 copies of The Algoritmo do Amor by Jaime Maria Bayamonde da Costa Ayala;
- 1 copy of The Authors of the Sebastião Lupi-Levy System;
- 2 copies of Federico Ferrari's Technological Paranoid;
- 1 copy À Velo da Luz by Gil by Sales Giotto;
- 1 copy of the Technological Knights of Barac Bielke;
- 1 copy of Jupiter by Gabriel Garibaldi;
- 1 copy of Target - The Digital Footprint by Ralf Kleba-Kodak;
- 1 copy of The Technological God by Simão Roncon-Oom.
Member Writers have recorded important and sacred annotations on their copies that constitute a literary source for Jupiter Editions Gaming and Puzzling, as well as dates, thoughts and events in a strange new Internet of Things, giving a fantastic spiritual charge to books with an economic value interesting. The copies with the annotations of the Member Writers of each of the books are the so-called "sacred originals" that are part of the 1st collection of the Jupiter Editions Museum.
The sacred originals cannot be auctioned and can be consulted free of charge by all Member Readers with 27 jupits or by others under specific conditions.
Each of the remaining 5 copies of the 2080 by Antoine Canary-Wharf, may be auctioned by the Court of Contests and Auctions with a bidding basis of €111,000.00.
Each of the remaining 5 copies of the Algorithm of Love by Jaime Maria Bayamonde da Costa Ayala, may be auctioned by the Court of Contests and Auctions with a bidding basis of €111,000.00.
The auctionable copy of Technological Paranoid of Federico Ferrari can be auctioned with a bid base of €15,000.00.
Member Writers will handwritten copies of auctioned copies of all the annotations contained in the sacred originals in real time during the auction.
The interest and economic importance of the 1st Edition is that it only has a 1st Print Order, which is unique and exclusive, the 2nd Edition of O Algoritmo do Amor and 2080 being reduced to 100 pages and 200 pages respectively, because the Member Writers will "hide stuff" in the books, being part of Jupiter Editions' Puzzling and Gaming.
The Editorial Department of Medical Sciences, the Editorial Department of Earth Sciences and Astronomy and the Editorial Department of Law and Psychology may also suggest to Member Writers convenient changes/corrections/omissions for scientific or moral psychological reasons that Member Writers may always accept or ignore.
1st Order/2nd Edition Game Rules
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Once the order for 2500 copies of a book has been reached, Jupiter Editions notifies the author initiating the Author Passerelle Race.
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ The author has a period of 24 hours from Hands to Work to carry out the Carpentry.
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Carpentry jobs will be filmed continuously by Jupiter Editions and the films will be able to be watched by Member Readers with a number of jupits to be determined. The partners, editors and investors of Jupiter Editions will be able to have access in real time to the filming by remotely monitoring the Carpentry.
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ In Carpentry work d'The Algorithm of Love, of the 760 pages of the 1st Edition, Jaime Maria Bayamonde da Costa Ayala will be able to reduce up to 200 pages within the period of 24 hours of Mãos À Obra, being able to change the names of places, brands, companies and characters, hiding places or passages of history concealments and changes can always be important puzzle pieces for Jupiter Editions Gaming.
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ In the carpentry work of2080, of the 930 pages of the 1st Edition, Antoine Canary-Wharf will be able to reduce up to 400 pages within the period of 24 hours of Mãos à Obra, being able to change the names of places, brands, companies and characters, hiding places or passages of history, always being able to make the hides and changes important puzzle pieces for Jupiter Editions Gaming.
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ In the carpentry work ofJupiter,At the Speed of Light, d'The Authors of the System, from theTechnological paranoid, ofTarget – The Digital Footprint, d'The Technological Godand ofTechnological Knights, the authors are carpenters-free, being able to carry out the Carpentry work without limit of pages within the period of 24 hours of Mãos à Obra, expecting an enlarged and not diminished 2nd Edition.
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Whenever the author is in Carpentry work, the 24-hour period for Hands to Work is running, with time being stopped whenever the author leaves the work, the clock only starting to run again when the author returns to work constructions. Regardless of the 24-hour hands-on period, taking into account the 15-day delivery period for Member Readers, once the Author Passerelle Race has started, the author must complete the Carpentry of the work within a maximum period of 7 days .